Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 May 1936, p. 5

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BUTTONVILLE MILLS FEED FLOUR SALT also MAR-MILL and MERIT PRODUCTS for Poultry, Cattle & Hogs Chopping and Rolling daily 6c. bag AUBREY STEPHENSON Phone Agincourt 21-r-12 Nothing on earth can smile huf mun! Gems may flash refleoferl lights but What is a diamond flash comnared with an eve-flash and a mirth flash? Flowers cannot smile: this is a charm that even fhev can- ‘not claim. It is the prerogative of man; it is the color which love weai's‘ and cheerfulness and joyâ€"these three. It is a light in’ the windows of 'the face, by which the heart signi- fies it is at home and waiting. A face cannot smile like a‘bud that 'can- not ‘blossom and dries up on the stalk. Laughter is day: and sobriety is night, and a smile in the twilight that hovers gently between ’bothâ€" more bewitching than either. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING an soon as possm'b'le so that rinks mav bu chosen. Mr. Th'os. Duncan is cz‘retaker of the (heavy whirh is classed as one of the ‘best {11 the district. , The Lawn anlinz Club opened the season informally ‘by ‘hax’Iing a members friendly game on Monday 11‘ st. An attrac‘t‘ive sc'he‘du'le'has'been arranged for the coming season and it is desired that enrolment be made And of course there, i: 0:in one place that you are nlanning to 2’0 on Friday evening: of fhis week and that is to hear the illustrated lec- ture given by Toll Brothers 'in the Township Hall when they \fill re- late in an unusually inferesting man- ner their exner’ience: “Hifch-Hikine: round the World.” The Boy Scoufe ‘will be watching 'for won and will appreciate your attendance. ‘Make. it your “One good him for the dav.” A. C. HENDERSON Announcement is made of special services 'tofbe held in Central United Church on Sundav next. At the morning serv’icefPev, Gemge Waugh, representing the 'Temherance ‘F‘ederâ€" ation will be in charge and a spe- cial women’s se/rv'ice Will be held in the evening when 1711's. J. R. sol-eman of Toronto will 'be fhe guest speaker with Ux'b‘r'idge Ladies’ Qiiai‘f'ette of- fering special] musical seler‘fions A cordial inv’itafion is given to attend these services. The let Annual Meeting of Sec- tion 5 Toronto Presbvterial W M.S. will.convene in St. Andrew’s Pres- byterian Church, Markham, on Fri- day next, with morning and after- noon sessions, commencing at 10 am. and 2.15 p.m. respectively (Standard Time). The Veteran missionaries of note, Dr. Jonathan Goforth and Mrs. Goforth will bring insnirational‘mesâ€" sages and Mrs. A. C.‘ Stewart, Presi- dent of Toronto PreSbyterial will al- so be in attendance. The musical part of the program will be in charge of Miss Mary Tully. organist 0‘ St. Andrew’s Church. with Miss Mary Tully and Mrs. 'W. 3’. Russell, so'loâ€" ists. A cord’ia‘l inv'i'ration is given to attend this splendid meeting. The Liberal joins with the many friends in offering: congratulations on this very happy occas'i'o‘n. Station Street, a quiet unassuming avenue of our village, where dwell the people of the golden hearts, has won for itself a far mOre distinctive name and should be known as Golden Wedding Boulevard. Since during the past five years no less than four Golden weddings have been celebrat- ed. The honored folk include Mr. and Mrs. R. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. E. Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lunau and the fourth added when Mr. [and Mrs. J. L. Chant will be honored by many friends on a similar occasion. Mr.‘ and Mrs. Chant are time honored citizens of Lakefield and this com- munity and will hold a reception dur- ing the afternoon and evening on Monday, June lst. the anniversary of that happy day fifty years ago. Charies Graham AGENT MASSEY HARRIS Farm Imjalements. Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 13247 THURSDAY, MAY 28th, 1936 WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRIC? Thornhill, Ontario Hot Water Heating and General repairs. â€"â€"â€"Henry Ward Beec’hen A S'MTUE 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 7.30 p.m.â€"â€"Public Worship. BE'I‘HESDA LUTHERAN CHURC} St. Philip’s Anglican Church 10 a..m.â€"â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer. 1.30 p.m.â€"Church School. 2.30 p.m.â€"Rev. George Waugh Pastor, Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"Rev. George Waugh, Rep. of Temperance Federation. 7 p.m.â€"Special Women’s Service Mrs. J. R. Solomen. Uxbridge Lad ies’ Quartette. VERSE FOR THE KIDDIES Rain “It’s raining cats and dogs,” I’ve heard my daddy say; I’d like to catch just one of each And bring them in to play. I’ve carried out a tub And left it in the wet,â€" Then watched and watched all mornâ€" ing long.... But haven’t caught one yet. Fleur Conkling } Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mfiner were called in to Toronto on account of the serious illness of Miss Gladys Milner in St. John’s Homital. Pineapple Marshmallow Min 1 fresh Pineapple, 1/2 pound marsh- mallows, % cup fruit sugar, 1/; p'int whinping cream. ' Shred or dice pineapple, cut mars‘h-‘ mallows in pieces, combine with su-‘ gar. Let stand over night. Next day add Whipped cream. Chill. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rae motored to Buffalo over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Duffield snent the holiday \at Big Cedar Po'inte. Miss Effie Stiver and 'Miss Aileen Lunau of Toronto spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stiver. Mr. and Mrs. T. Burnett and Mr. and Mrs. E. Dixon were Toronto vis- itors on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Russell spent the week-end at Hawk’s La'ke. We regret to report ‘Iittle Murray Summerfeldt quarantined with Scar- let Fever. Miss May Stonehouse-an'd'Mr. Ross Stonehouse visited their aunt, Mrs. Wilson at Rochester, NY.,'last week. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH Miss Marion Warne spent Wed- nesday in Uxbridge. Mr. Percy Stiver and Mr. ’Howard .Qh'ver had a successfu'l (‘?) fishing hi“ to Hall’s Lake over the week- end. Mr. J. Brown and family holidayed at Belmont Lake over 'the week-end. A FAVORITE TESTED RECTPE Mrs. C. H. Stiver, Misses Helen and Dorothy Stiver and Miss Mary Harper spent the week-end at Pow Pow Point, Lake of Bays. Mr. Rae Wet and family of To- ronto spent the week-end With Mrs. Henry Miller. The W. M. S. of Central United Church held 9 succeszu'l quilting in fhe Sum‘m' SP‘WOI room on Tuesday. Three nuilfs were comnleted and a splendid curmiv bale was backed. Re". F. N. Bowes of Willowdéle occurind the pulpit of Central ‘Uni‘tâ€" Pd C'wrch on Sunday morning last, Rev. Owen preaching “m WiIIOWdale. The many friends of Mr. C. Hag- erman will regret to Team that he is seriously in in Toronto. Mrs. Mrs. J. Mrs. A‘ ed Mrs day. Mrs. Bowles of Toronto snent the week-end with her aunt, Miss Ara- be‘h Hemingway. Mrs. Ida Gray of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coulson of Oshawa weror guests of Mrs. D. Coulson on Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Phillins of Toronto were guests of Mrs. F. Boad- way on the holiday. K Mrs. Thos. Hprrv of Tm'onto visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrington last week. Reid; 3rd Vice-President, Mrs. Osca‘ Cox; Secretary - treasurer, Jane” Fh‘ench; ‘ A‘ss’t Sec.-treas., Jame‘ Brown; , District Director, Dre“ Kelly; Prefss Sec’y. Mrs. Chas. Hoor‘ er; Pianist, Mrs. R. Brillinger; Ass” Pianist, Janet Brown: Branch Direo tors. Mrs. Hill. Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Clarlr Song- Leader. Mrs. J. McQuay: Audi tors. Mrs. Thompson, Cora Hooner' Week Committee, Mrs. Kerr. Mrs Hill, Drew Kelly.«Mrs. McGimnsev Mrs. Fierheller, Mrs. Clark: Socia1 ’Mrs. G. Kellv. Jr.. Mrs. Fierheller Mrs. D. Brown, Della S'tenhenson Mrs. Kerr. Mrs. C. Burr. The da"r of meeting: has been changed to the third Wednesday in the mo‘nth. Mrs ’Mrs Mrs Mrs CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH At the annual meeting of the Bu‘ tonville Women’s Institute the fol" owing officers were elected for th ensuing year: President, Drew Kelly lst Vice-President, Jessie Thomp son; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. 1" Reid; 3rd Vice-President, Mrs. Osca‘ Bruce Muirhead of Toronto, Mufrhead of Hagerman and Grant Sr.. of Wexford visit- M. C. Sommerville on Mon- VETERANS’ NOTICE The monthly meeting of the aughan and Richmond Hill Veterans vill be held on Tuesday, June 2nd ‘t the Municipal Hall at 8.30 11.111. ?usiness. Election of officers. W. J. Trussel’l, Secretary. AUXILIARY MEETING The regular meeting of the W0- nen‘s Veterans Auxiliary will be held m Tuesday, June 2nd at 2.30 p.m. in he Municipal Hall. All members Lre urgently requested to be present. VORK BIBLE CLASS ORCHESTRA A special feature of the United "ihurch Anniversary next Sunday ev- ‘ning will be the York Bible Class 3rchestra, better known as Denton ‘Vlassey’s Bible Class. About forty members of the Orchestra are ex- ‘ected to be present. TRUMPET BAND TO PLAY IN TORONTO Richmond Hill Trumpet Band has been engaged to play for the annual parade of the Mount Pleasant Busiâ€" ness Men’s Association which Will be held in Toronto Monday evening, lune lst. A number of ladies of the vil‘age attended 3. Rally of the neighbouring Societies of the W.M.S. of the Unit- ed Church at Laskay this afternoon. Miss Evelyn Follett is attendilw the annual meeting: of the Women’s Missionary Society of the United Church bf Canada which is l‘einq held in Emmanuel College, Toronto, this week and next. The opening night of the local Lawn Bowling Club will be held next Wednesday, June 3rd. The greens will be in good condition, and every- body Will be welcome. A special in- vitation is extended to the ladies Plan to attend. The many friends of Mrs. D. Rea- man who underwent an operation for {appendicitis in Wellesley Hospitai, | . ‘Toronto, a couple of weeks ago Will be delighted to hear her progress is most satisfactory. The village is glad to welcome back to Richmond Hill an old former resident in the person of Mr. James Wright of Regina who is here on a visit. “Jim” as he is familiarly call- ed has been renewing old acquaint- ances and making new ones and his many friends have been glad to see him. He will return to Regina next week. Miss R. Rumble wishes to an- nounce that during the summer months the Hillcrest Beauty Parlor will be closed every Monday after- noon but will be open on Wednes- days. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Elson accomâ€" nanied by Mrs. Telford and Mr. and Mrs. Strong, all of Dutton, and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Elson of Guelph spent the holiday with Mrs. Elson, Rose- view Avenue. Mr. A. E. McLean of Toronto vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Cooper over the week-end and holiday. Mrs. H. Hewison of Toronto spent a few days the past week with Mrs. William Cook, Church Street. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, Benson Avenue, spent a most pleasant week end visiting Mrs. Edward’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F‘urler at Niagara Falls. On their trip they enjoyed to the full the wonderful blossoms of the Niagara district. ‘ A., was a luncheon a ed Church Miss Emily Moyle of Didsbury, Alta, visited this week with Miss A. Moyle, North Yonge Street. Col. W. P. Mulock, K.C‘, I‘:I.P., took "a. respite from sessional duties at Ottawa and spent the Empire Day week-end at his home. On Monday he attended the Richmond Hill Fair and along with Morgan Baker, M.L. A., was a guest at the Director’s luncheon at the Richmond Hill Unit- Mr. A. J. H. Eckhardt of Toronto 'Ias,among those who visited the Fair on Monday. Miss Helen Burnett of T( 'ormerly of Richmond ,Hill, 'isitor at the Fair on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Beresford nd Jean of Toronto spent the holiâ€" ‘ay with Mr. and Mrs. J. Beres- 0rd. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Steeper, Mrs. Vrightman and daughter. Miss Elsie 'teeper, Mrs. W. Ross, of Mount Al- ert, Miss Jean Draper. Mr. Bill Iichards, Miss Helen Dunn, Mr. and Its. H. B. Ross and son, of Toronto sited Mr fonday. Social and Personal THE LIBERAL, RICEMOND HILL, ONTARIO and Mrs. J. F. Burr on Toronto, was a ni‘AVlVDflDfl“ ' DID" V [I (DP Anniversarv sevvices will be 1“9] at Richmond Hill TTnited Chim‘h 9"" riav. Mpv 3151:. l“ 11 a.m. Brigadier Noah Pitcher of the Salvation Armv staff will be the guest sneaker and the feature of the service will be the ank Bible Class orchestra of forty pieces. S. Cook, Holland Landing, who was assisting Thompson, suffered leg in- juries and was treated by Dr. L. R. Marwood, Thornhill. Provincial Off- icei' Gilbert Robertson investigated. Thompson at the time of the acci- dent Was operating a machine which is used to set white lines on the cen- tre of the pavement, and the car was proceeding southward at the time, Gavard being on his way to Toronto from North Bay. Coroner Dr. J. P. Wilson, who was notified, had the body removed to Wright and Tay- lor’s Funeral Parlors, and an inquest was ordered. Gavard was taken to the Jail Farm on a charge of manslaughter, with bail set at $5,000. WWKMAN KILLED 0N YONGE STREET Toby Thompson, married, of H01- land Landing, employed by the De- partment of Public Highways, was instantly killed Wednesday afternoon when struck by a car driven by Alex. Gavard, St. Catharines, some dist- ance south of Richmond Hill on Yonge Street. The important meeting of the club called for Wednesday night has been postponed until next Monday even- ing at 8 pm. If you want to see bowling activities carried on this summer please make a special effort to attend this meeting. The official opening of the local club will take place next Wednes- day evening. Everyone invited to turn out. Ewart Pindei- of Aurora Wednes- day night was elected President of the Federation of Young Canada Conservative Clubs at the annual convention in the Royal York Hotel. He suc‘ceeds Gordon Graydon of Peel, retiring President. HARRY TROWELL’S I."CKY STAR SHINING THIS WEEK Lady Luck was smiling generously this week on one of Richmond Hill’s business men. Saturday night Harry P. Trowell won a beautiful handâ€" made hooked/rug‘ on a lucky number draw and on Victoria Day won the registered wire haired terrier on the lucky number draw at the dog show. The pup was valued at $25.00. HEADS YOUNG CONSERVATIVES BARN DANCE Let‘s Goâ€"Lookâ€"Big Barn Dance at John Hainings, 1«% miles north of Lansing side‘road on con. 4, York Township Thursday, June 11th at 8 p.m., S.T. Modern and old time danc- ing. Oat Harvesters orchestra, Lloyd Johnston floor manager. Admission 25c. Refreshments. E"ei'ybody wel- come. UNITED CHURCH W. A. The regular meeting of the Unit- ed Church Women’s Association will be held at the home of Mrs. A. G. Savage on Tuesday afternoon, June 2nd, at 3 o’clock. Gl‘asses that suit you is what you want. You may have your choice of our guaranteed “DE- LUKE’S” gold-filled rimless mounting or frame, latest shapes, plus best quality single vision Toric lenses. F. E. LUKE & SON Manicure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hair Cut . . . . . . . . . . . . . Child’s hair cut . . . . . . . . (Liberal Office Building) Telephone 9 For Appoint- ments We Invite Your Patronage 35 Yonge Street, Finger Wave . . . . . . . . . . . 40c. Shampoo & Finger Wave 50c. Matcel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c. Shampoo & Marcel . . . . 50c. Oil Croquinole Permanent $2.00 Other Permanents at . . . . . . $1.50, $3.50 & $5.00 Opposite Simpson’s â€" Take Elevator Hillcrest Beauty Parlor RUTH RUMBLE, Prop. PRICE LIST ANNIVERSA 9" SERVICES For Day or Evening Appélntment Phone EL. 4820 RICHMOND HILL 163 YON GE ST. SPECIAL BOWLING NOTES Including Examination 230. 25c. 15c. The entire production is one of extreme beauty and charm, sheer delight to eye and ear. A picture not to be missed. " MON. â€" TUES. â€" WED. THREE DAYS JUNE 1 - 2 - 31 JEANETTE MACDONALD -â€"- NELSON EDDY in ‘ Very entertaining comedy drama. Considerany above the average The sort that will please all. It is a picture for dog lovers. A beautifully made picture, tender, sweet, appealing. A refreshing farcical comedy replete with suspense and delightfuB humor. ~ FRIDAY & S:\TURDAY,‘, MAY~ 29 - 30 TWO FEATURES} LIONEL BARRYMORE â€"- ERIC LINDEN in. Royam'aeatreAURORA Two Shows Daily -â€"â€" 7.5: HOWARD & BAILEY GARAGE “"7...V.. Pure Orange Marmalade, large jar . . . . . . . . . . . Ideal Sweet Mixed Pickles, large family bottle . . Special Blend Tea, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adanac Pastry Flour, 7 lb. bag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Red Coat Salmon, 2 large tins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Durham Corn Starch, 2 pkg. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pure White Honey, pail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NO ORDER T00 SMALL. NONE TOO BIG SPECIAL DELIVERY ON SATURDAY LAYER CAKES, e’ach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : DATE COOKIES, 2 doz. for . . . . . . . . . Try Our Raisin, Nut, and Cherry Loaf, Adanac Orange Pekoe Tea, 5’2 lb. pkg. PEACHES, large tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AYLMER TOMATOES, large squat tin . Raspberry or _S_trawb_er_ry Jam, large jar HITCH HIKING ROUND THE WORLD FRIDAY. MAY 29. 8 pm. Standard Time under the ausnice: of the BULL DOG BOY SCOUT TROUP ADULTS 25c. CHILDREN 15c. ALSO Richard Arlen â€" Dudley Digges -â€"â€" Charles McNaughton in A Thrilling illustrazted Travel Story of _a Year’s Wand- erings in Twenty-seven Countries NEW MANAGEMENT VALVES AND CARBON $2.00 PER CYLINDER We are now in 2d position to offer you complete repair service at very moderate prices TO-DAY â€"- THURSDAY EDMUND GWYNN â€" MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN in “THE VOICE OF BUGLE ANN” “THE BISHOP MISBEHAVES” RINGS INSTALLED $2.00 PER CYLINDER Green Flash Gasoline and Crowh Dominion Products TOWNSHIP HALL, UNIONVILLE Eresenfed h" Ellsworth and LeRov T0" at the “THREE LIVE GHOSTS” NOTICE Keep Your Eye on KERR BROS. SPECIALS AT 100 YONGE STREET NOW UNDER “ROSEMARIE” 30 & 9.30 â€" Sat. Matinee 2.00 13.113, LOOK PAGE FIVE 15c; and each 25c. 25c. 11c.

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