Speaking of the continuous free publicity and com- munity support given by local newspapers, Governor Franâ€" cis of Missouri, pays the following tribute: “Each year the local paper gives from $500 to $1,000 in free lines to the community in which it is located. No other agent can or will do this. The editor, in proportion to his means, does more for his own town than any other ten men, and in all fairness he ought to be supported, not because you like him or admire his writings, but because the local paper is the best investment a community can make. Today the editors of the local papers do the most for the least money of any people on earth.†agaunv 4v- The campaign is an important one. If a farmer needs help to successfully operate his farm and a man wishes to retain a measure of his self-respect by keeping off re- lief during the summer months and if a successful coâ€" operation can be arranged between these two factors, the Ontario Government will have made a commendable con- tribution to provincial welfare. v...J _ v U {he-(anterio‘éovernment is showing keen interest in the welfare of the province by its active campaign to bring together the farmer who needs help and the man who needs work. Relief offices have been advised that assistance should be denied to any man who refuses a farm job at fair wages. Few will quarrel with this dictum as men on relief should be Willing to work if work is available. a .Vv . . -...___C, Hon. Mr. Croll directed a special appeal to farmers that they, Wherever possible, permit the men to bring their families along for the summer months. The most suc- cessful placements last year were cases where arrange- ments were made to houSe not only the mam himself but his Wife and children, so that the family were not broken up. Often this arrangement is not possible, but it is hoped that Where accommodation is available, the farmer will grant it. 1-» n , ,,__:l- v.-- ____._.~-_‘,, __ r" N.B., a prominent authority on potatoes. According to the Advocate of Pictou, N.S., Mr. Porter will shortly make a proposition to the New Brunswick Government to estab- lish a plant for the manufacture of alcohol from pota- toes. Mr. Porter has spent several months in Europe in- Vestigating the matter. 11"" . A ,1 v v... vncwngAo -_-.., ___.. . v In support of his proposal, he says: “What we need and must have if we hope to survive, is a much larger conSumptive demand at a price remunerative to the po- tato grower. This consumptive demand we have Within our own borders, for motor fuel. We are importing many millions of gallons of motor fuel. At least part of this motor fuel should be manufactured from'agricultural pro- ducts grown on New Brunswick farms. One-third of New Brunswick’s large potato crop, that portion of the cropâ€" the culls and lower grades and surpluses if anyâ€"which never has any worth-while commercial value, should be manufactured into alcohol, mixed with gasoline and sold as a blended motor fuel under government regulation. This would take care of approximately 4,000,000 bushels annu- ally. A price of 50 cents per barrel could be paid to the growers for these cull and low grade potatoes. Between $700,000 and $800,000 could in thiS'Way be salvaged from that portion of the crop which has never been considered of much value.†Last year the Ontario Government conducted a cam- paign to place unemployed men on the farms. That effort is reported to have found places for over eight thousand men, and the Government this year is making a similar effort in which it is hoped that last year’s figures will be exceeded. 7 _ _ The Departments of Agriculture and Labour-Welfare are co-operating and Hon. David Croll in announcing the campaign recently said the Government’s viewpoint was that there are jobs and there are men wanting them; the only difficulty was to get them together. ' l ,,,__L L. ,The production of motor fuel as a byâ€"product of the po- tato industry, is put forward by Guy Portgr, offlPerth, A similar project has already advanced a further step at Atchison, Kansas, where the first “farm ~fuel refin- ery†in United States, a plant to manufacture 10,000 gal- lons daily of “power alcohol†from farm crops was com- pleted two weeks ago. By the Kansas process grain al- COhol can be made from corn, oats, rye, barley or pota- toes. This alcohol mixed with ordinary gasoline, it is claimed, will give quicker starting, improved acceleration and more mileage. -â€" c “A... _---_ _.__-_.C-. A subiect of this kind is of much interest to York County with its big production of potatoes. If growers could convert their cull potatoes into fuel that would drive their cars, trucks and tractors_they would indeed be in “Evan’sedï¬ently they will be interested to' see the outcome of the effort the New Brunswicker is trying to put over for the disposal of the low-grade spuds. With the opening of another motoring season, it is time to say a word or two for that much-abused indivi- dual, the motorcycle traffic officer, who is charged with the enforcement of the traffic laws of the province but who manages to render a great many other services to the people while he is on duty. For every prosecution that is launched by a traffic officer, it is probable that a score or more warnings are given. Thoughtless people sometimes consider him a pest, but consider what traffic would be like if he was not on the road. Without any regulation such as he attempts to give, without the fear that he may appear around the next curve, traffic would run wild and there would undoubtedly be a much larger number of accidents, fatal and other.â€"Brockville Re; corder. AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD. J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year â€"â€" To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District Advertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9 PAGE TWO CONSIDER THE TRAFFIC OFFICER MOTOR FUEL FROM POTATOES FINDING FARM JOBS “THE LIBERAL†Established 1878 Nothing filled her heart with pride to-day, she reflected, with an unhappy glance at the jonquils and narcissus nodding so gaily in the spring sunshine. Not even the two yews, on either side of the gate, that had been the latest addition to the garden. What fun Bob and she had had last fall, putting them in! Sudden tears dimmed Sue‘s eyes, but she brushed them aside and made a brave effort to answer Bob’s part- ing wave and cheerful, “Expect me when you see me.†He swung his golf clubs into the rumble seat, sprang to the wheel and started the car without a backward glance. “What’ll We do now, Skips?" she asked forlornly. “Take a walk?" Disregarding Skip’s enthusiastic welcome of this suggestion, Sue bolt- ed into the house and threw herself headlong on the divan. A cold nose thrust into her hand put a stop to the sob that shook her. Sue patted the ears of the wire haired terrier who rubbed against her, then turned back to the front door. Sue Adams watched her husband stride jauntin down the path be- tween the two neat rows of minia- ture box that had once so filled her heart with pride. “Never saw me do did you, Skips? You’r‘ not the crying sort. '1 needs brains, not tears Sue forced herself to face the realâ€" ity she had been evading. There was no use going on any longer hoping Bob would get over this sudden passion for golf. It held him in the obsession of a witch’s spell! Years ago Bob played, but he‘d given it up when they were married. Too expensive, for one thing, and no time, for another, What with work- ing in the garden and all the other sports they enjoyed together. One or two attempts at teaching Sue golf had convinced them that she was hopeless. ’Then, last winter, one of Bob’s friends had persuaded him to take up indoOr golf. That had been the beginning of the end. With a brooding look in her deep blue eyes, Sue rose at last and cross- ed to her desk. Opening the top drawer, she pulled out a bank book, and gazed with hypnotic intensity at the neatly figured balance. Four hundred and seventy-six dolâ€" lars! She’d almost reached the five hundred mark she had set. herself as a goal before telling Bob. Over two years of careful saving from the household money had gone into the accumulation of that sum. How- many times Sue had dreamed of the moment when she would show it to Bob! “Let’s take a cruise,†she’d say. Then, when Bob had said they couldn’t afford it, she’d pro- duce. that. Right there in her hand, she was holding a joyous second honeymoon! “Only, it isn’t,†she slowly an- swered her thought aloud. “It isn’t a second honeymoon!†She glanced at her reflection in the mirror. “Bob’s worth all of four hundred and seventy-six dollars!†She nodded defiantly at that second Sue. “You’re not going to be fool enough to lose your husband to a game, are you?†Monday morning found Sue inquir- ing for the golf professional at the Country Club of a nearby town. “I have four hundred and seventy six dollars, and plenty of time,†she explained to the stocky little Scotch- man, who looked with quizzically ap- praising eyes at the slender, reso- lute figure before him. “Can I learn to play a dJecent game of golf with that, before next September?†“H00 aboot yoor patience?†he in- quired. “You’ll be needin’ plenty of thot, as weel!†Many was the time in the next five months that Sue had to remind herself of that promise! “I'll have it,†she promised. “I’ll do anything you say!†Day after day, week after week, Sue practised the swing- to the drone of his, “Easy, noo! Easy! Golf is a lazy mon’s game!" At last, it began to come auto- matically. With a minimum of effort, the ball took amazing flights that surprised Sue as much as they thrill- ed her. But not one word of her daily pilgrimage did- she let leak out to Bob or any of their friends. It was two weeks before the Labâ€" our Day tournament when Sue re- marked casually at dinner. “I have a surprise for you, Bob! I’ve been taking- some golf lessons!†n “Golf lessons!†Bob exclaimed. “Good gos-h, honey, you can’t play “I thought I might learn,†Sue said meekly. “It would be fun to play together sometimes.†“Erâ€"erâ€"sure it would,†Bob’s agreement was woefully lacking in GOLF WIDOW 2 do that before, You’re right; I’m It. This situation +noreԠTHE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO “Of course, I’ll be glad to play a few holes with you sometime. After the tournament, that is. The next ISaturday, say. No! I forgot. I’m 'dated up for a match then. But we’ll do it one of these days,†he ended lamely. “That’ll be fine.†1 “You’re a grand little spd‘rt, honey!†Bob pulled her to him and gave her a kiss. “You understand conviction. “Butâ€"but golf’s a game you have to have a knack for. Take tennis, now. You’re good at that; why not stick to it?†“You probably don’t realize, dear, that I stand a very good chance of Winning the mixed foursome. Helen Taylor and I have been practising for it for a couple of months.†“Why not and †“Oh,†Sue achieved a masterpiece in that “Oh,†and the following, “No, I hadn’t realized. Butâ€"†“Because you never want 'to play tennis any more,†Sue said. “I thought I’d take a few lessons, and then we could go in the mixed four- some together." “Mixea foursome!†Bob stared at Sue, as though she had lost her senses. “Mixed foursome!_†gave her a kiss. “You understand how a man needs exercise and don’t nag him to death!" The morning of the tournament was crisp and sparkling with Sepâ€" tember brilliance. Bob looked approvingly at Sue’s new sports outfit. “Atta girl! That is the way the gallery ought to look “I’m not a part of the gallery this time.†She slipped into the front seat beside him. “I’m playing. Tom Jessup and I.†' The motor roared and the car shot forward. “Of all the crazyâ€"did Tom ask you?" he demanded. “No, I asked him,†Sue said ser- enely. “He didn’t know that I played. He was ever so nice about it.†An ominous silenee carried them almost to the Country Club, before Bob said, with an obvious effort to control his temper, “I’m sorry you did that, Sue. Just beoause a man was once in love with you is no ex- cuse for putting him in a position like that." I “He didn’t seem to mind!" Sue gave a sudden chuckle. “The funny part is, we've drawn you and Helen to play against!†en’s eyes on her with amused toler- ance. Bob was gazing into the distance. “We have the honor,†Tom nod- ded to Sue. “You lead off.†As Sue took her stance, she felt that she had never faced a more dramatic moment. Would her nerve hold? She could feel Tom’s and Hel- Concentrating with all her might Sue tried to imag c that no one was there but the little Scotchman. Relaxâ€"back slowlyâ€"grip firmâ€"-eyes on the ballâ€"arms leadingâ€"snap of the wristâ€"follow throughâ€"â€" Never in all her life would Sue forget that match? The applause of the crowd; Tom’s gratified amaze- ment; Bob’s baffled bewilderment as he glowered from behind bunkers and stared as though he had never seen her before. At the thirteenth hole it was all over, Sue and Tom winning, 6 up and 5 to go. After the formalities of handshakâ€" ing and congratulations were over, Sue ran to Bob and slipped her am through his as he strode back to the clubhouse. Her eyes, shining with happy excitement, mischief and pleading, forced him to meet them. One the men of a passing four- some shouted to Bob, “See you next Saturday!†"Bob grinned, his arm tightening om Sue’s. “Sorry,†he called‘ back, “you'll have to count me out. I’m playing with my wife.†THE MASON’S GOAT QGaJt Reformer, May 5th, 1869.) “In every Masonic Lodge a live goat is an indispens'ible institution. The men of the square and compass say that is all nonsense, but the gen- eral public can’t be hoodwinked that way. It is not known to the public exactly what they do with it but rumors float around the village that the Elora Masonic Lodge keeps a real live goat. If a member of the Lodge is asked about it he answers that the accused goat belongs to Mr. Dvalby, proprietor of the Dalby House, which, of course, as the public knows, is just a harmless way of side-stepping the issue. Two weeks ago the Ma- ron’s Billy wandered out on to the street, saw the door of George Fra~ ser’s store open, strolled in, and spy- ine‘ some tempting corn, proceeded to help himself. Mr. Fraser who was out for the moment, returned to find his green corn disappearing and forthwith kicked Billy out of the '17 It’s not éo terrible, all her might store and slammed the dï¬behind him. But instead of going away, Billy hung around and presently got his eye on some vegetables in the window of the same stqre and took a short cut to them by butting in the large square of glass. In righteousI indignation, Mr. Fraser smote himi fore and after with shoe leather and Billy retreated down street. Fraser is not a Mason, but recognizing the animal as the one reputed to be the Mason’s property, he sent in a bill for the damage done, to the local lodge. The bill read:â€" Irvine Lodge, In account ‘with George Fraser,‘ General Store; | ‘To one pane of glass broken by Mason’s goat on April 8â€"75c. Report hasit that the account gave rise to a heated argument at the next meeting of Irvine Lodge but that a motion to pay the account was even- tually carried.†THURSDAY, MAY 14th, 1936 W. F. R. Stubbs, V.S., was recent- ly elected president of the Caledon Lacrosse Club. CAN EASILY RESULT FROB HEAVY WINTER DIET Don‘t suffer from constant headache, biliousness, consti- iï¬ pation, coated Ifgflcgs tongue, rem. A LAZY LIVER PHONE 71 GLENN’S DRUG STORE is a vegetable cor- rective and will give quick relief. Italso aids the stomach in its digestion. Sold for over 40 years. $1.00 Pafke’s LIVER TONE