Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Jun 1936, p. 4

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On Saturdav evening friends in T'eston and vicinitv held a min-el- 1aneous shower for Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Bice at the home of the bride’s parenN Mr. and Mrs. E. Downing of Vellore. '1‘th Mceived many beautiful and useful gifts. Bice-Downing The wedd‘ng of Ethel Hazel May Downing, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Downing of Vellore to Reginald Ellwood Bice, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Bice of King Citv was solemnized in Teston United Church on May 20. The church was nicely decorated and Rev. D. Davis officiated with Mrs. W. Williamson at the organ. To the strains of the wedding march the wedding party entered the church. The bride given in marriage by her brother Lester looked charming in a long gown of white satin. the sleeves were long and full and the bodice fashioned with a high neckline. The skirt was a full flare. She wore the veil of her sister of bridal net caught at the head with a wreath of orange blossoms. Her bouquet was talisman roses and babv’s breath. The brides- maids were Miss Mar" Downing sisâ€" ter of the bride and Miss Mary Bice sister of the groom. The former was in pale blue zeorg‘ette and white ac- cessories. and the latter in rose creoe with white accessories. Both carried a bouauet of sweet peas with 3 Ear- land of white lilacs around the head. Mr. Walter Downing brother of the bride sunported the groom. During the signing of the register the choir same “0 Father all (‘reatingf’ A wedding supper followed at the home of the bride’s parents at Vellore. Mrs. Downing- welcomed the quests in a dress of wine crene with gap denias at the neck. while Mrs. Rice assisted in a white crene ensamhle. About 45 attended the supner. Later the bridal couple left on a short mot- or trip the bride travellino: in navy| blue with white accessories. I Mofiait Eiectric Range Notice to Richmond Hi“ Electric Light Users F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE PHONE 18 HARDWARE p All local dealers are coâ€"op’erating in this campaign and this offer applies to the purchase of a stove made from any dealer. To any electric light customer in Richmond Hill who purchases and installs for use an electric range, your local commission will bear the cost of changing from a two wire to a three wire service. Cook by electricity â€"‘It’s C00] â€" It’s Cheap â€" It’s Efficient. ' The Richmond Hill Electric Commission is co-oper- ating in the Electric Range Campaign sponsored by the Ontario Hydro, and for a limited period makes the following very special offer. .. Priced from $84.00 up. . Now is an opportune time to purchase an electric range. If you are contemplating taking advant- age of the special Hydro offers now in effect, let us have the opportunity of demonstrating these stoves to you. PAGE FOUR We Sell the Famous VELLORE Richmond Hill Electric Commission, James McLean, Chairman. vices -The United Church Sunday School is planning to hold anniversary ser- vices on Sunday, June 14th. Music will be supplied by Dovercourt Sal~ vhtion Army prs’ Band in the morning, and the Peaches Quartette in the evening. A special Sunday School choir will assist at both ser- The late Mrs. Orr after a long illness passed away last week. Funâ€" eral was held to the Maple cemetery on Saturday. Mrs. Orr was among the oldest residents of this district. Sympathy is extended to the family. Maple Big Amateur Night will be held in Maple Community Hall on Friday evening. Come old and young to_r_)ut _on your stunts. Why not take in the Y.P.U. Steam- er Cruise on Saturday. The Vlaughan H‘ownship Associa- tion held its annual cinvention on Wednesday afternoon and evening in Elia United Church. Mr. Morley Kinnee was re-elected President. Good crowds attended both sessions. Miss Isabel Coulter of Toronto is visiting at the Parsonage this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones left this week for Chicago. Sorry to hear of the death of the late Robert Sodden. Sympathy is ex- tended to the family and friends. The Maple W. A. were guests of Parkdale United Church, Toronto, on Tuesday where Dr. F W. Routley. spoke to the Association gathered 0nl Red Cross Work. tion held its annual convention on! law visited Mr. and Mrs. Kinnee on{ Sunday.“ _ __ ‘ _ , Don’t forget Hope Sunday School anniversary on Sunday. holdwtheiriannivensary 2m June 14th, service both morning and evening. Special speakers and music for both On Sunday, June 7, special serâ€" vices will be held at 11 a.m. and 7.30 servlces. [p.m. standard time. The Rev. J. C. Miss Margaret Mitchell of Ca1.r_|Kell- will be the preacher at both ville was a week-e’nd visitor at Mr. services. A special offering in aid and Mrs-A RobesgnS- . iof the Cemetery Fund will be taken. Maple United Sunday School will hold their anniversary on June 14th, service both morning and evening. Special speakers and music for both servxces. WE DELIVER MAPLE UUl [ On Wednesday, June’ 10th the Y. of P. S. meeting will be held with on Charles James in charge. Mr. Mac- »eyldonald will give the topic. on“ Don’t forget the Annual Straw- onlberry Festival on Wednesday, June on I 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Baden Taggart, De- troit. visited Mr. George Taggart’s on Sunday. a.m‘. so as to be over in time for the anniversary. Mrs. B. Corfield has purchased the two acres near the centre of the Town from Mr. James Walker. The popular play “The Third Cus- tomer” will . be presented by the Young People’s Union in King next Monday evening. Misses Florence and Reta McCIus- key were home over the week-end. Mr. Howard Anderson visited the Mc- Cluskeys on Sunday. . Word wos received from Fort/Will- iam that Mrs. Sharpe (Florence Tag- gart), sister of Mr. George Tagg‘art, passed away last week Mrs. William Golden who is with her daughter Mrs. George Cooper, is recovering from a recent illness. Mr. J. McCluskey has taken a po- sition at the Concord Greenhouses. Mr. and Mrs. Moody of Mount Den- nis, Mrs. C. Ranesbotham of Toron- At Young People’s Union on Sun- day evening- there was another re- cord attendance. Interest does not lag. Jean Hadwin opened the meet- ing. Miss H. Diceman read the les- son. The guest sneaker, Mr. Bob Wilson, gave a talk on “The Life of Luther” with slides. Ronald War- ren contributed two 5010s accompan- ied by Miss Avison, Miss Dorothy Castator sang a solo, Miss Sadie Windas was in charge of the cIos~ ing of the meeting. Those present had an instructive, and profitable ev- ening. Owing to Hope Anniversary on Sunday there will be no morning .service in the church and the Y.P.U. meeting has also been withdrawn. Sunday School will commence at 9.45 to, and Mrs. Otto Gunn of Nobleton, were guests 6f Mr. and Mrs. Ranes- botham over the weekâ€"end. Miss Mill‘ar and Miss Mary Hart of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Piercey. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gray, Myrtle, and Miss Margaret Pell spent Sun- day with Mr. Gray’s sister Mrs. Bert Boyd. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wil- son on Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walk- er, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wil- cox, Mount Dennis, and Mr. Art Walker of Kinghorn‘. Business in the implement trade here seems good. The Sales Agent for the Case Company, Mr. John Gray, reports fair business. Two new tractors were sent out, one to Mr. Roy Brillinger of Gormley, and the other to Mr. L. L. Nichols of Victoria Square. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bone and son Charles. Mrs. Scadder, daughter and niece nf‘ Defrofl snent the week-end with Miss A. Bone. Mr. Rose and Mr. M. Kenny of Maple were speakers at Sunday School last Sunday. Mr. Rose spoke on Temperance and Mr. Kenny on the Sundav School Convention. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vanderburg visited Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Vander- blv'e' on Saturday. ' Mrs. J. Clement. Miss O. Bovair and Mr. Stuart Wark attended the S. S: Convention at Eliah on Wed- nesday. SATURDAY. JUNE 6thâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements etc. the propertv of S. G. Thomas, lot 17, con. 3. North York twp. at Ori- ole. 211» miles east of Lansing. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Prentice & Plentice, Auctioneers. SATURDAY, JUNE 13thâ€"Auction sale of household furniture etc., pro- nerty of estate of the late Mav Rowntree at the residence of J. A. Pearson, Thornhill. Sale at 3 pm. D.S.T. Terms cash. Prentice & Prentice, auctioneers. Mr. and Mrs. D. Middleton, Mr. W. Reaman and Mr. Art Harrison of Toronto were in Cookstown on Sunday. Miss Margaret Mitchell smmt the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Robeson of Maple. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny and Miss Elizabeth Kenny of Toronto visited at Mr. J. Barton’s on Sunday. Mrs. Farewell of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Dearbourne of Detroit and Mrs. Walker of St. Catharines called on Mrs. Vanderburg' on Saturday. VII LE RENIFI'I‘FIR HEADFORD CARRVILLE TESTON THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Mr. Howard Rapson of the Central Council Young People’s Union, was the special speaker at_the Young People’s Re-union service on Sunday evening. _A very fine and inspiring service was enjoyed by all present, although the attendance was not quite as large as in former years. Among those noticed from outside points were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mc- Cague of Alliston, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCague, Misses Margaret and Laurâ€" ene McCague and Mrs. James Mc- Cague of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Richards; Scarboro, Mr. and Mrs. Strachan, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Rus-' sell Boynton, Jefferson. The regular monthly meetings of the J.W.I. and J.F.A. will be held on Tuesday evening. June 9th. The program for the girls meeting will include reports of the Girls Confer- ence at Guelnh by Misses Margaret Avison and Eloise Perkin. There will also be an exhibit of the girls work of those who have taken part in the Supper and Sewing Clubs. All the ladies of the community are invited to be present. The members of the cast of‘the sacred drama “And He Came Unto His Father” motored to Orangeville on Tuesday evening to present their play in the Presbytery semi-finals in competition with 'St. Paul’s Young Peopie’s Society of Orillia. The 01‘- iilia group were victorious and won the privilege of competing in the finals‘at North Bay on June 12th. We wish them the best of success there. Several of the ladies from here at- tended the W.M.S. Rally at Laskay United Church last Thursday after- noon and report a pleasant and pro? fitable meeting. The family of the late Mrs. Rob- ert Orr wish to extend their heartâ€" felt thanks to their many relatives, friends and neighbours for their kind expressions of sympathy and floral tributes during their recent sad be- reavement in the death of a loving mother. The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. will be held- on Wednes- day, June 10th at 2.15 pm. in the Sunday School Room. Please note change in place of meeting. Mrs. Hicks,'Viceâ€"President of the North- ern Districtawill address the meet- ing. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to all the ladies of the commun- ity to 'be present. Work has been commenced on the Manse, the cellar has been excavat- ed, and the concrete wall is in place. Mr. I. D. Ramer and family wish to express their sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness and ex- pressions of sympathy tendered them in their recent bereavement. Miss Mary Klinckard and Messrs. Jack and Jim Klinckard of Toronto visited with Mrs. W. Brumwell On Sunday evening. to sunrises ._ DATED at Aurora this 2nd day of June 1936. 7 p.m.â€"“His Works Bear Witness of Him.” , Inspiring music and a hearty wel- come. A Secret.” _ NOTEâ€"Evening: Service suspended until September. " Christ has turned all our sunsets In the Matter of an Assignment for the General Benefit,of Creditors of William John McKnight, R. R. 1, Mable, Ontario. Farmer. Take notice that William John Mc- Knight. residing in the county or dis- trict of York. in the Province of On- tario has submitted to me for the consideration of his creditors an as- signment for the General Benefit of his Creditors. A general meeting of creditors will be held at my office. Aurora. Ontario on the 15th day of June 1936. at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon, Daylight Saving Time. ROV. JV T). (‘unnin'tha‘m Sunday, June 7th 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"“A Parallel: A Contrast: RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. \V. Follett. BJ‘L. Pastor Sunday, June 7th 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m;â€"C0mmunion Service. Ser- mon subject, “To Whom Shall We ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. Sunday, June 7 Trinity Sunday 10 a.m.â€"-â€"Sunday School and Bible Class. VICTORIA SQUARE a.m.â€"Holy Communion and Ser- mon. Subject, “The Glory of The Eternal Trinity.” p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and Sermon. Subject, “Nicodemus.” All welcome. Notice to Creditors LORNE C. LEE RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH q” Official Receiver and Trustee, Aurora, Ontario CARD 0F THANKS CARD OF THANKS BABY CHICKS and Custom Hatch- ing, June and July prices. Rocks, Leghorns $11.00, Minorcas and New Hampshire Reds $13. per 100 chicks, $1.00 per 100’ less if paid in full 4 weeks in advance. Custom hatching rates, hen eggs $2.50, duck and tur- key eggs $4.00 per 100 eggs. Barred Rock Chicks to spare this week end‘ and next. Established 1924, H. G. Mecredy, Yonge St. Poultry Farm and Hatchery. Phone Richmond Hill 102â€"r-13. LAWN MOWER 16”, Eatonia Wring- er, used Cook Stove. Repairs for furnaces, stoves, oil stoves, oil burn- ers. Apply R. H. Kane, 74 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, phone 92F. HOUSE, eight rooms, frame, in Maple, well decorated, electric, hard and soft water, new furnace, cement cellar, small garden and fruit trees. Apply Mrs. Alfred Rumble, White- vale, phone Markham 5502. STRAYEDâ€"Pony strayed from pre- mises on Wednesday. Reward. H. J. Mills. Richmond Hill, telephone 37 or 50. ’FIXTURES. Wardrobe in 3 sections, s'éparate sections may be bought: al- so Burroughs adding machine. Barâ€" gain for cash. H. N. Smith, Wood- bridge. GRANDFATHER CLOCK, solid Wal- nut Table, Whatnot, Hanging Lamp, Refrigerator, new Oven for Oil Stove. Apply J. A. Walker, Teston, phone Maple 1065. TWO WHEEL TRAILER, newly painted, good tires, bargain at $11.50. W. H. Troyer (Johnston Farm), 011- posite Jefferson P.O., Yonge Street. NUMBER OF RABBITS for sale. Apply Alfred Hoad, Lot 6, Con. 5, (3/0 William Young, Unionville, Ont. wer and Vegetable Plants. H. Kanis. 103 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. ment with Mr. Foot, since he is using Cress Corn Salve. At all drug stores. LARGE WHITE PEKIN DUCK EGGS for hatching. Leo C. Burton, Stop 23 Yonge St., Camille Road. Phone Maple 764. SAND & GRAVEL, Cement blocks, buildings raised. John Jarvis. Rich- mond Hill. telephone 94M. IVA CORN has broken her engage- FYVIE RENOWN, 27110â€"Clydesdale Stallion for service. Brown with white legs. Sire, Fyvie Idealâ€"26177- Dam, Bonnie Hillcrestâ€"46650.This is a fine upstanding young stallion, well bred from prize winning stock. Good legs and a good mover. Enrolled and inspected. Terms to insure foal $10. OSCAR COX, Unionville, Ontario, owner. . . ALFALFA CROP of 4 acres, stand inrg. Apply Bedford Park Floral Company, Richmond Hill. CHOICE COLLECTION Annual Flo- Shires. Arthur Stott, Elgin Mills, telephoneMapIe 249. - PIANO for sale. Cheap. In first class condition. Apply to Mrs. John Smith, Unionville, Ont. HO‘LSTEIN COW, government T. B. tested, due June' 5th. Apply Howard Jackson, Maple. SEED POTATOES, Cobblers, and To- mato Plants. Ed. Willit, Bathurst Street at Carrville. 50 YOUNG PIGS, purebred Berk- ASPARAGUS ROOTS. A. Desante, Markham Road, Richmond Hill. SEED POTATOES, about 15 bags, Dooleys, apply W. J. Hodge, phone Maple 876. HOUSE for sale Mrs. H. McFeely, TORRS MARQUIS, Imp.â€"27437â€"- 22576â€"Clydesdale, bay, with white legs. Imported last November from Scotland. Sire, Courtesyâ€"27458â€"by Brunstone Again. This is an out- standing show stallion, cart horse type, good legs and feet and is good mover. Well bred tracing to such stallions as Brunstone Again, Dunure Foot, Hiawatha and Pride of Blacon. Terms to insure foal $15.00. Oscar Cox, Unionville, Owner. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT“ RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extn each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. Charles Graham AGENT MASSEY HARRIS Farm Implements. Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 132-19 Stock Register FOR SALE STRAYED in Maple. Apply Box 65, Maple. iUsed Cars WELLS dug and cleaned, pumps re. paired, water located, cement cisternl built, fencing wire and rail. A. Jonea, Elgin Mills, telephone Richmond Hill 1021'22. MEN FOR FARM. Do you want a man for work on farm. If you do, get in touch with the Relief Officer for Markham and Vaughan Township, A. V. Orr, Unionville or Maple. HOUSES RAISED, moved etc. base- ments built. Phone Thornhill 73. COTTAGE, 5 rooms, frame, with large garden, possession June lst. Apply H. L. Whitmore, Maple R.R. No. 1. APARTMENT, 6 rooms, modern, conveniences, in Richmond Hill. Ap~ ply T. H. Trench, phone Richmond Hill 175W. All persons having claims aga'nst the Estate of PETER BURR TR â€" ROOM AND BOARD by gentleman drawing old age pension. Apply at The Liberal Office. GIRL for routine housework, morn- ings except Saturday, must have some experience in cooking, no small children. Apply Box 2, The Liberal. ANYONE who witnessed my acci- dent on May 17th at about 8.30 p.m. in Richmond Hill please communi- cate with me. Lewis Clement, Rich- mond Hill, telephone 44-râ€"11. POUR, late of the Township of Mark- ham, in the County of York, Baker,_ who died on or about the 30th day of September, 1935, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Ad» ministrator, care of his Solicitor, on or before the 29th day of June, 1936, full particulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said 29th day of June, 1936, the assets of the_de- ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which the Ad- ministrator shall then have notice.' RELIABLE WOMAN to help with housework and care of invalid. Box 57, Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. QUANTITY OF good quality feed oats for cash. Apply to B. R. Leech, Leechwood Farm, 3rd con. Markham, phone Thornhill 181'22. A BRICK HOUSE. épply Mrs, s. THURSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1936 Malloy, 394 Bloor St. Tb-ro-nto, phone KI. 6712. . SIX ROOM HOUSE on Arnold St. Richmond Hill. Apply to P. C. Hill, Richmond Hill. furnace, water and electric in the- house, good garden and garage. Ap- ply I. D. Ramer, Richmond Hill. work, non-smoker preferred. Roland Keffer, telephone Maple 2370. EXPERIENCED MAN for farm SIX ROOM HOUSE, good cellar, DATED at Ton'onto this 2nd day of June, AD. 1936. 1935 FORD V-8 TOURING SEDAN (with 'I‘runk)â€"â€"F0rd Hefner and Defroster. A Fine Car. 1931 ESSEX COUPEâ€"Excellent con- dition. ‘3 1929 GRAHAM 4 PASSENGER COUPEâ€"A Smart Car. 1928 FORD SPORT COUPEâ€"Rum- ble Seat, overhauled. Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service IGHMOND HILL, ONTAR-IG All Ford cars guaranteed for 30 dud All persons having claims gggi MISCEIJLA NEOUS Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF PETER BURR TRUMPOUR by J. Harvev Bone. K.C., 372 Bay St., Toronto, his Solicitor herein. T0 RENT $665.00 $135.00 WANTED $225.00 $175.00 Themas Gray, Administrator,

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