GARFIELD YEREX é Notice to Richmond Hill Electric Light Users WNWâ€... 2-'/z Miles due Eist of Richmond Hill Admission 25c. plus Gov. Tax Exhibition game between fast To- ronto team and the Silver Streamers followed by an Old Time Barn Dance in the new barn just being com- pleted on the East Farm at Easy Termsâ€"Two Years to pay Sold by Softball Game Saturday, June 27 LOCAL BAND TO PLAY IN TORONTO Richmond Hill Trumpet Band has been selected to lead the Belfast Pur- ple Star L.O.L. No. 875 of Western district Toronto in the annual parade on July 11th. W. I. ANNUAL CONVENTION The District Annual Convention of the Women’s Institute is being held at Victoria Square, Wednesday, June 24th. First: session starts at 10.30, afternoon session 2 o’clock D. S. T. Luncheon served at 12.30 at the same price as in former years. An invi- tation is extended to all members of the Institute to attend this Conven- tion. Barn Dance Over 500,000 in general use All Porcelain Inside and Out SILVER STREAM FARM Refrigerators 5 YEAR GUARANTEE The Richmond Hill Electric Commission is co-oper- ating in the Electric Range Campaign sponsored by the Ontario Hydro, and for a limited period makes the following very special offer. To any electric light customer in Richmond Hill who purchases and installs for use an electric range, your local commission will bear the cost of changing from a two wire to a three Wire service. PAGE FOUR Commencing at 7 pm. NORGE Richmond Hill â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€"â€" Earhbt (66666), Dam, [12324] with high breeding qualities, andâ€"â€" “MONTANA†[13693] Passed Form 1. A beautiful black Percheron, sired by Charras (imp.) [12920] (168249), Dam, Aimee (13218) premium A1, owned by Oscar WiISOn, Brougham, Ont., a wonderful stock horse. The horses are the property of W. H. Johnson, Markham. and will make the season of 1936 as follows: McI-IOVAH The Imported Premium Percheron Stallion “McHOVAH†[13238] (196424) Form A1. A prize winning- dark dapple‘ gray, sired by Jehovah [6254] by By request (over telephone or by any other means available) these horses will be trucked to any stated place convenient for service within a radius of 10 or 15 miles if desired; returning home each evening. Parties desiring the service of either of these horses and phoning their orders are requested to phone after 7 pm. and before 8 am. Phone No. Markham 4306: Stouffville 2605. â€"VT:ERM7SV:V:â€"Torinsure a foal $12.00. $1.00 extra when trucked, collected at time of service. All accidhnts at owner’s risk. TORRS MARQUIS, Imp.â€"-â€"27437â€" 22576â€"Clydesdale, bay, with white legs. Imported last November from Scotland. Sire, Courtesyâ€"27458â€"by Brunstone Again. This is an out- standing show stallion, cart horse type, good legs and feet and is good mover. Well bred tracing to such stallions as Brunstone Again, Dunure Foot, Hiawatha and Pride of Blacon. Terms to insure foal $15.00. Oscar Cox, Unionville, Owner. FY'VIE RENOWN, 27110-Clydesdale Stallion for service. Brown with white legs. Sire, Fyvie Ideal-26177- Dam, Bonnie HillcresH6650.This is a fine upstanding young stallion, well bred from prize winning stock. Good legs and a good mover. Enrolled and inspected. Terms to insure foal $10. OSCAR COX, Unionville, Ontario, owner. Mr. Robt. Mill-rson has returned to Carr-ville after spending a year with relatives in England. He has re- sumed his work at Donalda Farms. Mr. and Mrs. L. Burton and fam- ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Burton at Lorneville. Keep the date of July 8th open for the Sunday School picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Clark of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. F. Taylor of Weston visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Middleâ€" ton on Sunday. Mrs: ‘Chines called on Mrs. R Bowes on Sunday afternoon, Mr. J. Barthn and Mr. D. Middle- ton attended the lacrosse game at Swansea on Tuesday evening. Mr. Bert Middleton and his Sunday School Class of boys spent the Week- end camping on Mr. Walker’s farm at Edgeley. Misses Jessie and Margaret Mit- chell were entertained by Mrs. Robe- son of Maple on Sunday and attend- ed the Sunday School Anniversary services. Mr. Bob Manning of Maple will have charge of the service in Carr- ville Church on Sunday evening. Stock Register CARRVILLE beautiful black Miss Irene Smith and Miss Doris )Soden were hostesses last Thursday evening at a miscellaneous shower for Miss Janet Riddell whose mar- iriage takes place early in July. an attendance of nearly 400. The weather was ideal and everyone re- ports a good time. The Pet Parade was an amusing feature on the pro- gram, the children bringing their pets. Bobby Wiltshire was the proud possessor of the dog who couldI do the most tricks and got lst prize. The second prize went to Audrey Duncey who had her kitten dressed up in a bonnet and dress and wheel- ed it around in a doll carriage. It put on its best behavior and all af- ternbon never stirred and needless to say was the centre of attraction to all the children. ‘ Rev. A. H., Mrs. Halbert and Mr. A. W. Galbraith attended the S. S. Sup-erintendents’ Conference of the three Toronto Presbyteries which was held in the United Church at King City last Monday evening. Thirteen is a lucky number for Violet June Rochester of 200 Peta- wawa Ave., Newtonbrook. Violet is the 13th and youngest member of her family and celebrated her 13th birthday on Saturday, June 13th. She entertained 13 of her friends at her birthday party and had a birthday cake with 13 candles. She attends the G. R. Goulding Memorial School and recently won first prize in vocal music in an amateur c0ntest given by 1 tion. Mr. and Mrs. Herman McBride and Mr. Alfred McBride of King City were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson last Sunday. Mr. Robert Smith and Miss Alma Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and' Misses Bertha and Irene attendâ€" ed the Smith reunion last Saturday near Stouffville. We are pleased, to see Mr. George Street around again after his acciâ€" dent and being confined to his home for seven weeks. Rev. R. G. and Mrs. Halbert of Durham returned to their home last Monday after spending the past week at the Parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Finder and‘ Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Finder and Mrs. R. Pinder Sr. visited friends at Or- illia last weekâ€"end. The Orangemen of this district will parade to the Newtonbrook United Church on Sunday evening, July 5th at 7 o’clock. Rev. A. H. Halbert will conduct the service. The G. R. Goulding Memorial School at Newton-brook held; a very successful picnic on. the school grounds last Friday afternoon with Miss- Sherman of Toronto is visit- ing with her friend Miss Marion Case. We were Very sorry to hear of the serious motor accident which be- fell Mr. John Mills, building inspec- tor for North York. The accident occurred at Wilson Ave. and Avenue Rd. last Saturday afternoon when Mr. Mills’ car collided with an am- bulance owned by the Consul Burial Co., Lansing. Mr. Mills was criti- cally injured and is in St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, but is now pro- gressing favorably. The Newtonbrook United Church Sunday School will hold their annual picnic to Elm Park, Woodbridge next Saturday, June 20th. Cars will be at the church at 2 p.m. so everybody try and be on time and bring along refreshments. The program commit- tee has a good line-up of sports and a fine time is anticipated. Little Dorothy True has been very ill with an attack of bronchitis; We hope she will soon be well again. Mrs. R. F. Hicks, Miss M. Case and Mrs. Andrews attended a W. M. S. meeting last Thursday at the home of Mrs. W. Carson, King City. The W. M. S. entertained the mem-l bers of the Cradle Roll and Baby Band with their mothers at their June meeting which was held last Tuesday afternoon in the S. S. hall of the United Church with a large attendance. The room was prettin decorated for the occasion with pink and white peonies, garden heliotrope and orange blossoms. Mrs. A. H. Halbert presided. The devotional worship service was conducted by Mrs. Leslie Grisdale, Supt. of the Cradle Roll of the S. S. and Miss Annie Lever, Supt. of the Baby Band, led in prayer. Mrs. James Murray very ably reviewed the last chapter of the Study Book on “The New Africa†which has proved to be a most interesting study. Mr. and Mrs. Murray lived in Pretoria, Africa, during the years of the Boer War and she told many of her experi- ences while living there which made the study more interesting. Mrs. Al- lan Wiltshire contributed a solo in ‘her usual pleasing way. Beautifully >colored lantern slides on Mothers and Children of other lands were shown, About thirty-five guests met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, Finch’s Ave. The bride to be was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. Very dainty refresh- ments were served. Mr. and Mrs. L. Brown of Toronto attended evening service at the Unit- ed Church last Sunday. NEWTONBROOK the Home and School Associa- THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO also slides on “Miss McHarries Home for Babies in India.†with Mrs. Hal- bert giving the lecture. Sunday night was Missionary night at the Young People’s Union and the Gospel Singers, well known to the radio audience, had charge of the meeting and in testimony and song gave us an insight into the joy and beauty of the Christian life. At the close of the meeting a small book- let “God‘ a Way of Salvation" was given for the asking. The interest- ing programs put on by the Execu- tive officers are in keeping with the Y.P.U. work and are a source of help to those who attend. The Sunday School Anniversary next Sabbath will be especially inâ€" teresting. In the morning at 11 o'â€" clock Rev. E. E. Pugsley of Thorn- hill will speak and Dr. Fletcher’s choir will lead the singing. At 7 pm. Rev. S. Mather-q of Toronto will deliver the message and the song service will be led by Peache’s Male Quartette. The Strawberry Festival on June 23rd, the King’s Birthday, should at- tract a crowd. The feature of the evening will be the play “The Purple Tantrum†by Laskay Dramatic Club and an orchestra led by Mr. Klinck. On Wednesday evening, June 10th, a miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Castator in honor of Miss Hazel Castator whose marriage to Mr. Roy Cooper will take place on Saturday afterâ€" noon, June 20th, in Teston United Church. Miss Castator was the re- cipient of many useful and beautiful gifts. A social hour followed the meet- ing. The children who were old en- ough, 23 in all, sat down at a long table and had a tea party all to themselves, while the mothers enjoy- ed a social cup of tea and got better acquainted“ with each other. Mrs. W. T. Wells, Mrs. J. C. Bales, Mrs. A. Stephenson, Mrs. M. Case, Mrs. W. E. Hick and Mrs. New were hostesses at this happy gathering. Messrs. J. McCluskey and Randy Hoiles, Mrs. McCluskey and Mrs. George Taggart, were Toronto visitâ€" ors on Sunday. Miss Rose Eagen and little Miss Jean Cameron of Toronto visited Miss Eagen’s parents on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Greaves, Weston, Miss Morton and Mr. Tiff Gunn, Toronto, were Saturday visitors with Mr. and‘ Mrs. Ranesbottom. Mrs. Wm. Diesman is still on the sick ilst. Also Mr. Jerry Piercey is not very well. Friends extend best wishes to these two of the older peo- ple for a spee‘dy recovery. 72 o’block standard time. Kitchen Cupboard 2 Beds (complete) with box springs 2 Couches Chest of Drawers 3 Tables Chairs Coal Oil Stove Sparton Radio, 7 tubes Settee 6 Verandah Chairs 6 Kitchen Chairs and Table Whatnot Quantity of Dishes Other articles too numerous to men- tion. ANNIVERSARY AND GARDEN PARTY AT ST. MARY’S Two former Rectors will preach at the anniversary services of St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill on Sunday, June 21st. At 11 a.m. ser- vices will be taken by Rev. H. F. Battersby and in the evening the special speaker will be Rev. C. Gray Eakins. On Tuesday, June 23rd, the King’s birthday, there will be a Garden Party on the church grounds. Sup- per will be served from 5.30 p.m. and at 8 p.m. there will be a concert given by local and outside talent. Admission 35 cents. 11/2 miles North of Maple on Highway IN THE ESTATE OF PETER BURR TRUMPOUR All persons having claims against the Estate of PETER BURR TRUM- POUR, late of the Township of Mark- 1 uwrw, now: u; Ullu Jun... .. Va -.-â€"-._ ha‘m, in the County of York, Baker, who died on or about the 30th day of September, 1935, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Ad- ministrator, care of his Solicitor, on or before the 29th day of June, 1936, full particulars of their claims. Im- mediater after the said 29th day of June, 1936, the assets of the de- ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which the Ad- ministrator shall then have notice. at Toronto this 2nd day of June, AD. 1936; SATURDAY, JUNE 27TH Notice to Creditors AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD by J. Harvey Bone. KO, 372 Bay St, Toronto his Solicitor hepein. JOSEPH COUSINS J. C. Saigeon, Auctioneer TESTON Property 7915 Thomas Gray, Administrator, SAND & GRAVEL. Cement blocks, buildings raised. John Jarvis, Rich- mond Hill. telephone 94M. PIANO for sale. Cheap. In first class condition. Apply to Mrs. John Smith, Unionville, Ont. TEAM of Percherons, weigh be- tween 1400 and 1500 pounds. Apply L. C. Burton, Carrville Road. FORD TRUCK, $15.00, one acre of land and milking goat. Apply 2 Ed- gar Avenue, Richvale, StOp 22 Yonge Street. new. Will sacrifice fdr césh. Pricé $135.00. Apply Box 61 The Liberal MOWER, Peter Hamilton. E. Clark, Concord, phone Maple 2168. YOUNG PIGS. J. Newell, Mill Road, Stop 23b Yonge Street. FOR SALE OR RENT, house on Centre Street West. Apply W. Hall. 15 ACRES ALFALFA HAY, stand- ing. Apply T. A. Keffer, Concord, phone Maple 1670. THREE MARES, would make good brood mares. Roselawn Farms, Mr. Moore, Yonge Street, south of Rich- mond Hill. PIANO, H Nordheimef, pr_acti_ca.11y EASY ELECTRIC WASHER, latest type, out 2 months, sacrifice for sale; also Cream Separator. Apply J. A. Rose, Maple. Office. LARGE WHITE PEKIN DUCK EGGS ifor hatching. Leo C. Burton, §top 2§_Y9ng_e__St., Carrville Road. Pho‘ne Maple “764. 30 WHITE ROCK PULLETS, three months old; 40 Barred Rock Pullets, 11 weeks old. Davies, Doncrest Road, Langstaff. HAY, buyer to do cutting, about 75 acres. R. S. Mason, third house south of Richmond Hill on east side of Yonge Street. » BLACK WELSH PONY mare, or will exchange for horse suitable for farm work. Apply S. J. Hands, Union- ville R.R. No. 1, con TIMBERS, five pieces 6 by 25 ft. long; 17 pieces 8 by from 10 to 15 ft. long; 10 joist 2 by 6â€"16 ft. Apply Glass, Richmond Hill. LAWN MOWER 16â€, Eatonia Wring- er, used Cook Stove. Repairs for furnaces, stoves, oil stoves, oil burn- ers. Apply R. H. Kane, 74 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, phone 92F. 3 ICE REFRIGERATORS, $5 each; double 6 in. oil burner $10.00; Groh’s Electric milk cooler; Norge Electric refrigerator $149.95 up; Gurney ranges. easy terms, Deforest and Maâ€" jestiq 19:23:? radios. G. Yerex, Rich- FARM WAGON, wagon rack, set of ‘harrows, sling ropes, wheelbarrow nearly new, set harness collars and bridles. Everything 3 real bargain. Enond Hill. Apply L. H phone 35M. A COSEY HOUSE on a cosey lot on a cosey street in the cosey Vill- age of Maple. 50 feet lot, nice lawn, wonderful garden with small fruits, flowing well. 7 roomed frame house, furnace, water in kitchen, electric lights, all in excellent condition. A lovely home for retirinrr farmer. Ap- ply to H. H. Sawdlon, Schombera‘, Ontsh‘io, or Mrs. H. A. Campbell, 306 Maple Leaf Drive. Weston, 'Orn’c. FARM 100 acres more or less, Lot‘ 27, Con. 3, Markham, stone house with furnace, bank barn equipped with water, also dairy equipment, 2 running streams, Maple grove, soil consists of clay loam, acre and half of Orchard, apples, cherries, plums, grapes. For further particulars ap- ply Joseph Cober, R.R. No. 2, Gorm- ley. BABY CHICKS and Custom Hatch- ing, June and July prices. Rocks, Leghorns $11.00, Minorcas and New Hampshire Reds $13. per 100 chicks, $1.00 per 100 less if paid in full 4 weeks in advance. Custom hatching rates, hen eggs $2.50, duck and tur- key eggs $4.00 per 100 eggs. Barred Rock Chicks to spare this week end and next. Established 1924, H. G. Mecredy, Yonge St. Poultry Farm and Hatchery. Phone Richmond Hill 102-1‘-13. MEN FOR FARM. Do you want a man for work on farm. If you do, get in touch with the Relief Officer for Markham and Vaughan Township, A. V. Orr, Unionville or Maple. TWO BOB CALVES. Apply Sam Mashinter, R.R. N0. 2 Maple, phone Maple 1349. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST 0F 11" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extr. each insert-ion IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. FOR SALE WANTED élemeht, Richmond Hill Markham. 8 and 8 and pieces THURSDAY, JUNE 18th, 1936 WELLS dug and cleaned, pumps re- paired, water located, cement cisterns built, fencing wire and rail. A. Jones. Elgin Mills, telephone Richmond Hill 1021'22. PAINTING AND DECORATING, ex-- pert workmanship, estimates gladly given. Work done anywhere in the district. L. W. Zuefelt, Richmond Hill, Ontario. WILL SELL 0R TRADE for late» model used eat, one player piano, one- service station batterv charger (ca- pacity 20 batteries). Apply Box 78: HOUSES RAISED, moved etc. base. ments built. Phone Thornhill 73. The Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. SIX ROOM HOUSE on Roseview Avenue, conveniences. Apply J. Hick- son, 8 Roseview Avenue, Richmond SIX ROOM HOUSE on Arnold St.‘ Richmond Hill. Apply to P. G. Hill. Richmond Hill. HilI. APARTMENT, 6 rooms, modern, conveniences, in Richmond Hill. Ap- ply T. H. Trench, phone Richmond Hill 175W. furnace, water and electric in the house, good garden and garage. Ap- ply I. D. Ramer, Richmond Hill. SIX ROOM HOUSE, good cellar, BRICK HOUSE, Centre Street East, Richmond Hill, 5 rooms, hardwood floors, all conveniences, $25.00 per month. Apply H. J. Mills, Richmond Hill. LOST, a pair of spectacles, white gold rims on Tuesday at south end of village. Reward. Finder kindly return to Hugh Yerex, 4 Markham Road, Richmond Hill. sale of household furniture etc. the property of Joseph Cousins, 11/; miles north of Maple on highway. J. C. Saigeon, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, JUNE 27THâ€"Auction sale of valuable property, household furniture ebc. the property of the estate of the late George Beynon, Jefferson. See full list in this issue. J. C. Saigeon, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, JUNE 20THâ€"Auction Used Cars 1935 FORD V-S DELUXE FORDOR SEDAN 1931 ESSEX COUPEâ€"Excellent con- dition. q 1929 GRAHAM 4 PASSENGE] COUPEâ€"A Smart Car. 1929 1928 FORD SPORT COUPEâ€"an ble Seat, overhauled. 1928 PONTIAC COACHâ€"Thorough}; Reconditioned Little Brother 1929 FORD ROADSTERâ€"GOOd con" dition Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTAR-IO MISCELLANEOUS Seat Charles Graham AGENT MASSEY HARRIS Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 13247 SALE REGISTER FORD CABRIOLETâ€"Rumbll TO RENT $650.00 $160.00 $225.00 $140.00 $135.00 $175.00 $150.00 LOST