' NEW DODGE priced from $849 up Adent fnr FAMOUS FROST WIRE FENCE at at the morning service spoke a- bout God’s Greatest Invention. His address was mainly for the children although it was greatly enjoyed by all present. Mr. A. G. Reynolds gave a very helpful and inspiring sermon at the evening service. Both services were well attended. The S. S. Anniversary was observ- ed' on Sunday. Mr. Fallis, the speak- those interested, both young and old be attend and join in our weekly dis- cussions. The attendance and interest taken in the Y.P.S. this spring has been so encouraging that we are going to mntinue the Wednesday evening meetings through the summer months. We extend a cordial invitation to all 74 Yonge Stfmchmond Hill OtherGilson Pmducts Air Conditioning Coal Blowers Electric Washers Electric Refrigerators Commercial Refrigeration Counter Ice Cream Freezer Plan NOW for a warmer house. A Gi_150n Furnace will give you more bed and save fuel bills. Sturdily built to give years of service. “When it was 73 degrees below zero at Iroquoig Falls, 11 miles from Val Gagne, our hotel was quite comfortably heateg With 31:: 45 Gilson Mammoth Furnace." (Signed) Loms A. ngouin, Val Gagne, Ont. PAGE E[GH’I HEADFORD Ask About the Money Saving Han offem‘ed by Hydro for Limited Time 44 YONGE STREET TELEPHONE RICHMOND HILL 75 CARRYING A COMPLETE LINE GENERAL-ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT AND APPLIANCES ELECTRIC STOVES â€" REFRIGERATOR S â€" RADIOS â€" FIXTURES ETC. PLUMBING FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT â€" PUMPS AND PLUMBING â€" ELECTR RANGES, - REFRIGERATORS Warm Hou‘se af 73 Below Zero Easy +0 Own a GILSON ‘Low Prices -- Small Down Payment -â€" Easy Terms A small down payment and monthly ayments so easy you will never miss them will put a ilson Furnace in your home. By ordering NOW you get, Free: the Robot Heag Cpqtrol, or Agtomatic Humidiï¬er. Dont miss this ivcï¬iaei'fhliqphortunity‘ Agent for FAMOUS FROST WIRE FENCE R. H. KANE Richmond Hill United Church Sunâ€" day School plan to hold their annual picnic at Elmwood Park, Woodbridge, on Saturday, July 4th. An attract- ive program of recreation and sports is being arranged. Adults are espe- cially requested to keep the date open and attend. .“We were slowly starving to death, said the great explorer, at the board- ing house table, “but we cut up boots and made soup of them.†“Sh-h; Not so loud,†exclaimed a fellowâ€"boarder. “The landlady might hear you.†The world grows better in one particular. Dressing up no longer requires making- your feet hurt. UNITED CHURCH S. S. PICNIC LECUYER 85 COMPANY We invite you to our store to see the latest in plumbing fixtures in distinguished styles, practical, efficient, modern designs. For everything in the plumbing line we offer you quality goods and unexcelled service. Telephone 92F COMPLETE STOCK 0F MAZDA LAMPS â€" ELECTRIC FIXTURES ETC. ‘ VICTORIA SQUARE Please keep in mind the regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. to be held on Wednesday, July 8th at 2.15 pm. at the home of Mrs. P. Willows. The program is under the direction of Mrs. H. D. McCague and will take the form of a grandmoth- er’s meeting. The roll call will be responded to by “Something I re~ member about my grandmother.†All ithe ladies are cordially invited to be |present. A number from here attended the Strawberry picking, haying and strawberry festivals serve to keep every one’s time occupied both day and night these days. Miss- Belle Sanderson, Los Angeles, California, spent last week at the home of her brother, Mr. R. E. San- derson and called on several friends while here. Victoria Square Y.P.U. mired soft- ball team journeyed to Temperance- ville on Friday evening and succeed- ed in holding the game to a tie score 8-8. Mr. Lorne Mortson has returned to his home here from his teaching- duties at Tyrone. The regular monthly meeting of the J.W.I. will be held in the Sun- day School room on Tuesday even- ing, July 7th at 8 p.m. The theme for the meeting is “Social Relation- ships.†The motto “Life is not so short but there is always time for courtesy†will be taken by Miss Viola Ayisovn. The roll call is “One thing a house guest should not do.†The address “The Perfect Guest†will be given» by Miss Dorothy Valliere and a short talk on the Hand book by Miss Dorothy Hart. Music in charge of Miss Mable Sanderson. All ladies are invited to be present. Miss Laura Caseley' spent district. Victoria Square men’s softball team defeated Unionville 10-1 in- the game playai at Unionville on Sat- urday night. Mr. Troyer was an interesï¬ing' speaker to the Sabbath schcool on Sunday. His subject was “Keep close to your guide." 'I'HE) LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Gee and Mr. Alvin Sunday in Midland (LORNE BLOCK) barn dance at Silver Stream Farm Saturday night. Co-operative Farmers Have Success- ful Year All the annual meeting of the Co- operative Farmers held in the office it was shown that the past year was a satisfactory one. That after an expenditure of $250 on improvements and a 7 per cent dividend paid to stockholders, a surplus of $2,444.00 was on hand. Lunch was served and officers elected for the coming year were: President, Boyle Kellam, Vice- president, William Dobson; Secre- tary-Treasurer, A. W. Farr; Direc- tors, W. J. Gardhouse, Nelson Lindâ€" say, J. H. Kellam, James Devins, J. W. Ellerby, J. G. Whitmore. Mr. Whitmore was again appointed man- ager and Clinton Jackman office sec- retary. Castator Clan Gather for Annual Picnic Two hundred members of the Cas- tator Clan attended the Clan’s 10th annual family picnic at Community Park, Thistletown, on Saturday last. They came from many parts of the Dominion to pay tribute to their an- cestors who were United Empire Loy- alists and settled in York and Vaughan Townships nearly one hun- dred and fifty years ago. Prizes were distributed as follows: to Mr. and Mrs. George Castator of Detroit for coming the longest distance; to Mr. and Mrs. Stimer, Teston, for the youngest married couple; to Mr. and Mrs. Westlake, Mono Road, for being the oldest married couple. A three story cake with ten candles was cut bv George and William Cas~ tater, the two oldest men present. A dance in the evening to music supplied by Thompson’s Orchestra of Weston was a pleasant close to an enjoyable day. Officers elected were: President, Ernest Banks, Weston; Vice-president, Ed Castator, Weston; Secretary-treasurer, Thomas Chap- man. Weston. Friends will be sorry to hear that Miss Mary Burbon is a patient in Peel Memorial Hospital and extend to her best wishes for a speedy re- covery. Successor to J. J. Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE. ONTARIO WOODBRIDGE Wilfrid R. Scott Firemen’s Field Day Attracted Large Crowd ‘ Maple’s Dominion Day celebration was a wonderful success and the af- ternoon and evening attractions were patronized by very large crowds. In the afternoon a big program of sports attracted many competitors and provided lots of thrills and ex- citement for the spectators. Rown- tree’s Bread of Toronto won the girls softball tournament with the Maple girls taking second prize. Fisher- ville won the men’s tournament, Thornhill second and Woodbridge third. The dance in the evening at- tracted a record crowd and every- one reported a most enjoyable time. The chief and officers of the Fire Brigade deserve much credit provid- ing the district with such a success- ful celebration. The Liberal extends congratula- tions to Louise Matheson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George MathesonJ who was successful in passing with honors the Introductory Examina- tions (Grade I) in piano at the To- ronto Conservatory of Music. She is a pupil of Miss Agnes Mchean, Maple. G. Back of St. George’s Church, North Toronto, a former minister of the Presbyterian church here many years ago. 7 Rev. Charles A. Campbell died at his home Rutland, British Columbia, on June 16th. Mr. Campbell was well known to many of the older people of Vaughan having been min- ister in St. Paul’s and St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Churches from 1890 to 1900. His wife, formerly Agnes Dal- zieI, survives with 6 children, one daughter and- five sons. WCrr’orgs throughout the district are in ba need of moisture and a good shower would be very welcgrpe._ A very large crowd attend-ed‘ the annual memorial service at Maple United Church Cemetery last Sun- day. The service was in charge of Rev. A. M. Partridge assisted by Rev. C. H. Bowman of Maple Presbyter- ian Church and: Rev. E. Huenergard of the Lutheran Church, Sherwood, while the guest speaker was Rev. W. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Erown, Mr. Bert Brown Jr., Miss Thompson and Mr. Gordon Bell of Motherwell, were vis- itors at the home of H. C. Bailey over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keys spent Saturday with Mrs. Emmanuel Bowes and family of Concord. RICHMOND HILL RESIDENCE AGINCOURT 21-r-21 MAPLE RICHIIONB BEL ELECTRIC WIRING Pine Street GARFIELD YEREX THURSDAY. JULY 2nd, 1936 5 YEAR GUARANTEE Easy Termsâ€"Two Years to pay Sold by THE BILTRITE Shoe Repair Shop LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S Over 500,000 in general use All Porcelain Inside and Out, Refrigerators â€"N ORGE KIWâ€" ALL- PORCELAIN FRED HICKENY NORGE Richmond Hill A Specialty Woodbridge