BROTHERTON’S SteamshipnggG Special Sailings to the Homeland by Canadian Pacific, Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson lines at Lowest Rates. Photos and Passports Secured All enquiries confidential We look after your wants right from your home. Phone Willowdale 63J Office Stop 6 Yonge St, Lansing IANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS "0F CANADIAN & FOREIGN Granite Monuments hone HYland 2081 Open Evenings I“. Phone 9788 Johnston & Granston Day 139 Phones Eve’s 82w TRAVEL SERVICE CLIMAX BUG KILLER ARSENATE 0F LEAD ARSENA'I‘E OF LIME BBLS. 0F SALT, OOARSE AND FINE, BAGS OF 100 AND Dealers in Lumber, Lath, Shingles Ashphalt Roofing, Gyproc Steamship Reservations to Event Britain and the Continent. Premier service to West Indies. PASSPORTS ARRANGED FOR Raï¬ tickets and sleeper Reservations. EXPRESS TELEGRAPH Cam. National Station Richmond Hill Y. B. Tracy, Agent Phone 1% New Low Spring Prices on Anthracite Coal Public Attention SHEPPARD & GILL I LUMBER 00. I Glasses that suit you is what you want. You may have your choice of our guaranteed “DE- LUKE’S†gold-filled rimless mounting or frame, latest shapes, plus best quality single vision Toric lenses. POULTRY FEEDS â€"â€" DAIRY FEEDS BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES F. E. LUKE & SON 163 YONGE s'r. To Farmersâ€"Get our prices on all the best grades of Seed Corn, also Mange] and Turnip Seed Telephone 62 I. D. Ramer 8: Son Opposite Simpson’s â€"â€" Take Elevator FIFTY POUNDS ALL GREATLY REDUCED THE MILL Now is the time to order next winter’s supply of fuel and save many dollars. From Maple Gravel Pit 1849 Yonge St. (can; ide) Between Mertan & leliol Sts. GENERAL CARTAGE SAND â€" GRAVEL PHONE 10 For Day or Evening Appomtment Phone EL. 4820 WM. MCDONALD THE LOWEST PRICES FOR MANY YEARS RICHMOND HILL SPECIAL PAGE SIX $8.53. .I. F. BURR Telephone 27 by Truck Including Examination Thornhill Spring wheat yields are much 10W- er than those of Winter wheat. The 1935 crop of 98,800 acres produced 1,857,000 bushels. The greatest pro- duction is in the northern and east- ern counties. There is no carry-over of Winter Wheat. That of lower grade is fed to livestock and there is a good de- mand of high quality for the manu- facture of pastl'y flour and cereal products. Considering wheat as a cash crop as one which affords an opportunity for weed control and di- vision of labor, the acreage next year should reach at least normal levels in the fall Wheat areas. sown. The acreage seeded does not exceed 70 per cent of that sown in the fall of 1934. Excellent weather conditions, however, have resulted in better crop prospects. Dry weather during the sflmmer of 1935 and pressure of work in har- vesting a large crop of spring- grain resulted in less fall wheat being- Wheat Crops Winter wheat is one of the best cash crops and a reliable source of straw. Ontario farmers have in the past grown as much as 1,000,0(00 acres of this crop annually. The area devoted to winter wheat in 1935 was 555,100 as compared with 425,600 acres in 1934. Production amounted to 12,601,000 bushels as compared with 6,724,000 in 1934, when the crop was badly Winter-killed. The 1935 price was 71 cents as compar- ed with 88 cents in 1934. Wheat Exports The exports of Canadian wheat to Great Britain during the first three months of 1936, namely 11,604,111 cwt. showed an increase of nearly ’70 per cent over the quantity shipp- ed in the corresponding months of 1935. During the same ï¬eriod, Can- adian flour exports to Britain ad- vanced from 883,084 cwt. in 1935 to 944,445 cwt. and- the sales of Can- adian lard on the British marklet were more than trebled, according to British statistics; The average values per head of live stock in Canada in 1935 were estimated as follows, (with the 1934 values in brackets);; horses $65 ($57); milch cows, $35 ($29); other cattle, $22 ($17); sheep $5.02 ($4.18); swine $11.77 ($9.86);. The average value of unwashed wool per pound was estimated at 12 cents as com- pared with 10 cents in 1934. According to the, annual report on farm values for 1935,‘ there were 2,- 931,337 horses in Canada during- that year; 3,849,200 milch cows; 4,971,â€" 400 other cattlezâ€"total cattle, 8,820,â€" 600; sheep, 3,399,100; and swine, 3,- 549,200. Although the number of animals was less than in 1934, the value was considerably greater, show- ing an increase of 18 per cent, or a. total of $75,489,000. Production of creamery butter in Canada for the month of January, 1936, totalled 9,388,090 lbs., an in- crease of 17.4 per cent, or 1,389,949 pounds, compared with ' January, 1935. Weeds in Cereal and Grass Seeds With reference to weed classifica- J. R. HERRINGTON 83 Yonge St., Richmond Hill C.N.R. Money Order Office AT THE ELEVATOR Real Estate Insurance Conveyancing Estates Managed Rents Collected NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARMER creamery butter in month of January, k88,090 lbs., an in- No. 1 grade for seed of clovers and grasses allows no seeds of pri- mary noxious weeds. No. 2 grade allows five primary noxious weed seeds per ounce or 20 primary and secondary weed seeds combined per ounce, while No. 3 grade allows 25 primary noxious weed seeds, or 80 primiamy ,and secondary noxious weed seeds combined, or a total of 500 weed seeds per ounce. The use of seed grain that has not been well cleaned is responsible for the introâ€" duction of many new weeds and the increase of those already in the land. 4 cups strawberries, 1 cup granu- lated sugar, ’24 cup hot water, 1 cup pastry flour, 8 teaspoon baking pow- der, 1/; teaspoon salt, 1/3 cup granu lated sugar, 2 tablespoons butter, 11;. cup milk. Cook strawberries in covered saucepan with sugar and water, cut shortening into sifted dry ingredients, add milk, combine well. Drop spoon- fuls into strawberry mixture, cover tightly. Cook at slow heat for 20 minutes with removing cover. Serve at once. Serves 8. No seeds of group one, primary noxious weeds, are allowed in grades No. 1 and No. 2 for seeds of cereals and other field crops, but allowance is made in grade No. 3 of cereal and field crop seeds for fivle primary noxious weed seeds, or 15 primary and secondary weed seeds combined, 100 weed seeds of all kinds and 300 seeds of other cultivated plants per pound. tion and seed grades under the Seeds Act, weeds are classified into three groups according to the seriousness of their character; The first group consists of primary noxious weeds, the nine members of which are couch grass, bladder campion, dodder, field bindweed, Johnson grass, ox-eye daisy, perennial sow thistle, white cookie and wild mustard. The sec- ond group is known as the secondary noxious, which includes ball mustard, blue weed, Canada thistle, chicory, field pepperg’rass, cow-cockle, darnel, docks, false flax, forked catch-fly, hare’s ear mustard, night-flowering catchfly, purple cockle, ragweed (common, great and perennial), rib- g'rass, Russian thistle, stikleweed, stink-weed, tumbling mustard, wild carrot, wild oats and wild radish. The third group contains a long list of lesser weeds such as catsnip, lamb’s quarters, cinque foil, etc. A FAVORITE TESTED RECIPE Strawberry Jumbles THORNHILLL MOTORS THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO GIVES YOU ALL SIX . . . PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES HEAD ENGINE... FISHER NO-DRAFT VENTILATION... KNEE-ACTION Saturday: Jane may have to be opperated on for sum thing & ast me how long wood it be after she took ether before she new eney thing. It was the chanct of a life time so I sed I guest about 30 yrs. Wednesday: Reggie Reddykash are bankers yung kolledge bred son tride to sell sum life ensurence duren va- cashen. The city colecter sed to him he cuddent sell none with out no licants. Reggie replide & sed he knowed he cuddent sell none but did- dent no why was it. Thursday: A farmer Writ the noose- paper where Pa. works that his otes is offeI weedie & what shud he do. Pa diddent no but the offis devil sed tell him to weed ’em & reap .& the editur sed the devil will make a grate editur. Friday: Jake sed he found a wurâ€" rum in his spinnich this noon & he diddent no which vita mine it was but he et it. & it tasted bettern the spinnich he sed. mick & a littel lore down this p. m. & Pa sed he xpected I et to menney green appels as he tolo me the cher- rys wasent ripe. But I am enklined to suspishen the cherrys. Some how. SLATS’ DIARY Swerveless, perfected Hydraulic Brakes! Streamlined Fisher Bodies with the protect- grfgz Solid steel»Turret Top! _Valve-in-Head, compression engin_e that saves you money on running costs every mile and offers you all the good things of motorâ€" . proved by experience . . . and ONLY Chevrolet in the low price class mg . . recognized by public preference. (By Oliver N. Warren) ALI. )IA .uPERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES . .. TURRET TOP BODIES BY FISHER. . .VALVE-IN- FISHER NU-DRAFT VENTILATION... KNEE-ACTION (on Master De Late Models) SAFETY GLASS THROUGHOUT Monday : Jane has a flashey new dress & sed to me it looks so mutch like a sofey pillar that she has been set on several times. When she had it on I pre- soom. Tuesday: I was sick to the stum- Young’s Service Station GAS, OIL and ACCESSORIES NORTH YONGE ST. RICH A Single Ride Proves It’s Wiser to Buy year G-3’s will stand up under long and exacting a , Come in and let us show you tire-prints of tires on cars in this locality. Judge for yourself what splendid service I Goodyears will I give you. 1"1 Tickets good going Tuesday, June 30, until 2 p.m., Wednesday, July 1. Return Limit, leaving destination not later than Midnight, Thursday, July?- For (are: and further information apply Ticket Aqenln CANADAN NATIONAL LOW RAIL FARE and ONE THIRD for ROUND TRIP rS aT WW B. d OF 0E Gm _I Between all points in Canada. Take advantage of (11959 low rail fares to spend a delightful Dominion Day holidayl minute! Fisher No-Dratt Ventilation to guard your health! Improved *Knee-Action gliding ride! And Safety glass of the ï¬nest quality in every window! Butâ€"far better than wordsâ€"step in behind the wheel and let your own actual driving test prove every claim we make. Payments to suit your purse on the General Motors Instalment Plan. *011 Master De Luxe Models 7 a CHEVROLET Minimum Rail Fara 25¢ THURSDAY, JUNE 18th, 1936 Goodyears are the tires for Happy Motoring! FARES (Standard Series 2-pass. Cal Master DeLuxe Models from $884 We are fully equipped to give prompt and efficient tire-service. RICHMOND HILL Dellveled at factory, I] Governmennaxes, It "tense exlra‘ Th ornhil'l fl Ontario 1‘,‘ PRICED FROM $736 Oshawa. nnl. Height am! Coupe) C-M6