Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Oct 1936, p. 4

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Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacDonald of Vallyfield, P.E.I., celebrated their 7 5th wedding anniversary on August 27th. Their ages are 95 and 94 re- : pectively. AUCTION SALE HORSES, CATTLE Cecil Kitchener Lot 1, Can. 7, Vaughan Wednesday, Oct.§28 COMMENCING AT 1 O’CLOCK HORSES 1 Bay Horse, 12 yrs. old 1 Bay Mare, aged 1 Bay Mare, aged 100 Bus. Oats 1 Patch Turnips IMPLEMENTS ! McCormack Deering Binder, 7 ft. cut 1 Climax Truck Wagon, and Rack 1 Scuffler, Massey-Harris, new 1 Gang Plough, Verity 1 Disc Drill, McCormack 1 Disc, Massey-Harris 1 Bob Sleigh 1 Corn Planter 1 Set of Harrows 1 Peter Hamilton Cutting Box 1 Set Double Harness, new Forks, Shovels and other articles too numerous to mention NO RESERVE TERMS CASH new, J. CARL SAIGEON, Auctioneer '1 Washing Machine 1 Iron Washstand 1 Wash Bench 1 Large Mirror 1 Clothes Horse 1 Ironing Board ‘2. Wash Tubs Bedroom Dishes, 3 sets 1 Commode Bed Pan Coal Oil Can. 1 gal. 2 Heavy Quilts Oil Lamps 1 Ladder Garden Tools, saws, Stove pipes, Wash Boiler, Carpet, Iron pot, Brass kettle, Dishes, Quant- ity of good Linoleum, Lanâ€" tern, 1 Kitchen stove, good, Lawn Mower. TERMS - CASH A. S. FARMER, Auctioneer COWS 3 Heifer, 2 yrs. old, bred E Calf, 3 months old PIGS '2 Sows 1 Pig, 3 months old GRAIN There a half a million more people 't work in Britain now than there ms at the same time last year. Ex- lusive of agricultural workers there re 10,961,000 employed, which is the argest in the country’s history. 7 Turkeys 8 {umber of year oldl hens L Brooder House Implements, Etc. PAGE FOUR The Property of FOWL 50 Bus. Barley 8 Geese VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL The Court of Revision for the Vil- lage of Richmond Hill, will hold its COURT OF REVISION Saturday, Oct. 3lst COMMENCING AT 1.30 P. M. Dining Room Suite (Sideboard, table and 6 chairs) Bedroom Suite Chest of Drawers (old) Large Kitchen Cupboard Large Couch Rocking Chairs Kitchen Table Quebec Heater Quebec Cook Stove Coal Oil Stove, Perfection Washing Machine Iron Washstand Wash Bench 1 Large Mirror Clothes Horse 1 Ironing Board 2 Wash Tubs Bedroom Dishes, 3 sets lâ€"‘l-‘Hlâ€"‘tâ€"‘lâ€"lt-‘Hl-llâ€"Hâ€"IH First Sitting for the current year on Monday, Nov. 2nd, 1936, for the purâ€" pose of hearing complaints and ap- peals against the assessment of the said village. The Court will sit in the Council Chamber on the above date at 7.30 o’- clock p.m., and all whom it may con- cern are requested to govern them- selves accordingly. VA. J. HUME, Clerk Richmond Hill, October 15th, 1936. FURNITURE 1 Commode Bed Pan Coal Oil Can, 1 gal. 2 Heavy Quilts Oil Lamps 1 Ladder Garden Tools, saws, Stove pipes, Wash Boiler, Carpet, Iron pot, Brass kettle, Dishes, Quant- ity of good Linoleum, Lan- tern, 1 Kitchen stove, good, Lawn Mower. TERMS - CASH Lot 25, Con. 4, Markham, at Victoria Square Household Goods AUCTION SALE Mrs. H. Flavelle The Property of PUBLIC NOTICE Everyone is busy with roots and potatoes and! all availbble help is required. The recent rains and the fact that potato tops were green when frost came makes the picking .a more lengthy task. Owing to Hope anniversary ser- vices next Sunday there will be no church service here but Sunday School will meet at 9.45 am. so that those desiring to attend at Hope will have ample time. In the even- ing the Young- People’s Union will meet as usual. ‘The Missionary talk at Young People’s Unilon last Sunday night was taken by Mr. Morley Kinnee of Maple, as guest speaker, who arous- ed interest and gave food for thought as to the necessity of speeding the gospel at home and abroad. Miss Hazel Carson read the IeSSon and‘ Munro Stimers a poem “A Young People’s League.” Miss Louise Car- son presided. At the close the Presi- dent announced an invitation from Maple Y.P.U. to visit them on the evening of October 27th which was accepted. The many friends of Mr. J. Mc- Laughlin are sorry to hear of his illness and extend to him best wishes for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Garner and Miss Norma Garner of Toronto, Mrs. Wm. Ireland, Brampton, Mrs. J. Murray and Master Leonard, Mrs. A. Ireâ€" land, Mrs. Carley and Miss Goldie Diceman visited Mr. and Mrs. A. MacDonald on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Baden Taggart of Detroit and Mrs. Art Taggart of Maple called on Mr. and Mrs. G. Taggart on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Bert Gunn has returned from a trip to the West and called on Mr. Bert Gunn has a trip to the West friends here. Mr. A. Dunk and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manning of Guelrph visited Sunday at the home of Mr. T. B. W-eldrick. A well-known business man from North Wellington, noted for his care- ful way of never laying out a dollar unless he knows it will bring back a flock of friends, went to the tax sale in Guelph last weekâ€"usually a grand place to hunt bargains. He heard a farm in West Luther being offered for sale, the taxes and costs being only $17.50, so he felt he could not go wrong, and he purchased it at that price. Later, he found that the hundred acres was in the heart of Luther marsh, which was bad en- ough, but he was also told that it‘ had been sold once before at a tax' sale, and it had brought only $1.00 at that timeâ€"and even» then the pur- chasers didn’t think it worth keep- mg. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the Powers of Sale contained in a cer- tain mortgage which will be produc- ed at the time of sale, there will be offered for slale by, A. M. McEWEN, Auctioneer, AT PUBLIC AUCTION on Tuesday, the Third day of No- vember, 1936, at the hour of one o’- clock in the afternoon at the farm of Lerritt Robinson at RE. No. 2, Woodbridge, Ontario, the following property, Lamely2â€" A‘LL AND SINGULAR thlat certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Townâ€" ship of Vaughan, in the County of York and Province of Ontlario, being composed of the West half of Lot Number Thirty-three (33) in the Fifth Concession of the said Town- ship of Vaughan, containing by ad- measurement One Hundred (100) acres. At the slame time and place under ,the authority of a chattel mortgage. there will be offered for sale the fol- lowing- chattels: 1 Brown mare, 9 yrs. old, white star; 1 Brown mare, 10 yrs. old, white 5311'; 1 sow, black and white, York and' Tamworth; 1 sow, black and red, York and Tamworth; 2 sows, York- shire, white; 6 shotats, Yorkshire, 60 lbs., white; 8 shoats, Yorkshire, 45 lbs., white; 8 shoats, Tamworth, 44 lbs., red; 1 Spring Tooth Cultivator, 11 teeth; 1 set 12 plate discs; 2 sets drag harrows, 3 sections; 1 steel roller; 1 walking plough, narrow bottom, Fleury; 1 walking plough, narrow bottom, Allen; 1 Farming Mill; 1 Melott Cream Separator; 1 wagon and box; 1 set sleighs, sloop, 21/2 in. runner; 1 set harness; 1 open buggy; _20 tons mixed hlay (in barn); 5 tons in stack (outside of barn); about 4 loads oats (not threshed~in north mow); about 90 bus. oats (in granary); 1 set of slings and ropes (in barn); 1 Peter Hamilton Mower, 5 ft. cut; 1 pile old lumber, south end of barn; 1 pile good lumber (end of separator house); 1 lot of lum- ber (still at sawmill); about 2 acres corn; 47 rows potatoes; 10 r0ws mangels (40 rods long). On the said farm there is said to be erected a dwelling house with suit- able flarm buildings. The land's will be sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS OF SALE OF LAND: Ten pelf cent of the purchase money to b9 bail down at the time of szile and the ballance within thirty days. TERMS OF SALE OF CHATTELS: Cash. . For further particulars and condl- tions of sale? apn1y_t9_ R. G. M. McDOUGALL, East Block, Parlilament Bldgs.’ TORONTO, Ontario. Solicitor to the Mortgagee. DATED at Toronto, this Seventh day of October, 1936. MORTGAGE SALE A FARM FOR' $17.50 From the Fergus News-Record THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO TEST ON and and‘ ~esi- The Sunday School met and held their regular session on Sunday, Oct. 18th. The classes were all re-' arranged as follows: Mr. Johnson will take the class of bigger girls; Mrs. Fisher the next class; Mrs. L. Baker the class of small boys; Mr. Collins the class of larger boys. The classes are all too large and just as soon as more teachers can be se- cured the classes will be divided up. Mr. and Mrs. L. Baker spent Sunâ€" day in St. Catharines, also Mrs. E. Rowden, returning on Sunday even- ing, bringing back with them Mrs. Rowden Sr. who will spend a few days visiting her son and daugh- ter. Ul'abbulpl “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERT RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cm for each subsequent insertion. 0 ‘1 each insertion IF CHARGED 7 FOR SALE LARGE KITCHEN RANGE. Apply McDowell, Langs‘oaff. .___.... LEGHORN PULLETS. Apply to Al VanHorn, Lot 10, Com. 3, Markham. SAND & GRAVEL, Cement blocks buildings raised. John Jarvis. Rich- mond Hill. telephone 94M. Mr. and Mrs. Cole have moved back to Toronto to live and Mr. and Mrs. O’Leary are now living in Mr. Cole’s house, Spruce Ave. Mrs. Murray and her two daugh- ters have returned to the city for the winter. Mrs. Farrants has been invitedl to go to Brampton on Thursday eve-nâ€" ing of this week to assist in the opening of a new lodge of Daugh- ters of England. ers. Allison returned home Monâ€" day night after spending a few days with friends in Buffalo. Do not forget the sale of WOrk in Richvale Church on Saturday, 0c- tober 24. Sale will be opened at 3 o’clock by Mr. Johnson. Fancy and useful articles for sale, home cook- ing, candly, etc. Tea room opened at 3.30 pm. Come and bring your friends. Admission free, Mr. Johnson will be at the Sun- Mr. Johnson will be at the Sun- day School and church for service at 3.30 pm. on Sunday, Oct. 25. Ev- erybody welcome. On Wednesday, Nov. 4th Victoria Square Dramatic Club will present the play “Lena Rivers” at Headford‘ United Church under the auspices of the choir. This is a very splendid play, so plan now to attend. a meeting of the Young People’s Soâ€" ciety. A number of slides» 0n Nova Scotia loaned by the Canadian Na- tional Railways were much enjoyed. also a solo by Miss E. Barker of Richmond Hill, “The Flight of the Ages." A surprise party followed in honour of the twentieth wedding anniversary of Rev. and Mrs. Mc- Donald. Miss Cora Brodie present- ed Mrs. McDonald‘ with a basket of flowers. Following- a few words by the President expressing: the appre- ciation of their work in the comâ€" munity Mr. and Mrs. McDonaldI were presented with a sum) of money by Mr. C. Boynton. A Hallowe’en Masquerade Party will be held on Thursday evening, October 29th to which a cordial in- vitation is extended to all. iOn Monday evening Headtford Com- munity turned out in full force to UNIONVILLE SCHOOL REPORT 1 PRIMER GLASS The standing of the primer class, marked on their work for the month of September is as followszâ€"Shir- ley Llatimer, Betty Black, Gordon Minton, Audrey Smith, Helen Rudâ€" kin, Billy Hiltz, Gwen Brown, Doug- las St. John, Donald Summerfeldt, Mlargot Nash, Kenneth Roberts, Barbara Maynard, Donald Brook- field, Georgina Payne, Carmen Sti- Ver, Kenneth Allen, Amos St. John. Bernice French, teacher. SR. PRIMER Wnay Brookfield, Bobby Wilton Billy Parkinson. Beth Brown, Neil Stiver, Eva: Payne, Matthew Rae, Murray Sumâ€" merfeldt, Dean Findlay, Leonard Black, Rose Coulson. SECOND CLASS Myrna Coulson, Donald Maynard, Marilyn St. John, Murray Roberts, William St. John, Madeline Wright, Joyce Cooper, Edward Thompson, Victor Blough, Elelanor Noble, James Mowbray, Mary Hiltz. JUNIOR III Daphne Dymond 76, Irene Cvoulson 75, Phyllis Roberts 74, Teddy Hiltz 71, Tressa Smith 74, Clarence Mor- den 70, Russell Allen 68, Janet Sa‘b- iston 67, Jean Martin 66, Russell Hemingway 56, Charles Hemingway 55, Donald Dukes 49, Peter Davison 43. SENBOER. III Blanche Hoover 84, Mareen Stiver 72, Leone Broolcfield 70, Harold Robe erts 67, Nancy Rae 66, Roy Minton 59, Myrtle Latimer 56, Gloria Allen 56, Betty Rae 55, Betty Ogden 51, Doris Coulson 50, Claire Connell 40. SAT., DEC. 5thâ€"The Women’s Aux- iliary of Vaughan and Richmond Hill Veterans will hold their annual Ba- zaar. Storm Sash of all kinds made to order. Furniture repaired and refinished. Workman- ship guaranteed. JOHN STALLIBRASS, HEADFORD RICHVALE NOTICE FIRST CLASS 6 Markham Road, Phone 172. SAND & GRAVEL, Cement blocks, buildings raised. John Jarvis. Rich- mond Hill. telephone 94M. YOUNG ROASTING FOWL, 3 to 3%. lbs., dressed. J. Hickson, 8 Rose- view Ave., Richmond Hill. MANGELS, for delivery at once. Apâ€" ply Bedford Park Floral 00., Rich- mond Hill. CARLOAD FRESH COWS and Springers from Kingston District. Apply George McNair, Jefferson. hill. AYRSHIRE BULL of serviceable age, from R.O.P. Cows, herd fully accredited. C. T. Heintzman, Thorn- FIRECO RANGE, coal or wood, re- servoir, hot water attachment, in good condition. Apply Liberal Off- ice. COOK STOVE, Peerless Peninsular, 6 holes. Apply Mrs. B. Cruickshank, 13 Centre' Street East, Richmond Hill. HOUSE, 6 rooms and' bath, extra good, close to Yonge Street, Richâ€" mond Hill. Apply H. McMillan, Rich- mond Hill. DARWIN TULIP BULBS, mixed, good colours, 5 dozen for $1.00; also Columbia Raspberries. N. J. Smellie, Thornhill, phone 42J. FOR SALE OR RENT on reasonable terms, House on Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. Key left at 15 Eliza- beth Street. Apply T. H. Keys, Maple. 50 BARRE‘D ROCK HENS, 50 Barr- ed Rock Chicks, 5 months old, first class stock. Feed and, grain includ- ed. $80.00. Apply Grant, Stop 24, Richmond Hill. No Jews. RADIOS, Rogers Majestic, Deforest, used electric sets from $10.00 up; also 1 double six Oil Burner cheap. Apfply G. Yerex, Markham Road, Richmond Hill. FORDSON TRAGTOFR remodelled, Tractor Oliver Plow, 2 Gang Flows», Cutting Box. Apply G. A. Prent- ice, Milh’ken, telephone Agincourt 52-r-3. AUCTION SALE Farm Stock GUEGOR HOME Schomherg Junction Saturday, UCLAZflh 1 Spam of Horses 2 Cows Some Fowl good repair 1 Plow, No. 13, Fleury 1 Pony Cutter in. good repair 1 Set Harrows 1 Cider Press 1 Cutter 1 Sleigh with box 1 Mower in good; repair 3 Wheelbarrows 1 Electric Toaster 20 Apple Barrels Number Chicken Crates, good 1 Set Single Harness 1 Set Double Hvarness 1 Neckyoke A Number of Bins 1 Table 1 Roasting Pan Number of Irons Number if Pails 1 Marble Clock 1 Cider Barrel Quantity High Class Furniture Number Sling Ropes 1 Coal Oil Stove in good repair 1 Buck Saw 1 Mail Box Some Dishes, Knives and Forks 1 Veranda Railing Protector 3 Coal Oil Stoves, all good All Articles must be removed by the following Monday NO RESERVE. TERMS - CASH ALL ARE WELCOME F. JUDGE, GORDON PHILLIPS, Clerk Auctioneer. _ Silly Willie “What’s little Willie crying a- bout?" “Because he doesn’t get a holiday on Saturday, and his brother does.” “But why doesn’t Willie get a holi- day on Saturday?” “Because he isn’t old enough to go to school yet.” “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT” RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extn each insertion IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. COMMENCING AT 1 O’CLOCK FARM STOCK IMPLEMENTS Tractor Cultivator, spring tooth, in Implements, Etc. AT THE 20 Store Pigs 400 WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS AT ONCE Cook General to do gen- eral work and cooking. Apply Mrs. H. McCrae, “The Willows,” Aurora. George McNair, J COUPLE to share house in Wood- bridge with gentleman living alone. Apply Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. WANTED TO RENT 7 Room House with all conveniences, in or near Richmond Hill. Phone Richmond Hill 218. FARMHAND, married, thoroughly experienced, good teamster, plower and dry hand milker. Would- like separate house. Apply Box 201, Lib- eral Office. TYPEWRITER DESK withrflap tqp and dféQersr it the side. Apply C. L. Heise, Gormley, telephone Stouff- ville 6120. COOK, HOUSEMAN, desires a po- sition as housekeeper either on farm: or Village or Town. Good Refer- ences. Can take full charge. Apply Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. FARM, 50 acres, Lot 15, Con. 4, Markham. Apply Wm. A. Elliott, Buttorwille. HOUSE, 24 Mill Street, Richmond“ Hill, all conveniences, garage. Apply Liberal Office. FRAME HOUSE corner Yonge and: Wright Sts., good garden and gar- age. Apply P. C. Hi1], Richmond Hill. GENERAL CARTAGE, 1 ton truck, Cinders, gravel, coal. W. Johnson, Garden Avenue, Langstaff. HOUSES RAISED, moved etc. base» ments built. Phone Thornhill 73. BULLS let out for their board un- til spring. Any breed desired. Ap- ply L. H. Clement, RichmOnd Hill, telephone 176. DO YOU WANT to become a mer- chant or the owner of a prOSperous business? We supply the goods. You can earn real good‘ money, steady income, right away. Now is your chance to get ahead. For free de- tails write General Manager, 570 St. Clement St., Montreal. Used Cars 1931 DeSO’I‘O SEDANâ€"Hydraulic Brakes. Nice Condition. 1933 FORD V-8 DeLUXE ROAD- STERâ€"Rumble Seat. 1931 FORD DeLUXE ROADSTERâ€" 1930 OLDSMOBILE 6 SPECIAL SPORT COUPEâ€"Thoroughly Re- ALL FORD CARS CARRY OUR 30- DAY GUARANTEE 1929 FORD SPORT COUPEâ€"Rum- Thackery saidâ€"“Say what you will but if a man’s character is to be M- littled there is'none who can do the business any better than a relative.” Even if Sir Malcolm Campbell fails to make 300 miles an hour all is not lost. Hundreds of truck drivers will keep on tryingâ€"Saginaw Daily Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL. ONTAR‘IO adjoins The farm of the late John Barry in King Twp. has been purchased by T. A. McAIlister whose property it MISCELLA NEOUS conditioned Rumble Seat. bIe Seat. TO KEN T WANTED $400.00 $250.00 $275.00 $250.00 $150.00 Jefferson

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