1‘. Jersey Cows, Calves by side 10 Barred Rock Pullets :‘ome Hens :"Jbout 200 bus. Sugar Beets Some Carrots and Calbbages 1 Single Plow 1 Single Souffler 1 International Potato Planter nearly new Also some Household Furniture inâ€" cluding- Chesterfield Suite, Bedâ€" room Suite, Dining Room Suite, Electric Stove and Cook Stove. TERMS CASH Sale starts 1 p.m. ARTHUR S'IlOlTT, P.A. ' Township Elgin Mills Sideroad, 1 mile W. Yonge St. THURSDAY, NOV. 19 7 Pure Bred Berkshire Saws 1 Pure Bred Berkshire Boar About 40 Young_P_ig-s _ Lot 50, Con, 1, Vaughan Cattle, Pigs, Poultry, Vegetables, Furniture, Implements, Etc. | Has ordered sold: 0y public auction at' FARM SALE! LOOK AT YOUR LABEL AND EDITH STOTT Not Original - But Real Good PAGE FOUR SOME PEOPLE PAY WHEN DUE: SOME OVERDUE; SOME NEVER DO; HOW DO YOU DO? This coupon is inserted as a convenience in re- newing your subscription. The address label shows you the date up to which your subscrip- tion is paid. If it is in arrears we would appre- ciate your remittance, at $1.50 per year. for . THE LIBERAL Street and No., or R.R. No. Enclosed find being my subscr . years. Please send me a receipt. CUT THIS OUT YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL Eliminate furnace trouble arid any dis- comfort in the home. These are yours if you take this opportunity to get our LOSS OF HEAT 0 o ' GAS AND DUST LEAKS ' WASTE FUEL - - POOR WARM AIR CIRCULATION UNHEALTHY AIR CONDITION Telephone or write to us now before you start your furnace for the winter months and we win gladly do this for you. H. KANE which checks up on: of Sunderland was the best in the boys class, and Clarence Bennett won the prize for the best work by any boy from East York. Bobbie Tim- bers of Stouffville was the youngest competitor and W. G. Maxwell of Markham got the prize as the oldest plowm-an in the competition. Prize Winners were as follows: Class, High Cut, openâ€"1, Lloyd Marquis, Sund‘erland; ? Gard Tran, Alex Black of Guelph scored sucâ€" cess again and was‘ declared the win- ner of the award for the best plowed land at the match. Donald Marquis The East York Plowmen's A5s0_ ciation held! a most successful plow- ing' match at the farm of John Grant, Hagerman’s corners on Wednesday, November 4th. There were over one hundred competitors and keen comâ€" petition in all the classes. Prize Winners At East York’s Plowing Match being my subscription Taggers for the Poppy Day Fund were out bright and early last Sat- urday morning. The poppy which we wore on Poppy Day was made by disabled veterans and represented the Flanders Poppy which grows in great numbers on the battle fields of France and is planted in the cemeteries on the graves of our dead heroes. Remembrance Day services were held in the United Church last Sun- day. A suitable message was delivâ€" ered by ’the pastor and special music by the choir. An anthem “Lest We Forget†and a solo by Mrs. Saver were in keeping with the servive. A song service preceded the evening service. Jarvis, Millikan; 2, Ross Marquis, Sunderland‘; 3, Harry Bewell, Green- bank; 4, Jack Spang, Claremont; 5, Jas. Clark, Gormley; 6, Ralph Smith, Gormlvey; 7, Wm. Tap‘scott, Milliken. Class 8, Boys under 16, Stubbleâ€"â€" 1, Ronald Marquis, Sunderland; 2, Len Lister, Hornby; 3, Ray Fergu- sxon, Stouffville; 4, Leslie Smith, Gormley‘; 5, C. Bennett, Milliken; 6, Norman Tapsoott, Milliken; 7, Ross Hargreaves, Beechville; 8, How- ard Thaxt/er, Uxbridge. Class 9, Tradtors, Sod, Openâ€"1, H. J. Couperthywaite, Agincourt; 2, Geo. Hostrawser, Maltonu; 3, Fred Timbers, Stouffville; 4. Ernest Ev- san's, Maple; 5, Ills. Weatherstone, Dund'as. Class 11, 3 furrow Tractors, Open â€"1, Jno. Laing, Maryvale Farm; 2, Russ Grafton, Brampton; 3, Dave Grant, Millikenv; 4, Ivan McLaughlin, Locust Hill; 5, Paul Armstrong, St. Mary’s. Teams and Equipmentâ€"1, Maryâ€" vale Farm; 2, Donalda Farm; 3, Ren- nie Farm, Milliken; 4, Jas. Hall, M‘anle; '5, Jack Spang, Claremont; 6, Frank Thomson, Agincourt. Class 10, Tractors, Stubbleâ€"1, Dan Brown, Agincourt; 2, Alex Dav- ison, Agincourt; 3, Carman Wesley, Milliken; 4, Robt. Malcolm, Locust Hi1]. . The regular meeting of the G. R. Goulding Memorial Home and School Association was held with 143 memâ€" bers and friends present with Mrs. W. H. Ferris the president, presiding. The guest speaker of the evening. was Mr. Griffen, supervisor of York Township schools and‘ also president of Ontario Educational Association and was introduced by the principal, Mr. Robert Lang. Mr. Griffin in his talk on “Trends of Education†ad- vised all parents to treat their chil- dren as individuals, let them know that they are important, give them credit for what they know individu- ally and not compare them with the neighbor’s children. He spoke on the advantages of the Radio in the school, telling how children have benefitted in their dictation, pronunâ€" ciation, grammar and English by the lectures given. He also gave great encouragement to parents of boys who aimed to be farmers. He said “Scientific farming will be one of the most profitable occupations of the future.†A hearty vote of thanks was moved by Mr. J. R. Smith to the speaker. Delegates appointed for Ontario Federation of Home and School Association and York County Council of Home and School were:â€" Mrs. Saver, Mrs. I. E. Haines, Mrs. H. Moore and Mr. Hawes. Glass 8, Stubble, 1, Neil McKean, Scanboro; 2, Russ Pearson, Agin- court; 3, Alex Hunter, Mt. Albert; 4, Lorne McGinnis, Cresswell; 5, E. Melbourne, Stouffville; 6, Norman Third, Agincourt; 7, Len Short, Woodville; 8, Carman ’I‘apscott, Millikan. Class 6, Stubble, Openâ€"1, W. J. Harrison, Galt; 2, Harold Pickett, Hornby; 3, Willis Jarvis, Milliken; 4, Floyd Steckley, Stouffville; 5, Jas. Lee, Greenbank; 6, Jno. Timbers, Milliken; 7, Wm. Ohannon, Sunder» land}; 8, Jno. Medd', Port Perry. Mr. Hawes asked all present to tune in on station cm at 8 pm. each Friday evening and. listen to the Home and School Associationbroad- cast in which one and all can gain knowledge of the work it is doing. The program was interspersed by musical numbers including a com- munity sing song and several num. bers from the male chorus of the Glee Club. The meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem. A social half hour followed, refresh- ments being served by the Fathers. Miss Crosby’s room received the prize for the largest attendance of parents. Whitevale; 3, Ernest Timbers, Milli- kven; 4, Stan Thomson, Clar-emont. Chass 2 High Cutâ€"1, Cameron Kennedv. Azincourt; 2, Gordon An- Class 3, Boys under 18, Sod|â€"1, Howard Fess, Selkirk; 2, A. McClure, Woodbridge; 3, Ryce Bacher, Jarvis. Class 4, Open Jointer, Sodâ€"1, Alex Black, Guelph; 2, Eddie Timbers, Mllliken; 3rd, R. G. Brown, Galt; 4, Jno. R. Hargreaves, Bleechville; 5, Raymond Montague, Jarvis; 6, J05. Tran, Claremont; 7, Alex. Boyle, Tod’mord-en. CLass 2 High C Kennedy, Agincourt; derson, Edgeley. NEWTONBROOK THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 5, Jointer, Sodâ€"1, Norman Dressers 1 Sofa Chests of Drawers Wash Stands 2 Bed Stead!s Sets Springs 1 Small Chest Extension Table Fall Leaf Table Zinc Top Kitchen Table Rocking: Chairs Arm Chair W‘alnut Chairs, veneer seats Kitchen Chairs 1 Centre Table Jardiniere Stands Jardinieres' Open Book Case Hat Rack 1 Rug, 9x12 ft. Clock, Antique Feather Mattress- Numlber of Small Mats 4 Pillows Number of Cushions Number of Quilts 1 Motor Robe Number of Oil Paintings 1 Foot Stool ' 1 Empire Cook Stove with warming closet and reservoir 1 Heater 1 Kitchen Cabinet 1 Wash Boiler 1 Wash TuIb l Preserving Kettle 1 Iron Frving Pan HHHHwkmchoHyâ€"AHCOWNN Miss Clara Sherrick Oak Ridges On Maple St. off Yonge St., Back of Windmill Service Station FRIDAY, NOV. 13th Take notice that it is the inten- tion of the council of the Municiâ€" pality of the Township of Markham to purchase the lands offered- for sale in the township of Markham for arrears of taxes, charges and costs, at the adjourned sale to be held in the Township Hall, Unionville on Monday, November 30th at 10 o’clock 2 Frving Fans 1 Dish Pan Baking Pans 1 Bake Board‘ 1 Rolling: Pin 4 Platters Glassware Chinaware Knives Forks Crocks Cake Pans Sooons Cake Plates 1 Paper Rack Numlber of Books 1 Hammock 2 Hand Saws 1 Loggina Chair. Butter Scales, with iron weights 1 Stet) Ladder and Ironing- Board combined 6 D02. Fruit Jars, 1 and 2 quarts 1 Set Weigh Scales, 1200 lbs. capa- city 3 Cow Chains 1 Feed Barrel 1 Milk Strainer Number Cow Chains Number Hold Back Straps Number Tools 1 Set Tire Chains Number Barred Rock Pullets, laying 1 Set Quilt Frames NO RESERVE as Miss‘ Sherrick is Givine' un Housekeening‘. TERMS â€" CASH Re Adjourned Tax Sale MUNICIPALITY OF THE Township of Markham How dreadful for a man to kill his wife when he could take her a box of flowers and let the shock do it. “Give lbaa/2k our colonies!†cries Hitler. All right, brother; just as soon as you give back the ships you sent to the bottom. We would be able to accomplish more things of value if we wouldn’t scatter our forces too much. Too many scattered interests, too many diversions, make for make-shift work which can be nothing but mediocre. There will also be offered for sale the following work horses the prop- erty of J. F. Lounds Household Goods, etc. The dear old soul watched the cow- boy dexterou-sly swinging his lasso on the grounds of the circus; “What a long rope!†she said at last. “What do you use it for?†“Waal, lady,†he drawled, “when I’m out west on the ranch I use it to catch cows.†Catch cows?†very interesting. you use for bait 1 Bay Horse, 10 years 01d 1 Bav Horse, 12 years old , 1 Grev Mare. 11 vears old': and colt, Percheron bred. bv Flatan. Sold subie‘ct to Reserve Bid. A. S. FARMER, Auctioneer RICHMOND HILL FLOUR AND CEREALS FEEDS FOR STOCK AND POULTRY YOU CAN SAVE 95% OF YOUR POULTRY FROM A BAD INFEC- TION OF ROUP WITH THE H.T.H. CURE. IMMEDIATE RELIEF. CALL AND INQUIRE MILL 139 FURNITURE THE MILL Sale vnmnwnceg 9f 1 n.m. AUCTION SALE HORSES The Propertv of NOTICE CHARLES HOOVER, .1. F. BURR Clerk and Treasurer she 1e echoed. “How Te1=1 me, what do 1 Steamer 3 Sauce Fans 1 Se1-v7ng' Tray 1 Rolling): Pin Glassware Knives Crocks Spoons 1 Paper Rack RES. 82-W 1 Sofa. 10'0 CHOICE PULLETS, Leg-horns, Rocks, Wyanclottes, sorme laying. Will exchange for old fat hens. C. Bower- bank, Stop 17A Yonge Street, Thorn†hill. 2 REGISTERED HOLSTE‘IN BULLS, one 14 months old from grade (XX) Sire, one 8 months old. Dams on R. O.P. accredited. Richard Whittaker & Sons, Downsvievw, Ont. WALNUT FINISH EXTENSION TABLE, good' as new, will sell cheap or swap, what have you to offer. Alpply Box 44, Liberal Office. 13 HEAD Registered Dual Purpose Shorthorns. Entire herd including proven Show Bull with first daugh- ters producing over 10,0001bs., 6 ma- ture cows R.O.P. records over 10,000 lbs†5 Heifers, 1 Bull Calf of show cow with 12,274 lbs. recurd. Accred- ited and Negative. Leechwood Farm, 3rd Con. Markham 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. or B. R. Leech, 2/11 Yonge Street, Toronto. 3 GOOD 100 ACRE FARMS in the 4 SHORTHORN HEIFERS, 4 H01- stein Heifers, fresh in January and February. Apply E. Irish, Willow- dale, phone Willowdale 369J. Township of Vaughan, and can be 'bought worth the money. Apply H. McMillan, Richmond Hill. The 3rd Instalment of the current year’s taxes is due. Discount of 5 per centum will be allowed when payment is made at the Village Treasurer’s office on or before WELL BRED MALE CKOLLIE PUP 6 months old, or trade for Leghorn Hens or Pullets. Apply Fahey Es- tate, Elgin Mills. TAXES SAND 6: GRAVEL, Cement blocks, buildings raised. John Jarvis, Rich- mond Hill. telephone 94M. A. J. HUME, Treasurer. Richmond Hill, Nov. 12, 1936. WINDOW BLIN‘D‘S, used, 29 inches wide. Apply Mrs. A. L. Phipps, Richmond Street. 11 PIGS 6 weeks old. E. L. ( telephone Richmond Hill 4515 QUANTITY HYDRO POLES. J Windas, Lot 24, Con. 6, Vaughan. SMALL COOK STOVE cheap. Apply 8 Mill Street, Richmond Hill. GERRARD HEINTZMAN UPRIGHT PIANO, nearly new. Apply Liberal Office. HENS AND PULLETS. Also two nanny goats. Apply 24 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill. 1 JERSEY COW, fresh. 8 Yorkshire pigs, 3 months old‘. Apply Robert Stonehouse, Lot 8, Con. 5, Unionâ€" ville. BOY’S BICYCLE in good condition. Apply 31 Reseview Avenue, Rich- mond‘ Hill. 75 ONE YEAR. OLD white Leghorns, Manor Farm srtrain, Apply Mrs. H. Dooks, phone Maple 1666. NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with section 9 of the Votâ€" ers’ List Act and) that I have posted. up at my office, Richmond Hill on the 12th day of November 1936 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for members of Parliament (or as the case may be at Municipal elections) and that such list remains there for inspecâ€" tion. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law, the last day for appeal being December 4th. DATED this 12th day of November. A. J. HUME, Village of Richmond Hill VOTERS’ LIST 1936 “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT†RATESâ€"Five lines 02- less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line exm each insertion IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. County of York CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING 0F NOVEMBER 15th DECEMBER 2nd FOR SALE m’ï¬f%Â¥;978t9 Municipality of the Clerk of Richmond Hill THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1936 Clubine |1931 DeSOTO SEDANâ€"Hydraulic- | Brakes. Nice Condition. given. A card to this address and I will call and‘ give an estimate. I have a few pieces of walnut furni- ture for sale, small parlor tables, hand carved; tipâ€"top tables and carveé‘ lamps. Call and see them. 33 Hunt Street, Richmond Hill. Will the party who took the alarm clock from the property of B. R. Wolfreys during the sale on Satur- day last, return same at once and avoid further trouble. B. R. Wolâ€" freys. W. J. MOSES EXPERIENCED Farmhand, married (one child), separate house or live in, wife good housekeeper, Wishes work for winter months or by year. Apply V. R. McElroy, 0/0 W. H. Watson, RR. 2, Woodbridge. All work guaranteed and prices reasonable FURNITURE REPAIRED. Estimates Hill. MODERN 4 room apartment with bath, heat and water supplied, availâ€" able Nov. 15th. Apply Mrs. A. L. Phipps, 68 Richmond Street, Rich- mond Hill. WHY TAKE A CHANCE on polu-ted waiter. Let us clean your well 01" cistern Wells dug, cleaned.I and bricked. Free estimates. Percy Sparkes, Spruce Ave., Richvale. FRAME HOUSE corner Yonge and Wright Sts., good garden and gar- age. Apply P. C. Hill, Richmond WOULD YOU like to earn a gooa steady income right in your own 10- cality? Special experience not ne- cessary. Openings to reliable, in- telligent men. G. St. George, 570‘ St. Clement Street, Montreal. HOUSE, 24 Mill Street, Richmond, Hill, all conveniences, garage. Apply Liberal Office. HOUSES RAISED, moved etc. base- ments built. Phone Thornhill 73. Used Cars 1930 OLDSMOBILE 6 SPECIAL SPORT COUPEâ€"Thoroughly Re- 1930 1929 FORD ROADSTER â€"â€" Rumble Seat â€" 1937 License. A good buy. 1929 FORD 1'/2 TON TRUCK. Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL, ONTAR-m STOVES AND FURNACES GENERAL TINSMITHING EAVESTROUGHING conditioned MISCELLANEOUS 30 FORD TUDOR â€" Economical Transportation. Charles Graham AGENT MASSEY HARRIS Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 39 Repairs to all makes of Jefferson, Ont. TO RENT TAKE NOTICE WANTED $150.00 $125.00 $275.00 $250.00 $225.00