The 3rd Instalment of the current year’s taxes is due. PAY PROMPTLY AND AVOID THE PENALTY \VHICH MUST BE IM. POSED AFTER A. J. HUME, Treasurer. Richmond Hill, Nov. 12, 1936. ' RICHMOND HILL FLOUR AND CEREALS FEEDS FOR STOCK AND POULTRY YOU CAN SAVE 95% OF YOUR POULTRY FROM A BAD INFEC- TION 0F ROUP WITH THE H.T.H. CURE. IMMEDIATE RELIEF. CALL AND INQUIRE MILL 139 Holy Communion will 'be dispensed in Brown’s Corners United Church TAXES Miss Murray of the Slide Departâ€" ment of Toronto East Presbyterial W.M.S. brought a splendid message to the Thankoffering meeting of Brown’s Corners United Church W. M.S. held in the church with Mrs. W. Brook presiding in the absence of the President Mrs. R. L. Stiver. A resume of the Study Book on f‘Asfu'ica" that has been used by the auxiliaries this year with splendid illustrations, made a most interest. ing topic for her address. Mrs. W. D. MacDonald of Agincourt led the devotional period and impressive solo numbers were given by Mrs. W. Rodick. A substantial offering for Mis- sionary projects was received. .The Topic “Ways to Promote Peace†was interestingly presented by Miss Marion Warne at the Gen- tral United YP.S. on Monday even- in-g' last. The League of Nations held a prominent place in the dis- cussion‘. Ida Bagg had charge of the meeting. The local Boy Scout troop now re- port “full steam ahead?Y with per- manent Patrol leaders appointed and the Winter schedule planned. The meetings up to date have been held in the Public School with a hike planned for the next meeting, weaâ€" ther permitting. A drive to collect broken toys is arranged for the first Saturday in December and cocoper- ation of all citizens is invited. Toys will be repaired by scout members and used to bring Christmas cheer to the less fortunate children. A meeting for the instruction of Patrol leaders and seconds in command is also planned for November let. The Swifts are leading in' the Patrol con' petition with John. Coulson and Fred Robinson in charge, the Eagles sec- ond and the Hawks third. Wesley Clements and Stuart Campbell lead the Eagles and Jim MacPherson and Bill Dymond the Hawks. Arnold Court has also recently been ap- pointed Troop leader. Mr. Snider of 8.8. No. 14 was an interesting visitor at the last meeting. With a number of new scouts enrolled and good leadâ€" ership the troop looks forward to a winter of profitable activities. A decision to send a box of cloth- ing to th‘e Cochrane District was important business. There were twentyiive ladies present. The president Mrs. Crawford had charge of the meeting. Mrs. J. H. Chant and Mrs. N. Ogden brought some helpful thoughts from the To- ronto East Presbyterial meeting held at Danforth United Church and durâ€" ing the devotional period Miss M. Miller gave the Bible message on “Faithfulness.†The closing section of the study book, that has been used throughout the year, was sum- marized by Mrs. W. Young, touch- ing on the racial problems in Africa and their drawbacks. The need is for co.operation. Mission work at Norway House was presented in an interesting way at the November meeting of the W. M.S. Auxiliary meeting held at the home of Mrs. W. J. Russell on Thurs- day last, when Mrs. Chapin told of the work she and- her husband, Rev. Chapin are doing in the far north amongst the Indians there. One hun- dred and five children are enrolled in the boarding school where all must learn the English language and are taught many other activities such as cooking, sewing, farming, etc. The only means of reaching Norway House during the winter season is by plane and‘ Mrs. Chapin plans to return by that mode of travel. Mrs. Chapin was formerly a Un- ionville girl and was indeed a very welcome visitor at this meeting. WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT NOVEMBER 15th THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 1936. THE MILL DECEMBER 5th .I. F. BURR RES. 8’2-W EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1.30 p.m.â€"Church School. 2.30 yumâ€"“The eVents of Life, The hand of God.†Remember the special Song Ser- vice in Central United Church on Sunday evening next. Special musiâ€" call numbers will include solos, duets, violin selections etc. Plan to attend. The Pastor will bring a special meSS- age on “The Second Chance.†Rev. E. Huenergard, B.D. Pastor 1.30 p.m.â€"â€"Church School. 2.30 p.m.â€"Pub1ic Worship. An illustrated: lecture that prom; ises to be of special interest will be given by Mr. Bob Hiltz on Wednesâ€" day evening next in Central United) Church. Mr. Hiltz will speak on “The Cree Indiansâ€, their traditions, mode of living, etc. Being deputized to teach amongst these interesting peo- ple during the summer momths, this message promises to be one you cannot afford' to miss. The event is under the auspices of Central Uniteti Y.P.S. 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"“T-he events- of Life and the handl of God.†7 p.m.â€"â€"-A service of song, solos, duets and violin numbers. Messageâ€"“A Second Chance.†8 pm. Mon.â€"Y.P.S. BE'I'H'ESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH St. Philip’s Anglican Church 10 sunâ€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer. These events will continue through‘ out the season. The local Oran-geâ€" men are sponsoring a Euchre next Wednesday evening in the To‘wnship Hall. Wednesday evening was the open- ing of the series sponsored by the Markham Township Veterans and it was equally enjoyable, fourteen ta'bles of players enjoying the game. The honors wenrt to Mrs. Thos. Wright, Mrs. Frank Roberts, Mrs. G. Kelly, and Miss Leat tied for third prize, Mrs. Kelly winning the draw; B. Catton, Garnet Francis, Dr. George Kelly. The Emhre Series are: in fulll swing again, the Buttonlville event‘ being the first of the season. The splendid attendance signified the! popularity of this entertainment and the prize winners of the evening in- clude Mrs. Vernon Trunk, Mrs. G. Scott, Mr. Bales, Norman Reid: with consolation prizes going to Mrs 0 Cox and‘ Jas. MacPherson. Followin~ refreshments the company enjoyed dancing. The party was voted a splendid success and the entertain- ment significant of the usual fine hospitality of the Buttonville folk. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Chant were Toronto visitors on Tuesday. ' Miss Effie Stiver of Toronto spent the weekâ€"end at her home here. Mr:. N. Ogden and Mrs. B. Sabis- ton officially represented the local W.. I. at the annual convention held' in T‘rnnto this week. Miss Parliment of Toron’t-o visited her w‘ece Mrs. A. E. Milner over the weekend. Mrs. F. Pollard left on Sunday to spend two weeks with her daughter Mrs; Ken. Greatrix at Timmins. Dr .C. R. MacKay and Davison MacKay were in Port Colborne on Wednesday last attending the wedd- ing of Dr. Mac-Kay’s niece Miss Mary MacKay. The Fourth Class in Public School, chaperonved by Miss Bernice French, attended the Bock Fair held in the Royal York Hotel on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrington visit- ed} Mr. and Mrs. W. Rid‘dyell of Thornhill on Wednesday. Mrs. Andrew Grant Sn, Miss Jean Grant and) Mrs. Bruce Muirhead of Toronto were guests at the home of Mr. A. H. Canning on Sunday. The members of the Girls’ Live Wire Club are to be mngratulated upon the successful Bazaar and Tea given in the Sunday School room on Saturday afternoon and evening. The proceeds, $29.00, will be devoted to relief work. The Club is to be commended‘ for the active part they have alieady taken in this splendid project. Mrs. B. Hm‘rell and Miss Evelyn Hum-e11 were Toronto visitors on Tuesd’ay last. The cast of “The Strike of the Ladies" Aid†along with several othâ€" er cjtizens‘ jhurnfgyed) to Melville United! Church on Friday where a creditable performance of the drama was presented. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Kennedy of Kitchener were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Russell on Wednesday. Unionville and‘ surrounding district sent the full quota of hunters to the Northern country this ceason. Exâ€" cel‘lent weather for the sport is re- ported and average good luck in se- curing game. on Sunday afternoon next at 2.30 o’clock. Preparatory service will be held on the Friday evening precedâ€" ing. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH SHOOTING MATCH A shooting match for Geese will be held at Herman Mortson’s farm, Lot 21, Con. 4, Markham Township, on Saturday, November 28th, at 1 pm. Shotguns and rifles. Shells supplied for shotguns. CHERRYâ€"In loving memory of Jlos. L. Cherry who demarted this life November 17th, 1935. We who loved you sadly miss you Plan to attend[ the Euchre which will be held at the residence of Mr. W. J. Carr, 106 Yonge Street, Fri- day, November 20th, in aid of St. Mary's RC. Church Bazaar. The annual meeting of District No. 9 of the Toronto Milk Producers As- sociation will be held in the Orange Hall, Woodibrid‘ge‘, on Friday even- ing, Nov. 27th at 8 p.m. District No. 9‘ comprises of Etobicoke Twp, York Twp. and Vaughan Twp. as far north as Teston side-road. Good speakers have been secured. Come and show an interest in your own business. IN MEMORIAM In mem‘ory 'of the late John S. Kirkland who died‘ on November 21, 1935. ' z As it dawns another year In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are ever near. â€"Wife and Family‘ A “bridge†sponsored by the curl- ing club was held Monday- evening and. was much enjoyed. Ten tables were in play and the prize winners were, Elm-ore Harding, J. E. Smith, J. Henshaw, C. P. Wiley, F. J. Mansbridge, Frank Schisller, A. A. Eden and P. G. Hill. The Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto ‘was almost filled to capacity last night for the great Service of Wi’tâ€" ness. Long before the hour hunâ€" dreds of members of all denominaâ€" tions gathered about the entrances. ‘After the congregation had assemblâ€" ed ministers of the following denom. inations entered in procession and took their seats on the main floor: Baptist Church, The Churches of ‘Christ, The Church of England, Easâ€" tern Orthodox Churches, Society of Friends, Presbyterian Church, Salva- tion Army, United Church. Then came these who were to take part in the service conducted from a special platform, Rev. H. Hull (United), Rev. D. T. McKerroll (Presbyterian), Coil. W. Dalziel (Salvation Army), Rev. R. Roberts (United), Mr. H. Pettit (Society of Friends), Rev. H. ,C. Priest (Baptist), The Most Rev. Archbishop Owen, Primate of the Church of England. After these and other leading clergy had taken, their places on- the platform the Lieut. Governor of the Province with guard entered and took his seat on the platform. The Lieut. Governor read the lesson and Mr. Hugh Redwood of L01.don, England gave a stirring message. The great service CIOSed with the singing of the Hallelujah Chorus by massed choirs ac00mpanied by the Salvation Army Band. Among the local people noticed were Rev. C. W. Follett, Mr. A. E. Plewman, Rev. J. D. Cunningham, Rev. W. F. Wrixon, Mrs. Wrixon, Mrs. W. Frisâ€" ‘oy, Miss Margaret Frisby, and memJbers, of the staff of the Orange. Home. ENTERTAINMENT AT VICTORIA SQUARE An e2-Eertainment will be held in be United Church, Victoria Square, 1 any evening, November 24th at '18 An e2-Eertainment will be held in ,l:e United Church, Victoria Square, 'ue.lay evening, November 24th at p.211. Rev. W. J. Johnston of Eg- iittnn United Church will give his uted 1:;tu1‘e on “Seeing a Good Bit F the VS orld." This is a very hum- ‘~"'ms (nd educational talk. There will also be a varied program of musical numbers by talentedl artists. Proceeds in aid of the new manse. Admission 25c., children 160. Be sure to attend the Christmas Bazaar under the auspices of the Women’s Auxiliary of St. Mary’s Anglican Church, on Saturday, No- vemfber 215t, in the Crypt of the Church. Bazaar will open at 3 o’â€" clock. See advertisement elsewhere in this issue. Mr. A. E. Plemman is speaking on “The Romance of a City’s Transpor- tation Service†in the United] Church on Monday evening next. Mr. Flew- man’s long connection with the To- ronto Transportation Company quali- fies him to speak with aswbhority on this question. Ex-S€rgeant and Mrs. Follett and '* family of Toronto were visitors at * the United Church Parsonage this * week. Mrs. G. Yerex and Mrs. J.Pol}ard are attending the Women’s Institute convention in Toronto to-day. â€"Eve1' remembered by his Wife and Daughter Social and Personal THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO NOTICE OF MEETING CURLERS’ BRIDGE IN MEMORIAM EUCHRE J. S. WATSON, Sec Rev. J. D. Cunningham Sunday, Nov. 22nd 11 a.m.â€"“The Inner Light.†2.30 punâ€"Sunday Scth 7 p.m.-â€"Rev.. J. S. Roe, B.A., of Woodlbridge will preach. Let: prayer ’be the key of the morning amt the belt of the even- Church. 2.45 p.m.â€"â€"â€"Sunday School. 7 me.â€"“F‘eeding on Ashes.†The Pastor at both services. Even. ing- worship opens with a. twenty minute service of praise. Old; familiar hymns to the oLd- tunes. People are enjoying therm. Come and join us. Everyone welcome. (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wtixon, L'I'h. Sunday, Nov. 22nd 8 a.m.â€"â€"Holy Communion. 11 a.m.â€" Prayer. 3 p.111â€"4Sunday School and Bible RICHMOND HILL INITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, ED, Pastor , Sunday, Nov. 22nd 11 anmâ€"A Glimpse at the Early The next Euchre under the ausâ€" pices of the L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. will be held on Thursday, November 26, in the Masonic Hall (south entrance). Euchre at 8.15 p.m. G’ood‘ prizes and refreshments. Admission 25c. including tax. Class. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. Weakâ€"end Nov. 20â€"2‘1â€"Fr0m Tor- onto to all C.N.R. points north and west including Sudrbury, Nipigon, North Bay and Cochrane Districts. Nov. 26thâ€"To» Maritime Provinces. Nov. 27th andl 28thâ€"â€"To Ottawa and Montreal. BU'I'I‘ONVILLE W. I. The regular monthly meeting- of the Buttonville Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Miss Della Stephenson on Nov. 25th. Mrs. W. D. MacDonald of Agincourt will be the guest speaker. Mrs. James Russell, soloist, will also be present. Come and enjoy a pleasant after. noon. Nov. 27th and 28thâ€"To Niagara District, also Goderich, Stratford, Kincardine and Palmerston Districts. L.0.L. AND L.O.B.A. EUCHRE Professional Graduate Owen A. Smily Studio WHEN IT’S AN EXIDE YOU START RAILWAY BARGAIN FARES Marguerite Boyle ELOCUTIONIST _ , “Homewood Hallâ€, Thomhill RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH An Exicle in your car is the safest insurance against battery failure. An Exide retains its superior starting ability practically to the very end of its long life. That's another reason why . . . Bities Service Garage ST. MARY’S CHURCH BATTERY. . . BUY AN fl Christmas Bazaar .. n. ‘l‘ .. nun-u... RoyalTheatre,AURORA Two Shows Daily â€" 7.30 & 9.30 â€" Sat. Mince 2.00 m “ AIR CONDITIONED " LORE'I'I‘A YOUNG - DON AMECME in “ RAMONA †It comes to the screen in gorgeous technicolor trappings as enterâ€" tainment of high order, rich in romantic charm, moving emotii appeal am! finest artistry. THURS., FRI., SAT., NOVEMBER 26 - 27 - 28 THREE DAYS ' SHIRLEY TEMPLE in Seven ringing swinging song hitszâ€"“Empty Saddlesâ€, “I’m an 015’ Cowha1.dâ€â€™, “RoundLup Lullaibyâ€, “I Can’t Escape Pï¬'qm Youâ€, “The House Jack Built for Jillâ€, “You’ll Have to Swing It†and “Drink it Down.†A good hurmjoured‘, well paced music comedy. MON., TUES., WED., NOV. 23 - 24 - 25 RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Cream Cakes, each . . . . . . . . . Pineapple Creams, doz. . . . . . . Cecile Sandwich Biscuits, lb. Oranges, doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pumpkin, large 21/; size tin, Domestic Shortening, lb. Ginger Snaps, lb. . . . . . . . . . . Durham Corn Starch, 2 pkgs. Grapefruit, 6 for . . . . . . . . . . Prunes, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pears, squat tins . . . . . . , . . . Pitted Dates, 2 lb. . . . . . . . . . Saturday, November 21 st THOS. E. STEPHENSON, Prop. 0. M. L. SERVICE Acetylene Welding â€" Hades Hot Water Heaters, 100 Yonge St. Phones: 31. Night Phone 58W 1934 FORD CABRIOLET, HOT WATER HEATER 1928 PONTIAC COACH 1929 WHIPPET SEDAN 1928 NASH COACHâ€"Very special price if sold this week. A gay frothy comedy with a sprinkling of tuneful songs- and PAUL CAVANAGH â€" HELEN WOOD in Home Baking, Fancy Work, Aprons, Fish Pond, Books, Candy, Miscellan- eous Articles, Afternoon Tea Under the auspices of Women’s Auxiliary Used Car Specials Crypt of St. Mary’s Anglican Church FRIDAY & SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20 - 21 BING CROSBY - FRANCES FARMER BOB BURNS MARTHA RAYE in N0 ORDER TOO SMALL. NONE T00 BIG SPECIAL DELIVERY ON SATURDAY “ RHYTHM ON THE RANGE †EVEREADY PRESTONE AND ALCOHOL WINTER OILS AND GREASES “ CHAMPAGNE CHARLIE †BAZAAR WILL OPEN AT 3 O’CLOCK ‘I‘O-DAY, THURSDAY, TWO FEATURES GENE RAYMOND â€"- ANN SOTHERN in “ WALKING ON AIR †Keep Your Eye on KERR BROS. SPECIALS AN ACTION MELODRAMA 0:0 LOOK ! PAGE FIVE THREE DAYS