DR. M. C. MacLACHLAN Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings Other Evenings by Appointment Office over the Post Office Woodbridge Phone 77 Maple, Ont. Dr. Charles 0. Collins DENTIST At Dr. Bigford’s Office Tuesdays 9-12 a.m. {hundays 12-4730 p.111." Office Hours: 9 to 11 a.m. 6 to 8 p.m., and by appointment Office: Centre and Church Streets, Richmond Hill Phone 24 Dentist 'Oï¬ice: Trench Block, two doors north of Bank of Commerce Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 pan. Telephone 32 ALL KINDS OF SHEET METAL WORK Furnaces, Eave Troughs, Metal Garages, Roofing Jobbing Promptly Attended to (Women and Children) Office Hours 1 - 3 pm. .Anpointments made Ph01 DR. LILLIAN C. LAN GSTAFF Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 122 Yonge St. Richmond Hill DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF Licensed Auctioneer Counties of York and Simone 8.168 of all descriptions conducted upon shortest notice and at reasonable rates. ' No sale too large and none too small King, Ont. Phone King 42-râ€"3 AUCTIONEERS J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St., K. C. Prentice, Markham Toronto, HYlam. 0834 We are prepared to c0nduct sales of Ovary description. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice. and con- ducted by the most approved methods. Office Hours 10 â€" 12 am. 3 DR. JAMES R. LANGSTAFF‘ Ofï¬ce Hours 8 - 10 a.m.; 6 - 8 p.m.; AUCTIONEER MAPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Silas attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. J. '1‘. SAIGEON & SON Insurance FIRE â€" AUTOMOBILE â€"- LIFE FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 16 Branch Offices at THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Thirty Years Experience Formerly with Heintzman Company Leave Orders at Austin’s Drug Store Richmond Hill From the Toronto Conservatory of Music, will accept a number of pupils in Piano, Organ and Theory. Richmond Hillâ€"Tuesday & Friday MRS. MYLKS VOL. LVI. Dr. C. A. MacDonald Bank of Commerce Building “onions 80 Dr. M. J. Quigley DENTIST J'.FOX Prentive & Prentice Dr. R. A. Bigford C. E. Walkington Office Hours 9-10 8.111., 12-2 & 6-8 p.m. 7 and by appointment“ Dr. J. P. Wilson Wright & Taylgr George W. Cross Piano Tuner Adelmo Melecci “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER†Drs. Langstaf f J. Carl Saigeon Dr. L. R. Bell MUSICAL BUSINESS MEDICAL THORNHILT. DENTIST Successor to Phoï¬e Maple 3 Phone 100 Phone 3 LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE, BURGLARY, GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES T0 FARMERS ON ALL CABS TARIFF & NONTARIFF CO’S. Bowden Lumber & Coal 00., LTD LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Insulex, Donnacona Board, etc. LANSING ‘WILLUWDALE 42 HUDSON 0234 INSURANCE Bus. Phone EL. 1744 S. TUPPER BIGELOW LLB. Alexander MacGregor K. C. BARRISTER & SOLICI'l‘OR NOTARY PUBLIC A. Cameron MacNauQ‘hinn, KC BARRISTER THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 -â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€" 18 Toronto Street Phone ELgin 1887 Barristers, Solicitors, etc. OffiCF-7ll Domjnion Bank Building, southwest corner of King and Yonge Streets, Toronto. W. B. Milliken, K.C. Herb. A. Clark Henry E. Redman W. P. Mulock ‘formgtly of Wm. Cook, Cook & Delany Barristers and Solicitors Hon. W. H. McGuire James A. Boles, B.A. Percy Biggs AD. 0177 Toronto AD. 0178 1315 Bank of Hamilton Building Yonge Street â€"- Toronto B. Bloomfield Jordan BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc. 84 Yonge Street Richmond Hill Ralph B. Gibson, K. C. Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg. 85 Richmond St. West. Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Telephone ADelaide 2108 Offices: 85 Richmond St. W., Toronto Naughton Block, Aurora Solicitors for: Aurora, Richmond Hill, King, Whitchurcn, Markham and North Gwillimbury. Walter S. Jenkins. Res. Phone Hill 5048 J. Harry Naughton. Res. Elgin Mills ‘ , Res. Phone 12-2 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Member of the Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta Bars 310 McKinnon Building, 19 Melinda St, Toronto Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 201 Church Street, Toronto Phone Waverley 4365 Residenceâ€"18 Poy'ntz Ave., Lansing, Ont. Willowdale 308 OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 â€" 2 to 5 Telephone 148 for appointments. BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC McGuire, Boles & Co. 614 Confederation Life Bldg. Toroan Phone: Office EL. 5029 Res. MO. 2866 1008 Federal Building 85 Richmond St. West, Toronto Telephone AD. 1948 Naughton & Jenkins 1711 Star Building 80 King Street West, Toronto Phone: ELgin 4879 BARRISTER - SOLICITOR NOTARY Walter S. Jenkins - Mulork. Milliken, Clark 49- demn'n A. G. SAVAGE Barristers, Solicitors, Wm. Cook, K. 9. T. C. Newman Thomas Delany Richmbnd Hill Every Cook & Gibson Established 1880 at Ofï¬ce Block Richmond Hill Res. Phone RA. 5429 etc. The adjourned meeting of the Board of Education was held Tues- ‘day afternoon. Members present, Messrs. Naughton, Switzer, Palmer, Lynett, Boyle, Newton, Harrison, Clubine, McDonald, Storey, McCon- aghy. Mr. Naughton in the chair. On motion of Messrs. Switzer and Storey, the teachers in the High School were re-engaged at their pre- sent salary. On motion of Messrs. McDonald and Harrison, the teachers “nu uuvu Au uAAv same .basis, the poin Whether or not a fan not attached to the f: eligible. The matter V ami under the decisio mers will be able to pair their outbuilding: yAv-AA If the onion would use perfume it might up to the greenhouse, The annual “At Home†of the W. M.S. held in the school room of the Methodist Church last evening was well attended and an enjoyable and profitable time was the result. Mrs. Proctor and Mrs. Newton received the visitors and made everybody feel at home the moment they entered the door. The room was neatly de- corated with flowers, drapings, etc., the platform presenting a cosy home- like scene. An interesting program was provided. The collection at the door amounted to about $11.00 and‘ the funds of the society were fur- ther increased by several warm hand shakes with the members at $1.00 a shake. CORSONâ€"At Markham, on Satur- day, November 7th, Henrietta Au- gust; Corson, aged; 25 yiear-s, 10 months, 7 days, only daughter of H. R. Corson, of The Economist. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1936. On Wednesday, November 11th, 1896, at St. Mary’s Church, by the Rev. W. W. Bates, B.A., assisted by the Rev. Rural Dean Mussen of Au- rora, Amy Elizabeth Newbury, only daughter of Mr. Henry J. Newbury was married to Edward Britnell of Toronto. Warden Slater has called a special meeting of the York County Council to be held in the Court House, To! ronto, on Monday. Among the busi- ness taken up will be the consider- ation of the abolition of the toll‘ gates and market fees; the question of the extension of the time for the completion of the Metropolitan Street Railway line as far as Richmond Hill, and several other matters. Following the prelude “The Dead jMarch in Saul†by North Toronto Silver Band, Reeve John A. Greene extended on behalf of the munici- pality a welcome to all those taking part in the service. Briefly also he paid tribute to those who served their country in the war and urged that the present generation strive to live up to bhe principles for which ‘they died. Following the singing of ‘the hymn, “‘0‘ God our Help in Ages Past†Rev. W. F. Wrixon of St. Mary’s Anglican church led; in prayer and Rev, C. W. Follett of the United ‘Church read a passage of scripture. The hymn “God of our Fathers†was followed by the laying of the wreaths on the memorial. Col. W. P. Mulock K.C., M.P. laid a Wreath on behalf of the province of Ontario, Mr. C. N. Cooper presented the wreath on behalf of the Municipality of Richâ€" mond Hill, Mrs. G. Yerex on behalf of the Women’s Institute and! Mrs. Binnsl on behalf of the vetebams. Then followed The Last Post, two minutes silence, and Reveille. After the singing of “Abide with Me†Rev. (Capt) John Kelman, one of Can- ada’s official representatives on the Vimy pilgrimage delivered an in- spiring message in keeping with the day. After the National Anthem the parade reformed and marched past the saluting base at the corner of. Yonge Street and Lorne Ave. where the salute was taken by Col. W. P. Mulock K.C., M.P., president of the York County veterans. WAY BACK IN LIBERAL FILES From our Issue of November 12, 1896 After the parade visiting veterans were treated to hot coffee at ï¬he High School. Armistice Day M Services Held Here Sunday Richmond Hill’s service of remem- brance held at the cenotaph last Sunday afternoon was largely at- tended by citizens of the district and was eloquent tribute to those from this community who paid the sup- neme sacrifice in the Great War. Veterans from all sections of the County joined in the service and the parade which was headed by Richâ€" mond Hill Trumpet Band included in addition to the veterans, members of the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides. FORTY YEARS AGO DEATH It was announced at the outset that money might be borrowed under the plan in order to erect a garage on the property of a house-owner. As rural as well as urban homes are included in the plan on exactly the same .basis, the point then arose Whether or not a farmer’s buildings not attached to the farmhouse were eligible. The matter was considered, and under the decision reached far- mers will be able to borrow-to re- pair their outbuildings. Repairs to barns and outbuildings» on farms may be made under the Government’s home - improvement scheme, it was announced this week by the National Employment Com- mission. The point has been under considemtidh by the Finance De- partment, which has charge of the Government guarantee end of the scheme, and» it has been decided to include farm outbuildings. We have in our office a copy of the Miami Herald of November 3rd' which carried a Canadian Press ac- count of Richmond Hill celebration. The people of Miami read a vivid‘ account of the incident under the startling heading “Parents Storm Canadianï¬Jail.†In co-operation with the new hous- ing repair loan act, the Toronto city council has voted in favor of orderâ€" ing assess-01's to ignore the cost of improvements when fixing assess- ments. Toronto is experimenting w'ith rubber seats in its street cars, thus giving passengers the bounce instead of the commission, as! some proposâ€" ed.â€"â€"Star Weekly. The papers report the case of an Illinois woman who has lived five years with only half a brain. Nothâ€" ing- remarkable about that. Some car drivers get by with none at all. There are a few quaint men still living. One man in court the other day said he had neither a car nor a radio-because he couldn’t afford them. Men of his stamp are getting scarcer every day. “There is nothing to prevent a man from beginning a course of ex- ercise at sixty,†declares a health note. It’s never too late to bend. The only place where you get disr charged for doing well is a hospital. â€"Quebec Ohrunicle-Telegraph. At the rgsildlence of the bride’s father, Mr. Charles Rumble, by Rev. A. P. Brace, B.D., on Wednesday, November 7th, Wm. George Woods of Concord, Ontario, to Ethel Beat- rice, daughber of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rumble of Maple. The tax slips Show that the rate- payers will have a little less to pay this year than they paid last year. Of course the amount of $555 given the James Bay Railway for station grounds was paid last year in one debenture. ChristMas is. only a few weeks away. Do your Christmas shopping early. The apple crop in Mount Pleasant is a failure this season, especially the spy variety which is much sought for winter use. From our Issue of November 8, 1906 The Board of Education has been called to meet on Friday when it is hoped there will be a quorum. There has been no quorum since August 10, although the board was regularly notified at the proper time in the months of September and October. When men accept office on the board they ought to be prepared to fully perform the duties of the office. General News & Views in the Public School were re-engaged at their present salary. The Board adjourned. THIRTY YEARS AGO only learn to work its way suggests Bill. Prepare for Wintry Winds w ¢V (She King's Higfujag‘ “ SAFE ' DIRECT - ECONOMICAL DAILY SERVICE â€" LOW RATES NORTH BAY - CALLANDER - HUNTSVILLE PARRY SOUND - GRAVENHURST - BARRIE - ORILLIA MIDLAND - BEAVERTON between RICHMOND HILL and and intermediate points RICHMOND HILL PHONE 49: GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED RICHMOND TAILORS R A T E S AND U.S.A. POINTS CTIVE AD RA C A T T TO OTHER R. PETCH â€" PHONE 177, RICHMOND HILL Our cleaning and pressing service is appre- ciated by a rapidly increasing number in the district who appreciate excellence of work and dependability. FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED And if you are thinking of a new suit we have the very newest in styles and materials. The best way is to outfit yourself with one of Richmond Tailors high quality Winter Overcoats. Cosy, warm coats of finest mater- ial, hand tailored to your measure at a cost no more than you pay for ready made gar- ments. Let us show our samples and con- vince you that Richmond Tailors quality and moderate prices are your surest guarantee of real economy. Tickets and Information at J. A. GREENE Single Copy 50f $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE No. 20