Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 May 1936, p. 1

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Among the out-of-town guests were Mr. James Wright, Regina, Sask.; Miss Marie and Mr. Robert Wilson, Utica, Illinois; Rev. and Mrs. Ernest Jolley, Buffalo, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mackenzie, Chatham; Mrs. R. A. Hill, Windsor; Mrs. Wm. Gard- iner, Chatham, 0nt.; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Breeze, Lindsay; [M12 and Mrs. Edward Ferguson, Woodstock; Mr. I. R. Mix, Ottawa; Miss Maud John- ston, Hamilton; Miss Isobel Stowell, Hamilton; Miss Mable Hagerman, Port Hope. or, and Miss Edith Jones of Rich- mond Hill, and Mrs. Meredith Green of Pontiac, Mich., attended as brides- maids. Mrs. Page and Miss Jones were dressed alike in sea dew green net over taffeta with baku hats and matching shoes. Mrs. Meredith Green wore peach lace over taffeta, baku and lace hat of the same shade with matching accessories. Little Miss Yvonne McMullen, as flower girl, was dainty in a peach frilled dress and Juliet calp. They all carried bouquets of Johanna Hill and Ophelia roses. Mr. Ralph Cowan of Toronto was best man, and the ushers were:j Mr. Stewart L. Page, Mr. Wallace McCutcheon, Mr. Harry Wright, Mr. William R. Brunt and Mr. Clark‘ Manore. During the signing of the register, the church choir sang, “0 Perfect Love.” After the ceremony at reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents Church St., Rich- mond Hill, where Mrs. Wright wel- comed her guests wearing a gown of fuschia chiffon with gray baku hat. The groom’s mother, who also received, was in mauve triple sheer crepe with hat of natural color baku. Later Dr. and Mrs. Hill left for a short trip to Washington, D.C., the bride travelling in a gray tweed tra- vel suit with gray shoes, powder blue felt hat and powder blue acâ€" cessories. On their return they will live in Toronto. Mrs. William Ashford Wright, Rich- mond Hill, and Dr. Hill is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hill of Wind- eorl To the strains of the wedding march, played by Mr. Adelmo Me- lecci, organist of the church, the :bride entered the church on the arm of her father, who gave her in marâ€" riage. She looked [charming in a gown of white suede lace over bridal satin with a long train, and a tulle veil falling from a coronet of orange blossoms. She carried a shower bou- quet of roses and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Stewart L. Page of Barrie, sis- ter of the bride, was matron of hon~ HILL-WRIGHT Roses, lilacs and orange blossoms filled the chancel of Richmond Hill United Church forming a lovely background for the marriage of Miss Mildred Wright and Dr. A. S. Hardy Hill of Toronto, performed Saturday afternoon, May 23rd, by Rev. W. J. Little, bursar of Victoria University, assisted by Rev. C. W. Follett, pastor of the Richmond Hill United Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Among the Toronto guests were VOL. LVL MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1 - 2 . 3 " RONALD COLMAN in fife MAN Who BROKEVthe BANK at MONTE CARLO and CLAUDE RAINS in GEO. RAFT â€" CHAS. RUGGLES â€" GARY COOPER in CAPITO UH]. .l. .l. U I [Yonge at Castlefield M0. 2172 V 300 SEATS ALL EVENING 27c. Parking for 200 Cars MATINEE PRICES T0 6 RM. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 4 - 5 - 6 BING CROSBY. â€"â€" CHAS. RUGGLES in “YORK COUNTY’S N EWSIEST NEWSPAPER” WEDDING “BIG BROWN EYES” “If I Had'a'Millibn NEWS FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MAY 29 - 30 GARRY GRANT â€" JOAN BENNETT in “ ANYTHING GOES ” “ WOMAN TRAP ” “ CLAIRVOYANT ” PARAMOUNT NEWS AIR HOPPERS and added â€"ANDâ€" The Richvale Social CIub are hold- ing a Dance in Richvale School on Wednesday, June 3rd. Royal Arcad- ian Orchestra. Admission 25c., tax included. HORTICULTURAL NOTES The few who attended the open air meeting last Thursday had a plea- sant afternoon. Mr. John F. Hall demonstrated the pruning of rose bushes in the park. In the south- west section of the park where the twitch is growing he advised sum- mer fallow and cultivation for two years before planting. This course will be followed. At the extreme‘ south of the Yonge Street Blvd. Mr. Hall will superintend the making of a rock garden this summer. The‘ company also visited the gardens of A. L. Phipps and R. D. Little. A successful Piano Recital was held on Friday evening, May 22nd, [at the home of Miss D. Connor, L.T. iC.M., Hunt Road, when the follow- ing who are some of Miss Connor’s pupils took part, Mollie and Victor Secrett of Willowdale, Chrissie Brown and Henry Noble of Thorn- hill, Mabel Gilbert, Jack Watkins, Doris Jones and Be‘ty Webb of Rich- mond Hill. Regret was expressed at the absence through illness of Win- nie Cross of Thornhill, another bright pupil of Miss Connor’s. Par- ents and relatives of these pupils attended and a most enjoyable even- ing was spent. Lunch was served by the hostess. Great credit is due Miss Connor for the splendid talent and advancement shown by her pu- pils. BONE-ASH The wedding was solemnized at the home of Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Wrixon, Richmond Hill, Saturday, May 23rd, when Gertrude Eola Ash, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ash of Aurora became the bride of Stanley Charles Bone, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bone of Newmarket. The Rev. W. F. Wrixon officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kennedy, Mr. Blatchford and Dr. Ellen Blatchford, Major and Mrs. W. Maybin, Mrs. C. S. Wright, Prof. and Mrs. Sperrin Chant, Mrs. J. A. MlcCague, Miss Myrtle McCague, Mr. Warren Coll- ins, Miss Margaret McCague, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hamon, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. McM‘ullen, Miss Victoria Hanna, Mrs. J. C. Speer, Miss Helen Speer, Mrs. E. R. Fortner, Miss Jean Turn- er, Mrs Robert Lindsay, Mrs. Francis Legge, Mrs. Cecil Davis, MT. and Mrs. Henry Langford, Miss Hazel Hill, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Cowan, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Brunt, Mr. Donald McGibbon, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mc- Cutcheon, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith and Miss Gwen Smith, Head- ford; Misses Alice and Ellen Page, Thornhill; Mrs. E. Nash, Todmorden; Miss Ellen Boynton, Buttonville; and Mrs. Harold Sanders, Stouff-‘ ville. SUCCESSFUL DANCE PIANO RECITAL RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 28th, 1936 Class 7, Poniesâ€"Single driving pony in harness, 12 hands and un- der, 151:, G. Gowland; 2nd, W. Nich- Class 6, Harnessâ€"Single Roadster Horse in Harness, Gelding or Mare. lst, S. Hastings; 2nd, N. Cloughton. Best Turnout, 1st, S. Hastings; 2nd, N. Cloughton; 3rd, Bunker Bros. Class 4, Deliveryâ€"Delivery Horse, 1500 lbs. and under, hitched to suit- able delivery Wagon, lst, E. T. Ste- phens, Richmond Hill; 2nd, E. Arm- strong. Span of Delivery Horses, 1st, E. T. Stephens, Richmond Hill; i2nd, E. Armstrong; 3rd, F. A. Clark. ‘ Class 5, Thoroughbredâ€"Stallion, aged, 1st, M. Brown, Richmond Hill. Best Mare suitable for breeding hunL ters and saddle horses, 1st, 0. D.‘ Robinson; 2nd, M. Brown; 3rd, S. P. Jarvis. Specialâ€"Best Cart Horse shown on halter, 1st, C. Harper, Stouffville; 2nd, A. Baggs, Edgeley; 3rd, Hewson & Son. Best Colt in Heavy Draft Classes, 3 years old and under, E. Armstrong. Class 2, Percheron or Belgianâ€"â€" Stallion, aged. lst, H. E. Stewart, Bolton: 2nd. W. H. Johnson, Mark- ham: 3rd. H. E. 'Stewart. Filly or Gelding foaled in 1933, 151:, A. W. McLennon; 2nd, G. Harding, Rich- mond Hill. Filly or Gelding foaled in 1934, lst. E. Armstrong, Bramp- ton; 2nd, B. R. Leech, Richmond Hill; 3rd, J. Feroste. Filly or Colt foaled in 1935, 151:, N. Livingston; 2nd, N. ELiving'ston; 3rd, H. Usher. Filly or iColt foaled in 1936, 1st. B. R. Leech; 2nd, H. E. Stewart; 3rd, N. Living- ston. Best Team of Geldings or Mares shown in suitable harness, 151:, J. Fewster; 2nd, N. Livingston. Brood Mare, lst. N. Livingston; 2nd, H. E. Stewart; 3rd, B. R. Leech. Class 3, Agriculturalâ€"Span of ‘ Horses in Harness to wagon exhibi- ted by bonafide farmer, 1st, Hewson 1& Son: 2nd. F. A. Clark, Richmond Hill. | “In Essentials, Unity Music during: the day and evening x.was provided by the York Township lBoys’ Band. Their playing attracted imuch attention and their popularity 'was well merited by their very splen- did performance. The playing- on Monday won them the appreciation of the great crowd and they proved to be one of the most popular bands to visit Richmond Hill for some time. The prize Winners were as foll- ows: Class 1, Clvdesdaleâ€"Stallion. aged. lst, J. Torrance. Markham: 2nd. Hewson & Son, Malton. Fillv or Gelding: foaled in 1934. J. Torr- ance. Filly or Colt, foaled in 1935,‘ 1st, Hewson & Son; 2nd, A. Bazg‘s,§ Edgeley; 3rd, D. Rumnev, Victoria: Square. .Colt or Filly. foaled' in 1936,! lst. A.‘Baggs. Edgeley; 2nd, 0. Cox,‘ Unionville. Best team of Heavy Draught Geldings or Mares, Hewson & Son, Malton. Brood Mare, lst, A. Baegs, Edgeley; 2nd, 0. Cox, Union- ville. The midway booths and games were well patronized and the wrestl- ing bouts at night attracted a crowd of about 800. The Dog Show while not as large as anticipated attracted s0me splen- did dogs and it is expected that an- other year this department of the Fair will attract many more exhibi- tors. The handsome silver trophy for the best dog in the show which attracted so much attention when on display in The Liberal office win- dow over the week-end was won by a Pomeranian shown by Mrs. J. W. Bruce, Steele’s Corners. The showing of horses was ex- ceptionally good and although the en- tries in some classes were not as numerous as» in former years the very fine quality of all the exhibits was everywhere the subject of fav- orable comment. As usual the saddle and hurdle events attracted the major interest of the spectators and these colorful events were keenly contest- ed and greatly enjoyed. That Richmond Hill Fair is grow- ing in popularity from year to year was evidenced by the fine attend- ance at the 87th spring exhibition held at the Agricultural Park on Vic- toria Day. Favored with ideal wea- ther the Fair was a very marked success and the thousands who at- tended were unanimous in their praise of the fine program presented this year. LIST OF PRIZE WINNERS AT ‘ a 87TH ANNUAL SPRING FAIR IDEAL WEATHER, FINE EXHIBITS AND LARGE CROWD COMBINE TO MAKE FAIR A SPLENDID SUCCESS ; In Nonâ€"esgentialsL Liberty; In All Things, Charity” Sâ€"Richmond Hill at Cooksville 7â€"Bradford at Richmond Hill 15â€"Victoria at Richmond Hill 18â€"Richmond Hill at Brooklin 21â€"Cooksville at Richmond Hill lâ€"Richmond Hill at Victoria 3â€"Richmond Hill at Bradford 10â€"Swansea at Richmond Hill 21â€"Brooklin at Richmond Hill AUGUST JULY 2â€"Richmond Hill at Islington 13â€"Islington’ at Richmond Hill 16â€"Richmond Hill at Swansea ZOâ€"Richmond Hill at Streetsville 23â€"Richmond Hill at East York 27â€"Streetsville at Richmond Hill The schedule of for Richmond Hill JUNE E. Harding called a practice for last Tuesday night but only a very few turned out. Another practice is called for Friday night and those in- terested in the team and all players are urged, to turn out. If there is not a good turn out of players Fri- day night there is a possibility Rich- mond Hill’s entry will be withdrawn from the league. Richmond Hill Intermediate La- crosse team will play the first sche- dule game in the O.A.L.A. series next Tuesday night at Islington. The 10- cal team has been grouped with East York, Bradford, and Brooklin but will play schedule games with all teams in group I as well giving them sixteen games, eight at home and eight away. The teams in group I include Swansea, Islington, Cooks- ville, Streetsville and Victoria. The second and third teams in each group will play off for the right to meet the first team. Standing will be on a point basis with 2 points for a win and one for a draw. Children’s Departmentâ€"Plain bak- ing: lst, Ruth Tyndall;/2nd, B. Mac- donald; Home-made candy: Ist, L. Jones; 2nd, F. Rumble; Best Dressed Doll: Ist, A. Seatter; 2nd, M. Hunt; Bird House: 1st, N. Tyndall; Boy’s Pet: lst,‘S. O’Brady; 2nd, H. Reesor; Water Color Painting: Ist, H. War- wick; 2nd, E. Mitchell; Bouquet of Wild Flowers: lst, J. Thompson, 2nd, E. Mitchell; Rabbit, buck: Ist, B. Hull; 2nd, N. Tyndall; Rabbit, doe: lst, Milton Savage; 2nd, B. Hull; Handwriting: 1st, A. Donald; 2nd, R. Tyndall. ’ .015; 3rd, W. Delill; 4th, B. R. Leech. {Single driving pony in harness, over ;12 hands, lst, Bunker Bros.; 2nd, ‘Bunker Bros.; 3rd, G. McGowan. ITeam of Ponies in harness, lst, Bun- V'ker Bros.; 2nd, W. B. P. Graham. .Team of Ponies in harness, Tandem, lst, Bunker Bros.; 2nd, W. B. P. Graham. Best Pony on grounds, Ist, §Bunker Bros.; 2nd, Edna Pogue. [Showmanship Competition, Ist, R. gMcDonald; 2nd, J. Pogue; 3rd, A. 'yBaggs, Edgeley. Class 16, Ponies Under Saddleâ€" Pony 12 Hands or Under, 151;, J. Pozul‘; 2nd, W. Delill; 316, G. Mc- Gowan; 4th, W. Ni‘cholI's'. Class 17, Ponies Under Saddleâ€" Pony over 12 Hands, lst, J. Pogue; 2nd, G. Gowland; 3rd, G. McGowan; 4th, W. Nicholls. Class 15, Noviéeâ€"ist, B. R. Leécfi; 2nd, J. Pogue; 3rd, R. W. Simpson. Class 14, Working Hunterâ€"151:, O. D. Robinson; 2nd, R. W. Wright; 3rd, S. P. Jarvis; 41311, R. W. Wright. Class 13, Special Jumping Sweep- stakesâ€"lst, Susan Ross; 2nd, 3. P. Jarvis; 3rd, Jack Arnold; 4th, 0. D. Robinson. Class 12, Pair of Jumpersâ€"1st, R. W. Wright; 2nd, Justin Cork; 3rd, 0. D. Robinson. Class 11‘, Knock Down and Out;â€" lst, Justin Cork; 2nd, S. P. Jarvis; 3rd. PX Horst; 4th, P. Horst. Class 9, P010 Ponyâ€"Performance and manner to count 75%, conform- ation to count 25%, lst, Miss Ross; 2nd, Mrs. A. W. Miles; 3rd, Miss B. Barrett; 4th, Dennis Fitzgerald. Class 10, Performanceâ€"Perform- ance Classes, lst, S. P. Jarvis; 2nd, Susan Ross, 3rd, Justin Cork; 4th, 0‘. D. Robinson. Class 8, Saddle Horsesâ€"Mare or Gelding, open, paces and manners only to count, lst, 0. D. Robinson; 2nd, S. P. Jarvis; 3rd, W. Mulock; 4th, Mary L. McCrea. LACROSSE NOTES games drawn is as follows: Correct this sentence: “I could of quit smoking,” said the man. “if my wife hadn’t made me mad.” The score by innings:â€" R.D.T. 0 0 3 0 R.H.O.P.W. 0 0 3 0 The line-up: Richmond Hill O.P.W. â€"S. Mably, rf; J. Crean, cf; B. Buchanan, 2b; T. Bennett, p; A. Crean, c; G. Stong, If; S. Young, 1b; J. Koning. 31); A. White ss. Roselawn Dairies, Toronto â€" N. Graham, Woods, Bullock, Murphy, Sattington, Alsop, Summerhill, Grey, Carter. by winning from Roselawn Dairies, Toronto, by a score of 12 to 9 here on Monday, May 26. The game was productive of excellent play and al- though it was the first game for the locals they pleased the large holi- day crowd by coming from behind on Bill Buchanan’s homer with two on in the third to tie the score. From then on the Hill boys were never headed yet the game was close and interesting all the way. Teddy Ben- nett pitched steady ball and the team as a Whole under the able guidance of Frank Grainger as manager and Harry Trowell as president promise to develop into a strong unit. SOFTBALL NOTES Richmond Hill O.P.W. Softball Club inaugurated the 1936 season locally Juniors Busy “Mal” Maltby’s Cities Service Jun- iors have had several practices and give promise of having an excellent team. A meeting- will be held this week when the grouping will be ar- ranged. Coach Maltby declares that his line-up includes many very prom- ising stars which he is confident will give a good account of themselves in the 0.A.L.A. junior race. An Amateur contest will be staged at Maple Community Hall Friday evening, June 5th under the auspices of the Horticultural Society. Splendid prizes will be given for the best amateur acts. Send entries at once to Jim Mc- Donald, Maple, Ontario. 003012003 00305004x is delicious In Christ is all our virtue and all our happiness. Rev. J. D. Cunningham Sunday, May 3181: 10 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"“The Unbelief of the F001." 7 p.m.â€"â€"“0vercoming the World.” RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D., Pastu- Sunday, May Slst 56th Anniversary Services 10 'a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"Pastor in charge. Guest speaker, Brigadier Noah Pitcher. Headquarter Staff Salvation Army Toronto. 7 p.m.â€"Special Feature, York Bible Class Orchestra. (40 pieces). The choir will render a special musiâ€" cal program. Everybody welcome P.S.â€"â€"Communion Service on Sunday morning next, June 7th. Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, LTh. Sunday, May Slst Whit Sumhy 8 a.m.â€"â€"Holy Communion. 10 awnâ€"Sunday School and, Bible Class. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer and Serâ€" mon. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and; Sermon, A welcome to all. ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Gardeners throughout the district report a considerable frost last night which did some damage to early gur- den plants. Unless the weather mod- erates another frost is predicted for to-night. The Maple and District Football League held the annual meeting when the following officers were elected: Hon. Presidents, Allan Knight, J. Carl Saigeon, P. Gardiner; President, J. B. Plunkett; Vice-President, Ed. Castator; Secretary, A. Cameron; Treasurer, E. Lauder. Football games have commenced with 6 teams ent- ered, Vellore, Kleinburg, Downsvicw, Emery, Connaught, Willowdale. MAPLE FOOTBALL LEAGUE RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SINGLE COPY 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE FROST LAST NIGHT No. 43

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