Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Sep 1936, p. 2

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Recently Hon. Vincent Massey, Canadian High Commis- sioner in London, revealed to the Toronto Canadian Club plans for an intensive campaign in the British Isles to popularize Canadian products. This campaign had been described by experts as the most scientifically-planned camâ€" paign ever! launched by a Dominion in the Old Country. rut-Ac“ v.-- -w.._____-._ . ~ Mr. Massey’s announcement of the drive to develop the British market was made several days after Hon. Dun- can Marshall, Ontario Minister of Agriculture, had ex- pressed the conviction that, despite severe drought, farm- ers of the province would experience better times in both the domestic and overseas markets during the next year. The High Commissioner’s plans for a drive to capture British markets 101‘ Canadian producers would seem to bear this contention of Mr. Marshall’s out, and the next six months will tell the story. When the Ontario Government closed up Ontario House in London shortly after coming into office, much criticism was directed at Premier Hepburn and his colâ€" leagues. It was claimed that an important channel or outlet for Ontario-grown and manufactured products had been lost by reason of the closing of Ontario House, and that farmers of the province would suffer as a result. The government’s reason for its action was that Ontario House was merely a duplication of Canada House, the headquar- ters of the Canadian Government in the Mother Land, and that it was a needless expenditure of money to maintain a costly building and staff. a .1 - , ,,,,:,.,, LA LA :â€" uvuv‘.’ u“ ...... o In the first place, the forthcoming campaign to be launched by the Canadian High Commissioner in Great Britain is not going to cost Ontario a single dollar. The Whole cost will be borne by the Dominion Government which maintains Canada House. Secondly, Ontario pro- ducers will reap just as much benefit from the campaign as though Ontario House still functioned. The campaign opens in Glasgow in October and every large centre of population will be visited. A tremendous onslaught of publicity will accompany the campaign and newspapers and radio will carry the slogan, “Canada calling.” And Ontario products will be in the forefront, for this prov- ince is the largest producer of diversified products in the Dominion. Grain and meats and honey and fruits and canned vegetables, all the finished products will be blaz- oned before the eyes of the British public. And manu- factured products will not be forgotten. Scarcely a province in Canada now maintains an office in the Old Country. The growth of Canada House and its activity along many lines makes it unnecessary for a prov- ince to maintain its own separate estakblishment. The Hepburn Government has saved hundreds of thousands of dollars by closing up Ontario House and it cannot be truthâ€" fully said that the farmers of Ontario have suffered as a consequence. Of course, it is very nice to have a provin- cial headquarters in London, but it’s an expensive proposiâ€" tion. In these days when governments are bent on mak- ing every dollar pay its way, luxuries cannot be afforded. Maybe in good times Ontario will again establish its own office in London, just for the prestige of having one there, but in the meantime the Dominion Government is doing exactly the same work, and What is also important, ‘pay- ing the entire cost. The Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities has come into existence. A communication from the Assoâ€" ciation says it is necessary that the 321 towns and villâ€" ages and 54 townships under the county system of the municipal government should send representatives to a meeting Who would consider What is going to become of many of the towns and villages. I,,_.’,,,An _.L' .4--,.A- The cities, we are told, started this business of meet- ing together through the association of mayors, and they have had several gatherings and made several trips to parliament Where they placed their collective views before the government. The smaller places feel that as the cities are going in for this sort of business they will have to do something similar. A L‘L , ___‘11 Back in the years when people worked for longer hours and without any of the conveniencces now enjoyed they were able to maintain their churches and other or- ganizations as well as find the necessary time to efficiently carry on matters of public concern. The leisure that is enjoyed today because of less confining hours of business and labor and a far greater number of holidays, instead of providing better opportunities for rendering service to the community seem to have had the opposite effect. There are occasions on which the hours of Sunday are encroached upon both for business and enjoyment pur- poses. These are indeed strenuous times! DULAAK; VIAAlAb uAAuA.w- . The latter claims, and with good reason, that the vill- ages and towns are growing less in size as a rule, and that their continued existence is important: _An(ilthat is so. vauvu. VV..V.A.V.-V. y... We read also thatâ€"the problem of taxation is becomâ€" ing more serious, because it all comes back on the man who owns some real estate and in that _Way has his name IleV V .. .._. on the collector’s roll, while there are from 25 to 40 per cent. of citizens who own no real estate and therefore escape the brunt of increasing taxation. There have been new services created which towns and villages have had to aid in financing, such as relief, hospitalization of indi- gents, Mothers’ Allowance, Old Age Pension, but there has been no change made in the method of raising money. It has all come back on the man with a piece of property. .uuu “A: wvu-v ~wv.- v-- Just what the Villages and towns could do about it if they gathered together we do not know, but we say in all sincerity that We wish they could bring some force into active operation which would help them hold their own and work back to stronger positions. It is much better that we should have a number of thriving Villages and towns well distributed than that the drift toward cities should continue. It is not infrequent in these days to hear the excuse made for neglect to give heed to the call for public service that personal duties demand all the time that is available. Everybody professes to be busy with their own affairs to an extent that makes it impossible to consider the com- mon weal. That such a condition should exist when we consider the many labor-saving devices now employed in the home and in all business and industrial activities seems strange indeed. The common use of electricity makes it possible to accomplish by simply pressing a button what past generations would have been able to bring about only at the cost of hours of toil. Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD. J. Eachem Smith, Manager “WM; hues on Application. TELEPHONE 9. PAGE TWO RURAL MUNICIPALITIES ORGANIZE SELLING CANADIAN PRODUCTS THURSDTY, SEPH‘EMBER 17th, 1936 “THE LIBERAL” The W.M.S. will meet at the home of Mrs. James Murray, Hendon Ave. next Tuesday, Sept. 22nd at 2.30 p.m. The meeting will be in charge of the Strangers’ Secretaries, Mrs. A. W. Stephenson and Mrs. Jas. Mur- ray, and. a splendid pro-gram is beâ€" ing prepared. A special effort is being made to invite all new com- ers of the community so bring a friend with you next Tuesday. at 8.30 o’clock D.S.T. in Newtonbroovk United Church. Mr. T. H. Sim, a distinguished Chinese gentleman will be the main speaker for the even- ing. He is editor of the largest chi- nese paper in China, “The Christian Farmer,” and speaks English fluent- ly. This rally takes in the Y. P. Unions from Richmond Hill to the City Limits. See to it that your Y. P. organization has a large repre- sentation present. The meeting will be open to .all who come. Every- body will be very welcome. A School for Religious Training for Young People taking- in the same area will commence Monday evening, Sept. 28th at 7.45 in Queen Mary Plan to come to the District Young People’s Rally next Monday evening Public School, Willowdvale, and will continue for three weeks with meetâ€" ings held on Monday and' Thursday evenings. There will be four depart»- ments and‘ the instructors will be Mrs. R. I. Kingswood, Rev. E. E. Pugsley, Rev. A. H. Halbert and Rev. F. N. Bowes. Rev. A. E. Owen of Unionville who has recently returned from the Vimy Pilgrimage and visiting other points‘ of interest in the British Isles, will be special preacher at Newtonbrook‘ United Church on Sunday evening, Sept. 27th at 7 pm. Standard Time. His subject will be “Vimy Memorial Service.” A hearty welcome to all. Next Sunday is Rally Day in the Newtonbrook United Church. The Sunday School will meet at 10.30 am. and afterwards join in the public worship service at 11 o’clock. The intermediate S. S. choir will lead in the worship of praise and: give a special number. Miss Margaret Shaw will tell the story to the Juniors of “The Jar of Rosemary” and the pas- tor will give the address on “Bring- ing our Treasures.” A cordial in- vitation is extended to the parents to come with their child-Ten. Make this a Family Service and make this Rally Service the best ever. Zion United Church will hold‘ their Harvest Home service next Sunday, Sept. 20 at 2.30 D.S.T. Rev. J. J. Ferguson of Toronto, at former pas- tor, will preach. N-ewtonbrook United Church Choir will give special music. A hearty invitation is extended! to all former memlbers and adherents to attend on this occasion. Mrs. J. L. Gaines is entertaining the Woman’s Association at her home this (Thursday) afternoon. Miss Margaret Graham and Miss Beatrice Johnston are attend-int: Shaw’s Business College in Toronto. Rev. A. H. Halbert and Mr. W. T. New attended the meeting of the T‘o~ ronto Centre Presbytery, Rural Exeâ€" cutive, last Monday evening which was held at the home of Mr. Cyr'l Baker at Richvale. Miss Norma Anderson has secured a position in the Library in Toronto. Congratulations. We extend sincere sympathy to Mrs. Arnold Douglas in the 1053 of her mother, Mrs. MacDonald of To- ronto. The funeral took place last Friday. Misv‘s Dorothy Johnson of Finch’s Ave. has been very ill but is\ now on the roadl to recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pind‘er Jr. and Mrs. R. Pinder Sr. returned last Saturday from a week’s stay on .an island near Bala. The scenery in Muskoka is very beautiful at this time of year. It is a picture no art- ist can paint. Mr. E. J. Brett and Rev. A. H. HaLbert attended! .a meeting of T0- ronto Centre Presbytery last Tues- day held in Westminster Central Church, Toronto. Mrs” Albert Holmes and her two child’ren left last Sunday for her home in St. George’s, Newfoundland, after spending a month with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Brett, Mrs'. Holmes sailed from Montreal on Sunday evening on the S. S. Cariboo and wouldl .arrive home on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Wm. Hick and little daughter Yvonne returned home last Saturday after a two month’s stay near Tor- rance, Muskoka. Several members of the local W. M.S. are attending the School for Leaders held in the United Church Training School in Toronto this week. When you add‘ “ism” to any pol- icy or faith, it means less liberty for the individual. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Thornhill, Ontario Hot Water Heating and General repairs. A. C. HENDERSON N EWTONBROOK THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Swat the Fly, and save our Babies With that slogan the Health League ’of Canada today fired? its first gun in the annual autumn war against one of Canada’s most dangerous household pesxts â€" the fly. Contaminatiom of food by flies can and: must be prevented the health di- rector declared, pointing out that flies will carry on their feet, leg-s 'anid body, and, in the alimentary canal, the specific germs causing ty- phoid fever, cholera, inifantil'e diar- rhoea, tuberculosis and other dis- Declaring that the disease germs Collected in the wanderings of the ’house fly and transported to the food and person of its victims constituted one of the greatest sources! of danâ€" ger to the health of Canadian babies, Dr. Gordon Bates, general director, urged Canadians everywhere to start swatting the autumn flies early. Sharp rise in the incidence of in- testinal trouble among babiesI in Sepâ€" tember and October may be attribut- ed, in part at least, to the increased number of flies that gain access. to homes at this season, Dr. Bates said. 'He commended the efforts being 'made by health officers throughout Canada in abolishing manure heaps 'amd garbage dumps, natural breeding 'places for the flies. ‘eases Floors and table tops should be kept entirely free from moisture and wrumbs of food, officials of the ‘health organization asserted». They pointed out that modem office ’buildrimgs are comparatively free of flies because there is neither dirt nor food to attract them. Housewives who empty their dirty 'dish water into the back-yard) were ‘chastized by the Health League of 'Canada officials who'said that such ‘practice was “unsanitary and‘ filthy.” Household refu5e should be placed in a covered metal container, it was 'further urged; Babies carriages Ishoul‘dI be covered with netting. ‘Screen doors should not be removed ’until the first frost has killed off 'the autumn flies. ' It has been established that a pair 'of flies, if not interferedl with, will bause 1,555,200,000 adult flies to be brought into the world1 from May 1 to August 1. Half of those will be ‘female flies, capable of laying 120 eggs each. “That’s the reason why householdâ€" ‘ers should’ start their autumn fly~ lkilling campaign early,” Dr. Bates 'said today. He said that flies were a menace to public health, owing to their habit of passing- dfirectly from filth to human food, carrying bac- teria. and other organisms and part- icles of decomposimg matter on their hairy body, legs, sticky feet and mouthparts. Public health departments all over Canada were commended fo'r their careful supervision of restaurants, vandl the comtinued efforts being made to keep these eating-places clean. ‘ Fifty per cent of the flies could‘ be wiped out. and infant sickness! cQuld be reduced1 fifty per cent if housewives would. take a. determined si‘am‘J to “Swat thfq fllyfami save our babies.” Statement of the Health League of Canada concludes. OTTAWA TO SEE CHURCH MEET Among those mentioned for the position of moderator, which Rt. Rev. Richard Roberts, D.D., D.Litt., will vacate this year, are Rev. D. C. Mac- Gregor, D.D., of London, and Rev. Peter Bryce, general secretary of the Missionary and Maintenance Com- mittee of the United Church of Can- ada.; Dr. Roberts is minister of Sherbourne Street Church, Toronto, and leaves next week on a vacation after undergoing a serious operation. He will be back in time for the openâ€" ing of council. Toronto and London Divines Men- tioned for Moderator’s Post The seventh General Council of the United Church of Canada will hold its biennial sessions at Chal- mers United Church, Ottawa, and Ottawa will become a national centre for church legislation and debate. Two hundred and sixty c0mmis- sioners elected from every part of Canada, from Newfoundland, Ber- muda, Trinidad and five foreign lands will assemble in Chalmers Church for ten days commencing Sept. 23. During two days previousâ€" ly a preâ€"council congress will bring to Ottawa 9. selected group of lead- ers and' students in the field of adult education. This will be the first occasion when the council has planned its sessions for Ottawa. Previous coun- cils were held as follows: 1925, To- ronto; 1926, Montreal; 1928, Winniâ€" peg; 1930, London; 1932, Hamilton, and 1934, Kingston. Strange people! They will do no- ‘thing without adequate pay, yet the saps worry for days when they know there’s no profit in it. Schomberg Unionville Eversley Sharon . . ‘ Udora Belhaven Bracebridge . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 17, 18 Huntsville . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 15, 16 Lindsay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept, 16-19 Acton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 22, 23 Agincourt (Scarboro) . Sept. 25, 26 Alliston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 24, 25 Barrie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 21-24 Meaford . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 24, 25 Beaverton . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 25, 26 Milton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 25, 26 Beeton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 2, 3 Dundalk . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . Sept. 29, 30 Elmvale . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 28-30 Millbrook . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 29, 30 Georgetown . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 2, 3 Markham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 1-3 Schomberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 6, 7 Streetsville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 10 Woodbridge . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 9., 10, 12 Bolton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 16, 17 Bradford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 16, 17 Bracebridge Huntsville Lindsay . . ‘ Acton . . . . . VERSE FOR THE KID‘DIES Autumn Autumn in the garden is the shopping time for fairies, The elm is showing: vellow silk, the ash has red and brown, The men come up- on dragon flies, the ladies take canaries, As you might take a taxi when you’re coming up to town. School Fair Dates AGENT MASSEY HARRIS Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hifl 39 Young’s Seryigggétation before buying ‘:|.',‘- . This coupon is inserted as a convenience in renewing your subscription. The address label shows you the date up to which your subscription is paid. If it is in arrears we would appreciate your nemittance, at $1.50 per yen. THE LIBERAL NORTH YONGE ST. Enclosed find $ . . . . . being my subscription for . . . . years. Please send me a receipt. Charles Graham Street and No., or R. R. No. . . . . . . FALL FAIR DATES Come in and let us show you TIRE-- PRINTS of Goodyear G 3’s on cars in this localityâ€"showing surprisin gly little tread-wear after many thou- sands of miles of continuous service. Goodyear long-wear is proverbial. Our service is too. Try us! . n u - . s . u c . a o u u . CUT THIS OUT Oct. 2, 3 . Sept. 29, 30 Sept. 28-30 Sept. 29, 30 Oct. 2, 3 . Oct. 1â€"3 Oct. 6, 7 Oct. 10 Oct. 9‘, 10, 12 . Oct. 16, 17 . Oct. 16, 17 THURSDTY, SEPTEMBER 17th, 1936 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. OIL and ACCESSORIE§ 18 21 22 23 25 PRMFS ,Irl RICHMOND HILL WE HAVE A1 WHEAT TO CLEAN FOR SEED Wheat, Oats, Mixed Grain Wanted Buy Feeds of Quality Dny 139 Phones Eve’s 82w SAND â€" GRAVEL WM. MCDONALD Telephone 62 ’ Thornhill From Maple Gravel Pit GENERAL CARTAGE Beauty Parlor RUTH RUMBLE, Prop. PRICE LIST . . . . . . $1.50, $3.50 & $5.00 Maninn'e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. Hair Cut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26c, Child’s hair cut . . . . . . . . . 15c. Finger Wave . . . . . . . . . . . 40c. Shampoo & Finger Wave 50c. Marcel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c. Shampoo & Marcel . . . . 50c. 0i] (h'oquinole Permanent $2.00 Other Permanents at We Invite Your Patronage 35 Yonge Street, THE MILL RICHMOND HILL (Liberal Office Building) Telephone 9 For Appoint- ments ROYAL RICHMOND Stands for Quality Hillcrest .I. F. BURR by True}: iii’chMOND HILL

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