NEW DODGE priced from $849 up Agent for FAMOUS FROST WIRE FENCE mammal,†ii YOnge sn, Richmond Hill “When it was 73 degrees below zero at Iroquois Falls, 11 miles from Val Gagne, our hotel was quite comfortably heated With the 45 Gilson Mammoth Furnace." (Signed) Louis A. Sigouin, Val Gagne, Ont. omemnptmm Easy *0 Own a GILSON Low Prices â€" Small Down Payment -â€" Easy Terms A small down payment and monthly payments so easy, I you will never miss them will put a Gilson Furnace in 1316th30 waShHS your home. By otdering NOW you get, Free: the Robot Elect};ng AAAAAAAA Heag Cpqtrol. or Automatic Humidiï¬er. Dont miss this Air Conditioning Coal Blowers Air Conditioning Coal Blowers Electric Washers Electric FREE Refrigerators Commercial Refrigeration Counter Ice Cream Freezer Plan NOW for a warmer house. A Gilson Furnace will give you more heat and save fuel bins. Sturdin built to give years of service. PAGE E [GH'l BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY Ask About the Money Saving Pian Offered by Hydro for Limited Time SMALL DOWN PAYMENT AND EASY TERMS 44 YONGE STREET TELEPHONE RICHMOND HILL 75 Egectrical Store Richmond Hill’s N E CARRYING A COMPLETE LINE GENERAL-ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT AND APPLIANCES ELECTRIC STOVES â€" REFRIGERATOR S â€" RADIOS â€" FIXTURES ETC. PLUMBING FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT â€" PUMPS AND PLUMBING â€" ELECTI Warm House a’r 73 Below Zero wo’ï¬deéf’ul' dpbéndniiy‘ Amazing with everu R. H. KANE??? LECUYER & COMPANY with everq Telephone 92F AND EVERYTHING ELECTRICKL AT COMPLETE STOCK 0F MAZDA LAMPS â€" ELECTRIC FIXTURES ETC. Dr. 0. A. K. Snider, V.S., who practised in the Woodbridge district for several years and at present is in the employ of the Dominion Gov- ernment as meat Inspector at Mon- treal, spent the week-end with Wood- bridge friends. Christ Church W. A. Attends Dean- ery Meeting at Bradford Christ Church Women’s Auxiliary was well represented at the Dean- ery meeting of the West York Wo- men’s Auxiliary held in Trinity Church, Brarford, on Thursday of last week when Holy Communion was celebrated at the morning service with Rev. G. Shannon, Rector of the church, as celebrant assisted by Rev. J. H. Kidd of Christ Church, Wood- bridge, and Rural Dean of West York. Rev. F. D. Abbott of Schem- berg gave the address. Encouragâ€" ing reports were submitted by the secretaries of the different branches. At the afternoon service a most in- teresting address was given by Miss N. Harvey, Matron of Aklavik Hos- pital in the diocese of the Arctic. Miss V. Summerhayes, Toronto Dio- cesan Secretary, also spoke. Rev. H. Clarke gave a talk on the work done by the Oxford group. Miss A. Haines Christ Church W. A. Have Study Book Reviewed The Missionary Study meeting of the Afternoon Branch of Christ Church Women’s Auxiliary was held at the Rectory on Friday of last week with Mrs. J. H. Kidd, Literature Sec- retary, presiding. Rev. J. H. Kid‘d was present and gave an interest- ing review of the Study Book “The Jew and the World Ferment.†The examination of the Study Book con- ducted by Mrs. Kidd was won by Mrs. Arthur Howl. Mrs. Kidd, as- sisted by her daughter Frances, served refreshments. Rev. Jonathan Goforth Retired Mis- sionary in Woodbridge Large congregations of Wood- bridge and Knox Presbyterian chur- ches greeted Rev. Jonathan Goforth, retired Missionary, who spent 47- years in China. Mr. Goforth gave an interesting account of his life’s work in that country. WOODBRIDGE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO (LORNE BLOCK) of Sharon was re-elected deanery ofâ€" ficer. Woodbridge Fair Board Holds June Meeting Final arrangements were made by the Woodbridge Agricultural Society at the June meeting held in the Pub- lic Library for the annual fair to be held on Saturday, 'October 10th and Thanksgiving Day, October 12. The president, C. H. Wallace, pre- sided and general business was trans- acted which included the appointing‘ of judges, distribution of directors1 duties and the revision of the prize list. The grounds and buildings were inspected and apart from some paint- ing needed no repairs are required for the present year. Annual Reunion of Devins Clan Held at Thistletown ‘ A large number of the Devins‘ Clan from all parts of the Domin- ion attended the annual reunion in Thistletown Park on Saturday last. For attending from the longest dist- ance Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webster of Portage La Prairie were given the honors while D. C. Longhouse the oldest gentleman and Mrs. Isaac l Fletcher the oldest lady were given prizes. Officers elected were, Hon- orary Presidkenlt, J. I. H. Devins, Kleinburg; President, Albert Devins, Kleinburg; 'First Vice-president, Townley‘Lawrence, Toronto; Second Vice - president, Wilbert Snider, Downsview; third Vice-president, Ben Devins, Toronto; Treasurer, G. B. Devins, Weston; Secretary, Mr. How- ard Fletcher, Woodbridge; Assistant Secretary, Miss Dorothy Gilson, To- ronto. Oakwood Christian Boys Hold Picnic at Elliston Park V The Oakwood Branch of Christian Boys Association picniced at Ellis- ton Park on Friday of last week un- der the leadership of Mr. J. Walker when a lengthy program of sports was carried out by the group. West York District Orange Lodge Hold Open Air Service Orange Lodges of West York Dis- itrict which included lodges from ‘Wes‘t Toronto, Islington, Lambton, Mount Dennis, Weston, Concord and ‘Woodbridge, together with Queen Victoria Lodge L.O.B.A. and the Mary Callum Lodge of Woodbridge Juve- niles, assembled in Woodbridge Fair Grounds on Sunday afternoon and headed by Woodbridge Citizens’ Band and Fife and Drum Bands of Weston and Mount Dennis marched via 8th Avenue and Pine Streets to Elliston Park where many spectators had gathered, and listened to Rev. L. ‘Hunter, minister [of W-estmoreland United Church, Toronto, and Rev. J. H. Kidd, Rector of Christ Church, iWoodbridge, who were introduced by Wor. Bro. W. A. Hamilton, District Master. Mr. Hunter spoke on the subject “Wake Thou That Sleepest" in which he dealt chiefly with the separate school tax amendment re- cently adopted by the Ontario Leg- tislature. Distinguished L. O. B. A. guests present were, Most Worship- ful Sister L. Roe, Grand Mistress of ‘British America; Most Worshipful iSister A. J. McIntyre, Grand Mis- ‘tress of British America; Most Wor. Sister L. Powell, Most Wor. Sister Thwaites, Deputy Grand Secretary Ontario West, and Wet. Bro. Swaby, York County Master. The choirs of the Presbyterian, Anglican and Unit- ed Churches contributed the musical service. Following the service the Lodges returned to the Fair grounds and dispersed. Dr. C. H. B. Lewis, field secretary of parish and church school board of United Lutheran Church in Amer- ica, who is conducting an itinere of Canadian Synod will preach in the Zion Lutheran Church, next Sunday morning at 11 am. His message will be of special interest to all Sun- day School workers. Special anniversary services will be held in Zion Lutheran church on Sunday, July 19th when special spea- kers and choirs will be furnished by the Synod to mark the 75th anni- versary, and the unveiling of a cairn to the memory of the late Adam Keffer. The United Church Sunday School Anniversary was successfully carried out last Sunday. Both speakers and music warsrmuch appregiatgd b): all. The marriage of Miss Evelyn Hayes of Concord to Mr. Ernest Evans took placg in the_ United ghqrch _at M_aple it three o’clock on Wednesday, Jline RICHMOND HILL RESIDENCE AGIN COURT 21-r-21 MAPLE ELECTRIC WIRING THURSDAY. JUNE 18th, 1936 17th. Rev. A. M. Partridge officiatâ€" ed. Mrs. Dr. Routley played the wedding music and Mrs. Marritt sang duging_the_ signing ofitbe Ijegisger. On Sunday, June 28th, the three appointments of Maple United church will worship at Maple at 11 a.m. when the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be administered. A most enjoyable and largely at- tended party and miscellaneous show- er was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Evans on Monday evening in honour of Miss Evelyn Hayes and Ernest Evans whose marriage took place on Wednesday of this week. The couple were the recipients of many beautiful and useful gifts. The Thornhill Horticultural Society will hold a Peony and Rose show on Friday, July 10th at 8 p.m. in the Lawrence Memorial Parish Hall. Peoniesâ€"l, 6 white or cream; 2, 6 pink; 3, 6 red; 4, collection not more than 12 spikes mixed. Pansiesâ€"1,best collection. Rosesâ€"1, spray of Climbing Roses; 2, vase of‘Climbing Roses; 3, single rose, (not climber); 4. vase or bowl, not more than 12 blooms. Table Centreâ€"Not more than 12 inches high; basket or vase of gar- den flowers not more than 24 inches over all. A well attended meeting of the Woman’s Association of the United Church met last Wednesday after- noon at the home of Mrs. '0. C. James. The first Viceâ€"President, Mrs. R. Simpson, occupied the chair. Mrs. M. McLean led in the devotion- al period, assisted by Mrs. N. L. Morton and Mrs. G. Rowbottom. As this was the last meeting of the sea- son, the afternoon was taken up with business. The next meeting will be ï¬eld the 2nd Wednesday in Septem- er. Miss L. Inglehart, Mrs. Ahlund, Miss Lena Drury of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. J. Glubine and son John of Laskay were guests at Locust Lawn last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Thompsop and son Bobby are spending- thelr holidays in Montreal. Some of us can remember way back when depressions were blamed on people who had money stuck in mattresses and old tin cans. Successor to J. J. Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOGDBRIDGE, ONT-Alto Wilfrid R. Scott THORN HILL