Dentist Ofï¬ce: Trench Block, two doors north of Bank of Commerce , Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 pm. Telephone 32 DR. W. J. MASON DENTIST YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO DR. M. C. MacLACHLAN Open Mendny, Wednesday and Friday Evenings Other Evenings by Appointh Office over the Post Ofï¬ce Woodbtidge Phone 77 Dr. Charles C. Collins DENTIST At_Dr. _Big'f0rd's Office habit; Office Hours: 9 to 11 am. 0 to 8 p.m., and by appointh Olflco; Centre and Church Streets. Richmond Hill Phone 24 G. H. DUNCAN LI r E ’A STRONG CANADIAN COMPANY- Licensed Auctioneer Counties of York and Simcoe Sales of all descriptions conducted upon shortest notice and at reasonable rates. No sale too large and none too small King, Ont. Phone King 42-r-3 North Yonge :St. - Richmond Hill DR. ROLPH. L. LANGSTAFFâ€" Otflce Hours: 8-10 am. & 6-8 pm DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFFâ€" of women and_ghildren) PROVIDE for Your PERSONAL PENSION on the New'umisqszem 7/“: EXCElSIOR J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St., K. C. Prentice, Markham Toronto, HYland 0834 We ere prepared to conduct sales of ovary description. Farms and farm “ck sales a specialty. Farms bought Ind cold on commission. All sales at. W to on shortest notice, and con- hchd by the most approved methods.§ Centre Street, Thornhill Office Houm: 12-230 p.m. 6-8 p.m. Phone, Thornhill 100 my & Holidays by appointment Dr. C. A. MacDonald Bunk of Commerce Buildmg' Telephone 80 Dr. M. J. Quigley DENTIST C. E. WALKINGTON FIRE â€"â€" AUTOMOBILE â€"â€" LIFE 70L. LVI. Thirty Years Experience Formerly with Heintzman Company‘ lave Orders at Austin’s Drug Store Richmond Hill AUCTIONEER MAPLE IJeensed Auctioneer for the County of York ‘ ï¬les attended to on short/est notice‘ md at reasonable rates. J. T. SAIGEON & SON THORNHILL' AND UNIONVILLE Fiona the Toronto Conservatory of Unite, will accept a. number of pupils in Phno, Organ and Theory. Edmond Hill â€" Tuesday & Friday MRS. MYLKS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Ilehmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at fioe Hours: 1-3 p.111. iPHoi; Prentice & Prentice AUCTIONEERS Dr. L. R. M arwood Dr. R. A. Biaford Dr. J. P. Wilson Office Hours 9-10 3.121., 12-2 & 6-8 pm. _a.nd by appointmgnfad†Tuesday§79Â¥i27 ginâ€"1.“ ‘ Tgpfsdays 12-44330 p.n3.._ Drs. Langstaff Dr. L. R. Bell Wright «.9: Taylor “YORK COUNTY’S NEWS‘IEST NEWSPAPER†Adelmo Melecci G‘EO. W. CROSS J. Carl Saigeon THORNHILL Successor Piano Tuner MEDICAL DENTIST BUSINESS MUSICAL Insurance Phoï¬e Maple 8 LIFE PHONE 3 LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, ‘ PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE, BURGLARY, GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES T0 FARMERS ALL KINDS OF SHEET METAL WORK Furnaces, Eave Troughs, Metal Garages, Roofing Jobbing Promptly Attended to INSURANCE IBowden Lumber & Coal 00., LTD LUMBER OF ALL KINDS ,I-nsulex, Donnacona Board, etc. LANSING WILLOWDALE 42 HUDSON 0234 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Member of the Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta Bars 310 McKinnon Building, 19 Melinda St., Toronto Bus. Phone EL. 1744 S. TUPPER BIGELOW LLB. Alexander MacGregor K. C. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC 614 Confederation Life Bldg.‘ Toronto Phone: Office EL. 5029 Res. M0. 2866 BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€" 18 Toronto Street Phone ELgin 1887 ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF CO’SA Officeâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building, southwest corner of King and Yonge Streets, Toronto. W. B. Milliken, K.C. Herb. A. Clark Henry E. Redman W. P. Mulock ‘formerly of Wm. Cook, Cook & Delany BARRISTER - SOLICITOR NOTARY 1008 Federal Building 86 Richmond St. West, Toronto Telephone AD. 1948 Barristers and Solicitors Hon. W. H. McGuire James A. Boles, B.A. Percy Biggs AD. 0177 Toronto AD. 0178 1315 Bank of Hamilton Building Yonge Street â€"â€" Toronto Ralph B. Gibson, K. C. Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg. 85 Richmond St. West. Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate .. Cameron MacNmmhInn, ILL“ J. Harry Naughton. Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 12-2 Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Telephone ADelaide 2108 Offices: 85 Richmond St. W., Toronto Naughton Block, Aurora Solicitors for: Aurora, Richmond Hill, King, Whitchurcn, Markham and North Gwillimbury. Walter S. Jenkins. Res. Phone Hilgl 504 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 201 Church Street, Toronto Phone Waverley 4365 Residenceâ€"18 Poyntz Ave., Lansing, Ont. Willowdale 308 McGuire, Boles & Co. BARRISTER 1711 Star Building 80 King Street West, Toronto Phone: ELg'in 4879 Naughton & Jenkins A. G. SAVAGE Mahala Milliken, Clark A? Redman Walter S. Jenkins Barristers, _Splicij:ors, etc. Post Office Block Richmond Hill fl‘hgfnas Delany Barristers, Solicitors, AWm; C991<v K» 9- Established 1880 Cook & Gibson ’. C. Newman Res. Phone RA. etc. 'age, Palmer’House, H. H. Loose- more, Standard Bank, Wright Bro- thers, undertakers, T. F. McMahon, printer and publisher. In Maple, Henry Bailey, general merchant, F. Dack, Richardson House, C. H. Byam, Grand Trunk Railway, Dr. Logan, R. Mispolet Creamery, Wm. Woods, butcher. In Victoria Square, J. Hick‘ ! There are 26 phones on the tele- phone line in Richmond Hill and surrounding villages. Mr. W. A. Sanderson, manager. The following is a list of those who have phones on the private line: In Richmond Hill, Dr. W. E. Dean, J. Eyer & Son, ahrdware, Glass Brothers, butchers, D. Hill .& Co., bakers, H. H. Hopper, butcher, L. Innes & Sons, builders and millers, Dr. Langstaff, W. Sav- on motion ordered to be paid:-â€"J. L. Startup, work and salary, $55.05, Treasurer’s account for postage, etc., $6.63. The Treasurer’s half-yearly financial report was read, shelving a balance to the credit of the cor- poration $175.21. On motion the Reeve and Councillor Nicholls were appointed a committee to wait upon the manager of the T. & Y. Radial Railway, with the object of obtain- ing a change in the time table in or- der to make the car time more con- venient for pupils attending our high, school. Council adjourned. A. J. Hume, Clerk. The council met in the Council Chambers. Present, the Reeve and Councillors Nicholls, Glass, Sander- son and Trench. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. The fol- lowing accounts were presented and The Metropolitan Railway was overtaxed on the holiday, and con- siderable dissatisfaction is express- ed. Almost every car that passed was overcrowded. Men and women with little children: could be seen standing at Bond Lake and other places along the line waiting for a car to take them home in the even- ing, but many of the' cars- rushed past without stopping, so crowded Were they. The company, probably did not expect such a traffic, but they should provide more accommo- dation on future holidays. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, JULY 9th, 1936 THIRTY YEARS AGO From our Issue of July 5th, 1906 Richmond Hill 3 Bolton . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Toronto Junction . 1 Tecumseh' . . . . . . . . 0 The following is the standing of the lacrosse teams in the York Dis- trict: ' cfHe to do so will probably be in Toronto by the 15th of this month. The matter of the extension of the line to Riéhmond Hill is to be a part of the deal. It was learned from a member of the directorate of the Metropolitan Street Railway that an English syn- dicate is considering the question of leasing the road, and should it de- The Toronto Industrial Exhibition now known as “Canada's Great Fair†is an occurrence to which almost ev- ery Canadian looks forward with pleasurable anticipation. It is to be held this year (1896) from the 3lst August to the 12th of September and as the stock exhibitors and various associations have agreed to have their stock on the grounds from Thursday, September 3rd, -till the close of the Fair, the first week will now be as good as the second. The Richmond Hill Lacrosse team won its third championship match in the York District series on Satur- day last. By a score of 5 to 2 our boys defeated the Tecumseh II on the Toronto Island. As the Hill team has won three matches and lost none they stand an excellent chance of winning the championship of 1896. The match in the York District on the Island oval Saturday afternoon between the Richmond Hill team and the Tecumseh II was one of the most exciting and interesting games play- ed there this year. The day was ad- verse to a big crowd, the majority of the spectators on the grounds beâ€" ing evidently Hillers led by the re- doubtable Constable Brownlee. , From our Issue of July 9th, 1896 Mr. M. Teefy has been making such repairs to his residence and Post Office recently that it looks like a new building. The place has been reâ€"shingled, the veranda along the east has also been re-shingled, new chimneys have been erected, and Mr. W. Hewison has given it three coats of paint. The building is now a nice yellow with green trimmings and it looks well. WAY BACK IN LIBERAL FILES FORTY YEARS AG 0 Won Lost To Play Va There is no mystery about reduc- ing. The plow mules are always thinnest when they. are doing the most plowing. Spoon and Potato raceâ€"Miss Jean Maginn, Mis‘s Kay Maginn, both of Bolton; Bean guessing (open to all) â€"Lady, Miss Helen Graham (172) of Markhamf Gent, Percy Corbyn (154) of Kettleby. Correct number of beans in the jar, 171. Girls’ race 12 years and underâ€" Miss Jean Maginn of Bolton, Miss Lillian Graham of Markham; Ladies’ running raceâ€"Miss Helen Graham of 'Markham, Mrs. Douglas Graham of Toronto. Plate~ throwing (men)â€"Roy Peter- man of Alliston, Donald Graham of Toronto; Platerfh'rowing (ladies)â€" Mrs. Austin Graham, Miss Lillian Graham, both of Markham. Peanut hunting (men)â€"Douglas Graham, Milton Wellar, both of To- ronto; Peanut race (Ladies)â€"Mrs. Howard Wellar of Nobleton, Miss Kay Maginn of Bolton. Men’s- ball throwingâ€"Fred Pipher, Howard Graham, both of Markham; Ladies’ ball throwingâ€"Miss Lillian Graham, Miss Helen Graham, both of Markham. Boys’ race 8 years and underâ€" Kenneth Wellar of Toronto, Freddie Corbyn of Kettleby; Girls’ race 8 and underâ€"_Mona Maginn of Bolton, Ruth Corbyn of Kettleby. Following are the winners in the various events: oldest gentleman pre- ‘sent, Mr. Frank Davis of Kettleby; oldest lady present, Mrs. Catherine Peterman of Purpleville; youngest child present, Audrey Catherine Pet- ‘erman, aged 5% months, of Alliston. The following constituted the sport committee: Messrs. Roy Peterman of Alliston, William Peterman of Pur- pleville, Howard Graham of Mark- ham, Donald Graham, David Law- ‘rence and H. W. Roberts of Toronto. As old “Sol†began to corrode into the shades of twilight all prepared for their homeward trek with the lyric adage “The end of a perfect day†warbling on every tongue. f At high noon the whole gather- ‘ing gathered under a majestic leafy elm on the lawn to do justice to a tempting spread of midsummer deli- cacies, and then following the fill of the inner-man, again repaired to vantages of comfort to witness al long list of games that were reeled off and in which every one entered in an ecstasy of good will and har- mony. Horseshoe pitching was also a favorite sideline among the young men. Towards evening all again foregathered around another dainty} spread of eats- and to listen to an‘ after dinner speech by Mrs. Frank Davis of Kettleby who Warmly laud- ed Mr. and Mrs. Mag-inn for their unlimited'hospitality in making all comfortable and to all and sundry for gracing the scene with their pre- sence. Dominion Day or July lst, 1936 has come and gone and while all Canada was celebrating the day in various ways, there was a very enjoyable event going on at the well managed farm of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Ma- gim, five miles south of Bolton near Macville in Albion Township, Where the McGillivray and Peterman fam- iliesâ€"pioneers of Vaughan Town-i shipâ€"had gathered for their annual‘ reunion, Mrs. Maginn being formerly Miss Gladys Anna Peterson of Pur- pleville. That the ivoccasion was a glorious event'iS'but mildly putting it. The day was most ideal with “Old Saul†and a gentle “south- wester†lending their best efforts in making all comfortable. From early in the forenoon a steady stream of cars intervally drove through the road gate with their full cargoes of passengers from such points as A1- liston, Kettleby, Markham, Nobleton, Purpleville and Toronto until a. very large number of this family clan had congregated on the grounds prepared to make it a day of days and narry a jollier crowd could surpass it. And by the way, many a romantic coin- cidence emanated from this re-union, when many had met another after many years" :asunder, while not a few met each other for the first time though closely related. i son, farmer and thresher, A. Hunt, farmer and thresher, Lake View House, Oak Ridges, F. Cosgrave, El- gin Mills, J. Hudgin, Summit House, Oak Ridges, Newton Tanning Com- pany, Elgin Mills, J. D. Patterson, Patterson, A. J. Patterson, Glenwoodw Oak Ridges, Albert Williams, farm- er and butcher, Elgin Mills. McGlLLlVRAY-PETERMAN RE-UNION ' Moved by J. S. Lawson, seconded by J. Jeffersonâ€"That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to issue 'a check to Chas. Ross for the sum of $50.00 on account of salary as collector for 1936. Carried Moved by J. S. Lawson, seconded by Thos. MacMurchyâ€"That the Clerk be authorized to issue a cheque to Dr. Dillane for the sum of $19.75 the same being payment in full for ser- vices rendered to Quantz and Cry-| keske to date. Carried Moved by Thos. MacMurchy, sec- onded by J. ,S. Lawsonâ€"That the fol- lowing sheep claims he paid as per valuators sworn statement now on file: Emerson Cooper, $5.00; Owen McGolderick, $10.00. Carried Moved by J. S. Lawson, seconded by C. E. Walkingtonâ€"That the Trea- surer be and is hereby instructed to forward a cheque to A. Wellesley, School. Attendance Officer, for the sum of $22.50 same béing for ser- vices for May and June 1936 as per submitted statement. Carriedl Resolutions Moved by Thos. MacMurchy. sec- onded by J. S. Lawsonâ€"That the Treasurer be and he is hereby in- structed to adjust the taxes on Part of Lot 3, Concession 5, between Jas. Brown and Mrs. Lynn Egan; also Township Lots 14 and- 15, Concession 2, Old Survey between Geo.‘ M. Ed- wards and purchases of his proper- ty; also property of W. Linton on Yonge Street. Cahied Direct Relief, $373.44; Road Vouch- er No. 15, $842.77; Road Voucher No. 16, $686.69; Relief Voucher No. 4, $338.45. The regular meeting of the Coun- cil of the Municipality of the Town- ship of King was held at Sutton’s Hotel, Schomberg on Saturday, June 27th, 1936 at 10 a.m. General Accounts Rolph Davis, Bulbs, P.V.S., $14.00; J. A. Farquhar, Constable Services, $5.00; County Office Supply, Office Supplies, $2.16; R. L. Boag, Searches at registry office, $2.95: RICHMOND TAILORS CLEANING & PRESSING SERVICE IS THE VERY BEST King Township Council RICHMOND HILL PHONE 491 GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED w ’7" (5112 King’s Uigï¬bW SAFE ' DIRECT ' ECONOMICAL . DAILY SERVICE â€"â€" LOW RATES NORTH BAY - CALLANDER - HUNTSVILLE PARRY SOUND - GRAVENHURST - BARRIE - ORILLIA MIDLAND - WASAGA BEACH - BEAVERTON between RICHMOND HILL and and intermediate points RICHMOND TAILORS We are now equipped to give you 24 hour service on your cleaning and pressing, and can guarantee you the very best in workmanship. Don’t take chances with your garments by having inferior cleaning. Let our years of dependable and reli- able service be your assurance of the very best in your cleaning requirements. ATTRACTIVE RATES TO OTHER CANADIAN AND U.S.A. POINTS Tickets and Information at R. PETCH â€"â€" PHONE 177, RICHMOND HILL J. A. GREENE TheJones Coal C0. Full Line of FUEL Lime, Cement, Tile on N mom ONTARIO CITIES NANCE CORPORATION - Ia-Inbn caveman-n Supervision CENTRAL 0 AUTO LOANS To“. pooplo o: nut-rind eooplu. my Borrower Signs 12 Months to Repay To "dad coop!“ hoopla. boon. O HOUSEHOLD lO‘ANS '0 Help You Halp Ymelf Phone 188 LOANS Yards at Burr’s Mill 311 Bloor Bldg. 57 Bloor St. West, at Bay Phone: Midway 2434 TORONTO. ONT. Locust um In Canada for this type of uni“ $50 to $500 h M by Spo<|al M d Deal-Ion Purllomom Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE also No. 2