Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Sep 1936, p. 6

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in refrigerator while preparing: 4 egg whites, 1/8 teaspoon salt, 1 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1/2 cup chopped nuts, 1/2 CuD cocoanut. Beat egg- whites with salt until stiff; add sugar and beat in well. Add flavoring and cocoanut. Pile and spread on cake batter in pans. Sprinkle with nuts. Bake in moderâ€" ate oven (350 degrees) for 35 min- utes. Let cool in “ans. Arrange on serving- plate with sliced peaches beâ€" tween layers. It is still too early to tell whether the Spanish Fascists are really reb- IANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS OF CANADIAN ‘& FOREIGN Gramte Monuments 1849 Yonge St. (east side) Between Mertan dz Bulliol Sts. els or deliverers Phone HYland 2081 Open Evenings '0‘. Phone 9788 Johnston & Granston uy Cream butter, add sugar and cream well. Add well beaten yolks, beat until light. Add sifted drv ingredi- ents and milk alternatelv. Pour into two nine inch laypi: cake pans. Set Fairy Pie 1/4 cup butter, 1/2 cup sugar, 4 egg yolks, 1 cup flour, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon baking nowder, 1/4 c1113 milk: 1! a“-.. 4...! nfinnm prize.” “We believe our new plan should offer a real incentive for the farm- ers throughout this section Of York County,” Mr. Jarvis declared. “The g'roundhogs are increasing fast and doing excessive damage to crops. Every farmer in the district will have an equal chance to collect the $100 By this scheme the club hopes to receive more than the 4,500 ground- hogs killed by the local farmers last year. Farmers were paid ten cents each for their ’hogs last season, but this plan proved too costly. BROTHERTON’S SteamshipnggG This startling statement comes'all fall apples turning out a good from Aemilius Jarvis, of the average crop and with Duchess» nearâ€" North York Hunt Club, who has de- ly double last year’s. McIntosh how- vised a. unique plan to rid the sur- ever show a decline of about 30 per rounding countryside of these pests. cent. Estimated production of Geor- The club plans to capture 26 live g-ian Bay fruit district is between groundhogs and brand them from 65,000 and 75,000 barrels. Quality one to 25. They will be let loose is exceptionally fine. Huron Coun- throughout the district and any far- ty has a similarly encouraging re- mer returning a branded groundhog port in this respect. In Waterloo will be paid $5. To the person reâ€" [ yields of grain have been very disâ€" turning the 26th groun-dhog, a re- appointing. Livestock in Brant is in ward of $100 Will be paid. fair condition with pastures improvâ€" By this scheme the club hopes to ' ing due to recent showers. Lincoln receive more than the 4,500 groundâ€" | reports peaches as plentiful, but ap- hogs killed by the local farmers last pies are only 50 per cent. of a nor- year. Farmers were paid ten cents mal crop. More rain is needed in each for their ’hogs last season, but Welland to prepare a proper seed this plan proved too costly. bed for fall wheat. Sewing of fall “We believe our new plan should'w‘heat is reported general through- ofier a real incentive for the farm- Out Wentworth. Alfalfa and second en throughout this section of York growth meadows have helped out the Canadian Pacific, Cunard and Anchor-Do-ldson lines at Lowest Rates. Photos and Passports Secured All enquiries confidential We look after your wants right from your home. Phone Willowdale 63.1 Oflioe Strap 6 Yonge St, Lann'nz DECLARE ’WAR ON GROUNDHOGS Aurora, Sept. 9th.â€"-Somewhere in the farmlands of this district there is a. groundhog- which will be worth $100 next spring. There are 25 oth- er hogs which are Worth $5 apiece. Lumber,~ Vigil}, flShingles Ashp’halt Roofing, Gyproc A FAVORITE TESTED RECIPE SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. Glasses that suit you is what you want. You may have your choice of our guaranteed “DE- LUKE’S” gold-filled rimless mounting or frame, latest shapes, plus best quality single vision Toric lenses. F. E. LUKE & SON 163 YONGE ST. Opposite Simpson’s â€"â€" Take Elevator Special Sailings to the Homeland by RICHMOND HILL For Day or Evening Appomtment Phone EL. 4820 SPECIAL Telephone 27 Dealers in PAGE SIX Including Examination For some considerable time the milk producers have felt that the ac- curately determined cost of produc- tion would be' of great benefit to them in arriving at a satisfactory sale price. With this data at their com- Htinanvd, they are convinced they will be placed in a more favourable poâ€" sition. On the other hand, the milk distributor, knowng the most advan- tageous consumer price and also his ‘distribution cost as the result of his constant contact with the consumers, is in an advantageous position in ‘dealing with farmers. pasture situation in Oxford. Pastures in Middlesex are still very dry, al- though prospects are better since reâ€" cent showers. Prince Edward re- ports that recent rains will greatly benefit corn, potatoes, tomatoes, roots, apples and pastures. Eastern Ontario has also benefited consider- ably by the downfall of moisture and the countryside is looking well. Lt: is planned to learn the cost for every section of Ontario and: for ev- ery type of market. To this task the milk producers’ associations inâ€" terested in cheese, butter, concen- trated products and whole milk, in co-operation with the two above- named agencies, have thus far se- cured the active support of more than 1500 individual producers through- out Ontario. Each co-operator has been, supplied with an- account book which has been carefully prepared by the Ontario Agricultural College and the Domin- ion Economics Branch, and approved by the joint conimittee of the milk producers. During the year, repreâ€" sentative-s plan to call on each of the farmer producers to provide any desired assistance in connection with the keeping of the records. “Cost of Milk" Survey By Ontario Producers What does it cost to produce milk in Ontario? The milk producers of Ontario aim to have an answer to this question in the very near fu- ture. Through the coâ€"operation of the Economics and Dairy Husbandry Departments of the Omtario Agricul- tural College and- the Economics Branch, Dominion Department of Agriculture, a research staff is now actively engaged in this study. Many factors in addition to price are included in the agreements drawn up as between milk producers and distribiitors, anti it is the preroga- tive of the Ontario Milk Control Board to exercise. authority in con- nection With agreements made be- fiween these two parties; The Statistics Branch of the Ons- ‘tario Department of Agriculture 'published this week the September ‘Monthly Crop Report giving a reâ€" ‘view of crop conditions in Ontario as compiled from reports submitted 'by a Large staff of regular corre- lspondents. SUMMARY OF CROP CONDITIONS Current Crop Report Grey County reports its apple crop this year equal to that of 1935, with all fall apples turning out a good average crop and with Duchess nearâ€" ly double last year’s. McIntosh how- ever show a decline of about 30 per cent. Estimated production of Geor- gian Bay fruth district is between 65,000 and 75,000 barrels. Quality is exceptionally fine. Huron Coun- ty has a similarly encouraging re- port in this respect. In Waterloo The intense drought which was ex- perienced over most of Central and Western Ontario was terminated a- bout mid-August, since which date rains have fallen over most sections of the Province. It is now possible to size up fairly accurately the ex- tent of loss caused by the drought. Fall wheat, fall rye, main. hay crop and first cutting of alfalfa were only slightly affected, having- almost reached maturity Before the drought became severe. Yields of all these crops were practically normal for the Province as a 'whole, the less than average yields for hay in Cenâ€" tral Ontario being counterbalanced by above normal yields in other counties. The preliminary estimate of the production of spring grains places the average yield fbr the Province .at 29.2 bushels per acre for oats, as compared with 36.0 ‘bushels in 1935, barley at 27.1 bush- els as against 32.2 bushels, and mix- ed grains at 29.5 bushels as comâ€" pared with 36.5 bushels a: year ago. The aggregate reduction in the yield of spring grain from 1935, as shown NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARMER The condition of late crops at the end of August was the lowest of any year since 1922, when condition figures were first established. Rains during the last week of August and the first ten days of September over practically the entire Province will, however, prove beneficial to pas- tures, rootsw, potatoes .‘and corn. Dry beans suffered heavily from drought in South-western Ontario and the anticipated yield this season is only 12.8 bushels per acre as compared with 18.1 bushels last year. Buck- wheat germinated very poorly and the condition figure at the end of August was placed .at 63, the long time average being represented by 100. Practically two-thirds of the corn. for bus-king crop is grown in Essex and Kent. In these two coun- ties early planted corn represents ap- proximately one-half the crop, and yields should be well up to average. Later planted fields are considerably below average at present but if fall frosts are late a fairly satisfactory yield may be obtained. In Essex and Kent, and also in the far eastern counties of the Province there has been a decided increase in Corn Borer infestation, but only in a few instances is it likely to reduce the yield substantially. Corn for husk- ing and roots are considerably be low average in Central, Western and Southern Ontario, and fiar‘mers proâ€" ducing fluid milk who depend upon these crops for a considerable proâ€" portion of their winter feed supply will, in most cases, experience con- siderable difficulty in keeping milk production up to normal. In Essex and Kent bumper yields: of spring grain were obtained, and in the nine counties situated at the extreme eastern end of the Prov- ince yields were above the average. The increase in production in these counties helped to counteract below average yields in other counties. In Peel, Brant, Welland, Wentworth, Halton, Haliburton and Victoria counties» the yield of oats shows! a 50 per cent reduction from last year. The quality of spring- grains is quite varialble, straw short, and the weight per bushel very Light in the drought area. by the first estimates, amounts to slightly less than the 20 per cent decline forecast in last month’s Crop Report. These crops â€" fall wheat, fall rye, spring grains and hay and clover crops â€" comprise approximately 75 per cent of the value of all field crops produced in Ontario, and from the above men- tioned yields it will be seen that the effects of the drought, while severe, were far from disastrous. The condition of pastures at the first of September was the lowest on record with a condition figure of 58. In Central Ontario” from whioh the fluid milk supply for the City of Toronto is derived, pastures were the worst in the Province and most dairy farmers have been stable feed- ing their herds for weeks. The seâ€" cond cutting of alfalfa on many farms Was used for feeding live stock and winter hay supplies were also fed freely, which will make it imperitive that hay be fed very care, fully this winter so that the present supplies which are considered suffi- cient for the Province as a whole, may not run out. Second growth of oats, which is most unusual, is pro- viding some green feed. Many farm- ers will have to purchase grain at prices) already 75 per cent higher than a year ago and. likely to reach 100 per cent before the winter is over. Unless the price of fluid milk is advanced the cash income of dairy farmers will show a considerable re- duction from last year. The production: of butter in Auâ€" gust was approximately 15 per cent below that of August 1935, while the production of cheese, which for the 'first seven months showed an in- crease of 20 per cent above the same 'period) last year, amounted to 13,- 504,000 pounds in August this year ‘as compared with 13,431,000 pounds in the same month last year. Farm- ‘ers supplying milk to cheese fac- tories are striving very hard to main- tain the flow in ordervto profit from the prevailing high prices for cheese. 'At Bellevilie, cheese was selling for 141/3 cents per pound on August 15th this season, as compared with 93/3 cents per pound at this same date during the preceding- three years. Higher prices for field cropS/ are 'expected to more than compensate for the reduced production this year, and the total value of agricultural production in 1936 in Ontario is ex- pected’ to exceed that of the year '1935. But if a dumb boy studies for a profession, all you get is a dumb professional mun. Some people are so tender-hearted they can’t hurt any living creature except relatives. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO According to J. A. Carroll, secre- tary-manager of the Ontario Plow- men’s Association the plowing match will include every type of plow and every kind of draught used by farm- ers attending the four-day meet. On first day of the match, Oct. 6. competition will be restricted to resi- dents of Glengarry, Stormonlt, Dunâ€" d‘as, Grenville, Carleton, Prescott 2nd "Russell counties. In these seven Ot- tawa and St. Lawrence vall-ey coun- ties are located the ten Eastern On- tario local plowm-en’s associations aâ€" roundI which this year’s match is be- ing centred. Three of these counâ€" ties (the United Counties of Stor- mont, Dundas and Glengarry) and' 'the city of Cornwall are official ’hosts of the 24th annual match. In a foreword to the official pro- gram just published, Mr. Carroll ‘writes: “Noted for their hospitality, 'citizens of the United Counties and of Cornwall have been working en- 'thusviastically for months to provide every facility for the staging of the event and the comfort of visitors.” The types of plows, Mr. Carroll says, will vary from the bright-cut Scotch plow, which delivers a very fine furrow, to the speedier three- furrcw tractor plow. Several hundred of the contestants will use horses, but well over 100 tractor entries are expected. On the afternoon of October 9, a- bout 40 of the best teams will be brought to a special exhibition ring near the “Tented City” where 20 prizes. totalling 8465.00, will be a- warded. As the first prize is $50.00, it is expected competition will be keen and will attract some of the 'best draught teams in Eastern C'an- ada and northern New York State. According to J. A. Carroll, secre- tary-manager of the Ontario Plow- men's Association the plowing match The rules of the horse show judl â€" ing committee prevent the entry of any “plush” horses, since it is speciâ€" fied that in order to qualify for the Show “all teams must have been used two days at least for plowing, and ‘will 'be inspected at work by the judges." One of the most spectacular feaâ€" tures at the International Plowing Match to be held near Cornwall from October 6 to 9 will be the annual horse show on the final day of the exhibition. “This year's match,” he h‘aid, “has been. the best-organized since the an- nual event was originated.” Under ‘a general committee headed by J. Party Prize Teams Will Compete For Coveted Awards At Plowing Match Big Horse Show COMMITTEE PRAISED Keeping thoroughly abreast of the times, the Canadian Pa- cific Railway is putting into commission four semi-streamlinâ€" ed lightweight trains which will operate on. the day runs between Montreal and Quebec, Toronto and Detroit; and Edmonton and Calgary. At present 'th‘ese de luxe trains are on tour for public inspection in Ontario, Quebec, and Watern Canada. where they Canada’s Newest Trains W. MacRae of Loch-ieL nine swb- ‘committees, manned by nearly 100 active and expert workers, have been arranging for every detail during the competition and demonstration. There 'are committees for teams, tractors, parking, billeting‘, lunches, grounds, ‘horse show, reception, as well as an '-agricultural committee. 1 Registered Leicester Ram Copies of the official program may be obtained by writing to J. A. Car- roll, East Block, Parliament Build- 'ings, Toronto, or to J. W. MaaRae, ‘Lochriel, Ont. PIGS AND HENS 10 Small Pigs 6 weeks old 10 Hens No reserve as Mr. Patton has rented farm TERMS:â€"Fat cattle. grain. hay, pig's. hens. and all articles solling- for $25.00 and under cash. Articles over that amount 8 months credlt on ap- proved joint notes. 4% added unto face of note. in June Holstein Cow, milking, bred in June Ayrshire Cow, freshened in May, Killop ’ Bav Mare, 9 years old Bay Mare, 10 years old Chestnut Horse, 10 years old Jersey Cow, fresh Jersey Cow, fresh Ayrshire Cow Cow, fresh Holstein Cow, bred Holstein Cow, bred Holstein Cow, fre: Black Horse, 4 years old Driver, 5 years old CoilitLDriver, bred from Peter Mc~ bred in August Ayrshire Heifer, fresh Holstein Heifer. dLe time of sale Guernsey Cow, due time of sale Holstein Heifer due in 6 weeks Holstein Cow. fresh Fat Cow Fat Steer Fat Heifer in June Holstgin- Cow, fresh in May. bred ‘. C. Saigeon & C. E. Walkington, Aucts. Extensive Sale Dairy Herd Farm Stock, Implements, Tractor & Trac- tor Equipment, Hay, Grain, Roots, Etc. Lot 16, Con. 5, Vaughan Twp., ONE AND QI'ARTER MILES SOUTH OF MAPLE SIDEROAD (Cattle all T.B. Tested) Property of JAMES PATTON Economical in operation, and approximately only half the weight of a. regular standard train of the same equipment, the trains, which consist of the Jubi- lee 4-4-4 type locomotive (3000 class) mail and express car, bag- gage and buffet car and two first class coaches, mark a distinct SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH Sale at 12.30 Standard Time HORSES IMPLEMENTS CATTLE SHEEP in May, milkinglé in May, milkmg 1 sh in May, bredl THURSDTY. SEFH'EMBER 17th, 1936 350 bus. Wheat 500 bus. Barley 600 bus. Mixed Grain 500 bus. Oats 20 tons of loose hav A quantity of Baled Hav 11,; A res of Mangels vator, new New Disc Plough Set Double Tractor Disc. new Frost and Wood Mower, new Frost_and Wood Binder, 7 ft. cut. lgood as new Hav Tedder Horse Rake, 10 ft. wide, new Manure Spreader, Cockshutt Set Knee Bob Sleighs Set Sloop Bob Sleighs Sets 4 Sections Harrows Wheel Plough. FIeLry No. 21 Walking Plough, Fleury No. 21 sz'inz Tooth M.-H. Cultivator Sets Double Harness Set Single Harness Democrat Fannintr Mill Set Scales, 2000 lbs. capacity Extra heavy set of trucks Wagon Hay Racks. 16 ft. Disc Drill, 16 Disc Dumo Cart Set Dump Cart Harness Fleurv Chopper New Draw Rope. 125 ft. long Tractor, Case Tractor Plough Stiff Tooth Cultivator, heavy International Spring Tooth Cultiâ€" The Full Line of FUEL Lime, Cement, Tile GRAIN. HAY AND ROOTS bus‘ has bus. bus forward movement in modern‘ transportation in Canada. Thor‘ oughly air-conditioned the cars at all times are supplied with clean fresh air and will be found comfortably warm in Winter, and pleasantly cool in summer. In the pictures above are shown the new train, and parts 0': the first class coach, buffet car and ladies lounge. Phone 188 Yards at Burt’s Mill Jones Coale. IM PLEMENTS also

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