Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings Other EVenings by Appointment Office over the Post Office Woodbridge Phone 77 ALL KINDS OF SHEET METAL WORK Furnaces, Eave TroughS, Metal Garages, Roofing Jobbing Promptly Attended to Maple. Ont. Dr. Charles 0. Collins DENTIST At Dr. Bizford’s Office Tuesday: 9-12 mm. {Runways 12-530 p.m. Dentist Office: Trench Block, two doors north of Bank of Commerce Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 pm. Telephone 82 Office Hours: 9 to 11 a.m. 8 to 8 p.m.. and by appointment Office: Centre and Church Streets, Richmond Hill Phone 24 Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO (Women and Children) Office Hours 1 - 3 pm. Appointments made th DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF DR. JAMES R. LANGSTAFF Ofï¬ce Hours 8 - 10 a.m.; 6 - 8 pm. .122 Yonge St. Richmond Hill DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF Licensed Auctioneer Counties of York and Simcoe 8:195 of all descriptions conducted upon shortest notice and at reasonable rates. No sale too large and none too small ling, Ont. Phone King 42-râ€"3 J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St" K. C. Prentice“ Markham Toronto, HYmm. 0834 We are prepared to conduct sales of ovary description. Farms and farm chock sales a specialty. Farms bought Ind sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice. and con- ducted by the most approved methods. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Isles attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. 1. T. SAIGEON & SON Insurance FIRE â€" AUTOMOBILE â€"-â€" LIFE FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Brunch Offim at II'HORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Dr. C. A. MacDonald Bank of Commerce Building Telephone 80 Dr. M. J. Quig-ley DENTIST Thirty Years Experience Formerly with Heintzman Company Leave Orders at Austin’s Drug Store Richmond Hill VOL. LVI. From the Toronto Conservatory of Music, will accept a number of pupils in Piano, Organ and Theory. Richmond Hill-fâ€"Tuesdgly & Friday J'.FOX Prentice & Prentice AUCTIONEERS DENTIST Successor to DR. M. C. MacLACHLAN Dr. R. A. Bigford Office Hours 10 -â€" 12 am. C. E. Walkington Office Hours 9-10 5.111., 12-2 & 6~8 p.m. _ and by appointment“ Dr. J. P. Wilson Wright & Taylor Drs. Langstaf f George W. Cross Piano Tuner Adelmo Melecci “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER†Dr. L. R. Bell J. Carl Saigeon THORNHILY. MEDICAL MUSICAL BUSINESS AUCTIONEER MAPLE MRS. MYLKS Phofxe Maple 3 Phone 100 Phone 3 LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE, BURGLARY, GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES T0 FARMERS ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF CO'S. Bowden Lumber & Coal 00., LTD LUMBER OF ALL KINDS lnsulex, Donnacona Board, etc. LANSING WILLUWDALE 42 HUDSON 0234 INSURANCE ‘ Member of the Ontario, \ Saskatchewan and Alberta Bars 810 McKinnon Building, 19 Melinda St, Toronto Bus. Phone EL. 1744 S. TUPPER BIGELOW LLB. ‘A. Cameron MacNauc‘hfnn. KC. Alexander MacGregor K. C. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 -â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Ofï¬ce â€"â€" 18 Toronto Street Phone ELgin 1887 ‘ Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Officeâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building, southwest corner of King and Yonge Streets, Toronto. W. B. Milliken, KC. Herb. A. Clark Henry E. Redman W. P. Mulock formgr}y_gf_Wm. Cook! Cook & Delany Barristers and Solicitors Hon. W. H. McGuire James A. Boles, B.A. Percy Biggs AD. 0177 Toronto AD. 0178 1315 Bank of HamiltOu Building Yonge Street â€"â€" Toronto B. Bloomfield Jordan BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc. 84 Yonge Street Richmond Hill Ralph B. Gibson, K. C. Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg. 85 Richmond St. West. Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Telephone ADelaide 2108 Offices: 85 Richmond St. W., Toronto Naughton Block, Aurora Solicitors for: Aurora, Richmond Hill, King, Whitchurcn, Markham and North Gwillimbury. Walter S. Jenkins. Res. Phone 5gill 48 ‘J. Harry Naughton. Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 12-2 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 201 Church Street, Toronto Phone Waverley 4365 Residenceâ€"18 Poy‘ntz Ave., Lansing, Ont. Willowdale 308 Telephone 148 for appointments. BARRISTER SOLIQITQR, NOTARY PUBLIC McGuire, Boles & Co. 1008 Federal Building 85 Richmond St. West, Toronto Telephone AD. 1948 614 Confederation Life Bldg. Toronto Phone: Office EL. 5029 Res. MO. 2866 BARRISTER 1711 Star Building 80 King Street West, Toronto Phone: ELgin 4879 N aughton & Jenkins THURSDAY AFTERNOON BA‘RRISTER - SOLICITOR NOTARY Mulnr'k‘. Milliken, Clark (9- Redmnn OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 â€"- 2 Walter S. Jenkins A. G. SAVAGE T. C. Newman Barristers. _ Sqlicijorg, Thomas Dolanu Richmbnd Hill Every Post Ofï¬ce Block Richmond Hill Cook & Gibssm Established 1880 Res. Phone RA. 5429 etc. The angle which will be followed with especial interest across the country is what effect these disclos- ures will have on the tariff policy of. the Mackenzie King- g'overnrrnentr:J Substantial slices have already been cut off the Bennett duties on texâ€" tiles, and so far the action does not seem to have ruined any of the com. panies. It has enabled the Canadian consumer to enjoy a bit more choice when time came to buy cloths and“ clothing. But anyone who has brought in a shipment of textiles recently knows that the tariff is still mod- ferately high on most lines. It so happens that these revelations about the textile industry arrive just when ‘the Canadian government is trying ‘to figure out some way of mollify- ing the British into continuing free entry for Canada’s farm products. 'It would not be surprising if some further reductions in textile duties 'are offered by Canada in return for ‘maintenance of the Ottawa agree- ‘ment benefits. Iron and steel, boots ‘and shoes, machinery, are other lines ‘which we may see coming in more RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 1936. The facts and figures for 1936 show that markets for the products of the Canadian farm are growing steadily, but there is still plenty of scope for enlargement. The cattle- men of the Dominion have been urgâ€" ing upon the Minister of Agriculture the need for further emphasis on this matter. An ample market for Can.l adian live cattle at somewhat better prices than have been prevailing would be of tremendous value to Canâ€" adian farmers in every province. (Pro-fits in Textiles) Some rather sensational evidence has been «brought out by the Turgeon royal commission which is investiâ€" gating the textile industry in Can- ada. Eyebrows have been lifted here and there at the proifts which have been accumulated by some of the companies, especially when they are set in contrast against the wages paid some classes of employees. The “hidden inventory reserve†of Can- adian Cottons, Ltd., has also come in for attention. 'Ilhough the officers of the company claim that every. thing was done to safeguard the comm .pany against undue fluctuations, and that in the long run the reserve all come out in the balance sheet and had taxes paid upon it, this view does not co-incide with that of the income tax department. The latter has made a tentative assessment of about $383,000 for unpaid income tax between 1920 and the present. This, apparently, does not include penalties, nor does it include any- thing for the years 1916â€"1920. ‘ Then Mr. Gardiner asked the depâ€" ‘uty minister, Dr. Barton, and Dr. J. H. Grisdale, the former deputy min- ister, to make some inquiries for him along similar lines when. they were in Britain. He asked them to report independently on his own suggesâ€" tions. Later he instructed H. S. Arkell, the former livestock commisâ€" sioner, to visit the different prov- iinces, and interview livestock organ- izations and farmers’ societies as ‘well as the packers. Mr. Arkell will have his report in the hands of the Minister by the time the Ottawa con- ference begins. (New Drive for Exports) What the Minister of Agriculture expects all this preparation to lead up to is this: he wants an organizaâ€" tion formed in Canada to assist in the exporting of Canadian farm pro- ducts, to advise farmers what is wanted on the other side, to keep an eye on quality, to watch market changes. It is expected that this body will keep closely in touch with some sort of intelligence service on the other side, which will advise from time to time how the shipments are being received and what can be done to build up the trade still further. Ottawa, Nov. 1’7.-â€"A conference of the Ministers of Agriculture of the nine provinces together with the Do- minion’ authorities has been called for December 14th. This is a part of a program to improve Canadian sales of farm products in the United Kingdom, the United States and elsewhere. Hon. J. G. Gardiner has been giving considerable attention to the matter. He spent several weeks in Britain himself after the session. He made certain preliminary obserâ€" vations about the need of studying the British market a little more altâ€" tentively, and also the desirability of watching Canadian quality and| suit. ability before the cattle, cheese, but- ter, poultry, bacon etc. left this side. Ottawa Spotlight By Wilfrid Eggleston Don’t forget you are part of all the people who can be fooled some of the time . . . . . If two people can live on less than one it's because they have to....0ne of the things you can’t buy on credit is experiâ€" ence....,Before you can save for a rainy day, one must have a rainy day....Are you the type who will try to convince others Without both- ering to understand it yourself. Master William Hall has gone to Palmerston to live with his uncle. Miss Mildred Monk of Weston visited on Sunday with Mrs. Alex. MacDonald. Mr. Harvey McIntyre was also a visitor. Anniversary services held on Sun- day last were well attended. In the morning Rev. Geo. Davidson, Thistle- towni; gave an inspiring- message from the text “Give us this day our daily bread.†Mr. Stevens, soloist, Maple, add-ed much to the service of song and was accompanied by his 'sonflwho sang a duet with his: father accompanied by Mrs. Williamson. Rev. Milton Sanderson of St. Cuthâ€" bert’s, V Toronto, was the evening speaker taking his message from the words “Behold I ,Stand at the Door and Knock,†which held the audience and gave much food' for thought. MacDonald Brothers of Maple led the service‘ of song and sang- several fine selections. 0n the 7th of November Mr. Thos. Stodders and Miss Annie Chatterley, both of Thorn‘hill, were married. A large numb-er of guests were preâ€" sent at the wedding, including sevâ€" era] friends from the City. The following members of the Board of Education were present at their meeting last f1“iday:â€"G. Mc. Donald, J. Switzer, J. Mack'ge, W. Clubine, A. Newton, F. McConaghy, J. Paulin, G. Redd‘itt, A. Wright, D. Hill. The salary of each teacher in the Public School was raised $25.00. The salaries next year will be as followszâ€"Mr. Lamon $600; Miss Scanlon $325; Mrs. McConaghy $300. The tenth annual plowing- match of the Etobicoke Agricultural So- ciety was held on the farms of Bert Barker and James Kingdom, Thistleâ€" town- when twenty.six plowmen com- peted. The judges were James Jarâ€" vis, Milton; James McLean Jr., Rich- mond Hill; James Young, Weston; W. Walkington, King; W. Dawson, Richmond Hill; W. Scott, Weston. A quiet wedding took place at the residence of Rev. Wesley Dean, To. ronto, when Miss Ethel Tyrrell, daughter of Mrs. T. Tyrrell, _ was united in marriage to Mr. George Grainger, son of Mrs. H. F. Hopper of Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Grainger will reside at 65 West Lodge Avenue, Parkdale. From our Issue of November 15, 1906 A new telephone was installed yesterday at the residence of Mr. Harry Legge, Jefferson. That makes about 30 phones on the Richmond Hill line.‘ The Metropolitan Railway is prob gressing favorably. The road bed is being ballasted through the Village, and poles are being put in position farther south. A large number of men are working all along the line. As many as 40 workmen have been sleeping and eating at the Palmer House at once. Mr. C. D. Warren, President of the Metropolitan Railway†addressâ€" ing, the members of the Counrty Council on Monday, said that the company not only intended building the road. to'the Elqin Mills, but as far north as Newmarket. The York County tax sale will take place at the Couï¬: House, Toronto, on Tuesday, the 8th of December. 0f the 1664 parcels of land to be sold for taxes only two are in the Township of Vaughan, and there are none in RichmOmd Hill. WAY BACK IN LIBERAL FILES From our Issue of November 19, 1896 (Talk about Defence) We are beginning to hear a lot ‘about defence programs, agout ord- ’ers for aeroplanes, about destroyers. There is not much of an official naâ€" ture to announce. A great deal of ‘the talk can be dismissed as idle 'gossip. But an enhanced air force looks like a safe bet. readin from Britain after the next "budget. THIRTY YEARS AGO FORTY YEARS AGO ’T‘ESTON Prepare for Wintry Winds NORTH BAY - CALLANDER - HUNTSVILLE PARRY SOUND - GRAVENHURST - BARRIE - ORILLIA MIDLAND - BEAVERTON between RICHMOND HILL and and intermediate points RICHMOND HILL PHONE m GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED RICHMOND TAILORS ATTRACTIVE RATES TO OTHER CANADIAN AND U.S.A. POINTS Tickets and Information at R. PETCH â€" PHONE 177, RICHMOND HILL Our cleaning and pressing service is appre- ciated by a rapidly increasing number in the district who appreciate excellence of work and dependability. And if you are thinking of a new suit we have the very newest in styles and materials. The best way is to outfit yourself with one of Richmond Tailors high quality Winter Overcoats. Cosy, warm coats of finest mater- ial, hand tailored to your measure at a cost no more than you pay for ready made gar- ments. Let us show our samples and con- vince you that Richmond Tailors quality and moderate prices are your surest guarantee of real economy. FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED J. A. GREENE Single Copy 50‘ $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE No. 21