Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 May 1936, p. 4

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EAMATEUR @CONTESTé WWWWOONN MONOGOWWMW GET NEW GOODYEARS COMFORT NORTH YONGE ST. Friday, June Apply on Job or Phone Ihornhill 73 Come in and get further information and see com- plete line of home appliances and our beautiful model kitchen. MILLS & HADWIN Limited 3147 YONGE ST., NEAR CITY LIMITS MOhawk 4343 OPEN EVENINGS Electric Ranges â€" Electric and Re Refrigerators Radios and Washing Machines Wrecking HNNES MILL HALL’S Service Station Given Away Free $LO PAGE FOUR The purchase of a new Hot Point, McClary or West- inghouse Electric range at Mills & Hadwin Ltd., en- titles you to the $20.00 bonus being offered by the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario. We carry three makes and 24 different models to choose from. Your old 0031, gas or electric range is accepted as part payment and you may pay the balance on your electric light bill over a period of 3 years. Auspices Horticultural Society COMMUNITY HALL USED LUMBER BRICKS, ETC ....... MAPLE Match these “Pathfinder” Goodyears against the finest! They are QUALITY tires in every sense of the wordâ€"built to give you record mileages that you’ll boast about! Size 30 x 3% Siza 29 x 4.40-21 OPPOSITE ORANGE HOME Other Sizes equally low-prlCed 5.55 1735 Size 29 x 5.00-19 1 9.40 Size 30 x 4.50-21 Size 28 x 4.75-19 .80 .70 at 10 o’clock am. to hear and adjudicate upon any com- plaints against the Assessment Roll of the Municipality of the Township of Vaughan for the said year 1936. All parties interested are requested to take notice and govern them- selves accordingly. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the As- sessment Roll for the Township of Vaughan will be held in the Town- ship Hal], Vellore on Clerk of the said Municibality. Manle, May 16, 1936. “00W Radio Service ANY; MAKE OF DOMESTIC OR CAR RADIO REPAIRED AND WORK GUARANTEED. 16 YEARS EXPERIENCE WALTER WYNN Mr. Herbert Horen of Parkhill who has been visiting with his cou- sins Mr. and Mrs. Will O’Brien has returned to Parkhill to resume his business with Mr. Gordon Gray. The W.M.S. of the United Church met at Laskay Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Hick in charge. Vaughan township council meets, at Vellore on Monday. In the morning there will be Court of Revision ses- sion and in the afternoon the reguâ€" lar council meeting. Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong of Ottawa célled to see Dr. Armstrong’s sister Mrs. C. E. Bower at the parsonage last week. COURT OF REVISION Dr. and Mrs. Sodden of Three Hills, Alta., who have been visiting their parents left for home last Tues- day. The McDonald Quartette sang at Kettleby Monday evening. Maple Girls’ Softball team are a- way to a good start for the season having already won two games. Vaughan Twp. Sunday School con- vention will be held in the United Church in Downsview charge Wed- nesday, June 3rd. The annual Sunday School anni- versary of Hope United Church will be held at 11 am. and 7 p.m. At the morning service Rev. Frank Bowes of Willowdale will be the special speaker and he will be ac- companied by his choir and orches- tra. In the evening Rev. Newberry of Deer Park church will speak and there will be special music by Mark- ham Quartette. Amateur Night Is Big Attraction Billed For June 5th I There is keen local interest throughout this district in the big Amateur contest to be held in the iMaple Community Hall Friday even- ing, June 5th under the auspices of! the Horticultural Society. Mr. Carl: Saigeon will take the part of Major .Bowes as Master of Ceremonies and Ithree prominent judges will make ,the awards. A large number of lo- ‘cal contestants are expected to com- ;pete for the cash prizes. It’s sure to be a night of real enjoyment so. don’t miss it. Any one Wishing- to take part please send entry at once to- Jim McDonald. A considerable frost was reported Thursday morning. Invite your friends to attend the big Amateur Show Friday, June 5th. TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN were Mr. and Mrs. Jewell, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Manning and family of Hamilton. - - Have you something to sell? Try a classified “ad” in The Liberal. Dr. Marguerite Bailey spent the week end at her home here. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Manning for the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Jewell, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Manning and family of Mr. C. W. Manning addressed the United Sunday School last Sunday evening: giving an address on ‘faith.’ Send your news items to The Lib- era]. Crops tHroug‘hout the district would benefit from a good rain, as the land is reported quite dry and in need of moisture. Miss Jessie Kersey spent the week end at the home of her parents at Nashville. A large number from this district attended Richmond Hill Fair on Mon- day and report that the Fair was one of the best in many years. w. I. Meeting The regular monthly meetintz‘ of the Women’s Institute will be held in the Parish Hall Friday, June 5th at 1.30 p.m., S.T. Ladies please come early as there will be quilting- at this meeting. All ladies provide lunch. MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1936 Telephone Maple 64r4 RICHMOND HILL COUNTY OF YORK Municipality of the MAPLE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO J. B. McLEAN, It is; easy rto recognize 'inferidr races and ‘people. The others don’t get mad when they are called in- ferior. Miss Sadie Middleton and Mr. J. Oliver spent Monday with Mrs. 01i- ver at Palgrave. Mrs. Summers of Newtonbrook visited her sister Mrs. W. Bone on Tuesday. Miss M. Reagnanr visited Mrs. Bey- thel in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and- Mrs. J. Elizabeth Kenney Monday with Mr. ton. Misses Annie and Mary Delbroc'co spent the week-end at their home here. Quite a number of Carrville resi- dents attended the Fair and Wrestl- ing- Match at Richmond Hill on Mon- day. Mrs. J. Clement took tea with Mrs. F. Graham of Richmond Hill on Mon- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bowes and Miss Florence Hobday spent Monday with Mrs. Cooper at Concord. Misses Kay and Jessie Wark spent the holiday at their home here. The telephone tdaches grammar. Without it, people would still be sayâ€" ing “I’m him” instead of “This is he.” The Horticultural Society helrl a very successful Tulip Show last Fri- day in the basement of Westminster Presbyterian Church. Messrs Ernie Bone, Russ and Chas. Rischoro spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. McCrdne at Windermere. Mrs. Bone of Maple visited her sister, Miss A. Bone on Monday. Miss S. M. Stevenson of Toronto visited her niece Mrs. W. T. Wells last week. | A meeting was held last Friday evening in the S. S. room of the United Church to Vre-organize the Girls’ Baseball team: A number from here attended the Richmond Hill Fair last Monday. Miss Ruth Allan visited her home at Caledonia over the holiday. Miss Nora Graham spent the week end with relatives in Cobourg. Mrs. A. W. Stephenson and family spent Empire Day at Bayview Beach, Lake Simcoe. ' Rev. A. H. and Mrs. Halbert and Mrs. MacDonald attended Laskay United Church anniversary service last Sunday evening. Miss E. Hope and Miss Doris Van- Luven spent the week-end with rela- tives at Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grisdale at- tended the funeral of the farmer’s aunt at Wingham. was a shower for the missionary bale, which had a very generous re- sponse. Mrs. W. T. New read ex- tracts from letters from the Annual Report expressing appreciatiOn for the bales which were sent to the Canadian West and Northern Ontario and which were so much needed in medical work and community mission work. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess at the close of the meeting. The Young People’s Union held their closing meeting last Monday evening and took the form of a “baâ€" con fry” on the flats of Mr. Robert Carson’s farm on Bayview Ave. The young people met at the church at 7.30 and proceeded to the woods a mile distant, Mr. Halbvert taking the eats, etc., in his car. Three small fires were kindled to fry the bacon with the frying- pan set on stones. Everybody enjoyed the hot bacon sandwiches. At a huge bonfire in the centre, another group popped corn When all had done ample justice to the good things all gathered around the camp fire and enjoyed a sing- song while some gave harmonica numbers. All agreed that a most enjoyable evening was spent and a hearty vote of thanks was extended to the social committee in charge. ‘The W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. H. B. Schmidt of Lanisng last Tuesday afternoon for their May meeting. The devotional worship service was conducted by Mrs. J. C. Bales whose remarks were about Dorcas, the woman who was always helping others. Prayer was offered by Mrs. H. B. Schmidt. Mrs. Frank McFarlane sang a 50:0 very accept- ably. Mrs. James Murray reviewed Chapter VII of the Study Book on “New Africa” and spoke on Prob- lems of Contact. The terrible epi- demic of influenza in 1918 entering by ships at Cape Town spread all over the continent. As it flew over the land it came to a people unpre- pared and almost ‘viped out some villages. Most Africans are not city dwellers but agriculutrists or cattle herders. Mrs. Murray lived in Africa for a few years and told of some of her eXperiences while there. She will i continue the study at the June meet- ing and conclude the Study Book A special feature of this meeting NEWTONBROOK CARRVILLE Kenney and Miss of Toronto spent and Mrs. J. Bar- {CHOICE COLLECTION Annual Flo- iwer and Vegetable Plants. H. Kanis. I103 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. BABY CHICKS and Custom Hatch- ing, June and July prices. Rocks, Leghorns $11.00, Minorcas and New Hampshire Reds $13 per 100 chicks, $1.00 per 100 less if paid in full 4 weeks in. advance. Custom hatching rates, hen eggs $2.50, duck and tur- key eggs S4.00 per 100‘ eggs. Barred Rock Chicks to spare this week end and next. Established 1924, H. G. Mecredy, Yonge St. Poultry Farm and Hatchery. Phone Richmond Hill 102â€"r-13. FYVIE RENOWN, 27110-Clydesdale Stallion for service. Brown with white legs. Sire, Fyvie Ideal-26177- Dam, Bonnie Hillcrestâ€"46650.This is a fine upstanding yOung stallion, well bred from prize Winning stock. Good legs and a good mover. Enrolled and inspected. Terms to insure foal $10. OSCAR COX, Unionville, Ontario, TORRS MARQUIS, Imp.â€"27437â€" 1935 FORD V-8 TOURING SEDAN 22576â€"Clydesda1e, bay, with white (with Trunk)â€"Ford Heater and legs. Imported last November from _ Defroster, A Fine Car. owner. Scotland. Sire, Courtesyâ€"27458â€"by Brunstone Again. This is an out- standing show stallion, cart horse type, good Iegs and feet and is good mover. Well bred tracing to such stallions as Brunstone Again, Dunure Foot, Hiawatha and Pride of Blacon. Terms to insure foal $15.00. Oscar Cox, Unionville, Owner. “GOVERNMENT TUBERCULIN” Tested Dairy Cows, Pure-breds and Grades. Bred for type and produc- tion, Sixty Dollars and up. Free de- livery on truck loads, compensation certificates accepted as collateral. Sixty day re-test guaranteed. Murco Farms, Lindsay, Ont. Telephone 1352 Lindsay, Ont. HOUSE, eight rooms, frame, in Maple, well decorated, electric, hard and soft water, new furnace, cement cellar, small garden and fruit trees. Apply Mrs. Alfred Rumble, White- vale, phone Markham 5502. STOVES AND FURNACES. Repair- ed and exchanged. Repairs for Oil Burners, Stoves and Furnaces. ‘Blow- ers installed. R. H. Kane, 74 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, phone 92F. REBUILT CREAM SEPARATORS, fully guaranteed; also Electric Wash- ers. Terms or cash. Will deliver. Ap- ply J. N. Mighton, 145 Ronan Ave., North Toronto. SET OF BOWLS, one pair Scotch Lawn Bowls, good as new, cheap for cash. John E. Harris c/o J. E. Har- ris & Son, Woodbridge. THREE BURNER oil stove, with oven, Gurney-Oxford, new burners, good condition, reasonable. Apply 28 Yonge Street, phone 66. BIRD BATHS, thirty inches diamet- er, cement, at $7.50;'also cement re- inforced lily tubs five ft. diameter at $15.00. E. Beemer, Langstaff. TWO SOWS with young pigs. Apply Walter Reaman, phone Maple 1564. DINING-ROOM TABLE, carved legs, $5.00. Apply Liberal Office, Rich- mond Hill. SAND & GRAVEL, Cement blocks, buildings raised. John Jarvis. Rich- mond Hi1]. telephone 94M. W. Morrison, Oxford Street, Elgin Mills, phone Richmond Hill 90F. GARAGE AND CHOPPING MILL at Maple. Will sell cheap. Owner leav- ing town. Apply Box 91, Liberal Office. Monday, June lst. SEED POTATOES, Dooleys, Apply But many a man thinks he is a conservative when he is just too lazy to give a darn. ACME ELECTRIC MANGLE 27 inch Apply Mrs. G. Beynon, Jefferson. for the transaction of General Business J. B. McLEAN, Clerk DATED at Maple this 28th day of May. The regular June ' meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Haié. Vellore Vaughan Council . “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 celts for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extr- each insertion IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Stock Register Classified Advs. FOR SALE lPAINTING and docorating, best of lworkmanship, estimates gladly given. 7T. A. Cole, Richmond Hill, c/o T. A. ,Ransom, Yonge Street and Vaughan (Road. ‘ Tenders will be received for the interior painting of High and Public Schools. Specifications can be ob- tained from F. N. Hopper, Chairman Property Committee. All tenders to- be mailed to the Secretary, R. S. Cooper, by June lst, 1936. The low- est or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. THURSDAY, MAY 28th, 1936 STRAYEDâ€"Pony strayed from preâ€" mises on Wednesday. Reward. H. J. Mills. Richmond Hill, telephone 37 or 50. MEN FOR FARM. Do you want a man for work on farm. If you do, get in touch with the Relief Officer for Markham and Vaughan Township, A. V. Orr, Unionville or Maple. TO RENT, Six room house on Rose- view Avenue, conveniences. Apply J. Hickson, 8 Rosevtew Avenue. LOIST on the Fair grounds on Mon- day, May 25th, blue Cloisonne and silver bracelet, valued as keepsake. Reward. Apply at The Liberal Off- ice. FORD COACH, model T, 1927 pre- ferred. Apply J. Donaldson, Stop 23, Yonge Street. QUANTITY OF good quality feed oats for cash. Apply to B. R. Leech, Leechwood Farm, 3rd con. Markham, phone Thornhill 181-22. WELLS dug and cleaned, pumps re- paired, water located, cement cisterns built, fencing wire and rail. A. Jones, COTTAGE, 5 rooms, frame, with large garden, possession June lst. Apply H. L. Whitmore, Maple R.R. No. 1. * SIX ROOM HOUSE, good cellar,. furnace, water and eleétric in the hofise, good garden and garage. Ap- ply I. D. Ramer, Richmond Hill. Used Cars HOUSES RAISED, moved etc. base- ments built. Phone Thornhil] 73. SIX ROOM HOUSE on Arnold St. Richmond Hill. 'Apply to P. G. Hill, Richmond Hill. APARTMENT, 6 rooms, modernr conveniences, in Richmond Hill. Ap- ply T. H. Trench, phon'e Richmond Elgin Mills, telephone Richmond Hill 1021‘22. Hill 175W. 1935 FORD V-8 STANDARD TUDOR Small Mileage. 1931 ESSEX COUPEâ€"Excellent con- dition. _2 1930 FORD CABRIOLET â€" Rumble Seat. 1929 NASH COUPEâ€"Deluxe Model. All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 day! Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO MISCELLA NEOUS R. s. COOPER, TENDERS $665.00 T0 RENT STRAYED $225.00 WANTED $225.00 $585.00 $175.00 Sec. Board of Education. LOST

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