Canada has sold her fleet of Mer- chant vessels, ten in all, for a fig- ure in the neighborhood of $420,000. This does not apply to the West In- dies boats, which will be continued in the usual service. The govern- mâ€"ent merchant marine was an un- fortunate war and post-war episode which cost the taxpayers of this country over a hundred million dolâ€" lars in original costs and subsequent operating deficits. (Further Cut on Relief) Parliament voted $26,000,000 durâ€" ing the week for ‘grants in aid’ to the provinces for direct relief. As they are paying $2,606,000 3 month in the early stages of the fiscal year, it is evident that they are antici- pating further cuts, which the prov- inces, it goes without saying, won’t like. But summer and autumn costs are usually lighter, and the govern- ment is still banking on a substan, tial upturn in business. There are still thousands of ‘drought-area’ fam- There has been some agitation to revive the cheese bonus. Farmers in Ontario and Quebec are quite keen about it, and the government mem- bers for these provinces held a meet-l ing to discuss the matter. One diffiâ€" culty is that we are now exporting quite large quantities of cheese to. the United States, under the trade! agreement, and they might not take kindly on that side to a bonus here,’ the resulting product coming then; within the category of dumped exâ€"l ports. Another difficulty is that if the cheese farmers get a bonus, pro~i ducers of a score of other commodi-i ties will want similar treatment, and taxes will go up some more. The Ontario-Quebec members accepted, 'the decision with a pretty good grace, but they did sayâ€"some of themâ€" that wheat bonuses ought also to be a thing of the past; that what is; sauce for the goose ought to be sauce' for the male bird also. i (A Heavy List) Even this list does not quite ex- haust the list, the premier saying that he wished to reserve the right to introduce one or two other mea- sures should it be found necessary. Unless the House makes better time than it has so far the legislators will be sitting here until ‘July first. Last week Mr. Mackenzie King outlined the bills still to come. They include a resolution to amendment of the RNA. act so as to create a Loan Council; legislation arising out of the elections and franchise committee, the pensions committee, the radio committee, the wheat committee and possibly the railways and shipping committee; amendments to the crim- inal code, including the cancellation of the famous Section 98 dealing with free speech and assembly; a- mendment to the customs act. Also, as possiiblities, there are amendments to the Combines Act, the Post Office Act, the Relief Act, the Patent Medir cines Act, the Dry Doek Subsidies, Act, the Carriage of Goods by Water‘ ,Act, and a bill respecting market-l mg. I Ottawa, May 11th.â€"â€"The debate on ilies on the direct relief list, and the budget is usually one of the fullâ€"lgood harvest in that part of the west dress discussions of the year. This 'would remove most of them from the session there was a disposition t0}rolls almost overnight. cut it short for several reasons, andj The Senate turned down a bill it very nearly died a natural deathimoved by Senator J. J. Hughes the very first evening. However, So-lwhich would have made it illegal for cial Credit and Conservative mem- | the guilty party in any divorce case bers kept it going, and C.C.F. mem- to remarry anyone except his form- bers later moved a ‘want of confid-l er spouse. ence’ motion which prolonged it a} The Hudson Bay route once again couple of days more. The budget gets the benefit of reduced insurance debate usually centres around fiscallrates, those for the coming season policy; and we have already heard;being about 25 per cent lower than a good deal about that on the trade I last year’s. The season is also ex- agreement. Another reason why the'tended eight days, and now lasts, government is not anxious to proâ€" Without surcharge of premium, from long the session with a long budget,August 5th to October 10th. With debate is that there is still a veryiadditional premium the route may be heavy program of legislation. |used until October 15th. R. H. KANE TINSMITHING FURNACES - PLUMBING HEATING Septic Tanks Installed Milk Coolers Barn & Stable Equipment 74 Yonge Street Phone 92F THURSDAY, MAY 14th, 1936 The Ottawa Spotlight By Wilfrid Eggleston Hear York Township Boys’ Band at Richmond Hill Fair. It is to be hoped that the work ‘of pruning down expenditures and cutting away expensive and unneces- sary accessories of the service will he continued in the future. All cam- paign pr‘omises are not kept by those who mm?“ them, but if Premier Hep- burn is able to fulfil his pledge of economy, he will have done well. So far he has kept his word. The fu- ture is another matter. The Hepburn government, prob.â€" ably more than any other govern- ment in the past, not forgetting the Drury administration, has been critiâ€" cised and attacked on a big scale. This criticism may be justified in some cases: No government is in- fallible. No government has ever done anything worth while without committing errors. And the Liberal government is made up of human beings who are just as prone to make blunders as the Conservatives. But in matters affecting finances, the Hepburn administration has a good record It is refreshing to note that even opponents of the Queen’s Park regime are sporting enough to adâ€" mit this fact. The Northern Development Branch} involved a duplication of other ser- vices. It was a relic of more pros- perous times. )The work involved in this department, or most of it at least, should rightly come under the department of highways, and this is! where Premier Hepburn has placed it. The saving to the province will, total hundreds of thousands yearlv.f Some people wonder what effect a saving of hundreds of thousands of dollars means when a total expendi- ture of fifty millions or more is conâ€" ‘ sidered. But it must not be over-1 looked that a saving of a few thou-i sands here and another few thou-_ sands there make an imposing sum when added up. Add to the picture the increased revenues, particularly from succession duties and gasoline: tax, and the outlook becomes muchi brighter. l So when evil days came and reve- nues dwindled, governments of Can- ada, among them the Ontario ad- ministration, faced the future with depleted treasuries and the hungry patronage system to feed. Some governments decided to keep their supporters satisfied, no matter what the cost. But the Liberal adminis- tration, while taking care of many of their supporters, have not lost sight of the fact that in these times governments must face the facts and tighten up. Lavish expenditures are a thing of the past. ! There is no doubt that the Liberal .government, no matter what it may do that displeases sections of the ‘public, certainly is bent on effectâ€" iing lasting savings to the province. {Even Conservative newspapers, while ‘denouncing the government in bitter language for various actions, have nothing but commendation for its act of economy. The word economy in government was little heard of in the palmy days of old when mofley was plentiful and every man on the street had paper profits on stock transactions. Governments were} spending bodies and nothing else and the patronage systems became huge and- costly machines. , 3 The Hudson Bay route once again gets the benefit of reduced insurance lrates, those for the coming- season ;being about 25 per cent lower than [last year’s. The season is also ex- ntended eight days, and now lasts, without surcharge of premium, from ,August 5th to October 10th. With iadditional premium the route may be lused until October 15th. Toronto, May 6.â€"A long-consider- ed economy move was made by the Hepburn government last week when Premier Hepburn V announced the abolition of the Northern Develop- ment Branch and the transfer of the northern roads to the Department of Highways. Other governments in the past gave considerable thought to this proposal but all discarded it for various reasons, most of them poâ€" litical. Queen’s Park Arena Radio, Agricultural, and railway committees were sitting fairly stead- ily during the Week. By the Watchman Annieâ€"You needn’t be afraid, it’s not catching, teacher, honest. Teacheflâ€"Thank you, but I will wait until your mother is better. Annieâ€"Come in and see our new baby. ,Fat Man (in a movie tovlittle boy sitting behind him) “Can’t you see, little fellow?†Little Fellowâ€"“Not a thing.†Fat Manâ€"“Then keep your eye on me and laugh when I do.†Murray Boyce has been reâ€"elected president of the Palgrave Junior Farmers and Miss Hazel Wilson president of the Palg'rave Junior Inâ€" stitute for 1936-37. “Ah,†said the Customs officer, “thought you said there were only old clothes in that trunk.†“Aye, that’s ma. might cap,†said the Aberdom'an. The marriage of Miss Violet Lou- ise Goulter and Alfred Leslie Allan took place at the United Church Par- sonage, Kleinburg on Saturday, Ap- ril 25th with Rev. S. J. T. Fortner officiating. Miss Dorothy G‘oulter acted as bridesmaid and William Chamberlain as groomsman. Questions concerning health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College St., Toronto, will be answered personally by let- ter. Most of us will go through life unaware of the presence of our gall- bladders. We have means at our disposal to keep the gall-bladder functioning in a healthy manner; these are: a balanced diet that does not contain an excess of fats, reg- ular meals, guarding against over- weight, regular moderate exercise, and good convalescent care follow- ing- any infectious condition. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Many persons with gall-stones are unaware of their presence as they cause no discomfort. Symptoms re- sult from irritation and inflamma- tion caused by the stones. When there is severe pain with nausea and vom- iting, this usually means that one of the larger stones is caught in. the outlet duct and is unable to escape. The most common cause of jaund- ice is g-all-bladder-disease; it is due to a blocking of the outlet duct, fol- lowing which the bile is absorbed. Treatment, in some cases, may be largely through diet and hygienic living; in other cases, however, sur- gical care is required. The decision must be made, in each case, by the} doctor who knows the condition of} the patient concerned. ! Stones form in the gall-bladder and, once formed, they tend to in- crease in size; if they become too; large to escape from the gallâ€"blad- der through the duct that leads into the intestine, troub‘xe may follow. The first symptoms noted may be a sense of fulness and distension of the abdomen, with a desire'bo belch gas.l Headache and constipation are fairly common, and the patient is not infrequently irritable and ner- vous. A. C. HENDERSON A woman who is “fair, fat and forty" is the most likely person to suffer from gall-bladder disease. The disease is found most frequently a- mong pregnant women, nursing moâ€" thers and women who are over- weight, although it is not restricted to these categories of individuals. Infection of the gall-bladder is of- ten the last evidence of the pneu- monia, influenza or typhoid fever from which the patient has recover- ed. The gall-bladder appears to be particularly vulnerable to the bac- teria responsible for a wide variety of infectious diseases. Disease of the gall-bladder is the most common cause of what are thought to be stomach disorders in adult life. The gallâ€"bladder is a part of the digestive tract, and disease anywhere along this tract may be responsible for infections of the gall- bladder. GALL-BLADDER Close to and beneath the liver lies the gall-bladder, a thin-walled sac which holds the bile secreted by the liver. The act of eating causes the gallâ€"bladder to contract; this dis- charges the bile into the intestines where it plays an important part in digestion. ‘ Thornhill, Ontario Hot Water Heating and General repairs. ALLAN-GOULTER THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Don’t miss Richmond Hill Fair x ‘x ;,,x....ï¬m1ï¬'fl"«"" WMQW Bigger and EQery Wa mmxflmï¬m;~m2.zas‘- ‘ , ‘ Sensational In thenéggqq at N WRESTLING ROBERT W. SCOTT, President. HARRY CHARLES, Vice-Pres. York Twp. Band First Prize Winners at C. SPECIAL class for best FARMER’S DOG, condition and intelligence only to count SPECIAL class for dog shown by boy or girl from Richmond Hill, Markham, Vaughan, King or Whitchurch townships, any breed of dog Entries will be taken on the grounds from 10 am. until 1 pm. Judging will commence in the arena at 2 pm. THRILLING SADDLE & HURDLE EVENTS FEA- TURING SOME OF CANADA’S FINEST HORSES AND RIDERS HORSE SHOW DOG SHOW RECHMOND HILL VICTORIA DAY o n . , a y 2 5 Horseshoe Pitching Exhibition Softball Prizes for all Classes Light and Heavy Horses MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS CLASSES FOR ALL BREEDS OF DOGS COMMENCING AT 8.30 D. S. T. mers at C. N. E. For Three Consecu- tive Years. 35 pieces. Thriiling R. S. COOPER, Secretary. ALEX LITTLE, 2nd Vice-Pres. Exciting PAGE SEVEN