Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Jun 1936, p. 7

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The principie of national owner- ship of the radio broadcasting- ma- chinery was endorsed and reaffirm- ed by the committee. It was urged that steps be taken to improve and extend the present Canadian cow"- aqe. Reaiisintz that the grant which the commission has been receiving out of the federal treasurv ha: not been adequate for the building of as many new stations as are needed. the committee advised that the new corporation should be empowered to borrow up to $500.000 from the fed- eral government for such a purpose. If the corporation is set up as re~ commended, it will be free from party confrol in the matter of the engagement and dismissal of em- ployees and their remuneratiOn. Of course the mere chanp-e of man- agement will not transform Canad- ian broadcasting into a close com- of British broadcasting- overnight, even if that were desirable. The Canadian corporation will be faced with a completely different situation. In Canada there are still numerous private broadcasting stations. and while it is proposed to "radually ab- sorb these, except for the verv small ones, into the'national system. thev will continue for some time to be an important factor. Meantime. the recommendations of the committee are that programs issued by private stations should be under the super‘ vision of the new corporation. The government has already inti- mated that the committee’s report was acceptable. and that the changes would be made. (Suggest Major Murray) Major Gladstone Murray, a Can- adian who has risen to verv high rank in the British Broadcastinz Corporation. has been repeatedly mentioned for‘ the new post. It is not yet clear whether he would be available. The actual operation would, how- ever, be controlled by a single, able. highly paid executive, the general manager. This executive would have an assistant. The new Corporation would be headed by Nine Governors, repre- senting all regional interests in Can- ada, and consisting of men “of broad outlook, having a knowledge of the tastes and interests of the listening public and who can make a definite contribution to the solution of the problem before the corpofiation.” These men would serve for nom- inal salaries, actuated mainly by a spirit of public service, it is supâ€" posed. They would govern the gen- eral policy of radio in Canada. Ottawa, June 2â€"A new chapter in Canadian radio history appears to be opening with the recommendation of the radio committee, tabled a few days ago. This was, on the whole, the most vital news in a rather dull week. Legislation will be introduced in a few days which will abolish the present commission and set up a Can- adian Broadcasting Corporation, very much along the lines of the setâ€"up in Great Britain. 1, At present, of course, there are three highly paid commissioners, who divide the work and responsibility of direction between them. The com- mittee which investigated the opera- tions of recent years were rather critical of this type of organization. There had been laxity and divided control, they asserted. ‘ THURSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1936 The Full Line of FUEL Lime, Cement, Tile A LAZY LIVER PHONE 71 GLERN'S DRUG SNRE Phone 188 Yards at Burr’s Mill *Jones Coal C9. CAN CAUSE MANY AILMENTS D Parke’s The Ottawa Spotlight will uuikcly restore that liVer to normal healthy action. re- lievin" constipation. biliousneae, head- aches, elc. It also aids the stomach. A month’s trout- ment for LIVER TONE $1.00 By Wilfrid Eggleston What the practical effect will be on Alberta’s credit it is too scon to determine. It is expected that Al- berta will find it very difficult for several years to float any loans. If she can balance her budget and have a small surplus for capital expendi- tures, she may be able to get along for some time Without needing to borrow. The federal government |stands pledged to loan money for lunemployment relief, so that there is a guarantee that the unemployed will not suffer unduly because of kthe action. (Upward Turn in Employment) There was an encouraging im- provementin employment at the first of May. The 9,544 firms which re- ported to Ottawa showed on their staffs an increase of 20,426 persons over April lst, and a gain of 46,903 gpersons over May lst, 1935. As the gfirms reporting represent about one- ]half of all employers of labor, in- cluding agricultural laborers, a sim- i Ottawa was disturbed by the an- inouncement from Edmonton that the lnrovincial government would pay onâ€" ilv 2% per cent on its funded debt '2‘Fter June 1st. There is no dispoâ€" sition to interfere. The government takes the stand that it has been pre- 'pared to co-operate to the limit in iassisting a voluntary conversion ,scheme, but that it could not be a :party to forcible repudiation of a icontract with the public. i (Widespread Losses) i The effect of the interest cut, if lit is proceeded with, will be that. the Iincome of peOple and institutions {which have invested in Alberta ‘bonds, will be reduced by about 83.â€" 000,000 a year. The cifv of Ottawa. gfor instance loses 311.800 a Wear on bonds held in sinking fund, the civic employees’ investment account loses 18875 a year; and the Firemen’s sun- erannuation fund loses $800 per ,vear. This will, be duplicated, of course, “across Canada and in the United States aixd other countries where Al- |berta bonds are held. (Criticise Political Broadcasts) “Mr. Sgge” and other political throadcasts of the last general elec- tion came in for some criticism by lthe committee, and it was urged that 'in future a stricter supervision of :such broadcasts should be provided. :The committee went so far as to l'recommend that no political drama- tized broadcasts should be permitted 'in future. A good deal of sympathy is felt for the plight of a great province which. through factors not chiefly of its own making, has been reduced to bankruptcy, but there is not much enthusiasm in the East over the ar- bitrary manner in which it has been done. Most commentators here feel that at least the bondholders should have been invited in to sit down with the government and discuss a com- promise. This bill will be perhaps the major one still to come before the legis- lators. There is talk that the Bank of Canada act will not be proceeded with this session. The revision of the elections and franchise machinâ€" ery will not he proceeded with this session, except sufficiently to deal with by-elections. (Threat to Internal Trade?) The address to the King asking for two major amendments to the British North America Act is being studied very seriously in the Senate, having been passed along to the Bankingr and Commerce committee of that body after a fairly exhaustive debate in the Senate. The loan coun- oil provision do": not annear to be the chief stumbling block. Rather it is the suggestion to give the provâ€" inces legal right to impose indirect taxation. Some senators foresee in such an amendment a threat to in- ternrovincial trade. Others think it will add to the present confusion and duplication of taxation. The fact is that. when the federal government began collecting the income tax it made serious inroads upon provincial tastation territory, and subsequently Hm nrovinces began to encroach ion federal ground. \One suggestion now is that the federal government get out of all provincial tax territorv and strictly enforce the existing law regarding provincial limitation. The new corporation will have the power to publish papers, books, mag- azines, to acquire copyrights in lit- erary, musical and artistic works, gramophone records, to collect news etc., if the recommendations of the committee are fully implemented in the legislation. The present commission willl be automatically retired by the creation of a corporation, but it is expected that most of the personnel of the present commission headquarters, in- cluding one or more of the chiefs, will be absorbed into the new corp- oration. ilar gain in the other portion of 7the labour world would mean that un- employment had decreased by per- haps 80,000 in the year just ended. The gain is not spectacular. but it is sufficiently large to be welcome. One of the Manitoba members, H. W. Winkler (Lisgar) has been com- piling figures to show how impor- tant the export market is for Can- adian wheat producers. When the body is out of order, it demands attention. cou may tinker with the disorder, you may postpone the needed treatment, but a day of reckoning will come. Small disord- ers, if neglected, may become seri- ous. It is for this reason that early treatment is preventive in that it arrests the development of more ser- iousi conditions. One reason why the body can ad- just itself to changing conditions lies in the reserve power which it possesses. We may lose a consider- able part of our kidney' and our lung tissues, and What remains will be able to do the work of these parts. Under such circumstances, there is, however, no real reserve upon which to fall back, and great care must be taken to avoid placing any extra demand on the parts. The continued and repeated ex- haustion, by overwork, of the body reserves, through poor habits of liv- ing. insufficient rest periods, and too little exercise, fresh air and sun- shine, leads to a collapse of the re- serves. Loss of health may not mean actual disease, but rather a tired, exhausted and consequently disord- ered body. During the same period export markets were needed for 125,894,000 bushels of cats, 197,475,969 bushels of barley, 7,013,098 bushels of flax- seed, and 52,856,827 bushels of rye. cured, but unless the disorder which is the cause of the symptoms is reâ€" moved, the treatment is not really effective and the symptoms will like- ly return. In the 10 years 1925â€"1935 Canada’s production of wheat amounted to 3,- 912,221,700 bushels. Canada’s conâ€" sumption, for all purposes. amounted to 1,105,531,902 bushels. Thus markets had to be found for 2,806,767,798 bushels of wheat in the decade. Other disorders are usually not quite so obvious as are those aris- ing from a broken bone. Most dis- orders express themselves in “symp- toms which draw attention to the presence of the disorder. Symptoms are always due to some cause. Re- lief from the symptoms may be se- cured, but unless the disorder which Health has been defined as that condition which we enjoy when all parts of the body are working to- gether in harmony. The human body possesses a remarkable capacity to adjust itself, both within and with- out, to changing conditions, continu- ing all the while to function prop- erly. At times, the orderly working of the body is lost. It may be said that the body is then out of order~â€"- harmony no longer exists. A broken bone in the arm means that the arm is out of order; it cannot function. Without thinking too much about ASSOCDATION AND LIFE DNSURANCE COMPANIIS IN CANADA omczs IN MNOPM ON'IARDO CITIES I. [tip You lalp Yumelf 0 AUTO LOANS to“. pooplo or norrlod oouphs. Ody Borrower Signs 12 Months to Repay To unwind mph. taping homo. h. Io-Iuon Government Supervmcn CENTRAL O HOUSEHOLD lOANS FINANCE CORPORATION LOANS THE LIBERAL, RICI-ElON'D HILL, ONTARIO 311 Bloor Bldg. 57_ Bloor St. West. at Bay Phone: Midway 2434 TORONTO. ONT. $50 to $500 Luna run In Canada for dab type a! service I... wt“ by Special Md Do-lnlon Parliamem OUT OF ORDER the state of our health, and certainly without becoming fearful as to the nature of every ache or pain, We may still recognize when our body is out of order, when harmony is lost, and when the joy of health is replaced by the discomfort of illness. It pays to encourage the proper functioning of the body through reasonable care, the avoidance of excess, and the practice of the generally sound prin- ciple of moderation. Questions concerning health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College St. Toronto, will be answered perSOnal‘y by let- ter. TEMPERANCEVILLE Temperanceville United Church will hold their annual Strawberry Festi- val _on July 3rd. The W.A. of St. John’s, Oak Ridges will meet on Thursday, June 4th. During the summer months Sun- day School Will commence at 10.30 a.m. each Sunday morning. Mrs. Umehara, Mrs. Paxton and Mrs. Thompson attended the W.M.S. meeting at Laskay last Thursday. Quite a number of St. John’s A.Y. ILA. members attended the first banquet of the West York Deanery Local Council, held in St. Paul’s Par- ish Hall, Newmarket. Mr. Donald Frisby of Richmond Hill, president of the Local Council acted as chair- man. The guest speaker for the ev- ening was Rev. Terrance J. Finlay, L.Th., St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, Ont. The subject of his address‘ was "Crusading for Christ in the twenti- eth Century.” Mr. and Mrs. Giles Kerswill visited relatives in Oakville on Sunday, LHINGS WORTH-WHILE COST MONEY THE LIBERAL It is action which counts in getting the things we want. An infant cries. This is its way of making its mother or nurse know that it wants something. Is it fair to a business to be doing nothing in a planned way to get new customers for it? You would think that all this is as plain as is the nose on one’s face. But stop! Answer this question: What have you, a retailer, done in the past monthâ€" to go no farther backâ€"to seek and get new custom- ers? How many non-customers of your store have received invitations from you to do business with you? How many persons have received communications from you, requesting their custom? How many per- sons have you informed, in their homes, about your business, your merchandise, your policies? How much money have you spent this past month on the pur- chase of customers? Just waiting for customers is the acme of folly. Just relying on the conviction that the public ought to do business with you is folly. Just soothing your- self with the reflections that you are Honest, that you give the public a square deal, that your store has a good location, that you price merchandise fairlyâ€" these are passive things. Customers are not likely to be obtained apart from seeking them. They must be pursued, and they must be asked to do business with the retailer who wants their custom. ‘ Worth-while things cost money. This means that retailers must part with money in order to get customers. Customers require to be bought just as one’s merchandise has to be bought. The annual meeting of the Peel NEW BANK MANAGER County Women’s Institute was held J. A. Constantine of Drumhellor, in the Baptist Church in BramptonAlberta will become manager of the on Friday, May 22nd. Mrs. A. B.Bank of Montreal, Brampton :t tho Smith of Caledon was elected presi-end of the month. dent. Mrs. R. J. Wilson of Castle- more was elected centre vice-presi- The Bolton fresh air camp will open on June 20th, the first party of over 1000 mothers and children leaving Toronto on June 18th._ Advertise in Youné’si Servi§g§tation 'GAS, OIL and ACCESSORIES NORTH YONGE s'r. men Goodyear quality, Goodyear guaranteeâ€"safety. comfort, long wear BUILT-IN! Re-tire NOW. Replace those old, worn tires with new, safe Goodyears. mamfififim SPEEDWAY TREAB You can’t beat these values! YOU’LL LIKE OUR SERVICE PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING A. C. HENDERSON Thornhill. Ontario Hot Water Heating and General repairs. PAGE SEVEN RICEMOND HILL

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