iDoc SHOW aASHES-IZ WALTER WYNN Radio Service ANY MAKE 0F DOMESTIC OR CAR RADIO REPAIRED AND WORK GUARANTEED. 16 YEARS EXPERIENCE HOUSEHOLDERS IN RICH- MOND HILL HAVING ASHES IN THEIR YARDS THEY WISH DISPOSED OF, MAY HAVE SAME REMOVED BY CALL- ING THE OFFICE OF THE VILLAGE CLERK. Max Bong and his 8-piece Orch- estra ADMISSION 25c. plus tax P. ASH, Proprietor Willow Beach Dance Gardens DANCE Charles Graham AGENT MASSEY HARRIS Farm Implements. Machincty and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 132~V MODERN AND ’UL'D TIME WILCOX LAKE FRIDAY, MAY 29th J. R. HERRINGTON 93 Yonge St., Richmond Hm C.N.R. Money Order Office CLASSES FOR ALL BREEDS OF DOGS T. W. Hogarth of Guelph will judge assist- ed by Raymond Tyrwhitt, Oakville, Span- iels; J. Waggit, Clarkson, All Toys; Lorne Anderson, Toronto, Bostons; Clifford N. Gibson, Lansing, (President National Bull- dog (Elub of Canada), Bulldogs. Monday, May 25 A LAZY LIVER There will be a special class for farm dogs, any breed, condition and intelligence to count Children’s Class, any breed, entry fee 25c. PHONE 71 GLENN‘S DRUG STORE Richmond Hill Arena As a Feature of the 87th Annual Fair Telephone Maple 641-4 When visiting the Fair, Don’t Miss the Dog Show PAGE FOUR CAN CAUSE MANY AILMENTS Parké’s LIVER -. TONE Real Estate Insurance Conveyancing Estates Managed Rents Collected A. J. HUME. Clerk. Phone 29. will quikcly restore that liver to nornrul healthy action. re- lievin"! constipation. biliousness. held- aches, etc. It also aids the stomach. A month's treat- ment for $1.00 COUNTY OF YORK PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the As- sessment Roll for the Township of Vaughan will be held in the Town- ship Hall, Vellore on MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1936 at 10 o’clock a.m. to hear and adjudicate upon any com- plaints against the Assessment Roll of the Municipalitv of the Township of Vaughan for the said year 1936. All parties interested are requested to take notice and govern them~ solves accordingly. 4 J. B. McLEAN. Clerk of the said Municipality‘. Maple, May 16, 1936. Clerk of the said Mhnicipality. Woodbridge, May 18th, 1936. at 7.30 o’clock 11.111. to hear and adjudicate upon all com- plaints against the Assessment Roll of the Municipality of the Village of Woodbridge for the said year 1936. All parties interested are re- auested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. COURT OF REVISION PUBLIC NOTICE is herpbv given that a Court of Revision of the As- sessment Roll for the Village of Woodbridge win be held in Town HalI.VWoodbridge on MONDAY. JUNE IST. 1936 VILLAGE OF WODDBRIDGE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN The Annual Strawberry Festival will be held on June 24th. The Maple Y.P.S. Will present the play, We are Coming. Please reserve this date and plan to attend. COURT OF REVISION On Wednesday evening Miss Walk- er of Carrville gave a very helpful address on the King’s English. Next Wednesday, May 27th. Mr. Grange Win speak on his trip through the Panama. Everyone is urged to at- tend this meeting. Miss Mary Constable, Miss Marion Phillips. Mrs. Wm. Craib and Mrs. ‘C. H. Rutherford attended the First Annual Meeting of the Children’s Aid society of York County at York Cotâ€" tage, Willowdale, on Wednesday. A presentation and party will be held in the Township Hall on Fri- day, May 22nd in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Graham. All groups and friends of the young people 81‘6! cordially invited by the charivari ‘boys, Pete Craib, Captain. Georgre Constable, Frank Robson and Bob Julianâ€"committee in charge. I I Mr. Lewis Clement of Richmond Hill is progressinxr favorably after receiving painful injuries in a car accident last Sunday night. Mr. Cle- ment’s car was struck hv a south- bound car- inct as he drove out of the Presbyterian Church laneway. BOWLING CLUB NOTES A very important meeting of the ‘Iiawn Bowling Club Will be held in ‘the club-house Wednesday, May 27th at 8 o’clock pm. All interested are invited to attend. Mr. Albert Rutherford and Mar- garet Watson, 'Kleinburg, Presidents of the Junior Farm Boys and Gir}s of York County visited the Stouff- ville Juniors this month. The p1ay"‘Valley Farm†which was staged by the Vellore Junior Farmer Girls and Boys was presented 'in the Township Ha’l'l on Friday night. It was interesting throughout, [good moral and enough comic to a satis- fied audience. The caste is ‘to be complimented on the presentation. Miss Elma Farr was presented -w'i‘th a bouquet or roses. Guitar selections were given by 1. Price and Roy ‘S-n’lâ€" der and piano solo by Agnes 'Mc- Lean which added to the evening’s entertainment. ’ COUNTY OF YORK Municipality of the HEADFORD Municinalifv of the ED. w: BROWN. VELLORE The regular monthly meeting of the Maple Women’s Institute was held May 13th at the home of Mrs. J. Manning. There was a good at- tendance with the President Mrs. M. Palmer in the chair. After the busi- ness of the meeting was disposed of a program was given consisting of a report from the Delegates, Miss Minnie Line and Miss Margaret Rumble on their trip to the Girls’ Conference held at Guelph on May 6-7â€"8; a vocal solo by Lorraine Fierheller; a vocal solo by Marie Fierheller; a paper on Agriculture by Mrs. P. White and a piano solo by Mrs. E. Wade. Rev. (‘ W. Winnâ€. BIL Pastor Sunday, May 24th 11 a.m.â€"“The Salt of the Earth.†7 p.m.â€"“Adorning the Doctrine.†Full Choirâ€"Choice musicâ€"A hearty welcome. N.B.â€"Sunday School at 10 am. next Sunday and at the same hour during the summer months. Election of officers for 1936â€"37 followed: President, Mrs. C. J. Robe- son; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. F. P. 'Rum'b'le; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. E. Wade, Sec.-Treas., Mrs. D. Allen; ASS’t Sec.-Treas., Miss Agnes Mc‘ Lean; Dist. Director, Mrs. P. White; Directors, Mrs. H. C. Bailey, Mrs. H. Jackson, Mrs. Bigford; Auditors, Mrs. T. F. Jackson and Mrs. H. C. Bailey. Rev. J. D. Fanning-4mm Sunday, May 24th 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"“The Significance of Jesus.†7 p.m.â€"“The Poor Rich Man." The essence of Christianity is the spirit of Christ. Mr. Lewis Clement of Richmond Hill is progressimr favorably after receiving painful injuries in a par accident last Sunday night. Mr. Cle- ment’s car was struck by a south- lv‘uwl cm- iuct as he drove out of [the Presbyterian Church Ianeway.‘ Class. 11 a.m.â€"â€"Morning Prayer and Ser- men. 7 p.m.â€"â€"Empire Day Service, Guides and Scouts will attend this service. Rector will preach at both ser- vices. Par-fort “av. W. F. Wrixon. T..Th. Sunday, May 24th.‘ Empire Day 8 a.m.â€"H01y Communion. 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School and Bible Mrs. L. Adkins and children Joyce and Jimmie spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Vanderberg. Many interesting news items had to be omitted from“ this issue be- cause they were received too late for publication PLEASE remember that news items MUST reach our office not later than WEDNESDAY noon ST. MARY'S ANCLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Miss S. Middleton and Mr. Jack Olive} attended the wedding of Mr. Oliver’s' brother at Queensville last Saturday. The opening night.. will be June 3rd. The greens will be in good con- dition, and everybody will be wel- come. A snecial invitation is ex- tended to the ladies. Miss Blanche Dewsbury of Rich- mond Hill spent Sunday with Mrs. Berf'. Middleton. The official? are trying their best to make the club a success this year. but fhey need you. Mrs. Devons of Woodbridge re- turned to her home there after spend- ing- two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. D. Middleton. Mrs. J. Clement and Miss 0. Bo- vgir spent Wednesday with Mrs. Jen- nings at Maple. Mfg»: Laurent: Walker Took tea with Mr. J. and Miss E. Baker last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clark spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Christie at Noble- ton. Anniversarv services will 'be held at Richmond Hill United Church Sun- day. Mav 3lst. At 11 am. Brigadier Noah Pitcher of the Salvation Army staff will be the guest speaker and the feature of the service will be the York Bible Class orchestra of forty pieces. HOT DINNER ANT) TEA MAY 25TH The Women’s Association of the United Church will serve Hot Din- ner and Tea in the School Room of the church on Monday, May 25th. Dinner served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Tea served from 5 to ‘7 pm. Meals 40c. LEWIS CLEMENT INJURED IN CAR CRASH RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES RICHMOND HILL UNITED (‘HURCH CARRVILLE ITEMS OMI'I'I‘ED MAPLE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND BRILL, ONTARIO The Girls’ Mission Circle held their May meeting at the Parsonage last Thursday evening with a large at- tendance. Miss Irene Smith presided. The devotional service was conducted by Miss Lorene Brown and Miss Emma McPhail. Mrs. Frank McFar- lane rendered two solos very accent- ably. Miss Evelyn Follett. secretary of Mission Circles of the W.M.S. Do- minion Board, reviewed the Study Book on Africa, entitled “God’s Can- dle Lights.†A shower was held for the Missionary bale With a good re- sponse. It included a babv's lavette. knitted goods, quilt, children’s tovs, etc. A former member and officer of the Circle who is now livine' in Quebec sent a donation of knitted articles which were very much apâ€" preciated by the members. It was rrratjfying to know that although so far away she still took an interest in the~Girls’ Mission Circle at New- tonbrook. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Halbert and a social half hour followed. Rev. A. H. Halbert and Mr. Edâ€" ward Brett attended Presbytery meeting in Westminster Central Church. Toronto, last Tuesday. The Sunday School executive will hold their regular monthly meeting in the S. S. hall of the Newtonbrook United Church this (Thursday) even- ing at 8 o'clock. The Y.P.S. melt last ~Monday even- ing with Mr. Jack Duggan citizen- ship convenor in charge. Mr. W. T. New led in a discussion on “Youth building a new world,†and current events. The closing meeting will be held next Monday evening with a banquet at 7.30. Members of the local W.M‘S. are taking part in the prayer service at the Metropolitan Chapel next Friday at 10 am. The Auxiliaries of Lan- sing, Willowdale 9nd Newtonbrook are in charge of this prayer service. Rev. A. H. and Mrs. Halbert at- tended a reunion of former ministers and friends at an anniversary banâ€" quet at Gilford United Church last week. Mr. Halbert was a junior pastor at Gflford some years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Lockyer and little daughter of Brooklyn, attended morn- ing service in the United Church last Sunday and afterwards visited ‘the former’s brother, Mr. George Lock- yer. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Soden and Miss Doris Soden spent last week end at their summer cottage at Balm Beach, Georgian Bay. Last Sunday was recognized as Flower Sunday in the United Church. The church was beautifully decorated with a profusion of pink and white blossoms which surrounded the altar and were placed in the windows. Suitable messages were delivered by the pastor, Rev. A. H. Halbert. Much credit is due the flower convenor, Miss Edna Street, for the very lovely decorations. \ ‘ - Tenders will be received for the interior painting of High and Public Schools. Specifications can be ob- tained from F. N. Hopper, Chairman Property Committee. All tenders to be mailed to the Secretarv. R. S. Cooper, by June ls’t, 1936. The low- est or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. years The Sisters of St. Jth the Divine of the Anglican Church are making a drive to raise $100,000 for equip- ment for the new convaleSCent hos- pital at Newtonbrook. They are hop- ing to open the hospital in the near future. ‘ ’ sale of farm stock. implements etc. the property of S. G. Thomas, lot ‘17, con. 3, North York twp. at Ori- ole, 21/2 miles east of Lansing. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. Prentice & P1 entice, Auctioneers. The Newtopbroo‘k United Church Sunday School intend holding their annual picnic on Saturday afternoon, June 20th to Elm Park, Woodbridge. Temperance Sunday was observed last Sunday morning in the United Church Sunday School. Mr. Lésiie Grisdale, Temperance sec’y gave a very interesting address. Another Special feature was the presentation of Bibles or Hymnaries to thirty- five boys and girls for perfect at- tendance at Sunday School for two SATURDAY, MAY 23â€"Auction sale of furniture etc. the property of Ar- thur Walker. 15 Benson Ave, Rich- mond Hill. Sale at 1 p.m. D.S.T. No reserve as property rented. See full list in this issue. .17. C. Saigeon, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, The W.M.S, -will meet next Tues- day, May 26fh at 2.30 pm. at the home of Mrs. ‘H. B. Schmidt, Avon- dale Ave., Lansing. A shower will be held for the missionary bale and members are asked to bring their donations to this meeting. NEWTONBROOK S4 LE REGISTER R. S. COOPER. Sec. Board of EducatiOn. TENDERS JUNE 6th â€" Auction REBUILT CREAM SEPARATORS, fully guaranteed; also Electric Wash- ers. Terms or cash. Will deliver. Ap- ply J. N. Mighton, 145 Roman Ave., North Toronto. 1y new, price $5.00; also 1 uphol- stered living room chair 33.50. Phone Richmond Hill 66 or apply at 28 Yonge St. HAND WASHING MACHINE, near- Richmbnd Hill Fair, refreshment booths, games etc. may be secured by applying to J. Scott McNair, El- gin Mills, Phone Maple. COACH BUGGY, drop seat 'in front, folding seat at back, solid tires; 1 holstein cow. Apply 3. Newell, Mill Road, Stop 23B Yonge Street. 10 PIGS, 7 weeks old, 150 feet litter carrier track and pole for same, new Beatty stanchions, also herd rail. R. Holden, lot 21, con. 6, Markham. walnut, eight pieces. Apply Willowâ€" dale phone 112 or 4803 Yonge Street, Lansing. GAR, 1929 Buick, Standard Six Se- dan, terms if desired. Apply Nelson Bone, RE. No. 2, Maple. Phone Maple 1764. Mountain and Dooley, $1.50 per bag. S. J. Hands, Lot 8, Con. 4, R. R. No. 1, Unionville. CONCESSION PRIVILEGES at the ONE HEREFORD BULL, purebred, 11 months old; three choice dairy Shorthorn Heifers, Springers, in prime condition; 15 pigs 7 weeks old. Cecil Nichols, Victoria Square. GOOD SEED POTATOES, Green SEED POTATOES, Irish Cobblers ‘and Dooleys, Apply Clarence Sum- merfeldt, 2nd concession Markham. 18 PIGS, 10 two months old and 8 three months old. Apply R. E. Per- kins, Gormley, telephone Stouffville 9101. DINING ROOM SUITE, modern, 2O BAGS Dooley seed potatoes, also 25 bags Dooleys good for eating. Apply Legge Bros., Temperanceville. Phone King. wer and Vegetable Plants. H. Kanis. 103 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. MISS USTA KNIFE has blood- poisoning. Now she uses both Cress Corn and Bunion Salves. At all drug stores. STOVES AND FURNACES. Repair- ed and exchanged. Repairs for Oil Burners, Stoves and Furnaces. Blow- ers installed. R. H. Kane, 74 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, phone 92F. SAND & GRAVEL, Cement blocks, buildings raised. John Jarvis. Rich- mond Hill. telephone 94M. ABOUT 35 BAGS Dooley Seed P_o- tatoes. Also some Irish Cobblers. Ap- plv W. McQuillan, Maple. Telephone Maple 1349. 1930 GRAHAM-PAIGE car, in A1 condition, $200.00. Apply F. Millard, Oak Avenue, Richvale. CHOICE COLLECTION Annual Flo- FOUR HOLSTEIN cows, freshen soon. J. B. Deferrari, Phone Maple 360. SOW AND NINE PIGS five weeks old. J. Clapham, Centre Street, Thornhill. 00W, due to freshen this month. Ap- ply Mrs. F. Davis, 88 Mill Street, Richmond Hill. $1100, 4 room cottage in Richmond Hill, decorated, electric light, con- crete cellar, half acre of land, ex- cellent soil, garage, chicken yards and houses. Apply to owner at 19 Hunt Avenue, Richmond Hill. POTATOES, Dooleys. Apply William Smith, Gormley. Phone Stouffvine 15â€"15. COW due to freshen soon Street, Newtonbrook. IN VILLAGE OF THORNHILL S‘ucco Bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, all conveniences, large lot, garden, fruit trees. Also 6 room frame house, all conveniences. Both close to car stop. Good cash payment required. Mrs. G. K. Brown, Colborne Street, Thornhill. Telephone 30F. “GOVERNMENT TUBERCULIN†Tested Dairy Cows, Pureâ€"brads and Grades. Bred for type and produc- tion, Sixty Dollars and up. Free de- livery on truck loads, compensation certificates accepted as collateral. Sixty day re-test guaranteed. Murco Farms, Lindsay, Ont. Telephone 1352 Lindsay, Ont. "THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST 0F 11" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED '7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. FOR S-A LE SIX ROOM HOUSE, good cellar, furnace, water and electric in the house, good ga‘rden and garage. Ap- ply I. D. Ramer, Richmond Hill. SHEEP PASTURE, sixty acres, we]! fenced, ready now. James Cannon, Yonge Street, opposite Aurora ce- metery. MEN FOR FARM. Do you Want a man for work on farm. If you do, get in touch with the Relief Officer for Markham and Vaughan Township. A. V. Orr, Unionville or Maple. QUANTITY OF good quality feed oats for cash. Apply to B. R. Leech, Leechwood Farm, 3rd con. Markham, phone Thornhill 181'22. PARTY WANTS TO BUY FARM, will pay cash, in Vaughan Townshjp referred, 100 or 150 acres, will buy gtock and implements if desired. Ap~ ply at once to THE LIBERAL OF- EigE, Richmond Hill. WELLS dug and cleaned, pumps re- paired, water located, cement cisterns built, fencing wire and rail. A. Jones, Elgin Mills, telephone Richmond Hill 102r22. PASTURE to rent for cattle for/ the season. Plenty of running- water. Edgar Thompson, phone 762 Maple. HOUSE ON YONGEHURST ROAD, Vaughan Twp., $8.00 per month. Ap- ply Gillard’s Store, Yonge and Yonge- burst. SMALL HOUSE with about 2 acres of land close to Richmond Hill. Ap- ply J. R. Herrington, Richmond Hill. PARTY WANTS TO BUY a breeder house 10 by 12 or larger. Also has for sale 8 sucking pigs. A. Call- away, c-o Elmer Boynton 3rd con- cession of Vaughan. SIX ROOM HOUSE on Arnold St. Richmond Hill. Apply to P. C. Hill. Richmond Hill. Used Cars 1935 FORD V-8 TOURING SEDAN (with Trunk)â€"-A Fine Car. THURSDAY, MAY let, 1936 hill YOUNG GIRL to assist with gen- eral housework. Apply at Libeml Olffice, Richmond Hill. 1935 FORD STANDARD TUDORâ€" Small Mileage. TWO SOWS with 14 young pigs, also some pigs 3 months old and 7 weeks old. Apply Walter Reaman, phone Maple 1564. OLD CARS, Trucks. Tractors for scrap. Telephone Thornhill 73. REFINED WOMAN, good cook, for summer. Apply Happy Acres, Thorn- 1934 FORD V-8 DeLUXE SEDAN. 1934 FORD V-8 DeLUXE TUDOR 1930 DeSO’I‘O ROADSTERâ€"Rumble Seat- | 1931 ESSEX COUPEâ€"Excellent con- dition. All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 day- 1929 NASH COUPEâ€"DeLuxe Model. Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO MISCELLA NEOUS TO RENT $665.00 $225.00 $175.00 $585.00 $525.00 WANTED $550.00 $175.00