A very pleasant afternoon was spent by the Junior Women’s Insti- tute last Wednesday afternoon when they were entertained by the Gorm- The Junior Institute on the same night will be of special interest too. Mrs. Reesor, the District President, will speak at this meeting and the Roll Call “What I have found most helpful in our Junior Institute should he revealing and flatterineg so. The interesting motto “It is not enough to have a sound mind, the principal thing is to make good use of it†will 'be discussed by Miss Bessie Valliere. All interested in this meeting are cordially invited to attend. On Tuesday night, Oct. 6th, the Junior Farmers are having a treat in the person of Dr. Moynihan. He Will speak on the “Health of Ani- mals.†Those who have just parted with their cows through the T. B. test will find; this talk of special benefit and interest. All are welâ€" come. Mr. Alvin Caseley and Miss Laura Gee sprang an. honest-to-goodness surprise upon their many friends on Monday night by annOuncing their marriage of a month ago. The sin- cerest best wishes are extended to the happy couple. in this community. The earlier part of the evening 'was spent in euchre and crokinole and then a very pleasant ceremony took place. Mr. Rumney called Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feigel to the plat- form where Miss Dorothy Valliere read to them an address and as the word‘ “gifts†was mentioned in troop- >ed fifteen girls bearing kitchen uten- sils in ivory and red which they presented to Mrs. Feigel. Mr. Feigel responded in a very pleasant and ap- preciative manner and Mrs. Feigel expressed her appreciation in a few gracious words. The singing of “They are jolly good fellows" con- cluded this little ceremony and then prizes were awarded to Mrs. Atwood and Mr. W. Smith who were first in euchre and Miss Annie Avison and Mr. Floyd Perkins who were} first in crokinole which brought a well-spent social evening- to a. close when lunch and coffee had been served. About seventy friends of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feigel, who were recent- .ly married, gathered in the Com- munity Hall on Tuesday night to ex- tend to them their best wishes and to give expression in a tangible way to the esteem in which they are held in this community. The bright but cool weather we .are having these days is quite in keeping with the “Fall†fairs. Let .us hope that the “Fall’ weather lasts as long as the “Fall†season. We are in no hurry to meet “Old Man Winter†and his accompanying blizâ€" zards before the date set for his reign. VOL. LVI. Winners Attending Morning Show Only mmmweomm i Three Shirley Temple Dolls Given Away to the ONO. Through the Mirror MICKEY MOUSE Crime Doesn’t Pay News WWWWG i Special Saturday Morning Show % at 10.00 a.m. continuous Robt. Taylor - Loretta Young AIR CONDITIONED POOR LITTLE RICH GIRL CAPITOLYLl Now PLAYING “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES HOLLWOOD BOULEVARD THURS., FRI., SAT., OCTOBER 8 - 9 - 10 M0N., TUES., WED., OCTOBER 5 - 6 - Jessie Matthews - Robt. Young IT’S LOVE AGAIN WITH AN ALL STAR CAST COOL AND COMFORTABLE SHIRLEY TEMPLE PARKING FOR 200 CARS ADDED ATTRACTION DESERT GOLD â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€" Private Number In IN ‘Thursday, Friday, Saturday, OCTOBER 1 - 2 - 3 The ladies staged a very successful tournament at the local green Tues- day afternoon. Thirteen rinks re- presenting city and district clubs competed and despite the rather cool weather a fine day’s bowling was enjoyed. Tottenham won first prize, North Toronto second, Newmarket third and Aurora fourth. The Rich- mond Hill rinks competing- were: Mrs. T. E. Stephenson, Mrs. Riddell, Mrs. W. A. Wright, Mrs. E. T. Ste- phens skip; Mrs. L. H. Clement, Mrs. W. W. A.. Trench, Mrs. A. G. Savage, Mrs. J. A. Greene skip; Miss McLean, Mrs. George Gee, Mrs. J. E. Smith, Mrs. C. Kerswill skip. Two local rinks took part in the annual Scotch Doubles at Newmarâ€" ket Wednesday and both finished in the prize money. Albert E. Glass and Morley Hall had a. record of three wins and a score of 53 which won them the first prize and a fine large turkey each. A. A. Eden and J. E. Smith finished with the high score for two wins and came home with a gooSe each for a prize. Forty- eight rinks competed in the tourna- ment. Miss Mable Sanderson and Miss Avison attended the Young People’s Convention at Owen Sound last week-end. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barber who are the proud parents of another little daughter. Plans are being made by the ladies on Thursday night for the annual “Fowl Supper†which is to be given on the twenty-eighth of October. Further notice later. ley Women’s Institute at the home of Mrs. Evans, White Rose. This community was saddened last Sunday morning to learn of the death of Miss Marie Robertson who passed away on Saturday night, as a result of a fall down stairs the previous Sunday morning. Miss Robertson was unconscious almost the week and little hope was entertained for her recovery from the first. She will be very much missed by her friends who always found her a jolly girl, suffering a great handicap. The sym- pathy of the entire community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Robert- son and family in their great loss. The funeral took place in Toronto from the home of her brother-in- ]aw, Mr. Thos. Porter and interment was made in Norway Cemetery. Mr. J. MacDonald, Mr. Haig and Mr. Peacock had charge. -,of the service. Many beautiful wreaths and bou- quets gave evidence of the esteem in which Marie and Mr. and Mrs. Robertson are held in this commun- ity. BOWLING NOTES Yonge at Castlefield MO. 2172 THEATRE ME mmm RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER lst, 1936 SENIOR GIRLS’ EVENTS Standing Broadâ€"Isobel Ainslie, Mildred Haworth, Dorothy Ban-a Iclough. Distance 6’ 7â€. Running Broad Jumpâ€"Isobel Ains- (Continued on Page 8) “In Essgntials, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty; In All Things. Charity†Pole Vaultâ€"Williamson, Cunning- harm, Bill Glenn. Juvenile Champion, Williamson. Runner-up, M. Cunningham. High Jumpâ€"M. Cunningham, B Bailey, B. Glenn. Height 4’. Running Broad Jumpâ€"J. William- son, M. Cunningham, B. Glenn. Dist- ance 12’ 8â€. 220 Yard Dashâ€"Bill Glenn, M. Cunningham, Bill Bailey. Time 32 3/5 seconds. Hop, Step and Jumpâ€"A. Warwick, A. Williamson, R. Clement. Dist- ance 24’ 8%.â€. 100 Yard Dashâ€"Bill Glenn, Alf. Warwick, Harold Klinck. Time 13 2/5 seconds. Standing Broad Jumpâ€"J. William- son, M. Cunningham, A. Warwick. Distance 6’ 10â€. Pole Vaultâ€"W. Beresford, Morris, R. Lunau. Junior Champion, Mark Stuart. Runner-up, Bert Franklin. High Jumpâ€"Lloyd Doner, Wilson Bereszford, Bill Hall. Height 4’ 8â€. Discus Throwâ€"H. Jones, W. Beresâ€" ford, M. Cunningham. Distance 100’ Half-Mile â€" Joe Morris, Frank Carr, Mark Stuart. Running Broad Jumpâ€"~Mark Stu- art, J. Kerswill, D. Partridge. Dist- ance 15’ 2â€. Hop, Step and Jumpâ€"Jim Kers- will, G. Cunningham, J. Morris. Dist- ance 30’ 2". 440 Yard Dashâ€"Bert Franklin, Mark Stuart, Frank Carr. Time 67 3/5 seconds. 220 Yard Dashâ€"Bert Franklin, Mark Stuart, Jim Kerswill. Time 28 1/5 seconds. 100 Yard Dashâ€"â€"M. Stuart, B. Franklin, W. Beresford. Time 11 4/5 seconds. Shot Putâ€"M. Stuart, D. Hughes, S. Seatter. Distance 36’ 9". 9%" Senior Boys’ Championâ€"Bill Poll- ard; (by reversion), Mac Cooper; runner-up, Mike Sawchuck. BOYS’ JUNIOR EVENTS Standing Broad Jumpâ€"M. Stuart, S. Seatter, Joe Morris. Distance 7’ Richmond Hill High School annual Field Day was held Wednesday and despite the rather cool weather there was keen competition and some splendid performances in the varied athletic events. Bill Pollard repeat- ed this year and for the second time scored the highest points in the boys’ 'senior division, but the champion- ship went by reversion to the run- ner-up “Mac†Cooper, with the run- ner-up position going to Mike Saw- chuck. Mark Stewart was declared the junior champion with Bert Franklin as the next closest conten- der. James Williamson won the juvenile boys’ championship with Murray Cunningham as runner-up. Isobel Ainslie captured the girls’ sen- ior championship and Nancy McKen- zie finished in the runner-up posi- tion. The Junior Girls’ Champion was Ethel White and Doreen John- son the runner-up. Doris Clark was declared juvenile champion and Bea- trice Ainslie the runner-up. 220 Yard Dashâ€"Bill Pollard, Mac Cooper, George Pollard. Time 24 4/5 seconds. Hop, Step and Jumpâ€"Bill Pollard, Mac Cooper, Bill Carr. Distance 35’ 10". Discus Throwâ€"M. Sawchuck, Bill Carr, Bill Campbell. Distance 111 feet. Mile Runâ€"Jack Webb, Mac Coop- er, Lloyd Crawford. Time 6 min. 42 2/5 seconds. Standing chuck, Bill ance 8’ 8" 100 Yard Dashâ€"Bill Pollard, Mac Cooper, George Pollard. Time 11 seconds. Shot Pubâ€"M. Sawchuck, Bill Carr, Bill Pollard. Distance 32’ 11". Running Broad Jumpâ€"Bill Carr, M. Sawchuck, Bill Pollard. Distance 16’ 9". High Jumpâ€"Bill Pollard, Lorne Wells, M. Cooper. Height 5’ 2â€. Pole Vaultâ€"Bill Pollard, Beresford, George Pollard. The winners of the events were as follows: 440 Y‘ard Dashâ€"Bill Pollard, Mac Cooper, Jack Webb. Time 70 4/5 seconds. Annual Field Day At High School BOYS’ JUVENILE EVENTS SENIOR BOYS’ EVENTS Broad Jumpâ€"M. Saw- Pollard, Bill Carr. Dist- Wilson Height First Book, Class Aâ€"Cecil Espey and Donald Little equal, Eleanor Young- and Albert Wilson equal, Nancy Austin, Phyllis Jones, Doris Fox and Ray Charles equal, Eunice Sanders, Fraan Evison, Noh‘a Bel- grade, Betty Carr, Isobel McFarlane and Donald Chedzoy equal, Mack Clement, Kathleen Stunden, Sandy Neal. Sr. Iâ€"Stanley White, Lolu Sand- ers, Lorne Musson, James Barker, Frederick Kozak, Florence Durrant and- Frederick Edwards equal, Rob- ert Butler, Reta Mallory equal, Victor Jones, John Evison, Delbert Hull, William Bowdery*, George Collins, Ernest Wolfneys’â€, Robert Patten- den. ROOM 5 Jr. IIâ€"Florence Edwards, Mil- berge Gibbons, ‘Joycp Bï¬rjraclough, Elinor Pattenden, Muriel Megdonal, Alverna Smith, Bert Hunt, Eric Cruickshank, Frederick Wise,- Hazel Reesor, Alex. Clarke, Peter Kanis, Victor Richardson, Shirley Burt, Shirley Par-is“, Melb'ourne Newton‘ and Herbert Rose equal, Douglas Mansbridge, Shirley Heeley, Peggy Mackenzie*, Isobel White, Henry Fish, Jean Henshaw, Thelma Darby. Sr. IIâ€"Eileen Carr, Jean Baker, Jean Scott and Arthur Barraclough equal, Edith Bickerton, Leonard Richardson, Billy Sheardown, Allen Horwood, Charles Srigley and Viola Woods equal*, Mary Brock, Lorna Baker; Philip Mihorean, Margaret Ransom and Henry Richardson equal, Murray Bowenâ€, Frances Mackey, Arthur Wolfreys, Ernest Wfadq, Douald .Kerswill, Georg-e Loughlin“, Mabel Loughlin’â€, Flor- ence Allen*. Jr. IIIâ€"Murray Bowes, Elizabeth Bragg and Foss Mallory equal, How- ard White, Irene Rose, Mary Bur- nett, Helen Thompson, Kathleen Butâ€" ler, Margaret Brown, William Bell, Charles Wellman, Norman Tyndall, Tom Macleod, Clifford Bickerton, Billy Neal, Joan Paxton, Eric Upâ€" tonâ€, Margaret Carpenter***. Phyllis Angle, Jean Mills, Gwen Chissler, Clifford Dextor, Mary Dun- can, Marion Barker, Margaret Mc- Gibbon, Emly White, Stewart Mc- Donald, Thelma Woods, John Carpâ€" enter, George Monkman, Fred Leech, John Tracy, Clifford Casement, Dor- othy Hurrel. Frank Moorly, Henry Baker, Harold Graham, Arthur Gat- er, Eric Srigley, Bill White. Sr. IVâ€"Marian Buchanan, Sydney Lepard, Ruth Tyndall, Bert Thomp- son, Mabel Gilbert, Evelyn Brillinger, Jr. I'Vâ€"Joan Carr, Gloria Ander- son, Effie jJarvis, Hazpl Ream‘an, Deane Wellman, Elizabeth Elliott, Mary MegD‘onal, Lloyd Sanderson, Marjorie Pattenden, Edward Healey. Marie Paxton, Harold Reesor, Len- ore Dewsbury, Frank Young, Lor< raine Jones, Morley Hillaby, William Murray, Garth Palmer, Donald Reid, John Schurman. Jr. IVâ€"Marian Lumb, Doreen Wise, Helen Whitten, Robert Carp- enter, Ruth Richardson, Chester Ungex', Margaret Hunt, Dorothy Mc- Gann, Jack Stott, Donald W'ellman, Erle Cook, Kenneth Shields, Henry reid, Harold Henshaw. Sr. IIIâ€"~Bernice Cook, Young Lee, Donald Smith, Esther Morrison, Leonard Lunau, Murray Hunt, Isobel Bickerton, Rose Jones, Donald Wol- freys, Harold MegDonal, Mervin Charlton, Garth Bowes, Douglas Manley, Vernon Mitchell, Sidney 0’- Brady, Ted Evelyn. Sr. IIIâ€"Margaret Allison, Bobby Endean and Helen Ransom equal, Betty Mansbridge, Marie Brillinger, Anne Walwin, Olive Ross, AEileen Cook, Stuart Wellman, Gladys Ched- zoy, Harold Reaman, Margaret White, Donald Glenn, Irving Ross, Lin O’Brady, Patricia Belgrade and Stanley Baker equal, John Taylor, Alex. Belgrade, Ferris Allen, Vernon Musson, Florence Espey“, June Davis*. Jt‘. IIIâ€"Sheila Hamilton, Betty Smith, Henry Kanis, Richard Baker, Mary Barbara Morris, Lin Wilson, Peter Kozak, Marie Deferrari, Mer- Iyn .Graham, Vera Evison, Albert Fish, Dorothy Carr, John White, Georgina Pattenden, Kenneth Woods* Clarence Wade, Arthur Abbey*, Rob- ert Abbey“. RECHMOND HILL SCHOOL REPORT F OR SEPTEMBER First Book, Class Bâ€"â€"-George Brock, ROOM 6 ROOM I ROOM 2 ROOM 4 ROOM The draw will be for twenty prizes, 5 each turkleys, geese, ducks and chickens. Tickets 25 cents. The Whitchurch branch of York County Veterans Association will hold their annual dance and draw at Wilcox Lake on Friday evening, Oct. 9th. Catania’s orchestra will furnish music for olde tyme and modern dancing. Two valuable silver prizes will be given for best dancers. Many Women’s organizations and Service Clubs in the County have entered into the work of organization with great enthusiasm. There has been a splendid response from the various municipalities in the County. They have given assur- ance of their co-operation in the proposed drive :and are unanimous in expressions of good‘ wishes for the succeSS- of the campaign. CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETY ‘Plans are well under wtay for the financial campaign and‘ first annual Tag Day to be held on October 17th, in aid of the Children’s Aid Society of York County. ROOM 7 Pr.â€"Donald Mathews, Violet Mi- horean, Betty McNabb, Billy McIn- tyre, Marion Little, Shirley Deferrari Howard Lemon, James Allen, Ronald Sanders, Vera Heteny, Dorothy Bowes, Marion Hurrell, James Monk- man, John Atkinson, Joan Murphy, Janet Anderson, Barbara Murphy, Muriel Mallory, June Graham, Eun- ice Graham, Kenneth Moore, Sheila Sanders, Jean McFarlane, Vernon Wood, Stanley Ransom, Madeline Evelyn, Vera McGann, John Bowdry, Fred Brock, Shirley Mylks, Betty Clubine, Betty Rose, Lloyd Bond*, Gordon Patterson“, Lloyd Wolfreys“. * Missed examinations. Lloyd Bone, Elizabeth Hunt, Doreen Pattendaen, Eric Fish*, Harry Hill, Janet Atkinson and Roy McGann equal, Ruth Sanders, Ruth Clubine. First Book, Class Câ€"Albert Tay- lor, Henry Kanis, Winnie Butler, May White, Bill White, Norman Stunden, Anne Davis, Marie Allan, Buddy Bowen, Everett Baker, Eugene Hilliard. VETERANS ANNUAL DANCE AND DRAW :33" Salada Brown Label Interment was in St. John’s Ceme- tery. The funeral was held Monday, service conducted by Rev. Worrell. first at his late residence and then at St. John Church, Oak Ridges. Fourteen boys acted as flower bearers and the pallbearers were Richard Shurman, Lloyd Crawford, Wm. Pollard, Fred Carter, Robt. Hall and John Ainslie, all school chums of the deceased. He is survived by his father, his mother (nee Agnes Munn Thomson, formerly of Harriston) and sister Marion. Gifted with a pleasing personality the late Goldie Mich-e11 was very popular with a wide circle of friends who sincerely mourn his passing. He was a brilliant musician and was well known as leader of the Rich- mond Hill High School orchestra. He took an active interest in sports and boys’ activities in the community, being a member of the Arrow Tuxis group and the Patterson’s Young People's organization. The sympathy of the community was expressed by many beautiful floral tributes. There passed away suddenly at T0â€" ronto General Hospital on Friday. September 25th, James Goldie Mich- ell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Michell, of Vaughan Township, fol- lowing a brief illness. His sudden passing came as a great shock to his many friends and sincere sym- pathy is extended to his bereaved family. “Goldie†Michell as he was popularly known, was born in Lady Minto Hospital, New Liskeard, May 14th, 1917 and spent the first four years of his life in Cobalt. In 1921 he came to reside in this district where he attended Patterson public school and Richmond Hill High School. On Thursday afternoon, October 8, the Women’s Institute will visit the Museum afterwards going to Gray Gables for tea. This will take the place of the regular meeting. Mem- bers intending to go please phone Mrs. N. J. Glass, 20, or Mrs. Poll- ard, 88, not later than Tuesday. Cars will leave Post Office at 2 o’clock. LATE JAMES GOLDIE MICHELL SINGLE COPY 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE OBITUARY No. 14 325