Touching Two members, of a club began to exchange confidences. ‘Do you know,’ said the young man, “my wife is ab- sent on a pleasure cruise, and she writes me from every port she touches.†“You’re lucky,†replied the 0 man. “My wife. is also on a plea cruise, but she touches me from ery port she calls at.†A Korean won the marathon. It may not prove anything, but the downtrodden races seem fastest on their feet. Representing GILES, RICE & PETERS Danforth & Main Sts., Toronto Just a few of our Specials Chev. Sedan, 1934, Master $525 Chev. Sedan, 1929 . . . . . . 120 Ford Truck, 1933, 2% ton 485 McLaughlin Sedan, 1930 . 295 Dodge Sedan. 1933 . . . . . 495 Durant Sedan. 1929 . . . . . 125 See me at our show-rooms Sat- urday afternoon or evenings or any time by appointment. Phone Grover 2191 or Richmond Hill 9. Your call will be appreciated. Harry Trowell BAZAAR AND SALE The annual Bazaar and sale of the Empire L.O.B.A. Will be held on Safr urday, November 7th. Please re- USED Cam True Wednes., Sept. 23rd LOT'l, CON. 6, VAUGHAN 1% Miles South of Woodbridge on the Townline 1.30 pm. Standard Time White Cow, full flow, bred July 2 Black Cow, full flow, bred June 8 Black Cow, full flow, bred April 10 Black Cow, full flow, bred Feb. 14 Black Cow, fresh 8 weeks Black Cow, fresh 8 weeks White Heifer bred‘ June 9 Black Heifer Yearling Black, 3 White Heifer Yearlinrgs Red Heifer, 8 months White Heifer, 6 months White and Black Heifer, 5 months Htlétein Bull, 17 months, register- The Above Herd has had 3 Govern- ment Tests and “ Private Testb and are Accredited. They also have a 4.2 test at the Vita-Milk Dairy. PIGS 10 Shoats GEESE29 Geese HDâ€"Hâ€"‘Pâ€"‘HIâ€"Hâ€"lrâ€"‘H râ€"uâ€"Arâ€"uâ€"I Auction Sale DAIRY HERD erve this date. Back to School! . . . Reve Castator PAGE FOUR PIGS, GEESE, ETC. ' TERMS CASH J. C. SAIGEON, Auctioneer. The Property of _¢3«W“I‘ â€"SEEâ€" replied the older also on a pleasure School days are here again! In thousands of households, _ life gets back to after- lloliday regularity and routine. The home telephone helps the children to keep in touch with their new-found classmates â€"â€" lightens the home-keeping burdens for Mother â€" keeps Father in touch with his world. Have you a telephone in your home? Nothing yields more for what it costs than the home telephone. A prediction that handkerchief frocks will become a fad for spring sports and evening wear also has been made by Orry-Kelly, since the idea also is adaptable for use on collars, cuffs, godets, bows and‘ in- set pleats. A South Sea print al- ready has been used for informal party and sports wear, but the Bette Davis formal is the first to show handkerchiefs for evening wear. “The Golden Arrow†is a: rollick- ing comedry romance by the famous English playwright, Michael Arlen. Besides Miss Davis, who won the 1935 award of the Academy of Mo- tion Picture Arts and Sciences, the cast includes George Brent, Eugene Pallette, Dick Foran, Carol Hughes, Catharine Doucet and Craig Rey- nolds. BETTE DAVIS HAS FILM GOWN MADE OF HANDKERCHIEFS One of the most interesting, and at the same time unusually beauti- ful evening gowns to come out of Hollywood in a long time was de- signed by Orry-Kelly, First Nationâ€" al Stylist, for Bette Davis to wear in “The Golden Arrow,†which comes to the Capitol theatre on Monday. It is made out of handkerchiefs. Using four large silk kerchiefs of black silk crepe with a printed de- sign in pink and White, the designer evolved a formal dress featuring the pencil silhouette, short “fishtail†train, and huge butterfly drape de- pending from the shoulders at the back. The handkerchiefs make the drape and the train with the printed bor- ders of the last two climbing- up the sides of the gown, While the black (backgrounds were carefully matched in crepe to finish the body of the dress. picture was directed by A1- fred E. Green from the screen play by Charles Kenyon. Wade canny thro’ this waery worl' An’ pick your steps wi’ care; Ne’er wi’ your neebors quarrel, But aye do what is fair. Folks fa’ an’ never rise again, Wha’ never fell before, For ther’s aye a muckl-e slippy stane At Ilka body’s door. Gin your neebor chance to slip, Ye mauna pass him by, But lend a hand and helphim up, Dinna let him lie. The case may sometime be your ain, Tho’ ye hae wealth in store, For there’s ’aye a mucklp slivppy stane At ilka body’s door. There’s a slippy stane where’er ye gang, At palace, cot or ha’ An’ ye maun watch and no gang wrang r0r ower them you may fa’. For emperors an’ kings hae faâ€"en An’ nobles mony 5 score, For there’s aye a muckle Slippy stane At ilka body’s door. Distracted Wife (at bedside of sick husband)â€"â€"Is there no hope, d‘oc- tor? Doctorâ€"I don’t know. What were you hoping for? CAPITOL THEATRE 1 THE SLIPPERY STANE canny thro’ this waery worl‘ pick your steps wi’ care; wi’ your nee-bors quarrel, aye do what is‘ fair. fa’ an’ never rise again, -â€"Selected Sunday evening Y.P.U. had a very interesting Missionary evening. Mr. Bateman of Toronto, who was visitâ€" ing at Teston, dropped in to visit the Society, and being called on to speak gave a. very lively and rous- ing address on the subject “Send me a man.†Everyone enjoyed his reâ€" marks and hope he will come again in the near future. Miss Ineson of Thistletown sang a solo “The Stran- ger of Galilee†and C. Robson gave Next Sunday is Rally Day for the Sunday School. Ma‘ple Sunday School will attend and assist in the service and Rev. A. Lunau, a. former pastor, will speak. This Rally service will be held at 11 a.:n. instead] of the regular Sunday School hour at 10 a reading “Little Robson presided. Mr. Walter McLaughlin visited» with his father Mr. J. McLaughlin last week. Mr. J. McLaughlin celebrated his eightieth birthday on September 10. With his daughters Mrs. Moody and Miss Ella McLaughlin he motored to Thorold to see the lift locks and enjoyed the day. Many Happy Re- turns of the day are extended| to Mr. McLaughlin. 3.111 Mrs. George Taggart Spent the weekâ€"end with her daughter in To- ronto. Mrs. McCluskey and Miss‘ Reta took a trip to The Thousand Islands for the weekâ€"end. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagen are visit- ing in Toronto. Miss Ineson of Thistletown with her friend) Miss Dorothy Castator spent Sunday at E. Castator’s. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moody of Weston, Mr. and' Mrs. Martin Moody of Toronto, and Mrs. Pringle, Noble- ton, called! on Mr. J. McLaughlin on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. B‘ateman and Miss Miller, Toronto, visited the McClus- key family on Sunday. Miss Ewing, Miss M. Hart andl Mr. Lightbody were guests of Frank and Mrs. Piercey on Sunday. cut a of farm stock, implements, furniture, etc., the property of Mr. Luke Auck- land, Lot 10, Con. 4, King Township, 1 mile north of King City. Cows are all Government T. B. tested. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. C. E. Walkington, Auctioneer. Mr. Brow about it. about leavi1 ing about.†FRIDAY, SEPT. 18thâ€"Auction sal-e SATURDAY, SEPT. 19thâ€"Auction sale of House and lot, household furniture and other effects, the prop- erty of H. B. Reesor, at Locust Hill on No. 7 Highway. Prentice and Prentice, Auctioneers. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19THâ€" Auction sale of farm stock, imple- ments, tractor and tractor equip- ment, hay, grain, roots etc., the proâ€" perty of James Patton, lot 16, con. 5, Vaughan, 11/2 miles south of Maple sideroad. No reserve as farm is rented. Watch The Liberal for fur- ther details. J. C. Saigeon and C. E. Walkington, Auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 23rdâ€"Auction sale of cattle, pigs and geese, the property of Reve Castator, lot 1, con. 6 Vaughan, 11/; miles south of Wood- bridge on townline. The cattle have had 3 government tests and 2 pri- vate tests and are accredited. They have a test of 4.2 at the Vita-Milk dairy. Terms cash. Watch The Lib- eral for full particulars of this sale. J. C. Saigeon, Auctioneer. FRIDAY, SEPT. 25â€"Auction sale of contents of 9 roomed house at Oak Ridges opposite Post Office, belong- ing to H. Curtis and the late Sarah Curtis. Terms cash. Sale at 2 p.m. Alvin Farmer, Auctioneer. VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL TREASURER’S SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS OF TAXES By virtue of a warrant issued! by the Reeve of Richmond Hill dated the 10th day of August, 1936 and to me directed, commanding me to proceed with the collection of arrears of taxes, together with the fees and expenses, I hereby give notice that the list of lands liable to be sold has been prepared, and is being publish- ed in the “Ontario Gazette†under the dates of September 1st, October lst and November lst, 1936 and that, unless the said arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid, I shall, on the 15th day of December, 1936, pro- ceed to sell the said lands to dis- charge the said arrears of taxes and the charges thereon. _ _ The sale will be held on the above date at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon in the Municipal Hall in the Village of Richmond Hill. Copies of said List may be had at my office. A. J. HUME, Village Treasurer. Dgagtgd at Richmond Hill, August 20, 1 . Mrs. Brown: “Oh, John, the baby’s SA LE REGISTER tooth!†Brown: “Well, what can I do it. I’ve always warned you leaving knives and things ly- TESTOxN LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Blossom Frank The present and past members of the United Church Choir and also members of the Y.P.U. executive gathered at the home of Mrs. E. J. Patton of Laskay on Wednesday e'v- ening- and presented Miss Mae Foll- iott (a bride of Saturday) with a beautiful breakfast set and an elec- tric toaster. Mrs. A. Archibald read the address of the choir and Mrs. B. Hall and Miss Lillian Leece present- ed the dishes. Miss Hilda Patton read the address of the Y.P.U. and Miss Muriel Thorpe presented the toaster. An enjoyable evening was spent with a program of piano solos by Miss Lillian Leece, Vocal solos by Miss Muriel Thorpe and Mr. J. C. Dew, and a sing song led by Rev. D. Davis. A dainty luncheon was served bringing a pleasant get-toâ€" gether to a close. On Thursday evening of last week the W.M.S. were entertained by the Y.P.U. in the United Church. The program was given by the Y. P. Rev. C. W. Follett of Richmond Hill gave the address on Poetry and recited many beautiful poems. Musical numbers were given by Miss Lillian Leece and Mr. Alfred Barker. After the meeting lunch was served in the Sunday School room. The opening night of the Y.P.U. took place on Monday evening in the church. Miss Verna. Cairns presid- ing. Lantern slides were shown on Labrador. Vocal solos were render- ed by Miss Muriel Thorpe and Mr. Alfred Barker. All the children and parents are invitedl to the special Rally Day Ser- vice in' the Unitedl Church. MacMulrchy â€" Folliott The United Church was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday at 3.30 p.m. when Lillian Mae Folliott, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Folliott, was united in mar- riage to Mr. Donald Reed MacMur- ‘chy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles MacMurchy of Hills’ourg. The church looked beautiful decor- ated with gladioli, ferns, palms, late autumn‘ flowers and leaves. Preced- ing the bride the choir entered sing- ing the processional hymn “O Fathrâ€" er, All Creating†with Mr. L. K. Farr of Aurora, cousin‘ of the bride, at the organ. The bride, given away by her fa- ther, wore a gown of ivory satin, fashioned leg of mutton sleeves, the skirt flaring into a medium train and her mother’s wedding- veil held in place by orange blossoms and) car- ried ophelia roses and lily-ofâ€"the- valley entered: the church to the strains of Lohengrin’s Wedding March. The bridesmaids, Misses. Louise and Florence Folliott, sis- ters of the bride, wore pink and green taffeta gowns of the same design, with matching rosette caps with tulle crowns and! brims and shoes and gloves and carried1 bou- quets of late autumn flowers. Little Ruth Folliott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Folliott wore a perâ€" iod frock of frilled white organdy and) carried a colonial nosegay. Mr. N. MacMurchy was his brother’s best man. The ushers were Mr. Har- oldl Folliott, brother of the bride and Dr. Cullen of Acton, brother-inâ€"law of the groom. During the signing of the register M'isa Arleane Carson, Miss Mildred Folliott and Miss Ruth Bateson sang “0 Perfect Love.†The Ceremony was conducted by Rev. Douglas Davis. A reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents, her mother receiving in black chiffon velvet with corsa'ge of Talisman Rose‘bud‘s. The groom’s mother assisted wearing wine lace and georgette with Johanna Hill rose corsage. The bride’s going- away ecstume was a brown ensemble with matchâ€" ing accessories. After a. honeymoon in Philadelphia they will reside on the groom’s farm at Hill‘sburg'. The old-fashioned candidate was the fellow who threw his hat into the ring instead of hurling his voice into a. microphone. 4 ORDERS TAKEN AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING OFFICE are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer First eer lef/ Sales Books ‘ KING CITY PULLETS AND HENS. 24 Benson Avenue, Richmond Hill. 5 PIGS 7 weeks old. Apply Mrs Howard Smith, Edgeley. ELEVEN PIGS; 8 weeks old. Apply Walter Reaman, phone Maple 1564. HO'LSTEIN COW, fresh, T. B. testâ€" ed, good milker. Phone Richmoncl CHEVROLET TRUCK, 1928, half ton, in good order. Apply C. E. Walkington, King. Hill 102-1‘-22 GOOD PIANO, cheap, or would trade for electric radio. John Vanâ€" derburg, Mill Road. YOUNG ROASTING FOWL, 3 to 31/; lbs., dressed. J. Hickson, 8 Rose- view Ave., Richmond Hill. SAND & GRAVEL, Cement blocks, buildings raised. John Jarvis, Rich- mond Hill. telephone 94M. PUREBRED HOLSTEIN BULL, 2 years old, Gov. T. B. tested. Apply Walter Paxton, Oak Ridlges. RADIO, 7 tube electric, will ex- change for portable chicken house. Apply W. E. Stevenson, Malple. MCCORMICK DEERING ENSILAGE CUTTER type “F†in good repair. M. A. Wilson, King, telephone King 4800 DUMB WAITER complete with pul- leys, ropes and standards. Mrs. A. L. Phipps, 68 Richmond St., phone 13. HOUSE, 6 rooms and bath, extra good, close to Yonge Street, Richâ€" mond Hill. Apply H. McMillan, Rich- mond Hill. . HONEY, light amber, in customer’s containers (any size), net weight 8c. per lb. Abram, 2 miles North east of Richmond Hill, telephone 4513. FARMERS, sell your poultry by the pound. Prices 3c. less than Toronto quotations. Write H. W. Finkels’cein, R.R. N0. 2, Maple, for immediate FRESH MILK COW, also 3 Bull Calves. Herdl fully accredited and negative to blood test. Apply Roland G. Keffer, Maple, telephone Maple 2370. HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE No. 9 with reservoir and warming oven, splendid baker, in perfect condition. Apply 1 Roseview Avenue, Richmond Hill, telephone 59J. 7 ROOMED STUCCO HOUSE in Richmond Hill, excellent location, all conveniences, $3,000 cash, a real bar- gain. Apply J. R. Herrington, Rich- mond Hill, telephone 87. pick-up. TWO GOV’T TESTED COWS, full flow; Tamworth Sow due to farx'ow first litter October 15th; Hog and sow, 5 months, same breed. R. Wide- man, telephone Richmond Hill 45â€"12. ONE 8 INCH SILENT GLOW OIL BURNER complete also one 10 inch Silent Glow Oil Burner with 100 gal- lon tank and self feed carburetor, al- so some household goods. F. H. Cole, Spruce Ave., Richvale. DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORN COWS with high R.O.P. and good show records, gov. accredited, in calf to one of the best bulls in Canada. Apply B. R. Leech, 3rd con. Mark- ham, leé miles east of Thornhill. 2 PUREBRED HOLSTEIN BULLS one year old, their dams have R.0.P. records of 10197 lbs, of milk, aver- age test 3.53% at 2 years old; also 4 year old Heifers springing, herd fully accredited and: federally blood tested. R. E. Sanderson, Unionville P.O., Lot 24, 5th line Markham. The opening meeting of the Ang- lican Young- People’s Asmciation will be held on Monday evening“, Sept. 14 in the crypt of the church at 8 o’clock. Plans regarding the year’s work are to be discussed. Come with your helpful suggestions and let us try to make our A.Y.P.A. even bet- ter than last year. All young peo- ple ,are cordially welcome to join. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST 0F 1'!“ RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extr. ELGIN BARBER SHOP Now Under New Management “AL†PUPLE Wi‘shes to announce that he has, of the district. v taken over the Elgin Mills Barâ€" ber Shop, and respectfully soli- cits the patronage of the people Classified Advs. each insertion FOR SALE NOTICE IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th, 1936 HOUSES RAISED, moved etc. base- ments built. Phone Thornhill 73. CIDER. We are now making Cider at our mill corner 5th Concession Whitchurch and Townline. J. R‘. Sidler, telephone Stouffville 7207. YOUNG YORKSHIRE SOW strayed! from premises. Persons knowing whereabouts please notify I. Me'- Quarrie, telephone Maple 2460. HOUSEKEEPER for home in Rich- mond Hill. Apply at The Liberal Office. WANTED TO RENT 100 acres with good buildings, by a practical farm- er. Apply Box 63, Liberal Office. BATTERY RADIO, must be in- good condition, 5 or 6 tube. State name and price to Box 44, Liberal Office. GIRL would like a position at light housekeeping. Or would be a com- panion for an elderly lady. Genevieve LeGue, 12 Arnold St., Richmond Hill. BUY, $3,000 to $3,500 cash, in Rich- mond: Hill. Apply Box 87, Liberal Office. MODERN HOUSE WANTED TO 6 ROOM COTTAGE for rent. Apply F. H. Cole, Spruce Ave., Richvale. NEW BRICK BUNGALOW, Concord‘ Village No. 7 Highway, 6 rooms, all conveniences, electric for stove, fix- tures, hot water, hardlwoodl floors, linoleum on kitchen and bath, blinds, garage. Telephone Maple 1670. LOSTâ€"On Tuesday evening nearl United Church, Richmond! Hill, small leather bag containing dictionary and magazines. Reward. Kindly leave at The United Church Parsonage, Richmond Hill. Entries for big Amateur Contest to be held in the Orange Hall Wood- bridge during Fair Week will be re- ceived by Mr. G. A. Bagg, secretary of L.O.L. No. 28, Woodbridge, until October lst. Exact date to be an- nounced later. Used Car 1936 FORD DeLUXE TOURING SE- DANâ€"Demonstrator â€" Very Smal Mileage. 1931 DURANT 4-CYLINDER SEDAN â€"Small Mileage. Excellent Con' 1933 CHEVROLET MASTER COACHâ€"Nice. 1930 OLDSMOBILE COUPEâ€"Rum- ble Seat. 1931 FORD COUPEâ€"Rumble Seat A Good Car. MISCELLA NEOUS 1931 FORD PANEL DELIVERY Good Condition. 1930 FORD SPORT COUPEâ€"Rum‘ 1927 CHRYSLER 4-CYLINDER SE DANâ€"Thoroughly Reconditioned. 1928 FORD TUDORâ€"Nice. Little Brother: Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL. ONTAR‘IO dition. ble Seat. $850.00 TO RENT WA N TED NOTICE $450.00 $275.00 $225.00 $250.00 $200.00 $250.00 $135.00 $150.00 LOST