NEW DODGE priced from Agent for FAMOUS Pï¬ï¬ï¬sâ€"THWIRE FE COUNTY OF YORK PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the As- Iessment Roll for the Township of Markham will be held in Township Hall, Unionville, on Monday, June 131., 1936 st 10 o’clock an. to hear and adjudicate upon all com- plaints against the Assessment Roll of the Municipality of the Township of Markham for the said year 1936. All parties interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. _ CHARLES HOOVER, " Clerk of the said Municipality. Unionville, May 11th, 1936. TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM Max Boag and his 8-piece Orch- estra ADMISSION 25c. plus tax P. ASH, Proprietor SATURDAY, JUNE 6thâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements etc. the property of S. G. Thomas, lot 17, con. 3, North York twp. at Ori- ole, 2% miles east of Lansing. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Prentice & Plentice, Auctioneers. Public Enemy No. 1: Any ignor- ant bum who would be a petty thief if he didn’t have a gun. A free man is one who cusses law- ‘ makers and yet thinks an innocent! act wrong if they say it is. I VICTORIA SQUARE Mr. and Mré. 0. L. Heise, Mr. W. B. heise and Miss Stella Heise are leaving on Thursday to attend Gen- eral Conference in the Sunflower State. 7“I «mow Beach Dance Gardens DANCE Court of Revision? MODERN AND OLD TIME WILCOX LAKE FRIDAY, MAY 29th POULTRY FEEDS â€"â€" DAIRY FEEDS BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES To Farmersâ€"Get our prices on all the best grades of Seed Corn, also Mange] and Turnip Seed Poultry Feeds I. D. Ramer 8180 n New Low Spring Prices on Anthracite Coal Public Attention SALE REGISTER PAGE E [GH'I YONGE STREET Now is the time to order next winter’s supply of fuel and save many dollars. MASTER STARTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.40 per c MASTER GROWING 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 per c RED HEAD EGG MASH, 171/z% .. $2.05 per c‘ MASTER LAYING, 20% . . . . . . . . . . . $2.20 per c MASTER DEVELOPING GRAIN . . . . $1.65 per c' MASTER 3 GRAIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 per c 0. A. C. STARTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.30 per 0 0. A. C. GROWING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.95 per c‘ Cash Prices at our warehouse or 5 bags delivered at same price. PHONE 10 Municipality of the WILFRED R. DEAN THE LOWEST PRICES FOR MANY YEARS PHONE THORNHILL 54J SPECIALS JR. 2ndâ€"D0nald Maynard, Myrna tCoulson, Jeanne Norton, Marilyn St. John, Ben Smart, Marjorie Latimer, lMurray Roberts, Joyce Cooper, Elea- gnor Noble, Madeline Wright, William jSt. John, James Mowbray, Ronald Norton. APRIL SCHOOL REPORT OF UNIONVILLE SCHOOL A. M. Hill, Principal Charles Norris. Junior Room Sr. 4thâ€"He1en Watson, Jack Kirk, Sidney Dymond, Robert Sanderson, Gwen Brown, Phyllis Parkinson, Eli- nor Wilton, Jean Watson, Bill Dy- mond, Viola Benton, Doreen Perkin, Eldrid Milne, Jack Clements, Mona Sabiston, Richard Maynard, Howard IStiver. | JR. 4th â€" Jack Watson, John [Thompson, Eileen Stiver, Bernice An- derson, Donald Stiver, Kenneth Stiâ€" ver, Nina Robson, Stuart Campbell, Marion MacIntosh, Lily Hawkins, Myrl Smith, Helen Ogden, Muriel Penstone, Douglas Ogden, Naomi Robson, Velda Perliin, Wesley Clem- ents, James lSabiston. Payne. SR. PR.â€"Sonny Rae, Dean Find- lay, Murray Summerfeldt, Eva JR. 3rdâ€"Marein Stiver. Douglas Trull, Hazel Norton, Lorne Brook- field, Nancy Rae, Doris Coulson, Harold Roberts, Fred St. John, Bill Kirk, Betty Rae, Gloria Allan, Myr- tle Latimer, Clara Connell, Roy Min- ton, Betty Ogden, Russell Allan, Rus- sell Meming'way, Janet Sabiston. SR. 2ndâ€"Irene Coulson, Phyllis Roberts, Jean Martin, Bud Morden, Tressa Smith. Alan Sanderson, Daphne Dymond, Oscar Cox, Gordon Norton, Teddy Hiltz, Chas. Heming- way, Donald Dukes, Victor Blough. SR. 3rdâ€"Betfy Watson, Marjorie Roberts, Keith Connell, Lmetta Rain- ey, Charles Minton, Douglas Parkin- son, Helen Penstone, Norman Allan, Glen Kennedy, Jean Sanderson, Chas. Coulson, Ralph St. John, Rosie Ben- ton, Estelle Brown, Barbara Cooper, Bruce Pellatt. JR. 3rdâ€"Marein Stiver, Douglas WALWINâ€"At York County Hospi- tal, Newmarket, on Tuesday, May 26’ to Mr. and Mrs. George Walwin, ‘a daughter. BIRTHS KERRâ€"At Richmond Hill, Thursday, May let, to Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Kerr (nee Mary Kirkland) a daugh- ter. AT THE ELEVATOR UN IONVILLE THORNHILL urday in June l The regular monthlv meeï¬ng of 9+. Paul’s anen’e Missionarv So- oiptv was helrl at fhe home of MN. ‘Werb Farr. The nresidnnt. Mrs. .Tas. anhsnn. was in fhe chalr and the ‘rnll call was resuowlpd bv a verse‘ from a missionarv hvmn. 'M'r. ‘Row- man srmlm 6n the tonic “Formosa fhe ‘Reautifnl†and gave an excellent addrees. Mk: Grar-e Farah trams the cleanings frbm the Glad Tidings. MN. 0. Graham rendered an organ enlo. Lunch was served by the hos- tees' and committee. ‘ The Sevphl‘h annual reunion of fhe Vlad: and Camera" clan met at Vel- l’n-e on 'M'nnrlav. Mav 95141. The of- fivers for the coming year are as follows: Honnrarv Pres.. Mr. D. Mc- Kenzie. Woodbridge, Mr. John Black, Nashville. and Mr. Colin Cameron, Thistletown: President, Mr. John Cameron‘ Smithfield: First Viceâ€" President. Mr. Sam McClure, Woodâ€" bridge; Second Vice-President, Mr. T. W. Beamish, The Kingsway, Toron- to; Secretary, Mrs. C. Graham, Woodbridg‘e; Treasurer, Mrs. N. Black. Nashville. It was planned to hold the next re-union the first Sat- Mr. 971/1 Mrs. Arrkip (Tamar-on 9"†ï¬rm Archie snent Hm hn1iday with Mrs. Cameron’< mother, Mrs. Atche- so" of Dundalk. Conwafnlatinns are extpndefl 1-0 Mr. and Mr:.' S. Jones on the birth of a bahv hov. Simmd on behalf of the Charivari Commiftee and friends. Pete Craib and R011 Julian. Cantains. A number of Hm ("strict attended We Phkmonfl Hi1] Sn‘r‘inrr Fair on an 95m and rennrt a good fair and a Mr†attendance. W9 ask vou to accent thi: gift as a token. of our love and esteem for you. V AWe hone that fond‘ mpmories of Vellore mnv alwaÂ¥s be with you as you use them. Laurenaâ€"We greatly annreciafce the co-operation and Ieadershin vou have given us in this community. You have left a place verv hard to fill. But we recall that what is our loss is another’s gain. This may the communitv to which you have gone profit by it. Clarenceâ€"Though we know you onIv as a friend. we consider you a ma] friend and hope that you may always remain as such. To bofh of vou we extend our wish that true hanmnew and nrosneritv mav b9 vours in the many vears of wedded life that you may have to- gefler. The Camille Midgets Defeated l Richvale 7-5 2 By Carrville School Boy For the first time since the Carr- ’ville team started playing Richvale Ithey have played against a team of “their own size, but in many cases _not their own age. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Graham: We are gathered here to-nig‘ht to convey to ygy our best wishes. to Burton’s, just west of Yonge St.1 I Mormon-Cayman ' an ' A oretty spring wedding was sol- d give the boys a hand. emnized at 1318 home Oihthe\1Â¥ide,s, mother in mira, Mar am own- ship, on Saturday, May 16, when . Verda Esther, only daughter of Mrs. A large number of friends and N. Gayman, was united in marriage neighbours gathered at Vellore comâ€" to Clayton Arnold, son of Mr. and W111th hall on Friday evening to 1 Mrs. R. T. Mortson of Thornhill, Rev. honour the newly-weds. Mr. and Mrs. :John McEwen Officiating. The bride, Clarence Graham. The y0ung' folk'g'iven in marriage by her uncle, M_r. enJoved dancmz upstairs to music1J_ Cook, wore a gown of blue crepel sunnhed by Caledon East Orchestraiand carried Talisman r0ses. Miss while the older folk Dlayed euchre in l Marjorie Le'hman, as bridesmaid, the basement. Mr. Bert Peeler waslwore flowered chiffon and also car- in charge of progressive euchre and ried Talisman roses. Mr. B. Gay- the Dl‘lzes were W011 by Miss Mar- man. brother of the bride, attended garet Rumble and Mr, Stan Fosterithe groom, and Miss Luella Gayman while Mrs. Constable and Mr. F.]of Stouffville played the wedding Graham ‘Yon the CONSOlï¬tlon prizes. march. Following the wedding break- Peter Craib, Ernest Evans and Stew-IfaSt, Mr. and Mrs. Mortson left by art Rutherford called the "squares". l m0t0!‘ for a Short honeymoon befOl'e Before lunch a beautiful pair of reed returning t0_Th<)1‘llhl11 to live- chairs were presented to the hapnyi Garnett-Swan couple, Miss Jane McNeil reading the Thomhill Ullin ChuTCh. decorat- address while Miss Marion Phillins ed with lilacs and tulips, was the and Mr. Jim McDonald wade the pre- scene Of 3 Pretty WEdding 0n Sat“?~ sentation. Clarence and Laurena re- day afternoon, May 23, When Winni- plied in a few well chosen W0rds_ fred Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vellore, May 22,‘ 1936. Thomas Swan was united in mar- nvens (nu-1n": ,9 1|:,, The Carrville defence comprised of Harry Reid and Ray Burton made a stonewall defence. No doubt the Richvale boys are nursing sore spots, 'from bodychecks handed out from this pairâ€"some as clean as 1929 stock brokers. ' Bert Middleton, coach of Carrville protested when ‘Chuck‘ Hill persist- ed on playing Rolly Evans, an over- aged player. After the game they were rubbing- noses as of old. Jack Brockbank play- ed a bang-up game in goal and with George Adams were the pick of the losers. Stewart Stevens threatened to send Gordon Smith to the hospital but referee Bruce Wark held him off. Next game next Friday. Come Out to Burton’s, just west of Yonge St. and give the boys at hand. Scotty Johnson and the Richvale manager tangled, with Scotty gett- ing- in the only punch of the fight. When he sent George Adams on his regular trip to Mr. Dickenson, the penalty timekeeper, ‘Chuck’ Hill, the manager of Richvale, got hot around the gills, but soon cooled down. The Burton boys, Cleve and Harry, walked through the Richvale team on neat passing plays time after time only to miss the net or have Jack Brockbank pull off a save. Scotty Johnson, one of Richvale’s crack players, refereed the game, ably assisted by Bruce Wark of Carr- ville. Scotty did a good job favor- ing neither sidE: He penalized any- one for the slightest infraction of the rulesâ€"which are not many. CARRVILLE BEATS RICHVALE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO I from $849 up WIRE FENCE mmm) ILL After the ceremony a buffet lun- cheon was served at the home of the bride’s mother, Colborne St. Mrs. Swan received in silver grey lace over old rose and a corsag‘e of mauve and pink sweet peas. Mrs. Garnett, mother of the groom, received in figured crepe and a corsage of Talis- man roses and babv’s breath. Mr. and Mrs. Garnett will reside on Col- borne St., Thornhill. ‘ l The bride, who was given in mar- lriage by her brother Charles was beautifully gowned in white satin with short train, and her veil was of white tulle caught to a tulle cap with clusters of lily-of-the-valley. She carried an arm bouquet of mauve tulips and baby’s breath. Mrs. Har- Bld Dyball as matron of honor and Miss Lily Swan, bridesmaid, were gowned alike in old gold crepe with white accessories and carried bou- qu ts of mauve and White lilacs and pin tulips. Miss Jean Brillinger, another bridesmaid, wore pale blue hat and dress of georgette crepe and carried pink tulips and white lilacs. The groom was supported by Mr. Herbert Tomenson of Toronto and the usher was Mr. Harold Dvball. Garnett-Swan Thornhill United Church, decorat- ed with lilacs and tulips, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Satur- day afternoon, May 23, when Winni- fred Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swan was united in mar- riage to William Clifford, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Garnett of Lan- sing. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. E. Pugsley, pastor of the church. Miss Marguerite Echlin played the wedding music. Rev: D. Whatnough. who has been taking charge of the services at Trinity Anglican Church. during Rev. N. H. Noble’s illness, left last week to take u‘o duties at Penetang‘. Rev. Noble will be welcomed back to his pulpit in a short time. The local branch of the Women’s Institute met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. J. Pearson. Mrs. A. Armstrong, first viceâ€"president, pre- sided. The afternoon was taken up with business and arranging the pro- grams for 1935-36. Arrangements were also made for a number of members to attend the convention at Guelph in June. The hostesses were Mrs. G. Allison, Mrs. A. Armstrong, Is. A. Brillinger and Mrs. R. hompson. The regular monthly meeting- of the Women's Missionary Societv of the United Church will be held on Tuesdav, June 2nd at 3 o’clock in the Sunday School room. The presi- dent. Mrs. Wesley will be in charsre of tho nrogram. The bale of clothâ€" ing‘ will be packed next_week_. Miss Robinson of Peter-bore visited over the week-end with Misses Agnes and Marguerite Bo"le. Mr. and Mrs. L. Short, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ferguson. Miss Mabel Brill- inger and Mr. T. MacGregor, of To- ronto, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Brillinger. 'Crlrement of Richmond Hill and Mrs. Edith Luesby visited with friends in Minesing on Mon- day. Mrs Brown and Miss Eva Brown of Toronto visited on the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. B. Heaslop. Mr. Willard Simpson spent Sunday ï¬nd Monday with friends at Wallace oint. Mr. and Mrs. Connell. Mr. and Mrs. Morton and family spent the week-end and holiday at Mr. Con- nell’s cottage, at Keswick. Mr. McGregor and daughter of To- ronto visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dean and'family enjoved a holiday over the weekâ€"end at their cottage at Balsam Lake. Mrs. R. W. Wesley and son are spending this week at Mrs. Wesley’s home. Trenton. Successor to J. J.,Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE. ONTARIO Wilfrid R. Scott THORNHILL The 24th of May. the late beloved Queen Victoria’s Birthday, that was one of Canada’s most popular holi- days when every town, village and hamlet had its picnic with a long program of sports at which the youth contended while age looked on, seems to be only a memorv now. The day was as quiet as a Sunday in Wood- bridge. Some took advantage of the day and went on long- motor trips. There were a few home comings and a few visitors who made use of the parks. ' Woodbridge Women’s Institute Elect Officers Officers elected at the annual meet- ing‘ of the Senior Women’s Institute held at the home of Mrs. Edgar Brownlee on Tuesday. May 19 were: Honorary president, Mrs. Arthur Mc- Neil: president. Mrs. Russell Ward; lst vice-president, Mrs. H. N. Smith; 2nd viceâ€"president, Miss Lillian Bell; secretary, Mrs. D. C. Longhouse; asâ€" sistant secretary, Mrs. Edgar Brown- lee: treasurer, Mrs. John Gillan: Di- rectorsâ€"Mill Lillian McNeil, Mrs. An attendance that filled the Or- ange Hall to capacity on Thursday and Friday nights of last Week en- joyed the three act comedy entitled “Sonny-Jane†presented by the Young People’s Society of the United Church with a cast that included Misses Mary McLean, Mary Tavles, Agnes McCallum, Dora Hendry, Laura McCluskey, Jessie Watson, Marie Allen. Messrs. Jack Boddy, Floyd Hendry. Alf. Kaiser and Clair Bush. In/ addition to the comedy music was supplied by Mrs. A. E. Kearney and Pat Barrett. Directors of the play were Mrs. W. E. Berry and Mrs. W. E. Hutchison with W. R. Scott as business manager. Wedding Anniversaries Celebrated A double wedding anniversary was celebrated. at the home of Mrs. C. Lougheed and Mrs. George Tavles. No. 7 Highway, on Saturday evening of last week when the immediate family and a number of close friends assembled to do honor to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tayles of Pine Ridge, married 39 years. and their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Wilcox, married 15 years. Both couples were the recipients of many suitable gifts. Progressive euchre was played and prizes were won by Mrs. Uppington, George Tayles. Mrs. C. Lougheed and Bobbie Graham. Lunch was served at the close. ance Toronto Gore Agricultural Society may well feel proud of the success attained as a result of the society’s efforts to make what is known. as Claireville Fair one of outstanding merit, for each year it does seem to improve. The show of live stock was creditable and a marked improve- ment in dairy cattle was noticed by the large attendance of spectators who assembled from distant parts of York, Peel and Halton Counties. Vaughan, King and Markham Town- ships were well represented. Those from King were Norman McMurchy, Charles M‘alloy of Aurora; from Vaughan B. Weldrick, George Bagg, A. A. McKenzie, Alfred Bagg; from Markham, J. M. Torrance and Bert Reid. The fair Was opened by Hon. Duncan Marshall, Minister of Agri- culture, who commended the officers of the society for providing such an attractive exhibition. Mrs. Mary Fairgrieves accompan- ied by her sister Mrs. A. Carroll of Mitchell, returned to her home, 8th Avenue, following a visit with friends in Pickering. Claireville Fair Has Large Sonny-Jane Comedy Presented BY Repair that LeakyRoof 1 Ply Roofing $1.59 roll 2 Ply Roofing $1.89 roll 3 Ply Roofing $2.19 roll INCLUDING NAILS and CEMENT Asphalt ropf coating 89c. gal. Slate Surface Shingles and Roofing F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE PHONE 18 WOODBRIDGE DISTRICT NEWS RICHMONB HILL HARDWARE Attend - Farmers! Attention! John Dix, Mrs. Alex Marnock, Mrs. Garfield Farr, Mrs. W. 0. Duncan, Mrs. Andrew Shaw, Mrs. John Kel- lam and Mrs. James Elliott. Social committeeâ€"Mrs. John Dalziel, Mrs. Wm. Fleming, Mrs. Arthur Hollings- head, Mrs. Edgar Brownlee, Mrs. G. W'. Bagg and Mrs. John Dix. Pianist, Mrs. Duncan; musical committek Mrs. George Shaw, Mrs. Marnock, Mrs. A. W. Farr, Mrs. H. N. Smith. Relief committeeâ€"Miss McNeil and Mrs. George Elliott; flower commit- teeâ€"Mrs. Boyle Kellam and Mrs. Isaac Fletcher; district director, Miss Lillian McNeil. It; was announced that, owing to illness, Miss Mary J. Burton, who served as secretary for 26 years, was forced to resign. Will insure your Car for $10,!- 000-$20,000 Public Liability and $1000 Property Damage in one of Canada’s strong companies. I also sell Fire, Accident, Liabil- ity and Burglary. A Telephone Call or Post Card will bring me to your home at once. All kinds of conveyancing done A hick town is a place where a school teacher isn’t coming back next year because she flunked a promin< ent citizen’s dull son. E CHICK HATCHERY THURSDAY, MAY 28th, 1936 Ed. W. Brown LEONARD SHOULDICE and his mother, Mrs. W. J. Shouldiige, Shallow Lake, Ontario, went m- to partnership on the pbulbr'y end of the farm business this spring and ordered 1,000 Barred Rock Chicks. Not only ordered 1,000 ~â€" but RAISED 1,000. The 15 “extras†completely covered their losses. At ,9 weeks. 28 of the biggest cockerels averaged 2% lbs. At 10 weeks they sold 200 morg oockerels â€" averaging 21/2 lbs. “We never had chicks live and grow like this before,†says Mrs. Shouldice. That’s what a great many peo- ple have said after raising Bray Chicks. We believe it’s what YOU’LL say, too. With high vitality, fast grow- ing, early maturing stock of that kind, there is no reason why June chicks should not develop into profit makers. 0n the other hand, for June chicks to develop into profit makers you NEED high vitality, fast growing, early maturing chicks of that kind â€" the Bray kind. Our special “end of season†prices are most at- tractive. Fred W. BRAY Limited BOUGHT 1,000 RAISED 1,000 BRAY CHICKS 2385 Dufferin St., Toronto Phone KEnwood 6805 WOODBRIDGE Telephones 13Wâ€"13J $8.65 WE DELIVER