PLUMBING AND TINSMI‘MIN G A. C. HENDERSON Don’t vrï¬iss'the‘thrill of a He ‘tme when they‘téll'ths story at "ï¬ne Tan- ship Ham on Friday evening, 'M‘ay‘29. Capacity'houses~greet every vpe'r'form- ance. Come 'ea‘riy and be sure 'o'f a seat. Wis revent is being- sponsmved by the loca'l‘Boy Scout Tun-1p. 'They are a hunc‘h «Sf “Regular ‘Fe‘Ihow's†and deserve your. support. F11an “are depleted and this is your opm'tuï¬â€˜rty to render zass'issamce. Don’t zï¬isapâ€" point them. 7 LeRoy and "Ellsworth Toll, ‘the ‘twn U. of T.'boys, Who in quest of 1km!“- Iedge anti :aflvehtm'e circled ï¬ï¬m g‘flme covering "3U;‘000‘:miles with .2 ‘thms- portatim outlay: of $75 eaï¬m. (Glasses that suit vyou is what :you wantmea may have your ~choice of our guaranteed “DE- LLUKE’S†gala-$1131 rimless mounting or frame, latest gghapes, plus best quality single \Jgision Toric lenses. ‘f 9 ford. A 'hélpfill message was ready hearts, Who rest "on a crOSsâ€"covered field: Who, for Flag, Klng’and Country, Stood twix‘t us and enemv steel. So Gentlemen, here comes the flag-â€" Saltite 'ibâ€"â€" The syniijol for “which men have died. Raise your voices and all sing ‘to- ge‘fher Our National anthem with pride, l And thus a‘skï¬G‘od’s blessing for-l ever I On our King, "Our‘Empire and Flag.‘ "Margaret Rl'ryna's.| The month of May overflows with spring work yet fourteen ladies found time to attend ’the meeting of the W.M.S. Auxiliary of Central United Church that'was held on Thursday last in ‘i'he spacious home of Mrs. "J. A. Gibson with the president Mrs. C. Crawford presiding. Necessary preparations'for‘ the missionary bale} were an'anged’and it WAS dec'ide'd‘to,‘ quilt a. numberar quilts in the s. s.;‘ room on 'May 26th. Prayers were. given by‘Mrs.'Chant and Mrs. Craw-ï¬ F. LUKE &SON WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM ’4 THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT The Flag ’01 the Emï¬â€˜re by Mrs. 'C’rdft on “Confiden‘cém “Per- Heté‘s a toast ‘to ‘flhe'flag 03 the Em- sonal‘ly, ‘how "fortifying to heel, I can pire, do a good ‘work if I try?†An illusâ€" Our National 'ban’ner mffurled, tra't'ilm of ‘this was given 'of a mis- It stands for honor and ‘freedom; lslzmar'y to the Indians, who under A clarion call to the 'world. igrea't dlfflculties make ‘ihk, type and It waves friena’ï¬neSS 'to all nations ‘ printed‘much of the bible in the Cree It greets ’the ships on all seas; isylléhic. Paul said “I can do all it spells sacrifice and devotion; I'tlï¬ng’s ‘fhrough Christ ‘who strengthq Love and homage'it‘wafts 0n the "eneth me.†Some items from the mis-v breeze, 'sionary monthly were read. : It stands for “a millth brave greatl "Real excitement prevails in the Mite Sirhpson’s â€"-.-- ’Take Elevator THURSDAY, MAW f2lst, 1936 'Thornhill, Ontario Hot Water Heating and (General repairs. For Day or Eveï¬ing Appï¬intment Plume ‘163 YONGE ST. S PEfCFLA L $8.§.9; EL. Inc‘lu‘din g Examination St. Philip’s Anglican Church 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"Moming Prayer. 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 7.30 p.m.-â€"Public Worship. BETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH 1.30 p.m.â€"Church School. 2.30 p.m.â€"“A request f( A 7,- ~r.---_â€". Equipment.†‘7 p.m.â€"Contimxing- the Subject, “The Mysteries of Home-making.†Mrs. H. Short, Toronto, Mrs.‘T1-ipp, Rosedale and Mrs. 'Das’by of 'Winni- ipeg called on Mr. and Mrs. ‘Edwin jDixtm on Wednesday. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Pastor. Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"Chu'rch School. 11 Mr. George Murphy spent thej weekend ‘m Haileybury. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. H. Boaéwa'y‘ and Mrs. F'. Boaaway attended a funeral 'in Sutton on Sunday. ' Congratulations to'Mr. Adam Won!†j‘for success in vrecent U. of 'T. e‘wms “passing with honors 'in the first year iElectrical Engineering course. V Mrs. ’Sugden of Toronto visited ‘her sister Mrs. Aaron Couison on Satur- day. Mrs. J. A. Gibson ‘is snenflirn 9 week with her niece Miss ’Marv (tib- son in Toronto. Mr. William Milner o‘f‘Port Perrv 11135 taken upmesi'dence'in the John Thompson house at 'Buttonville. Mrs. Wm. Elliott of Gorm'ley was the guest of Mrs. D. Harrington on Wednesday. ‘ Rev. Jas. Bewell of St. Catharinm visited his mother, Mrs. E. Bewel‘ Tast week, Mrs. Bewe‘ll returning wi'h him for a short’holiday. ‘Mr. and Mrs. ‘B. ’Hurrél] visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Hagerman in To- ronto on Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Milner are spending a few {lays in Toronto. Equipment.†EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Sï¬vev am‘ W: :i C. E. Stiver atten‘de'd 1the fuymwfl Mi little Rosemary Porter, granddpnn-hJ ter of Mrs.‘M’. O. Stive'r 'in Tornntri on Wednesday. any. ,3 TWA T- HE'CAVTCâ€"Thé greatest act. 1 HIS ONLY ‘ BFGOTTEN ' SONâ€"The Mrs. N. ngen was cé'lled to an- ford on account of the'mness of ‘hm brother. Mr.‘Jack Coï¬lscm. Mr. Cou'l- son is 95 years of are. Mrs. Lu'hx' Long Cooirï¬JS of Kansas!1 City, Ame‘ï¬ca’s foremost horse woâ€"EI man was the Quest o'f‘Mrs. G. A. M.! Davison last Thursday. I sir-Mundimv communitv were in at? fDnAa‘nf‘e mid the Iovéh gifts signi- ï¬er? +119 ‘prularity 6f the ytru'nq';1 brMn-to-be. Games *and refrnw'h-J l wants were enjoyed du‘r’mg the even-E ino. 1‘ â€"Sundav School T‘mns. A delightful sooial ‘event of the past week W95 the miwnllav‘nmm shower oiven in ‘hnnm' r“ M?“ “9ҠBurr whose marriage/i0 Mr. J. H. Al‘nn tnn'k ’n‘qce on Wédnesday last. Ahnroxima'télv fif’rv guests from the ity. IN'HTVâ€"W‘M m'equst aflraction. SHOVTT‘ WW“ DERIS‘Hâ€"The great 9%? Dromise. PUTâ€"TM oreatest difference. WA‘Wâ€"T'he greatest ce‘rtaintv. ETF‘W“ AL’LIFEâ€"The ‘zreatest DDS‘ I ‘And are the Rev Scouts husy'fhese {‘days. selling tlckéts for the big ‘event ‘On ‘May 29th. Wonder who is ‘Qoing‘ to win the Curio? Tree‘ identifica- firm was an interesting- feature in 'connec’tion with the regular meeting 01'. Friday niéht, with Ian Barron, Stuart Camnbell and Douglas ngen, a draw on the Afirst round ea’éh nam- ing all nine specimens corre'ctly. Stuart Campbell won the finals that includes a trip to Toronto Ekhibition ‘at'nizht. There was a good attend- I'ance at the meeting, the weather be- F"1112‘ most favorable for a Hike. A pro- {gram nf impromptu actlthies was carried out’su‘ccessfully. oreafes’t oift. THA’“ Wan/‘FVER nnnortuhity. BELIWVETHâ€"The greatest simpï¬câ€" The greatest Qerv-mn from a Favnï¬te Text GODâ€"The greatest lover. Sn LOVEDâ€"ZThe creates‘t‘flecree. THE WOREDâ€"The greatest comp- 'Reél excitement ’prevails in the Public School ca'm‘p. Uni-onvflle Schoo‘l along with Markham, MfllTk'en aï¬fHagerman schools have formea a Baséball league, the trophy being a cup ‘m‘esentpd b_v ‘Insnector Rehertï¬ and 'SS f0 thp Winning team. 'Gdod luck Unionvifle. .cMsiU'n. request for Spiritual request for Spiritual H The United Church Choir Enjoyed 1‘ a suc'iél evening on Fï¬day'laét, meet- D05.[“rmz dt'the home of Mrs. P. 'Angle. :1 The *é'h'oir were out in full ’force to mp3,?!htm0r'1he bride-to-be. Miss M'ildred meziwr‘ight, who has been a fa'itï¬ful and annï¬u valued member for svme years, and mpvvniik now intfw'ï¬nq tn Revote'her talents . H‘ *0 ofhor fmlr's. GaTnPs were plaved lastw’ana réfreshments served after Miss thel Wriéh‘f Imd been M'c'sm'te'd 'With a ‘ta’BIe'Iamp on be}!on of 'the choir. Mr "Rand Phirma. vire-nreéi'flent of 1 the éhoir, made thn wresen'taï¬on; as- Isisted by Mrs. N. J. ’GIzss. at- 2111‘ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cowan gave a reception in honour of the bride and groom elect, at which Miss Edith Jones, Miss Hazel Hill and Miss Marnie Weller assisted in the dining room and Mrs. Wright poured tea. The residence of Victoria Univer- sity where Dr. Hill has been 21 Don, made a presentation to Dr. Hill just before the students left. Friday evening thirty-five of the groom’s friends held a dinner for him at the Royal York hotel and presented him with a large Sheffield Reproduction tray. Among those who have entertain- ed in Toronto for Miss Wright and Dr. Hill are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Langford, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Brunt, Dinner and Bridge, presentation, Mr. and. Mrs. Wallace McCutcheon, gar- den party and bridge, Mr. and Mrs. ‘E. Ferguson, Woodstoek, dinner and “bridge. I Professor and Mrs. Sperrin Chant gave a hardware shower and humor- ous impromptu play in which Dr. Bernhart, Mr. A. B. Fennel, and Mr. R. B. Cowan took part. In the afternoon Mrs. Herbert Smith entertained at a shower during which a mock wedding ceremony was a humorons “feature. A delightful tea was served to about 55 guests. On the following Friday evening, May 15, the United Church Choir presented'Miss Wright with a lamp following a most enjoyable evening at the home of ‘Mrs. Paul Angle. 9 Miss Jean Turner wave a lunchetrii and bridge at the Women’s Univer- sity Club, Toronto, and presented Miss Wright with a silver Shefï¬eld Reproduction Rose Bowl. On Saturday, May 23rd, Miss Arat‘nq "Alcombrack gave a bridge and shower, at which the bride re- ceived many useful and beautiful gifts. About 28 were present. On May '8‘Mrs. Alexander entertainer? at a delightful supper bridge. On May Amunz those who have entertain- ed for Miss Mildred Wright whose marriage to Dr. A. S. H. Hill takes place 'in the United Church on Sat- urda'v are, the Evening Auxiliary of the United Church, a presentation of ian end table with magazine rack, at ‘the home of Mrs. L. H. Clement. Miss‘Edith Jones and Miss Helen Shaw most enjoyable~afternonn tea and "k’i-‘chen shower at which about ’30 were p‘resent. Miss Evelyn 'Folâ€" lett gave a dinner and Miss “Jean Smith. TMiss Edna land and 'Miss Follet't entertained in the evening at a par‘tv'and presentation of a leather travelling bag. About 3’0 were pre-‘ sent who had contributed to the gift, which fellowed a comic shower. Mrs. W.‘T. Edmunds, 3‘1 Roseï¬ew Avenue. ‘A little 13an was given in honor o'f‘his birthday with fi-iends and relatives from Toronto, Windsor and ‘Riéhmond Hill present. ‘Mr. 'Gal- lnway still well and adtive and loves ’to‘dig in the garaen. He has always‘taken a keen interest 'in the workyo’f his church and was for many vears a locnl nreacher. S‘IndavSehool Supei‘intendent and BTble Class tea- cher 'in the Methodist Chm-eh and later 'in the United Church. Mr. thn _P. Galloway ceIe'bratea his 88th 'b‘rrthday on Tuesday, "May 19th, at 'the home of his daughter, On the occasion of the 215't birth- day of ï¬ne 25t'h Girl Guide Company a Re-mi'ron 'dinner was held in To- ronto on May 15th. Miss Cat'herin’e Skiile'ter. Captain of the 2nd Rich- mond Hi1] 'Gifl Guides attended being associated with this Company since a child. The first Captain and offi- cers were ‘present. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. B‘almer of To- ‘ronto, who attended the Masonic‘ rService, were guests at the United‘ ‘Church Parsonage '01! Sunday. Mnf Bulmer is the piin’cipal ,of Perth Avenue Public Sc‘hbo]. the Church, the Home and the State. Mr. A. E. Plewman :md Rev. C. W. Follett attended the W. C. T. U. Convention in Newmarket on Tuesday when Mr. FdIIét‘t gave the address of the evetiing', ‘hie. subject be‘mg “Some Dangers ‘m the National Life of Canada;â€"‘stressing wartimflarly the menace of the liquor traffic to ths‘s'es Bertha and Eleanor Archi- bald of Toronto were guests of Miss Eve‘tvn Follett during the week. Mrs. McK. Mullholla‘nd of Windsor is Visiting this week with her niece, Mrs. W. T. Edmunds. Social and Personal THE LIBERAL, RICT’JWOND HILL, ONTARIO Later the bride and groom left for points in the United States. For travelling the bride wore a printed navy blue crene dress with navy blue coat and hat and matching a0- cessories. After their return they will reside in Bradford. a luncheon was served. The bride’s mother were a gown of navy geor- Eette with a corsaze of sweet peas. The groom’s mother wore a gown of gray printed crepe with a corâ€" sage of sweet peas. The bride wore a gown of crepe back satin with veil and carried a ‘bouquet of sunburst roses and wore the gift of the groom, a bracelet. She was attended by her sister, Miss Pearl Caseley who wore a frock of powder blue Point de sprit pet with matching accessories and carried a bouquet of pink roses. The best man was the groom’s twin brother. Mr. Max Morris. The wedding march was played bv Miss Mabel Caseley. During the signing of the register Miss Augusta Caldwell sang, “0 Perfect Love.†After the ceremony? MORRIS-CASELEY The wedding was solemnized at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Caseley May 13th at 2 o’clock when their eldest daughter Ruth Frances Elizabeth was united in marriage to Mr. Meryl Morris. son of Mrs. Mor- ris and the late Mr. Thomas Morris of Bradford, the Rev. J. McDonald officiating. The house was decorat< ed with pink snapdragons. Later the happy couple left on a motor trip through the north the bride travelling in rush ensemble with accessqries to match. On their ieturn they will reside in UnionvilIe. Following- the ceremony a recep- tion was held. The bride’s mother received in a gmvn of flowered or- ganza wearing a corsaze of mauve mauve sweet peas, and lily of ‘the val- I‘ev. Mrs. Allen, mother of the groom ascisted, in a gown of blue crepe, with shouldef corsage of pink sweet peas and lily of the valley. Miss Jessie Eveiyn 'Ruth Burr at- tended her sister as bridesmaid, wearing an ensemble of hyacinth blue, and bandeau of p'in‘k rose 'buds, and carried a bouque¢ of pink roses and baby’s breath. Mr. James Grainger attended the groom. a coronet of orange ‘blossoms and carried talisman roses and lily of the valley. The bride who ‘was given in mm- riage by "her father were a. lovély gown of [Him Blue ‘ti‘iple sheer gear- gette and crepe fashioned With Queen Anne coTIar 'and Shirred bod- ice, and full pleated skirt. She wore The house was decorated wifh a profusion of ferns, roses and spring flower; Rev: W. D. McDonald of Brown’s Corners Unitéd Church of- ficiated, and the wedding music was played by the 'bfidé’s aunt, Mrs. 301m Burr of 'Rk’h‘mona Hill. ALLEN -BU RR A picturesque ‘house wedding was solemnized Wednesday afternoon at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cline 'Bu‘rr, Buttomiille, when their Quest daughter Dgélla W1- helmine was un’ited. in martiage 'to Mr. John Henry Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Allen, Unionville. There win 'be a Stre’et dance on Friday e‘ven‘mg, May 22nd With Scotty Balfour and 'his orchestra providing the music. The track, regarded 'by horsemen} as one of the best ‘in the country, is; in splendid shape and track records[ for the 2.18, 2.22 and 2.30 classes,i will undoubtedly 'be 'broken. Thel ning races, which are so popular? with a great number of the fans, in- cludes ponies 12 hands and under and 14 hands and under and a far- mer’s running race. Softball and midway attractions complete a full programme for “the afternoon. I HARNESS HORSE AND PONY RACES AT NEWMARKET ON‘ SATURDAY With 3525 in purses the harness ~horse and pony races at Newmarket 'On Saturday are attracting an ex- teptionally large field of the best vhorses in the province for the open- ‘ing Spring- meet. Richmond Hill streets have been scarified, rolled and oiled this week and now are in excellent condition. The members of council have been highly complimented for the work done on the streets this year. Dr. Christie President of the On- tario Agricultural College, Guelph, has graciously extended to all Wo- men’s Institute members an invita- tion 'to luncheon in the main dining hall ’o‘n Thursday, Juno 18th, to hon- our the foreign delegMes of the as- soéia’ted Women of the World. Mem- bers wishing to attend telephone Secretary, Mrs. C. Patrick, Number 215, not later than June 2nd. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE WEDDING STREETS OILED A refreshing farcical comedy replete with suspense and delightful humor. It is expertly cast and directed and will provide excellent en- tertainment for the family. Adapted from the stage play of the same name by Frederick Jackson. This romantic comedy amusineg presented, wen cast, {with clever bits of song and dance, with special appeal to radio audiences. ADDED ATTRACTION Charlie Chaplin in “THE FIREMAN†The laughs are so fast and furious in this fun riot that one is thank- ful forythe few calm moments in which to recuperate. It registers a laugh count of about two a minute for its; entire length. An ex- cellent comedy with hardly a dull moment. TODAY, FRI., SAT. qualTheatreAURORA Two Shows Daily _ 7.30 & 9.30 'â€" Sat. Matinee 2.00 tun ORANGE CAKES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c. DATE COOKIES, 2 doz. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CORNED BEEF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for DOMESTIC SHORTENING, 2 lbs. for . . . . . . . IDEAL SWEET MIXED PICKLES lge. 25 oz. jar ‘ MARLBORO SANDWICH BISCUITS . . . . . . ,‘lé SHREDDED WHEAT, 2 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PURE HONEY, 5 lb. pail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PLUM JAM, large jar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KELLOGG’S Pep, Post Bran Flakes and Grape Flakes, 2 packages for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harness Horse and Pony SATURDAY, 3 MAY 23rd NEW MARKET under the auspices of the BULL DOG BOY SCOUT TROUP ADULTS 25c. CHILDREN 15c. HITCH HIKING ROUND THE WORLD TOWNSHIP HALL, UNIONVILLE FRIDAY, MAY 29, 8 p.m. Standard Time WEDVESDAY & THURSDAY, MAY 27 - 28 MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN â€" EDMUIJD G’VV'END STREET DANCE FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 22ND MONDAY & TUESDAY, MAY 25 - 25 John Howard â€" Wendy Ba'rrie â€"â€" Willie thard in A Thrilling illustrated Travel Story of a Year’s Wand- erings in Twenty-seven Countries NO ORDER T00 SMALL, NONE TOO BIG SPECIAL DELIVERY ON SATURDAY $525. IN PURSES RACES START AT 2 P}. M., STANDARD TIME' SOFTBALL AND MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS ADMISSION: 25c. Plus Tax Bresented by Ellsworth and LeRoy Toll at the THE BISHOP MISBEHAVES†“MILLIONS IN THE AIR†Keep Your Eye on KERR BROS. SPECIALS “MILKY WAY†THREE DAYS HAROLD LLOYD in ~â€"â€"AT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c. each for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 for 23c. JG, 2 lbs. for . . . . . . . 23c. PICKLES lge. 25 oz. jar 181/2c I BISCUITS . . . . . . ,‘l5c. lb. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23c. l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23c. 3mm Flakes and Grape Nut ’01- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23c. LOOK I PAGE FIVE MAY 21 - 22 - 23