To be able to bring a message in song as well as sneoch is the un- usual talent of Prof. Paithev. O.A.C. who was truest of Hie Junior Farnmr Organization last Mondav night. The instructive talk on “Feedino Miner- als to live stock†was full of interesf to the voung farmevsanri the smw selections were eauallv well eniovnd. The Starlintr and woo'lr’lmck mmâ€" test sponsored by 919 IF (7. Mn!“- ises interest to flu: Plihliv‘ Sn‘mn‘s in Markham Townshin. Noflh Scarhnro and part of York Townships. Four The audience wa: we" V0011"? M‘- ter bv the ushers John Young. John Cou'lsnn and Ian Barren and the splendid patronage of this evont is imieedï¬ appfgciatetj hv the Boy Scnufï¬. . ~_w- -...., Toll Brothers' lecture given under the ausnices of the local Boy Scouts was well attended and the evening’s entertainment proved of’the highest class and may be well recommended. During the eveningr a Gilt medal‘ suitably engraved was nresented to Donald Dukes in recovni’r‘on of his braverv in saving- Charlie Gates from being drowned in the 'Unionville‘Pond last summer. The nresentation was made by Ewart St'iver on hehaltf of the Bov Scout Association of Canada and credentials were signed by Sir Edward Beattv and annroved hy Lord Tweedsmuir, the Governor General. Donnie is a member of the Wolf Cubs, Uninnville pack and the fell- ows are all right proud 0" him. on account of illness. the solo bv Miss Brownscombe and the duets by Miss Brownscombe and Miss Dorothy St. John were especially fine musi- cal numbers, in all a splendid ser- vice. ,.At a meeting of the Executive of the Stiver Clan held recently it was decided to hold the family reâ€"union at Crosbv Memorial Park on Wed- nesday, July lst. It is desired that all members of the Stiver connec< tion will plan to be in attendance. There will be later announrements regardingr the nrggram for the day. The Women’s service held last Sunday evening in Central United Church proved to be of special in- terest. Mrs. Solman’s visit and the splendid message given were much appreciated and, although two mem- bers of the Ladies’ Quartette from Uxbridge were unable to be present A delightful event of the week was the Golden Wedding anniversary cele- brated by Mr. and Mrs. J. Havelock Chant at their home on Station St. on Monday last. Many friends in- cluding several from out of town points called during the afternoon and eVening to offer congratulations to this splendid/couple. Many written messages, telegrams, gifts and flow- ers were also received during the day. The house decorations of quan- tities of seasonable flowers were ar- ranged under the supervision of the Women’s Institute who also presentâ€" ed Mr. and Mrs. Chant with a silver flower Bowl containing fifty yellow tulips. Mrs. C. A. Chant of Richâ€" mond Hill and Mrs. Graham of Bar- rie presided at the Tea table with Miss Mildred Graham, Mrs. Little- field, Miss Ruddy, Mrs. W. J. Rusâ€" sell and Mrs. G. G. Maynard assist- ants CHICK HATCHERY Simcoe, Ont., started 511 Bray Chicksâ€"New Hamnshiresâ€"this Spring. She raised 507. The day they were 8 weeks old there wasn’t a cockerel less than 2 lbs. in the flock. Many were over 21/; lbs., some up to 21/2. Most of the pullets were 1% 1115., some up to the even 2 lbs. And all were wonderfully well feathered. This is the kind of growthiness and vitality you want in your June-hatched chicks. It brings the pullets into production while egg prices are still at the high levels â€" and gives your cockerels the kind of finish that commands top market prices. Bray chicks of other breeds are showing the same kind of thriftiness. It’s results like this that are making Bray chicks increasingly popular. Our “end of the season†prices are very attractive. Fred W. BRAY Limited WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT EVERY GOCKEREL 2 LBS. 0R OVER AT 8 WEEKS MRS. D. L. STOREY, R. R. 4. THURSDAYK JUNE 4th, 1936 2385 Dufferin St., Toronto Phone KEnwood 6805 WILCOX LAKE EVERY - FRIDAY EVENIN! Max Boag and his 8-piece Orcb estra ADMISSION 25c. plus tax \ P. ASH, Proprietor 10 a.m.-â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"Pub1ic Worship St. Philip’s Anglican Church 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. RETHESDA LUTHERAN CHUR!‘Y Many friends extend congratula- fiovw +0 Mr. A. H. Canning who celeâ€" brate}! hie 90th birthday on Tuesday and ('mlpled with very best Wishes for many happy returns of the‘ day. Pas‘or. Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"“A Spiritual Investigation " 7 n.m.â€"Continuinz the suhiect “Th' Mysteries of Home Building.†Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Stiver called to see Mr. C. Haqermnn on Tuoefl'av who is seriously ill in Roselawn Home Hosnital. Toronto. 1.30 p.m.â€"â€"Church School. 2.30 p.m.â€"“A Spiirituhl Investiga tion.†~ Mrs. S\Smalley who has been mending a few dave with her sister. Mrs. W. Grange of Toronto returned home on Tuesday. ’ Mr. Bert Hun‘ell leftâ€"on T'hurvlay on a well earned holiday. saï¬l‘mr from Montreal Friday morning for England. Mr. and Mrs. George Murnhv loft on Thursday morning by motor for Schumacher. Mrs. G. A. M. Davison left on Thursday on a motor trim to Mon- treal. Where she will visit her daugh- ter. Mrs. Haroldï¬Ypung. Mrs. F. Tuckett. Mrs. Coonerâ€" Cole, Miss Patty Tuckett of 'I‘oronfn and Mrs. G. L. Fraser of Walkerville were guests of Mrs. Sommervillp during the past _wegk. _ 1 An unusually interesting meeting ‘Trf the Central United Y.P.S. was held on Monday evening last when Mrs. ‘A. K. Harrington took her hearers on an imaginery trip around the world. rtie Appleton was in charge of‘the Â¥eetingt Mrs. Be§vell refumed home after spending holidavs with her son, Rev. Jas. BeweH at Stanford. DANGF Sir E. Wyly Grier and Lady Grier of Toronto were in town on Monday attending- the Golden Wedding cele- bration of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Chant angl calling on other friends. Mrs. R. Chipin of Norwav House is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown. Thiv’rv»‘hrea ladies were in attend- ance at the rwetinq of the Women’s Association 0“ (‘entral United Church that convened in the Sunday School room on Thursday afternoon last. In the "hsence of Mrs. Bewell. the vice- president, Mrs. A. E. Milner, pre- sided. During the devotional period Mrs. G. Compton gave the Scripture Message and Mrs. A. Coulson led in prayer. The program that followed included readings by Mrs. D. Comb- ton, Mrs. Holden and‘ Mrs. F. Poll- ard, a recitation by Mrs. A. Coulson and instrumental music by Mrs. A. L. Brown. A delightful appetizing tea was served following the pro- gram by the Hostesses for the after- noon, Mrs. W. A. Noble, Mrs. W. F. Kincaid, Mrs,“ V. _ Wagg._ (r, Splendid reports of the Institute Annual Conference held at Guelph nresented bv the delegates, Mabel Reesor and Ruth Yeamons were also heard at this meeting. The roll call h‘esponded to by (a favorite noetic gem and reading of the poem “What is so rare as a day in June†by Iso- bel Whittaker had an important place on the program. The drama presented at the inter- sociefv contesf was given at the joint meetina of the clubs fo‘lnwed bv dancinr and refreshments. The nresi- dent. Kenneth Deacon was in charge 9f this unusually interesting meet- me. MODERN AND'OLD TIME The June (month of weddings) meeting of the girls club brought suggestions for the preparation for the big' day when Rozena Baker told of what a Girl’s Hope Chest should contain. Numerated on the interest- ing list were, quilts wool blankets, sheets, two pairs for each bed, pillow slips, goose feather, pillows, bed spread, hooked or braided quiz. 2 linen table cloths, serviettes, dish- towels, buffet sets, doilies. luncheon cloths etc. Then the timely sugges- tions on “The use of Cosmetics†giv- en b_v Mary Champion gives the as- surance that the Club girls will be more handsome than ever in the com- ing days if they follow the advice given. _ The social activities for the month include the annual picnic to be held at Musselman’s Lake on Friday, June 12th afternoon and evening. An at- tractive program of field sports swimming events, the usual good eats and tripping the light fantastic in the evening should make a real event. Don’t miss it. Then the old fashion- ed barn dance that will be held at Mr. Boyd’s on the 4th of York near the Lansing sideroad on Friday, June 19th will be another good time opâ€" portunity. - «1- prizes will be given, $20, $15, $10 and $5 to the schools that are Winners in this contest. The president also outlined the judging competition to be held at Richmond Hill the foll- owing Thursday. The prompt attendâ€" ance lucky number venture still proves popular, Jim Darlington and Jim Hood being winners for the boys and Marianne Rutherford the girls. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 'illow Beach Dance Gardens CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH "TILâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Hill, Suqcessor to J. J. Deane ‘lohmond Hill, announce the birth of Director of F011 on May 31. 1936. at the Pri- VUNERAL AND AMBULAI ate Patients’ Pavilion, Toronto Gen- SERVICE era] Hospital. WOODBRIDGE, ONTAM Our loving remembrance of you. Sincere and kind in heart and mind. What a wonderful memory she left behind, "uickly and quietly came the call, 'Ter sudden death snrprked "s all. 'T‘ime may take away the edge of IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our mother Mrs. Elizabeth B. Chapman. who passed away on June 3, 1935. Sweet memories will linger forever. Time cannot dim them its true, Years that may come cannot sever. The annual meeting of the Vaughan and Richmond Hill Veterans was held in the Municipal Hall on Tuesdav evening of this week. The follow ing officers were electedzâ€"Pvesi dent, Comrade George Masters; Viceâ€" President, Comrade W. J. Adams' Treasurer, Comrade J. Sanders Secretary, Comrade W. Trussell. "ENTLEYâ€"In loving memory of our "m and brother Harold, who pass-ed ‘way June 4th, 1935, in his 22nd Qaw thy pain add {rive thee peace. 7ver remembered by Mother, Dad, DIED TXO'Nâ€"At Newmarket Hospital on Wednesday. June 3rd, John Dixon of "chmond Hill. Funeral from funâ€" vnil parlors of W'i‘ight K: Tayflor. "m‘th Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, “May, June 5th at 2.30 p.m. All ex-pupils of School Section No. 11 Vaughan are cordial‘ly invited to a picnic at Musselman’s Lake, Sat- urday, June 13th. Basket lunch. Din- ner at 12 o’clock. The C.G.I.T. are selling doughnuts at 25¢. a dozen on Saturdav to aug- ment their camn fund. Orders must be plaved by Saturday. Phone Dor- othy Eden. Anniversary services will be ob- cerved at St. Marv’s Anglican Church Sunday. June let, and a Garden Partv will be held on June 23rd, the King’s Birthday. Mr. Walter Scott S). of St. Cath- arines is visiting in Richmond Hill this week. The United Church Young People‘s Society will go on their annual steam- er cruise to Port Dalhousie and Nia- gara Falls on Saturday. June 6th. Steamers leave Terminal Warehouse Wharf. foot of York St. at 2.15 D.m. Cars will leave the Sunday School room at one o’clook. Tickets mav be obtained from Miss Margaret Plew- man or Mr. Dick Shurmann. Mrs. A. S. Hardv Hi1] will receive with her mother. Mrs. Wm. Ashford Wright at 19 Church Street, Rich- mond Hill frqm 2 to 6 o’clock on Saturday, June 6th. and in the‘ even- imz‘ Mr. Wright and Dr. Hi1] Win also receive with them from 7.30 to 10 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. G. Herbert Russell of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. RmseH Jr. of Lancasfer, N.Y., and Mr. W. T. Russell of 'Toronfo, were week-end truest".q of Mrs. H. A. Nich- olls and Miss Nan Russell. 'oar. , “1, how patient in thy suï¬fering, When no hand could give thee ease; 10d. the helner of the helpless, Mr. Frank Harvev, Mr. George Trench, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Winger of Gormley and Mr. Murray Wide- man of Richmond Hill left by motor on Fridav of last week to attend General Conference in Detroit, Mich- man. We extend congratulations to W. J. Wilson of Richmond Hill who was successful in his fifth year examin- ations at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Hill of Peter- boro spent the week-end with/Mrs. David Hill. Mrs. C. W. Follett and Mrs. Gem] Gee were guests at the annual Ban? quet of the Dominion Board of the W.M.S. of the United Church of Can- ? ada held in Eaton’s Round Room,l Cbllege Street, on Wednesday even- mg. At the annual meeting of the Do- minion Board of the United Church of Canada, held in Toronto this week, Miss Evelyn G. Follett, B.A. was re- elected Secretary of Mission Circles for the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland. Miss Howell, missionary from Trinidad, was the guest of Miss Fol- lett at the United Church Parson- age on Sunday last. VETERANS ANNUAL MEETING grief, ut memory turns back every leaf. Ever remembered by her family‘ Congratulations to Misc Olive Wil- son Who was successful in securing her B.A. at the recent examinations at Toronto University. Social and Personal Sister and Brothers PURPLEVILLE REUNION IN MEMORIAM THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO BIRTH HT" night. Nevt Mnnday “night the weekly mixed tournament will take place commencing at 7.30 p.m. Any fears for the future of the Richmond Hill Bowling Club were completely dispelled by an enthusi- astic turn out for the opening night last evening. Eight rinks competed in a Trebles tournament and judg- ing by the enthusiasm displayed last night the club can look forward to the best season in years. Last night skip Eden won first prize and skip A. E. Glass. second. The rinks were: G. Fuller. L. H. Clement, A. A. Eden; C. P. Wiley, F. J. Mansbridge, A. E. Glass skip: F. Hoover, G. Walwin, Morley Hall skip; Allan Bales, Mrs. J. E. Smith, W. Wellman skip; B. Mabley. Mrs. E. T. Stephens, E. T. Stephens skip; R Casement. J. E. Smith. G. Yerex skin: A. G. Savage, W. W. Trench, G. Moodie skip; G. Gee, Walter Scott, J. R. Herrington skip. Friday eve/zning this year islopen for club games and all members are invited to tmjn dut for games on Interment took place‘ in Richmond Hill cemetery. the pallbearers being, T. H.. Trench, H. F. Austin, J. R. Herrington, A E. Plewman, F. Hooâ€" ver and J. E. Smith; She is survived by her husband: Mr. I. D. Ramer, one son, Mr. War- ren Ramer, and one daughter, Miss Marion Ramer, who have the sin- cere sympathy of the community in their bereavement. A large number of floral tributes was evidence of the esteem and re- spect of a larae number of friend.c and organizations which will miss her association. The funeral service which was priâ€" vate was held at the family resi- dence Wednesday afternoon and was conducted by Rev. C. W. Follett min- ister of Richmond Hill United Church assisted by Rev. A. H. Halbert of Newtonbrook United Church. Rev. Follett paid sincere and glowing tri- bute to ,the life of the late Mrs. Ram- er, referring to her work in her home as a wife and mother, as a member of the church where her services were so highly valued and appreciat- ed, and as a member .of the comâ€" munity always ready and willing to assist in any good work. We also desire to assure Mr. Ramer and family of our deepest sympathy, and pray that the God of all Comâ€" fort may comfort and sustain them in their: sad and sore bereavement_.†“Moved by Mrs. Follett; seconded by Mrs. Wellwood that this Women’s Association of Richmond Hill United Church places on record its keen re- gret at the passing of our capable and beloved Treasurerâ€"Mrs. Ira D. Ramer. We also express our appre- ciation of the many years of valu- able service she rendered to our Church, as well as the Community. She was foremost in every good work, and untiring in every effort for the public weal. A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sennett of North Gwilâ€" limbury, the late Mrs. 'Ramer was very well known not only in Rich- mond Hill but to a Wide circle of friends throughout York County. A very active worker in the Richmond Hill United Church she was treasurer of the Woinen’s Association, an of- ficer of the Women’s Missionary So- ciety and a staunch supporter of all branches of church work. At a meet- ing of the Women’s Association on Tuesday the following resolution was passed and fozwarded to members of the bereaved family: U DR. HILL HONORED RY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Dr. C. E. Hill of Lansing was hon- ored at the annual meeting of the Ontario Medical Association at Lon- don this week with election as Coun- sellor for District number 5. which includes York, Peel, Ontario and Simcoe Counties. The Board of Di- rectors of the Association is made un of the Counsellors elected for the eleven districts of the province. LATE MRS. I. D. RAMER The community was saddened by the sudden passing of Mrs. I. D. Ramer on Monday afternoon, June lst after a brief illness of about one week. Her death came as a great shock to her many friends and ac- quaintances as Monday morning her condition was reported as much imâ€" proved, but the end came suddenly shortlv after noon on that dav. The big opening of the Markham Township Softball League in Rich- mond Hill takes place at the park next Monday night when Milliken will be the visiting team. Richmond Hill has fielded a snappy softball team and they are entered in the Markham Township league with Un- ionville, Milliken, Headford, Sixth Line and Victoria Snuare. Take a 'trip down to the park next Monday and see the boys in action. In conversation with The Liberal this morning Reeve J. A. Greene ex- pressed himself as well pleased with the local employment situation. All our men have been getting a lot of work this spring and I think all are busy right now. This he said should be a big help to our relief problem as men now working steady should not be a charge on the municipality next winter. I hope, he said, that those who have had“ the misfortune to be dependent on relief in the past will profit by the expe‘ience and now that they are busy lay something aside for the days to come when work may not be so nlentiful. N0 UNEMPLOYMENT IN RICHMOND HILL BOWLING NOTES SOFTBALL SEASON OPENS MONDAY NIGHT BI‘J'CV ILI‘J WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO H" ilfrid R. Scott OBITUARY ANC‘P.‘ “I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes.†York Bible Class Orchestra referr- ed to by Mr. Follett as the “orches- tra which made Denton Massey fam- ous†assisted in the evening service. The orchestra numbered about forty and they rendered four numbers which were much appreciated and ac- companied hymn singing during the service. The choir sang a capella, “Hymn to the Trinity†(Ischaikow- sky) and at the conclusion of the service the choir, organ, orchestra and piano united in the rendition of the Hallelujah chorus under the di- rection of Mr. A. Melecci which was a musical triumph. The entire musi- c‘al program was a credit to the choir and its leader, Mr. Melecci. whose efforts made it possible. The Liberal is well equipped to handle news matter for publication. It takes all week to set up the mat- ter for the paper. Press secretaries should kindly note that reports of meetings held on Friday, for in- stance, should be in the printers’ hands by Saturday, or not later than Monday. The last day or two before press day our machines are busy set- ting last minute news so that it is usually difficult, and sometimes im- possible to handle press secretaries' budgets which should have been in the printers’ hands several days ear- lier and which cannot be given pre- cedence over later news. The late news must be handled if possible. In the rush of press day, items that should have been the week- are the out. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES AT UNITED CHURCH The United Church anniversary services here last Sunday morning and evening were a decided success. This historic church celebrated the 56th anniversary and a large congre- gation joined in the worship at both services. In the morning the child- ren of the L.T.B. & O. hOme were present and Brigadier Noah Pitcher of the Salvation Army, Toronto, preached an interesting and thought- ful sermon. The cohir rendered two anthems “Go Not F‘ar From Me†(Zingaretti) unaccompanied and “The Heavens are Telling†(Hayden) and Mr. Laud-er Glass sang a tenor solo “I Will Lift Up Mine Eveq" BUTTONVILLE STRAWBERRY (SEASON 1935 MARKHAM TWP. FESTIVAL SOFTBALL LEAGUE SCHEDULE The annual Buttonwlle Strawberry J R. h d H.“ t H M rd Festival will be held at the home of “"9 4 1c m0“ ‘ 3 ea 0 Mr. Cline Burr, Wednesday, July 8. 5 Headford at Sim Line - _ 6 Sixth Line at Unionville gisgggu;?ee3:;: now fir this pop“ . § Milliken at, V39t9ria 8902!: WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, JUNE 10-11 TWO FEATURES CICELY COURTNEIDGE â€" FRANK MORGAN in It is a gripping screen entertainment for the entire length, a closely knit narrative which will satisfy the most discriminative audience. It is the best amalgamation of melodrama that the screen has off- ered since the lives of a “Bengal Lancer.†A genial comedy, nicely produced with a pleasant atmosphere of genuineness and sweetneSS RoyalTheatreAURORA TODAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY THREE DAYS JUNE 4-5-6 Claudette Colbert â€" Ronald Coleman â€" 'Victor McLaglen in ' Two Shows Daily â€" 7.30 & 9.30 'â€" Sat. Matinee 2.00 m Extra Special, Chocolate Layer Cakes 15c. and 250. ea. Extra Special, Date Cookies . . . . . . . . . . 2 doz. for 25c. CREAMERY BUTTER . .i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24c. per lb. HANDY AMMONIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c. pkg. P & G LAUNDRY SOAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3c. bar BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP, No. 2 tin . . . . . . . . . 15c. SPECIAL BLEND TEA, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39c. Plum Jam or Marmalade, large jar . . . . . . . . . . . 23c. Raspberry or Strawberry Jam, large jar . . . . . . 25c. PURE WHITE HONEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39c. pail BROOMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29c. each SALMON, 2 large tins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. Unwrapped Laundry Soap, 8 bars for . . . . . . . . . 25c. NO ORDER TOO SMALL, NONE TOO BIG SPECIAL DELIVERY ON SATURDAY PRESS SECRETARIES BE PROMPT ! Immenser comic “THE PERFECT GENTLEMAN†GEO. MURPHY ~ GERTRUDE MICHAEL in “THE GHOST GOES WEST†very amusing storyâ€"Along melodramatic lines MONDAY 8; TUESDAY, JUNE 8 - 9 ROBERT DONAT â€" JEAN PARKER in “UNDER TWO FLAGS†in hand earlier in ones that are left KeeplYour Eye on KERR BROS. SPECIALS “WOMAN TRAP†Do not miss this amusing entertainment â€"ALSOâ€" LOOK ! We have laid in a stock of cheap watches to meet the demand of those who do not want to invest in a good one. The prices are:â€" Pocket size . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Men’s Wrist Watch $2.75 Girls' Wrist Watch . . . . . $3.50 These watches can be repaired, be- cause the material is not expensive. JERRY SMITH. JUNIOR LACROSSE SCHEDULE June 10 Orillia at Richmond Hill 12 15 15 17 19 22 23 25 ‘ 27 July 3 6 8 9 10 15 17 22 29 Roden at Brampton Barrie at Orillia Brampton at Roden Orillia at Brampton Roden at Barrie Brampton at Richmond Hm Roden at Orillia Roden at Richmond Hill Barrie at Brampton Brampton at Barrie Barrie at Richmond Hill Barrie at Roden Brampton at Orillia Richmond Hill at Barrie Orillia at Barrie Richmond Hill at Brampton Richmond Hill at Orillia Orillia at Roden Aug. 5 Richmond Hill at Roden Watches, Cheap Hillcrest ' Beauty Parlor RUTH RUMBLE, Prop. PRICE LIST . . . . . . $1.50, $3.50 & $530 Manicure . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 25c. Hair Cut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. Child’s hair cut . . . . . . . . . 15c. ï¬nger Wave . . . . . . . . . . . 40c. Shampoo & Finger Wave 50c. Marcel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c. Shimpoo & Marcel 50c, Oil Croquinole Permanent $2.00 Other Permanent: at ‘ We Invite Your Patronage 35 Yonge Street, (Liberal Office Building) Telephone 9 For Appoint- ments Richmond Hill at Headlford Headford at Sixth Line Sixth Line at Unionville Milliken at Victoria Square Milliken at Richmond Hill Sixth Line at Milfliken Victoria Square at Headford Unionville at Sixth Line Richmond Hill at Unionivlle Headford: at Victoria Square RICHMOND HILL PAGE FIVE 150. 39c. 23c. 25c. pail