Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Nov 1936, p. 4

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Don’t tell your favorite story too often. PHONE 191 EOODYEAR TIRES trade in your old Ones The attention of those whom it may concern is directed to the fol]. ommg': The Municipal Act, Section 56, Sub- section 3bâ€" “Every person of the full age of twentyâ€"one years and a British sub- ject by birth or naturalization, and not disqualified under this Act or by from voting, who has paid in full an income tax of not less than $15.00, under the provisions of The Income Tax Act of Ontario, 1936, within the twelve months next pre- ceding: the last day for making com. olaint to the iudge under the Voters? List Act, shall be entitled to vote at a municipal election in the Munici- pality in which he resides, either in respect to his place of residence or place of business therein, and to ob- tain a certificate entitlim;r him to so "ote upon producing- to the clerk of ‘he municipality at any- time within thirty days prior to the day of poll- in}: for such election the official re. reipt evidencing payment of the said’ I..come tax.” Richmond Hill, Dec.710. 717936. Completefifihassis Lubrication 6 separate lubricants 85c Frost CopAntifreeze For 30 below Zero . $1.89 gal. FOR ENGINE Castro] “‘31? R 45c. qt. 20W and 10W MershoLMgE 30c. qt. Will not boil off. One filling lasts all winter. For 30 below Zero . 69c. gal. We are as close to you, as your telephone. Phone us your require- ments and we will call for your car and deliver it all outfitted for Winter A few minutes in our Service Station will assure you of trouble-free Motoring during the winter months Why Have Cold Weather Worries with Your Car? Jack Frost is Coming Phone 137-r-5 Richmond Hill HALL’S Service Station WINTER LUBRICANTS for Rear End and Transmission. REGISTERED HOLSTEINS FOR SALE BULL CALF, six months, from Dam with good- R.0.P. Record. This calf will be sold for aHout one.half what he should bring, at serviceable age. YOUNG 00W “Rag Alpple Grace" due to freshen February; has R.0.P. record. ANTI-FREEZE Hot-Shot Retarded Manhol PAGE FOUR Chains, Defrosters, Radiator Covers 10W and 20W Made by C. C. Wakefield & Co. Will not form Rust in Radiator If Prices Perfect Poultry Feeds NOTICE APPLY “Armac Farms” at Teston A. J. HUME, Clerk. We are selling these to make room Herd: Federally tested (negative) J. D. ALLAN, Foreman All Prices for All Makes of Cars opposgm ORANGE HOME Richmond Hill The wedding oct‘ Eulah'a Potter, dhrughter of Mr. and) Mrs. Fred) Potr, ter of Tecumseth and Elwyn Elliott, son of Mrs. T. D. Elliott of Barton took place quietly at the rectory at Markham on October Slst, with Rev. Mr. Herman officiating. They will beside in Bolton. Which bird neither chirps nor sings a note ?â€"â€"â€"The Ladybird. Why does a cobbler work until 12 o’clock at nightâ€"Because it is never too late to mend. Why is a fire difficult to get on with?â€"â€"Because it flares up and is easily put out. RIDDLES Which sort of paper makes you think of music?â€"Notepaper. What tables should they have at golf clubs ?â€"â€"Tea. (tee) tables. Can a tin box?â€"â€"Yes, a tin can. When is a mousetrap like a' rid- dle? When there is a catch to it. Why do trains never run on time at two o’clock in the morning?â€" Because they run on lines. ELLIOTTâ€"POTTER Stop 24 Yonge St. SPARK PLUGS CASTROL Extreme Pressure Lubrication A new Battery will ensure easy starting on the coldest morning 17 Plate 13 Plate . . . . $6.50 2 Shots for 25c. BATTERIES ‘ 24 Months Guaranteed Guaranteed 12 months Rev. A. H. and Mrs. Halbert at- tended the funeral of Mrs. (Rev.) Mrs. Frank M.cFarlane entertained the members of the United Church choir at her home on Drewry Ave. 133’: Frirlav. During the evening Mrs. Glen Shaw m‘esented Mrs. Walâ€" ter Johnson with a travelling bag, on behalf of the choir. Mrs. John- son is leaving next week for Engâ€" land where she will spend a few months with friends. A social hour followed and dainty refreshments were served. A silver basket filled with bronze mums cenâ€" tred the tea table, with yellow can- diles. A Birthday Cake with lighted candles was also an added attracâ€" tion. It was arranged to hold' the next meeting- on Tuesday. December 8th (one week earlier than usual) owing- to the Christmas activities in the church. The hostesses were Mrs. W. T. Wells. Mrs. W. T. New and Mrs. _A. W. Stephenson. A large representation from the United Church were present at the M. andl M. Sup-per meeting at Thorn- hill last Tuesday evening. This was followed by a verv in- spirinz' and practical address by MrS. Jaquith of Toronto who is the presi- dent of this area of the Toronto Centre Presbyterian W.M.S.. She stressed the importance of every W. M.S. member being an active worker in the church. She said “We, have too many unemployed in Christ’s service.” The W.M.S. met in the S. S. hall of the United Church last Tuesday afternoon. It took the form of an anniversarv meeting followed bv a Birthdlay Tea. The President, Mrs. Halbert, presided. The devotional worship service was conducted by Mrs. R. F. Hicks, who based her reâ€" marks on “Jesus. the Great Teach- er." A very suitable solo was' sung bv Mrs. Allan Wiltshire. The second chapter of the Study Book was re- viewed by Mrs. James- Murray as- sistedi by Mrs. Hicks. in which they gave a glimpse of the work of the educational missionary, and of the far-reachin2' influence of Mission schools and colleges. S. A. E. 80 'The Girls’ Mission Circle held their November meeting at the Parsonage last Thursday evening with_ a fine attendanCe. ,Miss Irene Smith pre- sided. The devotional service Theme was “Jesus, The Great Physician.” and was conducted by Miss Velma Carson and Mrs. Frank McFarlane. Miss Bertha Smith rendered 3. Diane solo. The first chanter of the Study Book was impersonated by Miss Mar- garet Graham. Miss Beatrice John- ston and Miss Edna Street, with Miss Irene Smith taking the part of Leadâ€" er. They gave a vivid picture of the need for Medical Missions and an insight into the service being rendered bv missionary doctors and nurses. The secretarv. Miss Emma McPhail read‘ the minutes of the last meeting and an encouraging report was given by the treasurer, Miss Lorene Brown. A Nominatin~ Com- mittee was appointed. The Annual Business meeting will be held on Thlrrsdav. December 10th at g pm}; HEAVY DUTY NEWTON BROOK THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO $12.95 FAN BELTS ANY - CAR A dance will be held in the Town- ‘ship Hall, Vellore, November 20th under the auspices of Vellore Junior Farmers and J.W.I. Clubs. Nelson’s orchestra. Floor manager, Ernest Evans. The Y.P U. meeting next Mondav, nweninsz will be in charge of MiSR >Marcraret Shaw. literarv convene): A cordial invitation is extended to all the young neopie in the community. The programs are verv much worth while and you wild enioy them. The death occurred at the home of her nephew, Robert Livingstone, Toronto, of Miss Catherine Clark, lifelong resident of Toronto Gore in her 74th year. She was a daughter of the late Richard Clark. She was a. member of St. John’s Church, Castlemore where the funeral took place. The guest speaker was Rev. 77.. F1. Pugslev who was a delep-ate of the Canadian Levilon of Ontario Gom- fmand and the league of Nations Shcietv to the first world Peace IConusrress which was held‘ 3n Brussels. Beltriwm in Sent. Five thousand at- +ended this great conference in which ‘35 countries were rem‘esented‘ and +heir one great aim was to nromote WorHi Peace. Evervone nresent entâ€" ‘jioved very much the very fine ad‘â€" ‘ ress. George Burns, aged 71, a lifelong resident of Albion Township, died' on Monday, Nov. 9th at the hOme of his niece, Mrs. Bert Morris where he had made his home for several years. Send the rent to your landlord by Canadian National Money Order. J. R. Herrington, Agent. The Young Peonle’s Union of the Newton‘brook United Church held a very interesting meeting in the ‘church auditorium last Monday evenI. ing'. The meeting was in charge of Mr. Jack Duggan. citizenship con- vener. and was assisted bv the presi- dent. Mr. W. T. New. The meeting opened with a sing song- of familiar hy'mns conducted bv Rev. A. H. Halâ€" ibervt. This was folloM'Ied' by an Arm- istice Memorial Service in honor of (those who gave their lives in the 'Great War. The e'ler'tric lights were turned out and an illuminated cross (with the traditional] poppies at its {base added to the imnressiveness of 'the service. Jack VanLuven and “Kenneth Foreman were the flag bearâ€" ‘ers. Miss Marqaret Shaw recited! “‘In Flanders Fields” bv McCrae. The Last Post was sounded bv Jack Dug- an.“ followed bv the Reveille. after which all sancr “Nearer My God to Thee.” 1‘”. W. T. New showed four lantern slides which. represented hie- -‘ur°s on- Pence. which inflluded- “Surf- -"er’vw m“ the Innocent.” “Brother- how’i." “The Wayside Shrine.” and “Th0 War‘ci Great Cost” showing a Wemeterv in France. The Scrinture "DFFOY‘I‘ was read- by (‘lifford Brett and Rev A. H Halbert offered “raver. Mr. W. T. New gave an ad- dress of Welcmve to the visiting Young.r People’s Unions. which were nresent from Lansina 9nd Willow- dale United Churches. St. George’s Anqlir-an of Willo-wdale. and Thorn- ‘hill United. Mr. and‘ Mrs. Floyd Davies contributed two piano duets verv acceptably. The Woman’s Association will hold a Christmas Bazaar in the 8.8. hall on Thursday, Dec. 3rd. There will be a Rummage Sale and- White Eleâ€" phant Taible. Mark this date on your calendar and plan to come. A sad accident occurred here last Friday evening when Mrs. Margaret Gibson. aged 73 years, was almost instantly killed in a collision with a car drivenI by James.Ward of Barâ€" riea William Gibson, 3 son, who lives on Moore Park Ave., Newton. brook. was just returnincr home from business in Toronto and on paSSing the scene of the accident stopped to see what had‘ happened and discov- ered the body of his mother on the pavement. The accident happened opposite Connaug'ht Ave. on Yonge St. The funeral took place last Mon- day at 2 p.m. from the residence of her sonâ€"inJaW. Mr. J. Batstone. 278 Fairlawn Ave., Toronto to Mt. Pleaâ€" sant Cemetery. We extend deepest sympathy to the family in their beâ€" ‘reavement. A play entitled “Every Man” will be presented in Newton‘brook United Church next Tuesday evening at 8.15 under the auspices of the W.M.S. bv Centennial United Church Choir, Toronto, in which over 50 will take part. This play was given two weeks ago in Centennial Unitedl Church, Toronto, and the building: was crowdâ€" ed' to capacity It comes very highly recommended. 810 plan to come and bring- the family- with you. Adults 25c.. Children 150. Master Bolblby Connor, our popular boy singer, sang- over CFRB last Saggrdal evening- at 5.30. The Woman’s Association is hold- ing‘ a. sewing meeting this (Thurs- day) at 10.30 in preparation for the waning Bazaar on Thursday. Dec. 3r . Mrs. Frank Summers renresented the local Woman’s Association at an Executive Conference of the Presiâ€" dents of the W.A. of the United Churches in Toronto Centre Presby- terv which was held last Tuesday afternoon in Westminster Central Church Parlors. Rev. A. H. Halbert and Mr. E. J. Brett attended! the meeting of To- ronto Presbytery last Tuesday in Wfstminster Central Church. Despite the inclement weather last Saturday the usual large crowd of parents and children went down to see the Sanga Claus parade. [Miss K. Taylor has returned home after spending five months with her brother in England. She came on the S. S. “The Empress of Britain” and reverts it was one of the roughâ€" est tlims it has ever had. G. R. Kitching at Weston last Satâ€" urday. Miss Iyene Smith is visiting her cousm MISS Louise Carson at Tesâ€" ton. Rev. A. E. Marshall of Oakwood United Church, Toronto Will supply the 1wlpit of Newtonbrook United Church next Sunday evening in the absence of the pastor who is breachâ€" ing- anniversary services for Mr. Marshall. DANCE AT VELLORE CATHERINE CLARK NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with section 9 of the Vot. ers’ List Act and that I have posted up at my office, Richmond Hill on the 12th day of November 1936 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for members of Parliament (or as the case may be at Municipal elections) and that such list remains there for inspec- tion. And: I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law, the last day for appeal being December 4th. DATED this 12th day of November. A. J. HUME, No man accomplishes much who is inflicted with the hurry habit. Take notice that it is the inten- tion of the council of the Municiâ€" pality' of the Township of Markham to purchase the lands offered for sale in the township of Markham for arrears of taxes, charges and costs, at the adjourned sale to be held in the Township Hall, Unionville on Monday, November 30th at 10 o’clock 13 HEAD Registered Dual Purpose Shorthorns. Entire herd including proven Show Bull with first daughâ€" ters producing over 10,000 Lbs., 6 ma- ture cows R.0.P. records over 10,000 lbs., 5 Heifers, 1 Bull Calf of Show cow with 12,274 lbs. record. Accred- ited and Negative. Leechwood Farm, 3rd Con. Markham 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway or B. R. Leech, 241 Yonge Street, Toronto. Re Adjourned Tax Sale MUNICIPALITY OF THE Township of Markham 2 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS, purchasing a. new Radio now your old) radio will be taken as the down payment and no money need be paid until first of year. Also 13 plate Batteries rebuilt, guaranteed, $3.50. Batteries charged 40c. G. Yetex, Markham Road, Richmond Hill. one 14 months old from grade (XX) Sire, one 8 months old. Dams on R. O.P. accredited. Richardv Whittaker & Sons, Downsview, Ont. - TWO REGISTERED Holstein bulls, also 1 Ayrshire bull registered. A4p- ply L. H. Clement, phone 176, Richâ€" mond Hill. NEW AND USED RADIOS. By 3 GOOD 100 ACRE FARMS in the GOOD USED ELECTRIC WASHER, 25 cycle, copper tuflo; also Cream Separator, large size. A’plply J. N. Mighton, 145 Ronan Avenue, North Toronto. Township of Vaughan, and can be bought worth the money. Apply H. McMillan, Richmond Hill. change for pigs. Leo Burton, Carr. ville Road. Phone Maple 764. New Hampshire Buff O'rpingtons, Bowembank, Stop SAND & GRAVEL, Cement bloeks, buildings raised. John Jarvis. Rich- mond Hill. telephone 94M. GOOD WORK HORSE or will ex- MAN’S TWEED OVERCOAT, size 38, almost new. Apply 110 Rich- mond' Street, phone Richmond Hill 105. 100 CHOICE PULLE'I‘S, Leghorns, GIRL’S BROWN BEAVER COAT, tam and muff, size 10, price $3.00. Apply Liberal Office. Village of Richmond Hill GERRARD HEINTZMAN UPRIGHT PIANO, nearly new. Apply Liberal WOOD, 4 ft. or cut in foot lengths, all Maple. R. Michael, Richmond Hill. VOTERS’ LIST 1936 Office CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF “THIS IS THE DAY OF AD VERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT” RATESâ€"Five lines or less. 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extn each insertion IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. Municipality of the NOTICE County of York FOR SALE CHARLES HOOVER, Clerk of Richmond Hill Clerk and Treasurer. Reds, Rocks andl laying. Apply C. 17, Thornhill. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19th. 1936‘ iUsed‘Cars 1929 FORD ROADSTER â€" Rumble Scat, â€"- 1937 License. A g00d buy. 1931 DeSOTO SEDANâ€"Hydraulic Brakes. Nice Condition. Little Brothers 1929 FORD 1'/z TON TRUCK. Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO 1935 FORD V-S TUDORâ€"Excellent TAKE NOTICE Will the party who took the‘alarm clock from the property of B. R. Wolfreys during the sale on Satur. day last, return same at once and avoid further trouble. B. R. Wol- freys. SMALL BLACK AND WHITE DOG in Richmond Hill on Monday night. Owner may have same (by paying- for this advertisement. G. Yerex, 4 Markham Road, Richmond Hill. A party left a pair of rimless spectacles in- Dan’s Cafe, Aurora, Wednesday, November 11th. DO YOU WANT to become a mer. chant or the owner of a prosperous business? We supply the goods. You can earn real good. money, steady income, right away. Now is your chance to get ahead. For free de- tails write General Manager, 570 St. Clememt St., Monrtreal. Will the party taking same in- en'- I'Ol‘, please return personally or by mail to the T. Sisman Shoe Comâ€" pany, Limited. Reward given. FURNITURE REPAIRED. Chester. fields, occasional chairs repaired and recovered, also comforters recovered. Orders taken for chesterfields and» chairs. All work guaranteed) for five years. Apply at Liberal Office. HOUSES RAISED, moved etc. base- ments built. Phone Thornhill 73. MAN T50 P'LOW about 2 acres. Cash paidI when work done. Apply Lilb. eral Office. FRAME HOUSE corner Yonge and Wright Sts., good garden and gar- age. Apply P. C. Hill, Richmond Hill. MODERN 4 room apartment with bath, heat and water supplied. Part. 1y furnished if desired~ Apply Mrs. A. L. Phipps, 68 Richmont Street, Richmond Hill. STRAW wanted. Apply at Liberal Office. HOUSE, 24 Mill Street, Richmond Hill, all conveniences, garage. Apply Liberal Office. Storm Sash of all kinds made to order. Furniture renaired and refinism Workman- ship guaranteed. Condition. MISCELLANEOUS Charles Graham AGENT MASSEY HARRIS Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 39 JOHN STALLIBRASS, LOST SPECTACLES $150.00 $135.00 $525.00 $275.00 NOTICE T0 RENT WANTED FOUND 6 Markham Road, Phone 172.

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