Dining Room Suite (Sideboard, 1 l l 1 1 1 i 1 1L 1 l l l table and 6 chairs) Bedroom Suite Chest of Drawers (old) Large Kitchen Cupboard Large Couch Rocking Chairs Kitchen Table Quebec Heater Quebec Cook Stove Coal Oil Stove, Perfection Washing Machine Iron Washstand Wash Bench 1 Large Mirror Clothes Horse . Ironing Board 2 Wash Tubs Bedroom Dishes, 3 sets ’1 Commode Bed Pan Coal Oil Can, 1 gal. ') .4 Oil Lamps Heavy Quilts 1 Ladder Garden Tools, saws, Stove pipes, Wash Boiler, Carpet, Iron pot, Brass kettle, Dishes, Quant- ity of good Linoleum, Lan- tern, 1 Kitchen stove, good, Lawn Mower. Saturday, Oct. 3lst COMMENCING AT 1.30 P. M. FURNITURE Canadian National Money Orders payable anywhere. J. R. Herring- ton, Agent. Hou sehold Goods Lot 25, Con. 4, Markham, at Victoria Square AUCTION SALE Mrs. H. Flavelle Your opportunity to get a com- plete check-up and report on your present heating system â€"- without obligation. Make use of this service and enjoy better furnace satisfaction this winter. Telephone to-day. WHEN YOU BUY ' Patented steel ribbed fire pot which saves 1 ton in 7. ' Fused furnace joints, abso- lutely prevents gas or dust leaks. ' Clare Air Conditioner can be easily and economically installed for ideal atmospheric conditions summer and winter. TERMS - CASH A. S. FARMER, Auctioneer HECLA FEATURES ask for HECLA consider the extra advantages of the Hccla Warm Air Furnace, which gives constant circulating fresh warm moistened air, and makes a perfect heating unit for better homes. . . BEFORE YOU BUY R. H. KANE RICHMOND HILL PAGE FOUR The Property of xcluu‘ve At the same time will be offered for sale this desiralble house and‘ lot. House brick. five rooms. newly de- corated, hot water heated, electric, full sized block cellar, cement floor, well drained, hot and cold' water sink. cupboards in kitchen. The house is on a lot 50 by 300‘ ft. CASH TERMS FOR PROPERTY: Ten per cent of purchase price on day of sale and balance in 30 days. COMMEN'CIâ€"NG AT 1 RM. SHARP bâ€"Uâ€"Hâ€"lHHHHHHHHNHHprâ€"AMpHHHNHpâ€"IHHyâ€"uâ€"A Number Number 1 Piano, Morris-Heintzman Set Book Shelves Small Table Carpet Oak Dining Room Suite Sewing Machine High Chairs Camp Cot Eight Tube Electric Radio Square Box Quebec Cook Stove Kitchen Chairs Kitchen Tables Rocker 1 Child’s Cot Upholstered Arm Chair Small Upholstered Chairs Full Sized Iron Bedstead Medicine Chest Small Dressers Large Dresser Store Size Ice Refrigerator Hall Seat and Mirror Curtain Stretcher Electric Iron and Cord Carpet Sweeper Coffee Pot Small Kettle Clothes Horse Food Chopper Spice Grinder of Books of Pictures Gent’s Umbrella M’i‘ixjeré Wiilï¬alrsï¬o- Bé 6ffei~ed for sale two adjoining- 50 ft. lots. Water and Electric on street. Quantity of Glass 1 Hammer. 5 Saws, 1 Chisel, Shov- els, Hoes, Spades. Wrenches, Ce- ment Pound‘er, etc. 1 Hand Souffler 1 Clothes Line and Pulleys 1 Buck Saw 1 Lawn Mower, nearly new 1 Cross Cut Saw 1 Vinegar Keg Number of Pails Wire Fencing Numerous other articles too numer- ous to mentiOn HOUSE AND LOT HOUSE and LOT Sat,Yv NEW: Church Street, South of Markham Rd. RICHMOND HILL Markham and Vaughan Townships are doing a. lot 01 this work, but they cannot do everything so we are trying to help our own boys and girls. At present; we have several who need this help. All donations thankfully received. Editor, The Liberal Dear Sir:â€" The Richmond Hill Public School Fund is still in existenceâ€"I believe we have 70 or 75 cents to our credit at the Bank. The aim of this fund is to provide necessities for our school children who would otherwise have to go without. TERMS FOR FURNITURE ETC. LAWRENCE MEMORIAL HALL, THORNHILL Every Saturday Commencing November 7th Afternoons 2 to 6 p.m.â€"15c. Evenings 7 to 11 p.m.â€"15c. R. W. Fitzgerald. Chairman Phone Thornhill 79 HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ETC. FURNITURE THORNHILL BADMINTON CLUB Adults Only Pay-as-you-Play Letters From The People . R. WOLFREY’S APPEALS FOR AID SCHOOL FUND WSAIVGVEON, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE The Property of M. L. McConaghy Cash. For further Darticulars and condi- tions of sal-e annlv to 13. G. M McDOUGALL, per cent of the nurchase monev to be paid! down at the time of sale and the ballance within thirty davs. TERMS OF SALE OF CHATTELS: The Court of Revision for the Vil- Iage of Richmond Hill, will hold its First Sitting for the current year on Monday, Nov. 2nd, 1936, for the pur- pose of hearing complaints and al - peals against the a35essment of the said village. The Court will sit in the Council Chamber on the above date at 7.30 o’- clock p.m., and all whom it may con- cern are requested to govern them- selves accordingly. parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town- ship of Vaughan, in the County of York and Province of Ontario. being composed of the West half of Lot Number Thirty-three (33) in the Fifth Concession of the said Town- ship of Vaughan, containing by ad- measurement One Hundred (100) acres. At the same time and: place under the authority of a chattel mortgage. there will be offered for sale the fol- lowing: chattels: 1 Brown mare, 9 yrs. old, white star; 1 Brown mare, 10 yrs. old, white sflar; 1 sow. black and white, York and Tamworth; 1 sow, black and red, York and Tamworth; 2 sows, York- shire, white; 6 sho'ats, Yorkshire, 60 lbs., white; 8 shoaits, Yorkshire, 45 lbs., white; 8 shoats, Tamworth, 44 lbs, red; 1 Spring Tooth Cultivator, 11 teeth; 1 set 12 plate discs; 2 sets drag harrows, 3 sections; 1 steel roller; 1 walking plough, narrow bottom, Fleury; 1 walking plough, narrow bottom, Allen; 1 Fanning Mill; 1 Melott Cream Separator; 1 wagon and box; 1 set sleighs, sloop, 21/2 in. runner; 1 set harness; 1 open buggy; 20 tons mixed hlay (in barn); 5 tons in stack (outside of barn); about 4 loads oats (not threshedâ€"in north mow); about 90 bus. oats (in granary); 1 set of slings and ropes (in barn); 1 Peter Hamilton Mower, 5 ft. cut; 1 pile old lumber, south end of barn; 1 pile good lumber (end of separator house): 1 lot of lumâ€" ber (still at sawmill); about 2 acres corn; 47 rows potatoes; 10 rows mangels (40 rods long). On the said farm there is said to be erected a dwelling: house with suit- able flarm buildings. The lands will be sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS OF SALE OF LAND: Ten East Blank, Pal-livament Bligs.’ TORONTO, Ontario. Solicitor fo the Mm-tqawe. DATED at Tnvnnto, this Sevenf“ day of October. 1936. Powers of Sale contained in a cer- tain mortgage which will be produc- ed at the time of sale, there will be offered for stale by, A. M. McEWEN, Auctioneer, on Tuesday, the Third day of N_o- vember, 1936, at the hour of one o’- clock in the afternoon at the farm of Lerritt Robinson at R.R. No. 2, Woodbridge, Ontario, the following property, 1.amely:â€" ALL AND S‘INGULAR thtat certain A. J. HUME, Clerk Richmond Hill, October 15th, 1936. WWWQOOQW USED Cars - Trucks See me at our show-rooms Sat- urday afternoon or evenings or any time by appointment. Phone Grover 2191 or Richmond Hill COURT OF REVISION Danforth & Main Sts., Toronto UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the J. M. McDONALD, Clerk. DATED at Maple this 29th day of November. Harry Trowell Just a few of our Specials (SPECIAL) See this Car Willys 77 Sedan, 1936 Radio, 6,000 miles, 34 miles to the gallon .. $545.00 Durant Coupe, 6 Wire Wheels, 1929 . . . . . . . 65.00 Essex Sedan, 1927 .. .145.00 V2 Ton Ford panel Truck 1929 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95.00 V; Ton Ford panel Truck 1931 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295.00 Monday, N 0v. 2nd 11 a.m. HALLOWE’EN DANCE A Hallowe’en dance will be held in the Community Hall, Victoria Square Friday, Oct. 30th under the auspices of the Victoria Square Athletic As- sociation. Prizes lfor costumes. Johnny Moscow’s Orchestra. VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL MORTGAGE SALE The regular November meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hal“. Vellore Vaughan Council GILES, RICE & PETERS THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO PUBLIC AUCTION PUBLIC NOTICE for the transaction of General Business Representing â€"SEEâ€" After the meal, the chair lady, Miss Margaret Shaw, calle¢i on Mr. A. W. Galbraith to propose the toast to the King. All résponded by sing- ing the National Anthem. Miss Marjorie Johnson returned home last Sunday after spending a few weeks with friends in Bronte. Miss Mary Douglas, proposed the toast to the church and Rev. A. H. Hal'bert replied. A toast to the parâ€" ents was proposed) by Mr. Jack Duggan and was a'bly responded to by Mr. J. R. Smith. Mr. W. T. New proposed the toast to the Young People. He also asked‘ for the hearty co-operation of the parents to encourage their young people in taking part in the activiâ€" ties and‘ thus training them for greater service in the church. Mr. Clifford Brett replied and expressed his appreciation on behalf of the Y.P.U. for the very splendid leader- ship of their president amt hoped he would continue for many years to come. The community was. saddened last Sunday afternoon when the news was received that Master Nicol Cox had been fatally injured in a motor car aocident while returning home from the Newtonbrook United Church Sunday School, when the car struck loose grayel in the new road on Steele’s Ave., 1/2 mile east of Yonge St. Th0se injured werezâ€"Mrs. A1- bert Cox, mother of Nicol who was driving the car; Doug-last Cox, anoth- er son who was only slightly injurâ€" ed; Mrs. Eileen Nash and her son Wilson Nash. who were taken to the Western Hospital. Nicol Cox was rushed to the Sick Children’s Hos- pital with severe head injuries but died on Sunday at 4 pm. Deepest sympathy is extended to the bereavâ€" ed family in their time of sorrow. Mr. Hick-3 Smith, Mr. Harold Dug- gan and Rev. A. H. Halbert attendâ€" ed‘ a Boys’ Group meeting in Toronto last Saturday afternoon amf evening. Mrs. J. J. Barrett of Chicago, Mrs. Hutcheson and Miss Viola of Detroit are guests this week of Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Halbert. Community singing was then en- joyed with Mrs. Hal'bert as pianist. This was followed by a. guitar selec- tion by Mr. Jack VanLuven who- was heartily encored. The Y.P.U. Quar- tet consisting of Miss Denora Mic- Cammon, Miss Mabel Brett and Messrs. Jack Duggan amt Clifford Brett all took part in an interesting contest and a very happy evening was brought to a close by singing the National Anthem. Next Monday evening the Y.P.U. will hold their regular meeting un- der the direction of the Christian Fellowship convenor. A social time will follow the meeting with Hallo- we’en games etc. A Temperance program will be presented next Sunday morning in the United Church Sunday School at 10 o'clock. On Sunday evening a Young Peo- ple’s Rally was held with Rev. Wal- ter Madden of Queensville as spe- cial preacher. He was assisted in the service by the Y.P.U. president, Mr. W. T. New. Miss Margaret Shaw read the Scripture Lesson. The message was specially adapted for Young People. On Monday evening the Y.P.U. en- tertained their parents at a banquet at 7 o’clock. The S. S. room was tastefully decorated with Hallowe’en colors. Four long tables were set, laden with a sumptuous repast to which all done amrple justice. The special speaker of the even- ing was Mr. C. R. Conquergood of Toronto who gave a very practical talk which was very much appreci- ated by all. Rev. John MacDonald of Victoria Square will preach in the United Church next Sunday. Rev. A. H. HaJlIbert is preaching annivlersary services at Headford. The W.M.S. held their Autumn Thank-offering meeting last Tuesâ€" day afternoon at the Parsonage with a large attendance. The President, Mrs. A. H. Hal‘bert, presided. The devotional worship service was con- ducted by Mrs. Clarence Bales‘. The first chapter of the Study Book on “Medical Missions†was reviewed by Mrs. James Murray. Dr. Margaret MeKellar, a medical missionary for 40 years in India was guest speak- er and gave a very interesting ac- count of her work in India. A duet by Mrs. Harold‘ Moore and Mrs. Frank McFarlane was much enjoy- ed. The hostess served refreshments and a happy social half hour was spent. Owing to the Young Peeple’s Training School which was held this autumn the activities of the Y.P.U. of the United Church did not comâ€" mence until this week. Storm Sash of all kinds made to order. Furniture repaired and refinished. Workman- ship guaranteed. N EWTONBROOK JOHN STALLIBRASS, 6 Markham Road, Phone 172. NOTECE 16 SMALL PIGS and 3 Ratms, 1 Purebred Southdown. R. Wideman, telephone Richmond1 Hill 4512. CARLO‘AD FRESH COWS and Springers from Kingston District. Apply George McNair, Jefferson. JERSEY BULL registered, govern- ment tested, from errported Sire, ac- credited herd, year old; 1 White Yorkshire Sow, 9 pigs 5 wks. old; 1 white Yorkshire Sow due Nov. 10, Yorkshire Sow due November 10th; 10 Chunks 5 months old; 20 Chunks 3 months old; all thrifty good feed- ers. Apply Fred Tomkins, Lot 3, Con. 3, Whitchurch. SAND & GRAVEL. Cement blocks, buildings raised. John Jarvis, Rich- mund Hill. telephone 94M. YOUNG ROASTING FOWL, 3 to 31/; lbs., dressed. J. Hickson, 8 Rose- view Ave., Richmond Hill. FORD CAR; also Billy Goat, cheap Telephone Maple 1064. FINDLAY CIRCULATOR STOVE used only a short time. Apply 27 Roseview Avenue, Richmond Hill. QUEBEC COOK STOVE with Oven, copper water tank, in good condi- tion. Telephone Thornhill 19W. DIVANETTE, Mahogany and Tapes- try, reasonable. Apply Morris, Stop 23 Yonge Street corner Bathurst. HOUSE, 6 rooms and bath, extra good, close to Yonge Street, Rich- mond Hill. Apply H. McMillan, Rich- mond Hill. PRIVATE SALE of antique furni- ture, glass, china, silver etc. Mrs. W. C. King, Aurora. _100 CHOICE PULLETS, Leghorns, Rocks, Wyandottes, sbme laying. C. Bowenbank, Stop 17A Yonge Street, Thornhill. LADIES’ BLACK CLOTH COAT. fur trimmed; 1 small range used only 2 months. Apply Box 79 The FAMILY COW and Jersey Heifer 2 months old, both T. B. tested; Do- minion Circular Stove; 2 Bedroom Suites; Chest of Drawers and small Showcase. Apply Robert Lloyd, Con- cord. VIOLIN, cost $35.00 new; Coal Brooders, 500 and 1000 size; 120 Egg Incubator; set of Acme Egg- Scales; cheap or swap for fowl, typewriter or what have you. Apply to Brian Lloyd, Concord. REGISTERED DUAL PURPOSE Shorthorn bull calf, out of a show cow which has averaged 11,570 '-.bs. in last 3 years, by one of the choice show bulls. Leie'chwood Farms, 3rd concession of Markham, south of No. 7 Highway. FURNITURE DARWIN TULIP BULBS, mixed, good colours, 5 dozen for $1.00; plant any time before freezing up. N. J. Smellie, Thornhill, phone 42.]. Fred Graingerl Cor.Arnold & Elizabeth Sis! RICHMOND HILL. Sat., Oct. Blst LEGHORN PULLETS..App1y to A VanHorn, Lot 10, Con. 3, Markham Liberal Office antique 1 Bedstead, Spring and. Mattress 1 Spinning- Wheel, in good order, came from Ireland 130 yrs. ago, antique 1 Baby Got; antique 4 Washstands 1 Large Dresser 1 Hall Rack 4 Rocking Chairs 4 Small Tables 1 Easel 1 Book Rack A Quantity of Linoleum A Quantity of Dishes Small Furn'acette Clocks and other_articles too num- erous to mention. TERMS â€" CASH J. CARL SAIGEON, Auct. 2 Kitchen Cupboards 1 Oak Kitchen Table 1 Flour Box 2 Trunks 1 Carpenter’s Chest 1 Bicycle 1 Quebec Heater 1 3 Piano, Heintzman, nearly new Wicker Chesterfield Suite, new Dining Room Table Dining Room Chairs Sideboard 6 Kitchen Ch: Odd Chairs 3 Dresse Dininé Room Chairs Sideboard 6 Kitchen Chairs Odd Chairs 3 Dressers Steel Bed, Spring and Mattress Iron Bed, Spring and: Mattress Walnut Spool Bed and springs, “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 6 cents per line exm each insertion IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. SALE AT 1 RM. SHARP AUCTION SALE FOR SALE The Property of THURSDAY‘y OCTOBER 29th, 1936 COOK, HOUSEMAN, desires a po- sition as housekeeper either on farm or Village or Town. Good Refer- ences. Can take full charge. Apply Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. HOUSE, 24 Mill Street, Richmondi Hill, all conveniences, garage. Apply Liberal Office. 2 EQUIPPED FARMS, 50 acres and‘ 100 acres, wheat in, fall plowing all done. Apply Box 666 Lirberal Off-v ice. A safe way to send remittances, Canadian National Money Orders. J. R. H‘errington, Agent. FRAME HOUSE corner Yonge ancf Wright Sts., good garden and gar- age. Apply P. C. Hill, Richmoncï¬ Hill. 400 WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS FARMHAND, married, thoroughly experienced, good teamster, plowet and dry hand milker. Would- like- separate house. Apply Box 201, Lib- eral Office. tween Weston and Victoria Square- by way of Vellore and Maple. Find- er please notify John Snider, R.R. No. 1, Unionville. COUPLE to share house in Wood- bridge with gentleman living alone. Apply Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. HOUSES RAISED, moved etc. base- ments built. Phone Thornhill 73. BROWN MARE STRAYED from premises on Wednesday. Finder kind- ly notify Jolm Gautier, 4th house past railroad tracks on road running east from Yong-e St. across from Wright & Taylors funeral parlors. George McNair, Jefferson WOULD YOU like to earn a good steady income right in your own 10- cality? Special experience not. ne- cess-ary. Openings to reliable, in- telligent men. G. St. George, 570‘ St. Clement Street, Montreal. MANGELS or TURNIPS. Apply at. Liberal Office. 90 FEET EAVESTROUGHING be- Used Cars $275.00 1931 DeSOTO SEDANâ€"Hydraulic Brakes. Nice Condition. 1931 FORD DeLUXE ROADSTERâ€" 1930 OLDSMOBILE 6 SPECIAL SPORT COUPEâ€"Thoroughly Re- conditioned ALL FORD CARS CARRY OUR 30- DAY GUARANTEE 1929 FORD SPORT COUPEâ€"Rum- Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 1930 FORD COUPE PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Thornnill, Ontario Hot Water Hening and General repairs. A. C. HENDERSON Charles Graham AGENT MASSEY HARRIS Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 39 M ISCEIJLA NEOUS Rumble Seat. ble Seat. TO RENT WANTED $250.00 $250.00 $200.00 $150.00 LOST