NEW DODGE priced “0m $849 “P 74 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Other Gilson Products Air Conditioning Coal Blowers Electric Washers Electric Refrigerators Commercial Refrigeration Counter Ice Cream Freezer FREE Glasses that suit you is what you want. You may have your choice of our guaranteed “DE- LUKE’S†goldâ€"filled rimless mounting or frame, latest shapes, plus best‘ quality single vision Toric lenses. F. E. LUKE & SON Plan NOW for a warmer house. A Gilson Furnace will give you more heat and save fuel bills. Sturdin built to give years of service. “When it was 73 degrees below zero at Iroquoi§ Falls, 11 miles from Val Gagne, our hotel was quite comfortably heateg With the :15 Gilson Mammoth Furnace." (Signed) Louls A. Sigoum, Val Gagne, Ont. Oppooite Simpson’s â€" Take ElevatOr PAGE EIGH'I For Day or Evening Appomtment Phone EL. 4820 1 163 YON GE ST. SPECIAL $8§2 44 YONGE STREET TELEPHONE RICHMOND HILL 75 CARRYING A COMPLETE LINE GENE RAL-ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT AND APPLIANCES ELECTRIC STOVES â€" REFRIGERATORS â€" RADIOS â€" FIXTURES ETC. PLUMBING FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT â€"â€" PUMPS AND PLUMBING ‘ â€" ELECTF Richmond Hill’s N EW Electrical Store Warm House ai‘ 73 Below Zero Including Examination Easy lo Own a GILSON Low Prices -- Small Down Payment -â€" Easy Terms A small down payment and monthly payments so easy you will never miss them will put a Gilson Furnace in your home. By ordering NOW you get, Free. the Robot Heat Control, or Automatic Humidiï¬er. Don't miss this wonderful opbortunity. SPECIAL CAMPAIGN OFFER To encourage the installation of electric ranges the Hydro is making a very spe- cial offer for a limited period, and we urge all the people of this district to con- sider well this proposition and when possible take advantage of the wonderful saving offered. - The purchase of ' a new General Electric Range from us entitles you‘to the $20.00 bonus being offered by the Hydro-Electric Power Commission for a limited period. In Richmond Hill Village the local Hydro Commission Will bear the cost of chang- ing over from a two wire service to a 3 Wire service if you purchase an electric range from us. Ask at once and get the full beneï¬t during the hot weather. Agent for FAMOUS FROST WIRE FENCE Amaz?ng with everu R. H. KANE ERAND OPENING SATURDAY, JUNE 6th, 1936 HERE’S CORRECT ANSWER TO QUERY Now bet your friends that they can’t discover all the F’s and you win nine times out of ten. The Fedoral Fuses are the ulti- mate results oF scientiFic investiga- tion combined with the Fruits 0F long experience. Don’t feel badly if you fail to find all of the “f’s†in the sentenceâ€"not one in a hundred does, even after several readings. If you have dis- covered four “f’s†in the sentence your average is good. If you find five “f’s†you are decidedly above average and if you discover six “f’s†you rank 100 per cent. In other words, you make a perfect score. The word “of†is repeated twice and that’s where most readers slip up. The six “f’s†are found as follows: LECUYER & COMPANY WE EXTEND TO ONE AND ALL A COR DIAL INVITATION TO VISIT OUR NEW STORE ‘ I- COME AND LOOK AROUND â€"- NO OBLIGATION TO BUY CO-OPERATING IN HYDRO RANGE CAMPAIGN with everq Telephone 92F The Women’s Association of the United Church held a successful lun- cheon on Thursday afternoon in the Sunday School room. The tables were decorated with spring flowers. A number of men were present at 12.30 and partook of the sumptuous lunch and the ladies came at 1.15. The luncheon was opened by a few remarks from Mrs. R. Simpson, the singing of God Save the King and ithe Blessing. Mrs. K. Armstrong sang two solos which were much en- joyed. The guest speaker, Miss Hart of the Fred Victor Mission, Toronto, The Orange Lodge will hold a ser- vice at Trinity Anglican Church on Sunday evening, June 7. Rev. H. N. Noble will conduct the service and speak to the members of the Lodge and? congregation._ The Sunday‘ School Convention of Vaughan Township Sunday School Association was held at Eliah United Church on Wednesday, June 3rd. A number attended from Thornhill United Church Sunday __S_ch091_. The Siavï¬gé§irsicflhool picnic of Trin- ity Anglicah Church will be held at Centre Island on July _7._ The regular monthly meeting‘ of the Women’s Association of the Unit- ed Church will be held on Wednes- day, June 10th at 3 o’clock at the home of Mrs. 0. C. James. The woâ€" men of the congregation are cordially invited to attend. V _ 'fall. w The Women’s Missionary Society of the United Church held the last meeting before closino' for the sum- mer on Tuesday afternoon in the Sunday School room. Mrs. Wesley presided and led in reading portions of Scripture, pertaining to the topic. Mrs. C. Spencer finished her talk on the study book on Africa using a map as guidance. These talks by Mrs. Spencer through the year have been very interesting and educative and were much appreciated by the mem- bers. The bale of clothing will be packed Friday night in the School room. _ _ A. Henderson added to the enjoyâ€" ment of the evening by reading the tea-cups which revealed many things for some of them, which will take place in the near future. The meet- ings will be continued in the early The Young Ladies of the United Church after a winter of many acti- vities, meetings etc. held a banquet in the Sudday School rooms last Thursday night at 7 o’clock. The tables were beautifully decorated in pink and green, with bowls of spring flowers and roses. The menu was a very tempting one and all the girls did justipe to the good things. Mrs. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THORNHlLL (LORNE BLOCK) [gave in a splendid manner, the in- |formation so many were wanting to hear, how things were carried on in the down-town section ï¬nong the un- fortunate ones. Miss art, on com- pleting her talk was presented by Mrs. A. J. Thompson, with a huge bunch of lilyâ€"ofâ€"theâ€"valley, also thanking her for coming out to speak/ at the gathering. I Losing Groups of Young People‘s Society Provide Banquet The members of the United Church Young People’s Society divided into four groups at the beginning of the season of 1935-36 and started a con- test for which of the groups should win the highest percentage by furn- ishing entertainment during the sea- lson, the losing groups to provide a ‘banquet for the entire membership at the end of the season. On Thursâ€" day night of last week this banquet ‘was held in the Sunday School Room. Don McCallum was toastmaster and proposed the toast to “The King†which was responded to by the mem- bers singing the National Anthem. Other toasts on the list were, “The Church†proposed by Mildred Nat- tress and responded to by W. E. Hutchison, “The Ladies†proposed by Bert Smithson and Esther Bessey re- sponding, “The Losers†by Bessie Nattress and responded to by Mrs}: Arthur Doane. During the evening? vocal numbers, readings and instru- mental selections were contributed by‘ Gordon McGillivray, Marjory Blakel Mae Watson, Doris Ring. The finalw edition of “The Society Review†was read by Roy Blake. A feature ofi the event was a presentation made1 to the directors of the comedy “Son-l ny-Jane†which includes Mrs. W. E.‘ Berry, Mrs. W. E. Hutchison and W.1 R. Scott. Mr. Lorne Ostrander paid his first visit to a private Ostrander ceme- tery at Huttonville on Sunday last where he found a marker of one of his ancestors who died at the age of 104 years. The Ostranders orig- inally came from Holland. An interesting and instructive lec- ture was given in the Orange Hall by John F. Clarke of the Ontario WOODBRIDGE I Great Britain always seemed to be able to go the world one better. This ‘time it is the Queen Mary, the most iwonderful steamship ever construct- ed costing $25,000,000. The depar- ture from Southampton, England, and arrival of this monster of the seas in New York, through the medium of the radio, had the eyes of the world focused on her as she crossed the Atlantic and docked at New York. The Queen Mary is the last word in sea going craft construction and a great reception was given her as she entered the Port of New York. Late ChristOpher Robert McHugh Christopher Robert McHugh, aged 66, passed away on April 26th at his home 149 Lombard Street, Oak Park, Ill. Mr. McHugh was born at Cale- dSiI East, Peel County, and as a youth went to Chicago where he was em- ployed as a salesman by Sprague Warner and became one of the firm’s most successful salesman, and one of the early residents of Oak Park. He‘ married Miss Mary Ann McGillivray, of Woodbridge, and a close friend of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. McHugh were both popular members of the Woodbridge young set of more than a half cen- tury ago, and will be remembered by the older people of the district. The late Thomas McHugh, well- known Peel County educationalist who taught school at Claireville for seven years, and then at Streetsville for many years, was school princi- pal at Brampton at the time of his death. He ranked so high in the estimation of Brampton folk that a new school building has been built Department of Agriculture on Thursâ€" day night of last week. The lecture was sponsored by the Woodbridge Horticultural Society and was well attended. What the Queen Mary is to the British Empire the Dionne babies are to Canada for never in the history of the world did babies meet with such attention as did the Dionnes on their second birthday, May 28th. Friends are sorry to learn of the serious condition of Mr. James Brown, N0. 7 Highway East, who has been ill the past couple of weeks. RICHMOND HILL RESIDENCE AGINCOURT 21-r-21 RICHMOND HILL . NEAL ELECTRIC WIRING THURSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1936 Farmers! Attention! Will insure your Car for $10,.- 000-$20,000 Public Liability and $1000 Property Damage in one of Canada’s strong companies. I also sell Fire, Accident, Liabil- ity and Burglary. A Telephone Call or Post Card will bring me to your home at once. All kinds of conveyancing done Late George Bean George Bean, aged 77, died in To- ronto on Sunday, May 31st, and was buried in Prospect Cemetery, the funâ€" eral taking place from his late resi- dence, 252 Russell Hill Road, Toron- to. Mr. Bean was born in Scarboro Township, his ancestors being pion- eers. He went to Peel County with his parents at an early age and lived in the Woodhill District where he spent his youth. Following his mar- riage to Miss Laura Ward he moved to Toronto and was one of the first conductors on the Weston street car line, and later carried on a success- ful Coal and Wood Business. Mr. Bean was well known in Woodbridge and the West side of Vaughan Town- ship. Surviving are his Wife, four daughters and one son, Mrs. A. B. Cousins, Woodbridge, Mrs. T. W. MacLelland, North Bay, Mrs. W. T. Reid, Mrs. S. L. Cole, and Dr. Har- vey Bean, Toronto. The long and destructive drought spell was broken on Monday night when old mother earth in the Hum- ber Valley as well as elsewhere met with a much needed drenching. Ed. W. Brown WOODBRIDGE Telephones 13Wâ€"13J since his death and named after him as a memorial. $8.65