Membem of the J .W.I. had a busy day on Wednesday when they enter- tained the seventeen branches of East York at the annual meeting for the district. Dinner was served to one hundred and twenty guests and supper to seventy-five, both meals Victoria Square boys’ team have their ups and downs losing to Silver Stream last Thursday and winning from Milliken on Wednesday even- mg. Victoria Square mixed ball team suffered defeat at the hands of Tem- peranceville team on Monday even- ing following the social at the church lawn. Never mind folks victory may be important but there are other things more so we hope to both Vic- toria Square and Temperanceville. Many former Victoria Square folk were on hand for the occasion also friends from the surrounding charges-o Sunday services were also a bright spot in the season's work with Rev. W. McDonald of Agincourt and Rem Anderson of Woodbridge bringing splendid messages while the junioiv choir and the choir from Wesley gave fine music. This year Victoria Square Garden Party managed to fall in the midst :of haying and the afternoon crowd ‘was rather reduced. Mr. L. L. Nich- ol’s school were champions in the junior ball game holding their cup for another year while Miss Mont- morency’s school were runners-up and carried home second prize. Un- ionville mixed ball team won first .prize in the afternoon with Victoria Square second and in the evening Victoria Square men’s team were victorious in the challenge games ‘with Unionville and Milliken. The usual good crowd gathered for the evening entertainment and in spite of the chilly atmosphere all was sil- ence for the play “Lena Rivers†which was voted best yet as regards 8. Victoria Square performance and the Garden Party concert. The young people who presented the one-act play “And He came unto His Father†at Ravenshoe last week report a most appreciative audience and a very enjoyable evening. VICTORIA SQUARE Berry Pickers wanted Telephone or call at th; N531: Farm VOL. LVI. ' AIR CON DI'I'IONED CAPITOL STRAWBERRIES Crates containing 27 boxes, if called for, will be sold at current Wholesale prices. Less than crate lots may be obtained from your retail store. Be sure however to look for the name on the box. “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER In order to avoid disappointment this year, please tele- phone your orders several days in advance for “ One Rainy Afternoon †THURS., FRI., SAT. â€" JULY 2-3-4 Jeanette Macdonald - Nelson Eddy in THURS, FRI., SAT. â€" JUNE 25 - 26 - 27 Warner Baxter in “ Prisoner of Shark Island †Silver Stream Farms MON., TUES., WED. â€" JUNE 29.30 JULY 1 Francis Lederer in LOUIS - SCHMELING FIGHT PICTURES Telephones Richmond Hill 4815 and 4805 H ROSE MARIE †â€" PARAMOUNT NEWS GENTLE JULIA COOL AND COMFORTABLE THE FINEST GROWN and JANE WITHERS in TABLE TENNIS â€"ANDâ€" John Dexter of Benson Avenue sustained a broken rib and some bad bruises when he fell Monday evening while erecting some special lighting fixtures at St. Mary’s church in pre- paration for Tuesday’s Garden Party. Mr. Dexter caught hold of a limb which gave way and: let him fall to the ground. His many friends hope for his speedy recovery. Headford Sunday School Anniver- sary Services will be held on Sun- day, June 28th. In the morning at 11 o’clock Mr. C. R. Fallis, President of Sunday School Superintendents Council will give the address. Mrs. Charles Davidson, soprano soloist of Alhambra United Church, Toronto, will sing. In the evening at 7.30 o’clock Rev. A. G. Reynolds, assis- tant Pastor of St. George’s United Church will be the speaker and; the choir will be assisted by Peaches Quartette. A hearty welcome to all. J. Macdonald, Minister. Sunday, June 28th 1 p.m.â€"Sunday School and Bible Classes. 2.30 p.m.â€"Church Service. Subject of sermon, The Good Samaritan. 7.30 p.m.â€"Y.P.U. Quite a number from this district attended Miss M. McCague’s trous- seau tea in Toronto Tuesday even- ing. It never rains but it pours and our Wednesday evening the ladies met at the home of Mrs. Hart to enter- tain Greenwood WA. The visitors} provided a very good program with‘ a reading by Miss Rutledge, a saxo- ‘ phone solo by Miss Alice Pegg, a; solo by Miss Zorah Gee, a trio, 3.} reading by one of their juniors and; a fine talk by Mrs. Gee. During the‘ business session plans were made fori the community picnic at Ratcliffe’s‘ picnic grounds the middle of July.1 Several from this district have enâ€" joyed the Strawberry Festivals at Teston and Headi‘ord. being much enjoyed and appreciat- ed. Splendid reports were given and the business for the district cona ducted with officers elected for an- other year. Some fine musical num- bers were provided by Highland Creek branch. VICTORIA SQUARE UNITED CHURCH HEADFORD ANNIVERSARY SERVICES JOHN Yonge at Castlefield ' M0. 2172 DEXTER INJURED I £1.55? 5!? i RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 25th, 1936 J. E. Smith, Secretary. will be held at the‘ Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill, Saturday, June 27th at 2.30 pm. for the purpose of at- tending the funeral of the late W. Bro. A. L. Phipps. Members of sis- ter Lodges invited. EMERGENT MEETING An emergent meeting of Richmond Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 23, G.R.C. SPEND DOMINION DAY AT MAPLE. Mr. Cline Burr of Buttonville suf- fered severe injuries on Monday last when he fell from a load of hay at the barn bridge. He sustained a broken thigh and ankle bone and oth- er serious injuries and was immedi- ately taken to the Wellesley Hospi- tal, Toronto. Toâ€"day his condition is reported as satisfactory and his, many friends hope for his speedy and complete recovery. ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION AT ST. MARY’S Anniversary services at St. Mary’s Anglican church last Sunday were very successful and were attended by large congregations. In the morn- ing Rev. H. F. Battersby was the special preacher and in the evening Rev. Eakins. On Tuesday a delight- ful Garden Party was held on the church lawn which was largely at- tended and very much enjoyed. “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity†CLINE BURR 0F BUTTONVILLE INJURED MONDAY A number of “singles†and “dou- bles†games have been played at the local greens during the week. Don’t forget the weekly’ mixed tournament nert Monday night com- mencing at 7.30 p.m. sharp. Every- one invited to join in the games. 'l‘wo local rinks competed in the tournament at Agincourt Wednesday afternoon and report a very enjoy- able day. Eighteen rinks competed‘ and the greens were in excellent shape. Both local rinks won two games out of three. The rinks were; C. P. Wiley, F. J. Mansbridge, E. T. Stephens, A. E. Glass skip; L. H. Clement, George Walwin, Harry Thomson, Wesley Wellman skip. Bâ€"Joe Morris (Algebra), Kenneth Wark (Latin), Laura Frisby (Algeâ€" bra, Latin), Albert Rollinson (Alge- bra, Latin). “Gid†Moodie, veteran Richmond Hill bowler hit' his old time stride lylonday evening to Win the weekly tournament at the local club. Up until Monday “Gid†wasn’t satisfied with his bowling but now he has come to form he warns all and sunâ€" dry to watch out. The prize winn- ing rink was C. Kerswill, L. H. Cle- ment, Mrs. C. Kerswill and G. Moodie skip. Aâ€"Beatrice Ainslie, Robert Alex- ander, Kathleen Brazier, Delva Con- nor, Gordon Cunningham, Mary Har- row, Lewis Heise, Jean Hicks, Lloyd Johnson, Isaac Reaman, Isobel Rum- ble, Ruth Smith, Bernice Taylor, Jane Vanderburgh, Margaret Walwin, Gil- bert‘ Whittamore, John Williamson. B:-Bill Bickbxrton (Bookkeeping), Harold Jones (Bookkeeping), Nancy McKenzie (Shorthand), Bill Park (Arithmetic), Charles Taylor (Spell- ing), Laurlne Dibb (Literature and Grammah'), Ronald Lunau '(L‘itera- ture and Canadian History). FORM I TO FORM II A â€" Florence Barker, Kathleen Chambers, Hazel Cherry, Margaret Curtis, Dorothy Donald, Dorothy Grinyer, Margaret Johnson, Phyllis Pardgeydquner _Wood. The following pupils have passed promotion exams to the next higher form. The A list contains the names of those who have passed’ in all the subjects of their courses and are promoted unconditionally; those in the B list have failed in the sub- jects indicated and must repeat these in the lower form or abandon them; promotion of those in the C list de- pends upon their success at depart- mental exams. results of which will be published about August 10. II COMMERCIAL Diplomas Grantedâ€"Victoria Bee- lick, Ruth Kerswill, Gertrude Kell- am, Freda Manley, Derek Mills, Nora Rumble, Gwen Smith, Fred Trussell, Melvin Wellman. Câ€"Ruth Brown (Art, Latin), Verna Cherry (British History, Lat- in), Beatrice Frisby (Art), Peter Megdonal (Art), Douglas Sand‘ers (Art, Algebra), Stewart Tyndall (British History, Botany. Literature). FORM II To FORM III .Aâ€"Ell'en Boynton, Grace Dews- bury, Lloyd Doner, Dorothy Eden, Mary Harbinson, Florence Hobday, Doris Jones, Douglas Jones, Allen Morris, Dorothy Noble, Lloyd Pal- mer, Jean Walwin, Allan Wellman. Bâ€"Lillian ‘ Barker (Latin), Wilson Beresford (Geometry), Stanley Ha- worth (French, Geometry), Harry Jones (French, Latin), Olive Middle- ton (French), Roy Russell (Geom- etry), Milton Savage (Composition), Passed in two subjects (no din- lomaâ€"Tm‘oyer AIrehibald; (Typewrit- ing' and Shorthand), Hugh Yerex (Typewriting and Bookkeeping). RICHMOND HIH. HIE‘H SCHOOL PROMOTION EXIXMINATIDN RESULTS BOWLING NOTES I COMMERCIAL Robert Endean, The funeral service on Saturday Will be conducted by Rev. C. W. Fol- lett of Richmond Hill Unit/ed Church and interment will take phase in the Richmond Hill cemetery. The late Mr. Phipps is survived by his widow, one son Rand Phipps, one daughter Miss Anna Phipps, and one sister Mrs. A. L. Brown of Pala- sad‘es Park, NJ. fity enterprises and undertakings. For the past fifteen years he has been the librarian of the Richmond Hill Public Library and in this position ‘where he met so many people‘of the community he won the esteem and affection of a wide circle of friends. A former member of the Presby- terian Church he became associated with the United Church of Canada at the time of union and has been for years a staunch and an active worker in the Richmond Hill United Church. He was for many years a member of the choir and was at the time of his passing a member and clerk of the session of the church. The deceased was a very active member of the Masonic order. He was a Past Master of Richmond Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 23, having served as Master in the year 1925. He also served for several years as secretary of the Lodge, a position which he held at the time of his death. Sincerely devoted to the craft he was widely known and respectedi by his brethren in masonry. Thel funeral on Saturday will be under Masonic auspices. As a resident of this community the late Mr. Phipps was an exemp- lary citizen and was an enthusiastic supporter of all worth-while commun- Câ€"Ruth Angle, Weldon Bull, Helen BuTnett, Edith Dea‘dman, William Kroetsch, William Pollard, Harold Sanders’on. The late Mr. Phipps who was in his 77th year was born at Westboro, Mass, and received his early educa- tion there and later graduated in law from the University of New York. He has lived in Canada for the past twenty-five years, residing for a year in Chatham, one year in Toronto and for the past twenty- three years in Richmond Hill. Dur ing' all that twenty-three years he has been associated! as architect’s man with the James RobertSOn Com- pany in Toronto and earned to a marked degree the confidence and respect of those with whom he as- sociated in business. Bâ€"-â€"Elinor Barker (French Comp.), Marjory Cunningham (French Auth.), Jack Leary (III French), Eloise Per- kins (Anc. Hist.) Mike Sawchuk (Chemistry), Betty Webb (Physics). LATE A. L. PHIPPS The death occurred in the Well- esley Hospital, Toronto on Wednes- day, June 24th of Ambrose L. Phipps, for twentyâ€"three years a highly esteemed citizen of this community. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon with a private service at the home at 3 p.m., followed by a public service at the Richmond Hill United Church. Aâ€"Troyer Archibald, Lloyd Craw- ford; Harris Hord, Isabel Oliver, Gwen Sayers. Câ€"I. Ainslie, W. Cérr, G. Graham, H. Heise, M. Heise, E. Ley, M. Mich- ell, M. Rumble, A. Smith, E. Young. Bâ€"H. McGibbon (Latin), J. Zue- feldt (French II). Aâ€"M. Bowes, W. Campbell, J. Harbinson, P. Kroetsch, J. Robinson, L. Wells, E. White. Câ€"Molly Campbell (Arithmetic, Latin), Dorothy Durie (Physiogzra- phy, Latin), David Hughes (Arith- metic, Grammar). Doreen Johnson (Arithmetic, Physiography). FORM III TO FORM IV Bâ€"Lillian I Barker (Latin), Wilson Beresford (Geometry), Stanley Ha- worth (French, Geometry), Harry Jones (French, Latin), Olive Middle- ton (French), Roy Russell (Geom- etry), Milton Savage (Composition), Audrey Stephens (French, Latin), William Wallis (Literature). Aâ€"Ell'én Boynton, Grace Dews- bury, Lloyd Doner, Dorothy Eden, Mary Harbinson, Florence Hobday, Doris Jones, Douglas Jones, Allen Morris, Dorothy Noble, Lloyd Pal- mer, Jean Walwin, Allan Wellman. FORM IV TO FORM V OBITUARY EMF? Rev. W. G. Bock of St. George’s Church, North Toronto, is expected to be the guest speaker at the an- nual Memorial Day Service to be held on Sunday next, the 28th inst. Neighbouring clergymen of different denominations are expected to take part in the services. In the Masonic Hall last Friday evening the Charivari Boys held a party in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Brydbn Lloyd and presented them with a set of dishes. We wish to congratulate the seven of Mr. Carter’s entrance pupils who were recommended for High School engrance on, their Ayeay’s_ wo_rk. VMrs. George Baiiéy andâ€"famin are visjting in, iRochgstgg _§hi_s wegk: _ Members of the Women’s Institute motored! to Guelph last Thursday Where they attended the Conference in honour of foreign delegates: The ladies of St. Stephen’s W.A. are holding their 50th Anniversary Supper: on Saturday afternoon, June 27th, at 5.30 o’clock. Short program including readings, musical numbers angli ventriloquist._ Admis§ion 259. rwï¬obéï¬arnd ‘Maple United Churchcs Sunday School picnic will be held at Musselman’s Lake on July 4th, The windows which flank the south side of the church are being dedi- cated to the memory of the ‘late James Legge and Mrs. Legge arid the late Wilmot H. Legge. The of- ficiating clergymen will be the Rev. W. F. Wrixon and the Rev. G. E. W. Worral. «H’I‘her funeral was Held (On Weanes- day with interment following in Heise Hill Cemetery. MEMORIAL WINDOWS TO BE DEDICATED At St. John’s Church, Oak Ridges on Sunday, June 28th 31: 2.30 pm. D.S.T. there will be unveiled and dedicated three memorial Windows. On Sunday last, June let, the death of Thomas Peter Shierk oc- curred at the home of his son, Mr. Edgar Shierk, Claremont. For a num- ber of years the late Mr. Shierk had charge of the,Telephone Exchange at Claremont, and was known here having lived with his sister, Mrs. Isaac Walder, for'about three years. His wife, formerly Susan Boyer, pre- deceased him some years ago. Sur- viving are two sons, John on the 3rd Concession of Markham and Ed- gar at Claremont; one sister and two brothers, Mrs. I. Waldler and Eli Shierk of Richmond Hill and Bert Shierk of Grand Rapids, Mighigan. LATE THOMAS P. SHIERK HOW TO MAKE ICED TEA Infuse six heaping teaspoons of Salad. Black To. In a pint of fresh bolhg waga. Aflgr six mjnngs shin ligujd info twp-guy! conquu. While)“, i'ï¬vEubé'éi'iéhiiï¬Ã©aï¬idjiflï¬a‘ih} {diced 2' lemons. Sm? well ï¬nial", 'E'Ii dissolvgcï¬ ; ï¬ll contqinerjflidlcoï¬ M3331: Do not ajlou! (cg to coquefqnfldha IEI'c‘él'dâ€"h'i'erf363665} ’Iiéilé Svillrrbecoincrcloudylrï¬iï¬r JIbbSJ 13¢: MAPLE RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham Sunday, June 28th 10 a.m.â€"~Sunday School. !! LIP-“ï¬le Hope of the W0 .†Saturday, June 27, Sunday School Picnic, leaving the church at one o’clock going to Woodland Park. All parents and friends cordially invited ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. June 28 3rd Sunday after Trinity 8 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 10 a.m.â€"-Sunday School. 11 armâ€"Morning- Prayer and So.- mon. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and Sermon. Preacher at both services the Rec- tor. All welcome. Sunday, June 28th Sunday School Anniversary Services 11 a.m.â€"Mr. Fallis, Chairman of the Sunday School Superintendents of Toronto Presbyteries will be the speaker. Mrs. Chas. Davidson of Alhambra United Church will sing. 7.30 p.m.~â€"Rev. Mr. Reynolds of St. George’s United Church, Toronto will conduct the Service. The Peaches Quartette will sing. All are Welcome. Mrs. Reid of Brookside Road, EL gin Mills, celebrated her eighty-sec- ond birthday last Sunday. A sur- prise party was given her at her home. Close friends and relatives were present bringing many floral and useful gifts. “Granny†as She is known to her many friends came to Canada from Aberdeen, Scotland more than 26 years ago. Granny was the liveliest member of the party. In spite of her 82 years she works among her flowers every day and reads her paper without the aid of glasses. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS Next; Wednesday being Dominion Day all contributors and correspond- ents are asked to vet all copv in to The Liberal Office on Monday if possible and positively not later than Tuesday morning. HEADFORD UNITED CHURCH CELEBRATED 82ND BIRTHDAY SINGLE COPY 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE No. 53