GARFIELD YEREX Easy Termsâ€"Two Years to pay Sold by WNW Over 500,000 in general usg All Porcelain Inside and Out 5 YEAR GUARANTEE We\,Sell the Famous Moï¬aï¬ Eiectric Range Notice to Richmond Hill Electric Light Users Refrigerators â€"NORGE ALL- PORCELALN F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE To any electric light customer in Richmond Hill who purchases and installs for use an electric range, your local commission will bear the cost of changing from a two wire to a three wire service. All local dealers are co-operating in this campaign and this offer applies to the purchase of a stove made from any dealer. Cook by electricity â€"â€"- It’s Cool â€" It’s Cheap â€" It’s Efficient. The Richmond Hill Electric Commission is co-oper- ating in the Electric Range Campaign sponsored by the Ontario Hydro, and for a limited period makes the following very special offer. PHONE 18 Priced from $84.00 up: Now is an opportune time to purchase an electric range. If you are contemplating taking advant- age of the special Hydro offers now in effect, let us have the opportunity of demonstrating these stoves to you. NORGE PAGE FOUR Richmond Hill Richmond Hill Electric Commission, James McLean, Chairman. HARDWARE WE DELIVER TORRS MARQUIS, Imp.â€"â€"27437â€"-â€" 22576â€"CIYdesdale, bay, with white legs. Imported last November from LScotland. Sire, Courtesyâ€"27458â€"by ‘Brunstone Again. This is an Out- ‘standing show stallion, cart horse type, good legs and feet and is good mover. Well bred tracing to such stallions as Brunstone Again, Dunure ‘Foot, Hiawatha and Pride of Blacon. Terms to insure foal $15.00. Oscar Cox, Unionville, Owner. a fine upstanding young stallion, well bred from prize winning stock. Good legs and a good mover. Enrolled and inspected. Terms to insure foal $10. OSCAR COX, Unionville, Ontario, FYVIE RENOWN, 27110-Clydesdale Stallion for service. Browu with white legs. Sire, Fyvie Ideal-26177- Dam, Bonnie Hillcrest-â€"46650.This is owner. special speaker will be Rev. C. Gray Eakins. On Tuesday, June 23rd, the King’s birthday, there will be a Garden Party on the church grounds. Sup- per will be served from 5.30 p.m. and at 8 pm. there will be a concert given by local and outside talent. Admission 35 cents. Stock Register FYVIE RENOWN, 27110-Clydesdale Stallion for service. BrOWn with 1y united in marriage. There was a fine display of beautiful and useful gifts presented and a very pleasant levening was passed, music being furnished by “Happy†Walker and ,James McCluskey. The pleasing fea- ture of the evening was the presen- tation to Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of a beautiful set of dishes the presen- tation being made by Roy Bowen and the following address read by Miss Dorothy Castator to which a suitable reply was made: To Mr. and Mrs. Verne Thompson: Both old and young have assembled here to-night to pass a social even- ANNIVERSARY AND GARDEN PARTY AT ST. MARY’S Two former Rectors will preach at the anniversary services of St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill on Sunday, June»21st. At 11 am. ser-I‘ vices will be taken by Rev. H. F. Battersby and in the evening the‘ special speaker will be Rev. C. Grayl Eakins. I We are sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs. W‘m. Diesman, but latest re- ports are that Mrs. Diesman is rest- ing easily., Signed on behalf of Teston Community. Sunday was rather quiet as there was no church service or Young Peo- ple‘s Union owing to Hope Anniver- sary. One of the old landmarks of the village is for sale. The store prop- erty occupied by Mr. James Walker who for a, number of years did a thriving trade as a merchant. Of late years the p' residence. . Last Friday evening the cast of “The Third Customer†presented their play in King United Church, which was well received. Mrs. Alfred Jones of Maple with her two sons Bruce and Jim visited friends and relatives on Sunday. Miss Ackrow, Weston, was a week- end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Piercey, and on Sunday Mr. Ackrow and his sister were in Teston. You are starting a new home aâ€" mong the many Canadian homes and wherever you establish your roof- tree always remember you have the good wishes and good-will of this community. May Providence be kind to you and bless you and keep you both and prosper you along the way together. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Armstrong, Bill and George, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kerr and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Kerr on Sunday. But first we wish to convey to you our young friends, Marion and Verne, recently united in marriage, our very earnest and sincere wishes for your future happiness and prosperity. Life has its many changes, its tri- als and cares, bright days, dark days, which we share alternately as every- one knows. We pi'ay you may have more sunshine than shade and‘ have a happy journey through life. And now as a token of our appre- ciation we ask you in the name of this community to accept this Set of Dishes. Wednesday evening, June 3rd, the community was well represented at- the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kyle, the occasion being a miscellaneous shower in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Thompson who were recent- The Young People’s meeting will be conducted by the Gospel Male chorus of Toronto. They are on the air every Sunday afternoon. Come and hear them. ing. Rev. E.~ Huenergard is attending the 75th annual convention of the Angelica] Lutheran Synod of Canada in Desboro, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Montgomery attended the graduation exercises of Waterloo Lutheran College last week when their daughter Lillian was con- ferred the Degree of Bachelor of Arts. Celebration services will be held at Zion Lutheran Church on Sun- day, July 19th, when the 130th An- niversary of the founding of the con- gregation will be observed. At the same time a Memorial Cairn will be unveiled to the memory of the late Adam Keffer. Synodical officials will take part in the service com- memorating the 75th Anniversary of the Lutheran Synod of Canada which was organized in Zion Church in 1861. The regular. monthly meeting of Maple Women’s Institute was held in the Parish (Hall Friday, June 5th with a good attendance present. Af- ter the business part of the meeting was finished the ladies spent the rest of the afternoon quilting. A pot luck supper was served and enjoyed by all. United Church Sunday School An- niversary will be held on Sunday next at 11 a.m., S.T. Rev. A. Halâ€" b-ert of Newtonbrook will be the spe- of a Missionary Tea. The ladies of Choir and the Salvation Army Band. At 7 p.m. Rev. E. Pugsley of Thorn- hil] will preach and the Peaches Quartette will give special music. Miss Morrison is home again af- ter spendi‘ng the winter in Markdale. Rev. A. M. Partridge was a guest speaker at the Junior Farmers meetâ€" ing Tuesday evening, the topic be- ing “Farming Conditions Here and Elsewhere.†At the close of the meeting Mr. and Mrs. Brydon Lloyd were presented with a lovely white TEST ON MAPLE me has been used as a LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO linen tablecloth. 'Mr. Allie Forest took the service at Willowdale on Sunday morning making it possible for Rev. ‘A. M. Partridge to be at the Hope Anni- versary. “Tl-IE TATLER" ON SALE “The Tatler†the official publica- tion of the students of the Richmond Hill High School has been published and is now on sale. Ex-students and friends of the school may secure a copy by writing to the editor, Miss Dorothy Barraclough, Richmond Hill. vunaubJ- Junior Farmers Picnic will be held ‘ at Musselman's Lake Friday, June 12th. Miss Mivllard will do hairdressingfl at Armstrong’s Barber Shop early Thursday. The W.M.S. will hold their month- ly meeting at the home of Mrs. F. S. Rumble on Wednesday, June 24. The meeting will be held in the form of a Missionary Ta. The ladies of the congregation are invited. Mr. and Mi‘s. Sewell are holiday- ing with Dr. and Mrs. Bigford. It was a night of real entertainment and was greatly enjoyed by the large I crowd. The United Church Sunday School is planning to hold‘ anniversary ser- vices on Sundav, June 14th. Music will be supplied by Dovercourt Sal- vation Armv Bovs" Band in the mornâ€" ing, and the Peaches Quarteffe in the evening. A special Sundav School choir will assist at both services. MONA MILLS The United Church at Mona Mills was packed to the doors on Sunday evening, May 24th, when the Mona Mills Orange Lodge along with many visiting members attended the ser- vice. The service was conducted by Rev. A. J. Orr, Pastor of the church. Rev. E. P. Wood, Rector of St. John’s Anglican Church read the lesson and the address was given by Rev. F. Dunlop of Laurel, Chairman of the Peel-Dufferin hesbytery of the Unit- ed Church and Grand Chaplain of the Gram; Orange Lodge of Ontario West. The Mona Mills Lodge attends services in both churches every year A splendid crowd attended the big amateur show here last Friday night staged under the auspices of the Horticultural Society. Mr. Carl Sai- geon took the part of Major Bowes as master of ceremonies and filled the position in a splendid manner. He didn’t have to use the gong but he kept everything going and the amateurs and crowd in good humor. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY Furniture. Household Goods etc. the property of the Estate of the late Geo. Beynon Jefferson (opposite Golf Club) SATURDAY, JUNE 20TH At 1 ‘p.m., D.S.T. The property consists of a quarter acre of land, eight room frame dwell- ing, 2 sleeping porches, hardwood floors throughout, water upstairs and downstairs, all conveniences, 3 c_ar garage» ‘Posse’ssion will be given Julyllst. Terms: property will be sold subject to a reserve bid, 10 per cent. of purchase price at time of sale and balance in 30rdays. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 7 piece Walnut Antique Parlor Suite Radio, DeForest Crosley, 6 tubes Piano, Heintzman, beautiful tone, Rosewood Case Rosewood Muisc Cabinet Rosewood Arm Chair Rosewood Lady’s Secretary ‘ 3 Fern Stands, brown wicker 3 piece Dark Oak Sectional Book Case 2 Dark Oak Rocking Chairs Dark Oak Dining Room Sgt _ Extension Table, 6 Chairs Dark Oak Corner China Cabinet Dark Oak Buffet Quarter Cut Oak Sideboard Fumed Oak Davenport Fumed Oak Arm Chair 2 Fumed Oak Rockingr Chairs Fumed Oak Gentleman’s Desk 2 Vases 2 Brown Simmons Beds with Springs Cream Simmons Bed, 3/4 size with Springs and Mattress Cream Simmons Bed and Springs, single size BraSS Bed! Springs and Mattress 2 Iron Beds and Springs Extension Steel Cot! 1 Pair Down Pillows, 8 lbs. Folding Steel Cot Dark Oak Bedroom Dresser and 7 Wash Stand Light Ork Dresser and Wash Stand Light Cherry Dresser and Wash Stand Grey and Blue Dresser and Wash Stand Cream and Green Enamelled Bed- room Suite 4 Congoleum Rugs Chest of Drawers Acme Quebec Range with water con- nections Moffatt Electric Range Acme Electric Washer 27-inch Electric Mangle Sewing Machine. Good Beaver 20 yards Inlaid Linoleum 2 Carpet Sweepers Floor Lamp Electric Heater Coal Oill Heater Scalesâ€"2 sets , Sealers Electric Fixtures Kitchen Table 4 Lisrht Oak Kitchen Chairs Card Table and a number of small tables Extension Ladder Step Ladder Lawn Mower Refrigerator Small Oven Dishes and Glassware Other articles too numerous to men- tion TERMS CAS-H J. C. Saigeom, Auct. YOUNG PIGS. J. Newell, Mill'Road, Stop 23b Yonge Street. HOUSE for sale in Maple. Apply Mrs. H. McFeely, Box 65, Maple. BOY’S C.C.M. BICYCLE in perfect condition. Apply Don Smellie, Thorn- hill, telephone 42J. 14 YOUNG PIGS, 7 weeks dld, choice lot. L. Chapman, Langstaff, Stop 20, Yonge Street. 12 PIGS six weeks old; also 3 Sows with young Pigs. Walter Reaman, telephone Maple 1564. SAND & GRAVEL, Cement blocks, buildings raised. John Jarvis. Richâ€" mond Hill. telephone 94M. glass conajtion. Apply Smith, Unionville, Ont. ALFALFA CROP of 4 acres, stand ing. Apply Bedford .Park Floral Company, Richmond Hill. PIANO for sale._ Qheap.__In first 2 YOUNG YORKSHIRE SOWS due in June. Nelson Boynton, R.R. No. 2, Gormley, telephone Richmond Hill 4504. seed grown from certified seed. Ap- ply W. H. Hoiles, telephone Maple 1660. EASY ELECTRIC WASHER, latest type, out 2 months, sacrifice for sale; also Cream Separator. Apply J. A. Rose, Maple. LARGE WHITE PEKIN DUCK EGGS for hatching. Leo 0. Burton, Stop 23 Yonge St., Camille Road. Phone Maple 764. GURNEY ELECTRIC RANGES. Take advantage of Hydro special of- fer; also new and used Ice Refriger- ators. G. Yerex, Markham Road, Richmond Hill. _, DURANT SIX COUPE equipped‘with good tires and 1936 License, prop- erty of the late W. H. Legge. Ap- ply Mrs. P. C. Hill, 4 Wright St., Richmond Hill. 30 WHITE ROCK PULLETS, three months old; 40 Barred Rock Pullets, 11 weeks old. Davies, Doncrest Road, Langstaff. DOOLEY POTATOES, a few bags suitable for table use or seed. $1.75 per bag. I. D. Ramer & Son, Rich- mond Hill, phone 10. SEED POTATOES, just inspected, LAWN MOWER 16â€, Eatonia Wringâ€" er, used Cook Stove. Repairs for furnaces, stoves, oil stoves, oil burn- ers. Apply R. H. Kane, 74 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, phone 92F. ALFALFA HAY, 5 or 6 tons, last year’s crop in barn, in good shape. Apply H. W. McMahony 2nd Conces- sion of Markham. Telephone Rich- mond Hill 46â€"23. TIMBERS, five pieces 6 by 8 25 ft. long; 17 pieces 8 by 8 from 10 to 15 ft. long; 10 p joist 2 by 6â€"16 ft. Apply A Glass, Richmond Hill. FARM 100 acres more or less, Lot 27, Con. 3, Markham, stone house with furnace, bank barn equipped with water, also dairy equipment, 2 running- streams, Maple grove, soil consists of clay loam, acre and half of Orchard, apples, cherries, plums, grapes. For further particulars ap- ply Joseph Cober, R.R. No. 2, Gem- ley. BABY CHIC’KS and Custom‘ Hatch-l ing, June and July prices. Rocks,‘ Leghorns $11.00, Minorcas and New Hampshire Reds $13. per 100 chicks, $1.00 per 100 less if paid in full 4 weeks in advance. Custom hatching rates, hen eggs $2.50, duck and tur- key eggs $4.00 per 100 eggs. Barred Rock Chicks to spare this week end and next. Established 1924, H. G. Mecredy, Yonge St. Poultry Farm and Hatchery. Phone Richmond Hill , 102-1'-13. SATURDAY, JUNE 27THâ€"Auction sale of household furniture etc. the property of Joseph Cousins, 1‘/2 miles north of Maple on highway. J. C. Saigeon, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, JUNE Nthâ€"Auction sale of houséhold furniture etc., pro- perty of estate of the late May Rowntree at the residence of J. A. FeaféanThornhill. Sale at 3 p.m. D.S.T. Terms cash. Prentice & Prentice, auctioneers. SATURDAY, JUNE 20THâ€"Aucti0n sale of valuable property, household furniture etc. the property of the estate of the late George Beynon, Jefferson. See full list in this issue. J. C. Saigeon, Auctioneer. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST 0F 1'!" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 6 lines 5 cents per line extn each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. SA LE REGISTER FOR SALE {6 Mrs. John 8 and 8 and pieces THURSDAY, JUNE 11th, 1936 HOUSE, eight rooms, frame, in Maple, well decorated, electric, hard and soft water, new furnace, cement cellar, small garden and fruit trees. Apply Mrs. Alfred Rumble, White- vale, phone Markham 5502. be in good condition, 4 inch cylinder preferred. Apply J. H. Elliott, Rich- mond Hill, telephone 46-11. MEN FOR FARM. Do you want I man for work on farm. If you do, get in touch with the Relief Officer for Markham and Vaughan Township, A. V. Orr, Unionville or Maple. HOUSES RAISED, moved etc. base- ments built. Phone Thornhill 73. WELLS dug and cleaned, pumps re~ paired, water located, cement cisterns built, fencing wire and rail. A. Jones, Elgin Mills, telephone Richmond Hill 1021-22. SECOND HAND WELL PUMP, must ANYONE who witnessed my acci- dent on May 17th at about 8.30 pm. in Richmond Hill please communiâ€" cate with me. Lewis Clement, Rich- mond Hill, telephone 44-r-11. A BRICK HOUSE. Apply Mrs. S. Malloy, 394 Bloor St. Toronto, phone KI. 6712. . SIX ROOM HOUSE on Arnold St. Richmond Hill. Apply Richmond Hill. APARTMENT, 6 rooms, modern, conveniences, in Richmond Hill. Ap- ply T. H. Trench, phone Richmond Hill 175W.’ BUNGALOW 4 rooms and summer kitchen, good cellar, water, electric, rent $12.00. Apply 23 Benson Ave- nue, Richmond Hill. SIX ROOM HOUSE, good cellar, furnace, water and electric in the house, good garden and garage. Ap- ply I. D. Ramer, Richmond Hill. IN THE ESTATE OF PETER BURR TRUMPOUR All persons having claims agains the Estate of PETER BURR TRUM POUR, late of the Township of Mark- ham, in the County of York; Baker who died on or about the 30th day 0 September, 1935, are hereby notified to Send in to the undersigned Ad~ ministrator, care of his Solicitor, 0‘ or befou'e the 29th day of June, 1936, full particulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said 29th day 0 June, 1936, the assets of the de- ceased will be distributed among th parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which the Ad ministrator shall then have notice. DATED at Toronto this 2nd da; of June, AD. 1939 Used Car 1935 FORD V-8 TOURING SEDA' (with 'IYunk)â€"Ford Heater a! Defroster. A Fine Car. 1931 ESSEX COUPEâ€"Excellent cl dition. 1929 GRAHAM 4 PASSENGE COUPEâ€"A Smart Car. 1928 FORD SPORT COUPEâ€"Ru ble Seat, overhauled. M ISCEL’LA NEOUS Little Brother Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTARI- Notice to Creditors Charles Graham AGENT MASSEY HARRIS Farm Implements. Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmnnd Hi“ 132-1! by J. Harvev Bone. K.C., 372 Bay St, Toronto, his Solicitor herein. T0 RENT $665.00 WA N TED $135.00 $225.00 $175.00 Thomas Gray, Administrator, P. C. Hill,