Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 May 1936, p. 1

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At the joint meeting following the election a presentation of a lovely gift of flatware was made to Mr. Frank Beatty who since his recent marriage has left our community. J. F. meetings will be held the first Tuesday evening in each month as usual and all young men in the com- munity are invited to join. _ i The new Junior Farmers’ execu- 1 tive elected last meeting showed sev- eral changes in the slate of officers. Hon. Pres, W. M. Cockburn; Pres., Jack Frisby; Vice-Pres, Harry Bar- ber; Sec., Fraser Gee; Treas., Frank Brumwell; Editor of Paper, Boyd Mount; Assistants, Leonard Well- man, Floyd Perkins, Marcus Jarvis; ‘Social Comm., Earl Empringham, Martin Styrmo, Jim Valliere, Jerrold Freeland and Fraser Smith; Live- stock Comm., Dalton Rumney, Harâ€" old Henricks, Fraser Gee; Sport Comm., Floyd Perkins, Stan Slack, Harold Henricks, Dalton Rumneyfi Harold Wellman; representatives on County Executive, Leonard Wellman and Alvin Caseley; Comm. on Star- ling and Groundhog Contest, Douglas Gee, Frank Brumwell, Dalton Rum- ney. It was agreed that $1.00 each month will be given to member win- ning most points that month by count of groundhog tails, starlings legs and eggs. Work on the manse is being comâ€" menced this week with the digging of the cellar. All hands to the work boys in the old and fitting call. In Young People’s Sunday evening Miss Dorothy Valliere gave the topic. A solo by Mr. E. Avison and a read- ing by Dorothy Hart were other in- teresting features on the program. Rev. Mr. McDonald told an interâ€" esting story to the children in Sun- day School. to Kettleby but the evening had a rather unexpected outcome. Owing to a misunderstanding one young lady was left behind and arrived later with a special chauffeur. However as dressing accommodatiOn was miss- ing the presentation of the play was finally dropped and the audience had to be content with hearing the final debate in which Ravenshoe young people were the winners. On Wednesday evening last sev- eral of the young people journeyed “What is so uncertain as a day in May” might be a tihlely quota- tion this year with our blazing sun. nipping frost, surmy skies and sud- den storms. “The world will be redeemed; it is being- rédeemed. Redeemed not by those who shake the red tag of wordy warfare, who threaten and de- mand, but .by its enterprises, work- ers, inventors, toiletsâ€"the men and women who do the duty that lies nearest them.” VICTORIA SQUARE VOL. LVI. JEAN HARLOW in RIFF RAFF â€"_â€"AND-â€"-â€" ALLISON SKIPWORTH in PARAMOUNT NEWS CAPITOL UHL 1 .l U l (Yonge at Castlefield MO. 2172 300 SEATS ALL EVENING 27c. Parking for 200 Cars MATINEE PRICES TO 6 RM. MONDAY - TUESDAY, MAY 25 - 26 LESLIE HOWARD - BETTE DAVIS in NOW PLAYING THURS, FRI.', SAT., MAY 21-22-23 Continuous Show Monday 2.00 to 11.30 Doughnuts and Society LET’S DANCE The Tale of Two Cities WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY, MAY 27 - 28 AL JOLSON - RUBY KEELER in GO INTO YOUR DANCE ‘ PETRIFIED FOREST Elmer’s Elephant â€"â€" PARAMOUNT NEWS â€" LOUISE FAZENDA in RONALD COLMAN in REVIVAL FRIDAY AT 10.45 -â€"andâ€" VICTORIA SQUARE UNITED CHURCH J. Macdonald, Minister. Sunday, May 24th 1 o’clockâ€"Sunday School and Bible Glasses. 2.30 p.m.â€"Church Service. Subject of Sermon, “Christian Patriotism.” 7.30 p.m.â€"Y.P.U. on the streets, said the reeve. The thoughtless throwing of firecrackers often results in serious injugv to someone who may not be in good health or condition to stand. the shock of a firecracker exploding at their feet said the Reeve and the practice Will not be tolerated this year. Parents and teachers are ask- ed to warn youngsters of the danger. WARNING TO CHILDREN AND O'I'HEH‘RS Reeve J. A. Greene stated to The Liberal this morning that the police have been instructed to carefully check up on the use of firecrackers on the streets this year following several complaints which already have been made. Children and near- grown-ups who act like children will be prosecuted if they make a nuis- ance of themselves with firecrackers V ROBERT W. SCO'I'I‘ Reeve of Vaughan Township and President of the Richmond Hill Ag'ri- cultural Society who issues a cordial invitation to all the citizens of the County to attend the 87th annual Fair on Monday next. “On the eve of the Fair I wish to thank all those who so generously have given their support to our organization,” said Mr. Scott, “and I look forward to a con- tinuance of the patronage which has always been accorded our Fair. I extend to all a special invitation to attend our 87th annual Fair with the greatest confidence because I am sat- isfied that we are going to have a show which will at least equal if not excell any in the long history of this historic Society.” THEATRE News RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 215m1936 Miss Marguerite Boyle, a profes- sional graduate of the Owen A. Smily Studio, gave an elocution reâ€" cital with a score of pupils Saturday last in Foresters’ Hall, Toronto. The variety of selections offered and their novelty was a feature that appealed to all who were in the habit of at- tending such entertainments. Pupils who acquitted themselves with much credit were Shirley Hill, Mary Pate erson, Ruth Springford, Dorothy; Wheatley, Anne Ryrie, Elaine Fran-1 cis, Doris Francis, Babs Sisley, Rob 1 erta Noble, Betty Bone, Jane Wal-~ ton, Joy Walling, Shirley Brown, Margaret Rankin, Jack Bothwell, Russell Goodman, Jack Walling, Chuck Leachman. Miss Boyle herself rendered a vividly dramatic scene from King Henry the Eighth. Mrs. Edna Harris Wheatley in violin se- lections made a hit. K At the regular meeting of Rich- mond Lodge A.F. & A.M. held Wed- nesday evening the members honored the memory of the late Rt. W. Bro. W. H. Legge a distinguished and outstanding member of the craft who ,passed away on May 10th. The late 'R. W. Bro. Legge was initiated in ’Richmond Lodge February 9th, 1903 land was elected Worshipful Master 'in.1908. In 1910 he was admitted to lthe Royal Arch Chapter number 205 Thornhill and waslelected First Prin- cipal in 1918. In 1915 he was hon- ored by the Grand Lodge of Canada Iin the Province of Ontario by elec- tion as District Deputy Grand Mas- ‘ter of Toronto East District Number HA. In 1917 he became a member‘ of the Supreme Council of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Grand Elect Perfect Sublime Mason 14th, and Sovereign Prince of the Ross Croix H.R.D. Mason, 18th. In addi- tion the late Rt. Wor. Bro. Legge was a member of Sharon Lodge, Queensville and Metropolitan Lodge, Toronto, and enjoyed the distinction of having instituted Canada Lodge No. 532 in the City of Toronto. “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty; 1:511 :IV‘hings; Charity" The liair grounds have been put in excellent shape and this year there éwill be two rings for judging. The slight horses classes and saddle and : jumping events will take place in one ring, and the heavy horse classes {in the other. RiCHMOND LODGE HONORS MEMORY R. W. R0. LEGGE An attractive program of the day’s events will be issued and distributed on the grounds. The features listed in addition to the Horse Show in- The optimism hf the president is felt by all the other officers and {directors of the fair who have been lworking hard in recent weeks pre- paring for the big event which will take place next Monday, May 25th. An exceptionally fine program has been arranged and includes classes for all breeds and ages and light and heavy horses and a varied and ex- citing program of saddle and hurdle events. Many members of the Eg- lington Hunt and other clubs will take part in these jumping events which are so popular with visitors to the Fair. "Present indications are that we will have the greatest show in the history of the Fair,” said Reeve Rob- ert W. Scott of Vaughan Township, the president of the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society, when discuss- ing‘the prospects for Monday’s big event with The Liberal this morning. “Already we have a large number of entries and ffom the interest shown by horsemen we are looking forward to a record number of en- tries in all our classes," he said. BEST FAIR IN HISTORY IS PREDICTED BY OFFICERS 0F " 87th ANNUAL SPRING SHOW SUCCESSFUL RECITAL Horse Show, Saddle and Hurdle Events, Dog Show, Polo Game, York Twp. Boys’ Band. Softball, Wrestling, Among the Feature Attractions » Dr. C. E. Hill of Lansing. Medical" Health Officer for North'Yprk Town- ship was elected President of the Medical Health Officers Association: of Ontario at the annual meeting in i Toronto last week. The honor con- ferred on Dr. Hill is unique in that this is the first time in many years that a Township Health Officer has received the honor, the office usually : going to one of the large cities. The ‘Work of the Department of Health in North York Township has been long recognized as outstanding in rural municipalities and' the honor accorded Dr. Hill also reflects cre- dit on the fine record established by North York Twp. in public health work. The members of the County organ- ization honored Mrs. Phipps by mak- ing her a life member of the pro- vincial W.C.T.U. Members of the local W.C.T.U. at- ‘tended the County convention for York and Peel held in Newmarket on Tuesday and report a very suc- cessful convention. Mrs. A. L. Phipps of Richmond Hill was [re- elected president for the coming year and other officers included Mrs. C. Moffatt, Weston, vice-president for York County, Mrs. Fydell, Brampton, vice-president for Peel, Miss Lenore Starr, Newmarket, recording secre- tary, Mrs. Allport, Long Branch, cor- responding secretary, Miss F. L. Toole, Newmarket, treasurer, Mrs. A.. E. Plewman, Richmond Hill, L. T. T.‘ secretary. In the evening there will be an exhibition softball gam between the fast Ottawa Paint Works team of Toronto and an all” star Richmond Hill team. DR. C. E. HILL HONORED BY PROVINCIAL ASSOC. A feature added t'Tuesday’s meet- ing is the J. A. Caesar sflver trophy for the best heavy colt on the grounds three years old and] under. Mrs. A. L Phipps Re-Elected’ Pr’es. "’ County W.'G.T.U. There has been a big demand for midway concessions and‘ among the features will be a merry-go-round for the kiddies. The Fair Board met‘ Tuesday even- ing and the directors and various committees have been meeting daily completing arrangements for the show. The secretary wilt be at Th? Liberal office every evening from now until May 25th to give informa- tion or receive entries; Reeve J. A. Greene has asked that phe citizens of Richmond Hill co-op- erate in the celebration of the day by decorating their homes and places of business and in honor of the event the colored street lights on Yonge Street will be lighted' from Friday evening. The events in the Horse Show will get under way commencing at 1 rpm. daylight saving time and' judging in the Dog Show will start at 2 pm. clude the Dog- Show which will be staged in the arena, music by the York Township Boys" Rand, Polo Game by two ladies teams from the Eglington Hunt Club, Horseshoe Pitching, and at night the big Wrestling show. ' ‘ There are tuberose Begonias and Regal Lin bulbs for premiums at (he home of the Secretary, Mrs. A. J. Hume. Get: your membership ticket now. The Horticultural Society is hav- ing an outdoor meeting this after- noon assembling- in the Park at 3 o’clock. Acting as instructor, Mr. John S. Hall will give practicali adl vice to gardeners. Come. Cherry trees will need spraying very soon. Get the sprayer on its second round; T. H. Trench, spray- ing director, telephone 175W; WOMEN’S INSTITUTE ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of ‘ the W0- men’s Institute held at the-home of Mrs. K. Blanchard, Centre Street West, on May 14th resulted in the ifollowing elections: President, Mrs. §G. Y'erex; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. “o. L. Wright; 2nd Vice-President; Mrs. W. MyIks; RecOrding Secre- $tary, Mrs. C. Patrick; Corresponding iSecretary, Mrs. J. Pollard; Treas- gurer,-, Mrs. R. Endean;- Directors, {Mrs Jerry Smith, Mrs. Wm. Cook. Mrs. W. Comisky, Mrs. W. A. Wright; District Director, Mrs. A. L. Phipps; Program Committee, Miss E. Endean, Mrs. N. J’. Glassy Mrs. A. L. Phipps, Mrs. E. Morris, Mrs. W. Charles, Mrs. 0. L. Wright; Re- freshment Committee, Mrs. A. Bowes, Mrs. R. S. Cooper, Mrs. C. Graham, Mrs. Lewis Clement, Mrs. K. Blanchard; Relief Committee,i Nfi‘s. W. fl‘yndall, Mrs. T. Moore,. Mrs. J. Smith; ReceptiOn Committee, Mrs. N. Wellwood; Mrs. W. A. Wright, ers. W. Comisky: P’ress,§ MiSS E. Endean; A‘uditors, Mrs. W.‘! Sayers, Mrs. L. H. Clement; Pian- ist, Mrs. O. L. Wright. MRS. G. YER EX PRESIDENT W.I. "Home of High Class Entertainment" Yonge at Glenforest, HUdson 5437 Saturday Matinee at; 2 p.m. â€" Evenings at 7 p.m. Saturday anti Holidays 6.30 pan. 3 days THURS, FRI., SAT. May 21-22-23 3days EDDIE CANTOR inv STRIKE ME PINK Popeye in “BROTHERLY BOVE” Paramount News Monday & Tuesday, May 25 - .265 JAIX'ESOCAIEPINEY Joan Blondeu 13“” ’B E ' *‘Nâ€" â€"-m - Miss Pacific ‘CEILING ZERO’ FLEET Popular Science ‘ MATINEE MONDAY AT'ZPM. : MAY 25 HORTICULTURAL NOTES Monday & Tuesday, JAMES CAGNEY’ PAT” O’BRIEN - . TEA is delicious May The Richmond Hill‘ High School Orchestra have been invited to at- tend and will provide. a suitable pro- gramme of music. Richmond Hill Home and Schon'd Clair~ will hold their final meeting in the Public; School 8 pm. Wedm day, May 27. Parents and childm are both invited to enjoy the-- evenâ€" ling"s entertainment provided hy~the F committee. Lieutenant William Guy Carr RR. R. will give an illustrated lecture dealing' with the principal events making Naval History during the Great War. The Imperial Warn}, seum, South Kensington, London, Englami («if which His Majesty King Edward VIII was chairman of diâ€" rectors during the time he was the Prince of Wales) honoured Lieutenant Carr by acpepting- both his books for inclusion in the Library of the Museum, and gave him access to the valuable photographic collection which is one of the main. features of the Museum. Actual pictures of the Battle of Heligoland Bight; the Dogâ€" ger Bank Action; and’ the Jutland fight, will be shown. I EUCHRE AND LUCKY DRAW , The final Euchre of the seam ‘sponsored by the Women's Auxiliuy of St. Mary’s R. C. Church was held ‘on Wednesday evening in the Parish House with a- good attendance. Wit- ners of the evening were: ladies, m: Miss J. ‘Seager of Thornhill; 2116 Miss Agnes Burnett, Richmond Hm: 3rd Mrs. M.‘ Beynon, Richmond Hill: Gents, 1‘st Mr. Barnard, Thornhin: 2nd E. Seager, Thornhill; 3rd Join Whalen; Thornhill. The draw for the Cedar Chest containing an 85% ment of lovely linens was made and the lucky winner was Miss Estdle- Levert of Toronto. Home and School Club SINGLECOPYfic. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE

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