BROTHERTON’S SteamshipBgï¬ï¬gEG Canadian Pacific, Cunard and Anchor-Donldson lines at Lowest Rates. Photos and Passports Secured All enquiries confidential We look after mur wants right from your home. Phone Willowdale 63.! Office Sup 6 Yonge St, Lansing IAN'UFACTURERS & IMPORTERS 0F CANADIAN .& FOREIGN Granite Monuments Phone HYland 2081 Open Evenings Rel. Phone 9788 Johnston & Granston And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected acâ€" cording be law. The last day for filing appeals is November 21, 1936. Dated at Maple, October 31, 1936. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 10 of the Vot- ers’ List Act and that I have posted up in my office at Maple, on the 315?: day of October, 1936, the List of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Parlia‘ ment and at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for in- spection. County of York Clerk’s notice of First Posting of Voters’ List. Voters List 1936 TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAE‘: R. H. KANE TINSMITHING FURNACES - PLUMBING HEATING Septic Tanks Installed Bumps Barn & Stable Equipment 74 Yonge Street Phone 92F SAND â€"- GRAVEL WM. MCDONALD Telephone 62 Thornhill From Maple Gravel Pit GENERAL CARTAGE Viby Truck The Lime, Cement, Tile Full Line of FUEL Beauty Parlor RUTH RUMBLE, Prop. PRICE LIST Huger Wave . . . . . . . . . . . 40c. mum & Finger Wave 50c. lam] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c. Shh-poo & Marcel . . . . 50c. Oil Croquinole Permanent $2.00 Other Permanents at . . . . . . ‘ $1.50, $3.50 & $5.00 Unique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25:. Hair Cut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. Chfld's hair cut . . . . . . . . . 15c. RICHMOND HILL (Libeml Office Building) Telephone 9 For Appoint- We Invite Your Patronage 35 Yonge Street, 1849 Yonge St. (east side) Between Mex-tan & Ballio‘] Sts. Special Sailings to the Homeland by Phone 188 Yards at Barr’s Mill PAGE SIX Jones Coal C9 .ppeals is November 21, 1936. lt Maple, October 31, 1936. J. M. MCDONALD, Clack of Vaughan Township. Hillcrest Arrangements have been made far all students at the Ontario Agriculâ€" tural Colleges of Guelph Kemptville, and Ridgetown to attend. An extenâ€" sive plan is being completed to brine- Youth Program at Royal ‘The climax of a 15â€"year story of progress will be reached at the forthâ€" coming Royal W'inter Fair, Novemâ€" ber 18-26, when the spirit-of “Youth in Agriculture†will animate the whole programme. All is to be a sort of celebration of the achievements in ‘advance of our future farmers. The term is not a slogan merely, but an expression of spirit which animates the whole of this year’s Fair. Numerous boys’ and girls’ contests to be featured, including an oratorical contest for Canadian youths from every prov- ince. Where drought has occurred min- eral deficiencies will be more acute during the coming. winter. Feeds will probably contain less phosphor- us than usual, and it will be a wise precaution to start feeding a recogâ€" nized mineral supplement early in the stable feeding period to prevent trouble and loss. The above survey shows that some farms are producing hay which is 4 times higher in protein than others, and that a considerable percentage of the hay is too low in the essential minerals to maintain healthy ani. mals. An analysis of 105 samples of hay from different farms in Ontario showed that the protein content ranged from 5 per cent to 21.75 per cent and the calcium content from .22 to 3.99, while the phosphorous content ranged from .06 to .22. Ac- cording to recognized authorities on this sufloject hay should contain at least .16 per cent phosphorus and .7 of calcium. According to a report made by Prof. 0. McConkey of the Ontario Agricultural College, “farmers in some sections of the province have been experiencing difficulties be- cause the feeds grown on their farms are too low in the essential minerals to maintain healthy stock. Animals show symptoms of mineral deficiency troubles by depraved appetite, i.e., chewing bones and sticks, lack of thriftness, decline in milk producâ€" tion, and breeding troubles. Effects of Drought For the first time in many years a large part of Old O'ntraio was visited by a severe drought last sum- mer. The more obvious effects of this lack of rain has been, of course, 'he curtailment of crop yields, but there were other serious effects which were not so obvious during the dry spells but are showing- up now. Corn for ensilage was checked byl the drought and total production will - amount to 2,425,000 tons as against 3,034,000 tons last year. Dairy fatal, mers in Central Ontario will be hit} by the reduction- in the yield of fod.l der corn as grain yields on manyI farms in this section were also be-i low normal and a large number arei finding it necessary to produce a' normal supply of fluid milk this win- ter. The European corn borer was much more numerous this fall in the eastern part of Ontario and in the! County of Essex, but in the areas- Where'drought occurred, an improveâ€"l ment is reported. For instance, in Norfolk County, where drought was] intense borers were only about one- third as numerous as in 1935. i Potatoes and Corn The yield per acre of potatoes in Ontario is above the very low yield of last year but considerably below normal. Total production is esti- mated at 14,500,000 bushels as comâ€" pared with 13,130,000 bushels in 1935, and an average crop of around 18,000,000 bushels. The total Cana- dian crop of 64,190,000 bushels is only slightly less than a year ago. anu NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARMER being completed to bringcludes Bili The compass enables us to do this because it holds a needle that has been magnetized and so points to the north. By turning the dial so that the IN. and S. marks are at opposite jends of the needle, all other direcâ€" ‘tionsl are indicated by the other markings on the dial. It only re- mains for us to compare these with the map or chart in order to ï¬nd the whereabouts of the village re- quired. There’s this to be said about the birthday card you receive from your life insurance companyâ€"they send‘ best wishes and really mean it con. THE COMPASS When walking through unfamiliar country it is often necessary to be able ‘ro tell, by sludying a map of the district, in Which direction a cer. tain village or place lies. The caterpillar of the swallow- tail butterfly wears a grotesque dis- guise to 'frighten enemies. A large “eyeâ€"spot†on the body makes it ap- pear mostly head. i Galvanized wire screen makes the most effective protection. The initial lcost is high, but as it only has to ,‘be placed once and will last for a large number of years, it will be 1found cheaper in the Long run. This 'Wir-e should be cut into pieces large Ienough to encircle the trunk and leave lroom for expansion of the trunk, as ’the tree grows. The lower end {should be buried about one inch in Ithe soil, in order to prevent mice from working underneath. A dog coming upon a game track knows which direction the animal was going, and does not trail back in the wrong- direction. How high they fly? From meas- urements taken on birds at migraâ€" tion time, as they crossed the face of the moon, it was found that some travelled at a height of 5,400 feet. STRANGE FACTS A lion will sometimes eat as much as seventy pounds of flesh at one meal. Turkeys in Winter Breeding turkeys should not be confined to houses during the win- ter months but allowed to roam at will during the day. The only shelter that is required for them at night is a straw barn or closed-in shed. They should not be kept in a draugh- ty place. but any building- that will pmvide shelter from wind, rain, and snow is quite suitable. Never house turkeys with hens or in heated houses because colds which later de- velop into roup are almost sure to follow. During the winter months the breeding turkeys should receive only limited rations, as they have a tendency to become over fat if well fed. Hard grain should be given in preference to mash or ground grains. Equal parts of oats, wheat and buck- wheat are quite suitable during: the cold months, but when the weather moderates in spring, the buckwheat should be discontinued. Once daily during the winter is often enough to feed, and fresh water should be pro- vided at least once a day. Mice Injure Orchards One of the greatest hazards in the growing of an apple orchard is the danger of girdling by mice. This is especially true in orchards under sod culture, although even orchards under clean cultivation are frequent- 1y subject to considerable damage from this cause. The amount of damage caused by these animals varies greatly from year to year, de- pending largely upon their available supply of food. accommodation. Flowers, fruit, vege- tables, grain, butter, honey, livestock judging, beef carcass and expert ba- con carcass contests are some of the farm activities. Twentyâ€"four speâ€" cialty poultry clubs will hold their annual gatherings and club contests at the Cbliseum with over 6,000 birds. [\Parly 16.000 entries have been receivedâ€"a Fair necord. Horses, cattle, sheep and swine will fill the i nto Toronto groups of young farm peoplle, and, with the co.operaltion 3f the Deptamtment oï¬ Education, dupils of collegiate institutes and iigh schools within busâ€"ride distance, 'oughly outlined by a circle around Niagara Falls, Orangeville, Lindsay and Cobourg. Over 1,500 country boys are to be “on parade†in the arena during the opening of the Horse Show. 16,000 entries have been THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO The foregoing is not all of story of typhoid fever control. the Great War, of the millions an epidemic of typhoid fever and what was true of Ontario was true of the cities of east and west in Canada. The usual story was that in the Winter ice or something had disjointed or broken the intake pipe. The water users were drinking sew- age. There arose a storm of indigâ€" nation. Public opimion demanded protection. As a result filtration of the public water-supplies was estab- lished. The use of chlorine gas was commenced. At the moment there is scarcely a town of any size in Canada, without its safe water-sup- ply. Typhoid fever, except for the isolated case is rarely seen. The mortalityâ€"rate of 50 and over is now about one and one-half. What a triumph for sanitary measures! When the writer Visited Camp Black near New York in the spring of 1898, the area was a vast mili- tary camp in preparation for the SpanishA'merican war then in full swing. The latrines were of the unâ€" protected open type; the kitchens were unscre-ened and most of the flies in North America appeared to have gathered there to welcome Uncle Sam’s buddies. The result was that a large proportion of the troops, raw lads fflom farm ancfl behind counter, came down with typhoid fever and many died as a conse- quence. In the Boer War, a couple of years Iaten, more than 8000 soldiers, the very flower, many of them, of Eng- lish and other British.born boys suc- cumbed to the same malady. In fact "more British soldiers died of the fever than from the rather accurate bullets of our Boer brothers as we now call them. In the year 1910 the mortality rate of typhoid fever in Ontario Cities, was something over 50 per hundred thousand of population. Many cities had borne the luxury of Like' Diphtheria, a disappearing disease, because of improved public water supplies, the campaign against flies, pasteurisation of milk and the use of protective vaccine. CONTROL OF TYPHOID ‘FI'EVER‘ A TRIUMPH OF SANITATION- A HEALTH SERVICE OF THE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES Two of the most popular body types in the entire Ford V-8 line are the de luxe Fordor touring sedan (above) and the Tudor sedan (below). The new 1937 edi- tions are shown. The smart new front end, new headlamps, V-type windshield and use of the “tear IN CANADA New 1937 Ford Vâ€"SS Announced the In Disease in armies, due to the dis- cipline, is much readier of control than disease in civil life. Our people rolled in Britain’s armies, the numâ€" ber of typhoid cases was infinitesi- ‘mal. The death-rate from this cause was the lowest heretofore seen a. mong armies. One reason for this was because British troops were inoculated with the triple vaccine that affords protection against the entire group of enteric fevers. In the training camps in Can'ada,‘ there was an almost complete im-I munity against this group of dis- eases because of the universal inocuâ€" lation with protective vaccine. In the Niagara camp and again at Camp Borden, throughout the entire period of training, extending for about 4 years, not a single case of typhoid originated among officers or other ranks. drop†form Wherever practicable, combine to give what those who previewed it declare to be the most beautiful Ford yet produced. The Fordor touring sedan is a family car especially suitable for touring. It boasts a roomy built-in trunk. The Tudor sedan has a. new full- Surgery of the Seas Miss Allan, is a, graduate of St. Pauls hos- rs been in the Empress of Japan for the past ad previously was in the Empress of Russia. sea in 1933 aboard the Canadian-Australasian THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 1936. width front seat, with divided tilt- ing seat back. Two engine sizes are available, the famous 85 horse- power V-8 engine and a. new 60 horsepower V-8 engine. Mechani- cal improvements include new all- steel body, with steel top; “easy- action safety†brakes and new “ï¬nger-tip†steering. nist. If he doesn’t try to get it he lacks ambition. If he gets it with- ‘out working for it he’s a parasite. And if he accumulates it after a lifetime of hard work he’s a sucker, so there! Life’s irony: It’s a funny world. If a man gets money he’s a grafter. If he keeps it he’s a capitalist. If he spends it he’s a playboy. If he doesn‘t get it he’s a ne’erâ€"do.wel'l. If he tries to get it he’s a Commu- are singularly restive under restricâ€" tive measures; A trier of army discipline would materially assist in ridding whole communities of com. municable disease. Questions concerning health. ad. ociation 'essed estions concerning health, ad- ‘ed to the Canadian Medical As- tion, 184 Coliege St., Toronto, be answered personally by let- an hour while Dr. Beaxttle n a. Chinese paSSenger. On and Shanghai, the London. play when a Chinese saloon â€"Canadian Pacific Photo.