“Saturday: Are fambly has solved the riddle] of the resent eleckshen. Pa voted for Govemer Land-en & says it was becos of 2 few sun flours on moddle T fords. Ma are for Pres. Rosenfelt & says it was 2 menmy on Packerds & Linvkens & Caddvylax and etc. As fer I & Unkel Hen we coinside. kid Wednesday: The te‘echer was tellen are class that they are a star a'bove match biggern the whole world. Why dont it shed off the rain then, sed Jake in his dumn'ess. & strange to say she cuddent anser. Or diddent, no how. Tuesday: What are life the teech- er ash Jake who sed jist 1 dam thing after another so he herd. & Love? She ast Blisters & he sed 2 dam things after each another. She shack her hed in dissgust, but when I told it to Pa. he sed Not bad a tall. CAN EASILY RESULT FROM HEAVY WINTER DIET Sunday: The preecher cum home with us for dinner & in the con- vel‘sashen ast Pa used he What do you think of a man who is all ways a deceeving his wife. m N WM. ONTARIO CITIES 93 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill C.N.R. Money Order Office “ will GOV-"Imam Sunnrvtnm 311 Elom' Bldg. 57 Nom- St. West, at Bay Me: Midway 2434 MON-TO. ONT. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 1936. NANCE CORPORP now CENTRAL 0 AUTO LOANS Wmio or W oouplu. W7 Borrower Sign: 12 Months to Repay TOWMMMW‘ O HOUSEHOID lOANS ‘9 hip You Help Yumelf PARKIâ€" LIVE-F; LOANS A LAZY LIVER SLATS’ DIARY PHONE '71 GLEN‘N’S DRUG STORE J. R. HERRINGTON Low: rate. In Canada for OH: type of an!" $50 to $500 h M by Socclcl ~00 Mien Parflamonl (By Oliver N. - Warren) Real Estate Insurance Conveyancing Estates Managed Rents Coilected Don’t sufier from constant headache, biliousness, consti- pation, coated 7 tongue, etc. is a vegetable cor- rective and will give quick relief. It also aids the stomach in its digestion. Sold for over 40 years. 51.00 Parké’s LIVER TONE r Manday : H o hum. A nother wk. of slavery in skool beg-ins except for :are mistress day. I am glad the war ended becos it brot more hoLliday and & the preacher diddent seem to think it funny when Pa replide & sed he that him a mirakel man. The girl had sto'pï¬ed trying to be .included in the talk of the other two. She sat looking off across the He ‘noked acmqs at her. “She’s mighty pretty in her own way, don’t you think?†are n’t “Yes. She says he lives in New York, but he had to go out west on business for his firm. So they couldn’t take their vacation togeth- er. He’s 'doing well, she says. They hope to get married some time in the fall. 1â€"†He sat up and brush- ed the sand from his shoulders and arms. He let his limber brown hands fall loosely in his lap. “I was glad to have her say she was so happy.†“Yes. Women like her usually “Yeah. I know. I never learned to dance myself. Then, ‘I’d be dancâ€" ing quick enough if my friend were here,’ she said. ‘We neVFer know when to quit when we dance togeth- er. But I don’t seem to care much about it with anybody else. Not here, anyway. I’m missing him enough as it is.†“Where is he? Did she tell you?†“She wasn’t dancing because no- body asked her to. I’ve never seen her dancing since she’s been here‘.†It hurt Tom Shannon, too. “But she’s got her own man, you know. ‘he’s engaged.†“How do you know?†“She told me so. The other night when everybody was dancing, I came ‘1) from my last dip before I went '0 bed, and she was sitting at the oorner of the porch all by herself. and I said, like a fool, ‘Hello not 'lancing?’ Andâ€"†' There was casual, intermittent talk, and laughter, some of the laughter stiff with an amused =c"r’ as if the night and the crowd had brought it out, some of it fresh and loud and unbridled. And over on. the other side of the group, the girl,‘ the boy and the old woman had been talking about. She was leaning forward listening to what the man near her was sayâ€"I ing to the girl beyond him. Trying5 to bring herself into the picture, toi seem 'not so neglected. Trying braveâ€"i fly, with a smile on her dark, lonely. face. But the man was only vague_; ly conscious of her. The other girl‘ did not include her. But she con- tinued to lean forward, smiling her’ patient, polite smile. d “Look at that smile,†the old wo-' man said. “It hurts me. She’s so used to being treated like that. No. body ever smiled in that way who wasn’t.†They sat quiet, at the end of the varied group, around them jaunty youths with hair on their chests and arms ,and legs, slim, sheek, sun- browned girls, middleâ€"aged school teachers, a few mothers with their half-grown children, an old man or ,two. She saw the youth in him, the streng‘h. the sturdy leanness. “Ycu <‘1n‘t look it.†He laughed a nice young laugh. “Bet s‘rE's no older than I am. And she’s' ever so much better looking, wher ‘ comes to that. So if she can be queer and‘ lonesome and standâ€"rrffish, it’s not strange, may- be, Um: I can too. I’m getting over it, though. I’m better than I used to be.†The old woman lookedl interes‘“ “You have to adjust,†she said. “But some people can’t.†She looked down at him as he lay there, sunburned and vigorous, his thick, brown hair ruffled by the wind, :1 strong high color in his face. She saw the youth in him, the streng‘h. the sturdy leanness. “Yru <"m‘t look it.†He laughed a nice young laugh. “I’m a Iittl ' ’ ’ said‘ 9 hke em,’ young Tom “Nobody seems to understand them,†the old woman said, sitting heavy and comfortable on the sand, her back against a boulder, her small fat 'feet stretched out in front of her, “except those who are like them.†Young Tom Shannon nodded. “They never seem to get the breaks,†he said. He looked at her so steadily and so long that presently she turned her head inquiringly. When she did that, the blood ran into his lean, brown face, and he looked quickly away from her, up at the mail plane that went muttering through the cloudy twilight on its way to New York. ,“It’s girls like that one over there, sort of off by herself, that get under my skin,†said the old woman who sat near him. “They don’t want to be out of things, but they don’t seem to be able to help it. Something inside themselves keep ’em there.†Tom Shannon lay with his head on his arms and watched the girl who sat a little apart from the group of people from the inn, idling there on the beach in the cool of the even- mg. WWW; I mess THE LIBERAL SHORT STORY What Everybody Needs By Alma and Paul Elerbe “I'm going over and ask her she won’t come for a walk.†looked down at the old woman w his darkâ€"bright eyes, a look of sl But after a while, he laughedâ€" almost as if he didn’t know he was doing itâ€"and sprang up. The boy gave no sign that he had heard. He lay there staring into the quiet sky, still as a statue except for the wind in his hair. “Maybe,†the old woman thought. “I’ve scared him off. Maybe I shouldn’t have told him.†And her heart sank. “The mail carrier’s car,†she went on quietly, “was sideswiped by an- Iother car as be came across the bridge, and knocked into the river, and! the mail bag was swept away. They sent out men from town to look for it. It hadn‘t been found half an hour ago when I asked at the office.†The lean young figure on the sand didn’t move. His eyes did not even turn to meet hers. He merely con- tinued to lie there, face upward, the only movement about him his hair ruffled by the wind. “Doesn’t it mean anything to him?†she thought, wonderingly. “Doesn’t he understand? Orâ€"doesn’t h-e care?" “Yes,†he said, lost in his own reflections. And then, for polite- ness‘ sake: “Erâ€"why?†1'74! you weren't so far wrong ‘cflntfr' sli-e’s been feeling sorry “31' herself, too. She was scared: “ rliï¬n’t hear, that someâ€" Tt‘rz‘ had happened to him. He’s " in t‘M “wt Bowl and his busi- c~ lrrms him driving from place to T‘lace. When she didn’t hear for l days and days, she kept reading- in the papers every morning what a. ltime they weve having out there, she naturally got pretty well work. ed up. But it’s all right now. She got a twenty page letter this after- noon, and a batch of snapshots. She’s all cheered up. She’s going back to New York at the end of the week. and expects him to hit there three days later. She told me a little while ago when I met her in the lobby. And that,†he said with quiet sadness, and mostly to himself, “is that.†“Maybe not,†the old woman mill. and for a moment she sat there watching him. The seams between her rugged brows deepened. Then she looked across at the girl. “Mam be not. You’ve been away nearly all day, haven’t you?†it?†“Humph, I was all wrong, then. I’ve been feeling sorry for her, be cause she didn’t get any letters. When the mail carrier came, bring- ing something for everybody, but her. I’ve wanted to go off SOme- where and write her a letter my. self, just so she’d have one. Funny how you can make mistakes, jump- in: at conclusions like that, isn’t “I suppose she’s all wrapped up in him, eh, this m‘an she's going to marry? Women like her always fall hard. It‘s for good and all with her kind.†- The boy nodded. “Yeah.†I-lle stretched himself flat on the sand again. He lay with his clasped hands beneath his head and looked up at the sky, empty of stars or moon or plane, all the blue faded from it, and sighed almost inaudâ€" i<b1y. “Nothing like as much as I’d like to.†“No,†she said, and watched him, While he watched the girl. Some- thing ran into him from the girl, across the space between. She saw the girl run through him like a cur- rent. “Been seeing much of her?†“Not much. She’s not the talk. ing kind. Her folks are all dead. She’s been on her own for years. Ever since she was a kid. I’ll bet. she started out in life with that same kind of scared look. It doesn’t seem fair or right, does it?†“That girl tell you anything- more about herself?†“Not yet. But I’m still hoping.†“You’ll find her.†He laughed again. “I sure hope so. I could do with a little boost. ing. Nobody’s been shouting very loud for me so far.†It wasn’t a complaint, but a statement. “She’ll be pretty when she’s mar- ried and has somebody to buck her up. That’s what everybody needs.†“You said it." The old woman’s smile touched him like a gentle hand. “You got somebody?†He laughed shyly, and shook his head of life water, her arms clasping her knees. Her cheeks and throat were brown and firm. Her hair was cut short and pushed back behind her ears. Her eyes were gray, direct and full THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO with ness in them, and at the same time another look that stirred the slow blood in her old veins and made her remember its Wild speed once, long ago. “It’s clearing up, you see, and the moon’s coming out. Ibâ€"it ought to be nice up the beach.†The old woman nodded, and her eyes grew bright, too. “You’re right, she said. “It’s UNIONVILLE SCHOOL REPORT SR. IV CLASS Jack Watson 85, Stuart Campbell 82, Viola Benton 81, Eileen Stiver 80, Helen Ogden. 79, Bernice Anderson 78, Nina Robson 77. Doreen Perkin 76, Ken Stiver 75, Lily Hawkins 74, Marion MacIntosh 74, Meryl Smith 72, Don Stiver 71, Eva Lunau 69, Velda Perkin 68, Naomi Robson 67, Douglas Ogden 66, Jack Clements 65, Mavis Thompson 64, James Sabiston '62, Wesley Clements 53. JR. IV Betty Watson 86, Marjorie Roberts 83, Levetta Rainey 75, Lloyd Weath- erill 73, Keith 0mm“ 72, Doug Par- kinson 71, Charles Min'ton 70, Glen Kennedy 69, Helen Penstone 68, Rosie Benton 67, Estelle Brown 66, Barbara Cooper 65, Norman Allen 59, Bruce Pellatt 52, Charles Coulson 45. SR. THIRD Blanche Hoover 80, Leone Brook- field 77, M‘arein Stiver 74, Betty Rae 72, Harold Roberts '72. Doris 0011]. son 71, Hazel Norton 68, Nonnie Rae 64, Gloria Allen 62, Betty Ogd'en 59, Roy Minton 58, Clara Con-nell 56, Myrtle Latimer ab. Daphne Dymond 77, Irene Coulson 71, Janet Sabiston 67, Teddy Hiltz 65, Tressa Smith 63, Jean Martin 62, Russell Hemingway 61, Russell Al- len- 59, Clarence Morden 57, Donald Dukes 55, Phyllis Roberts 54, Charles Hemingway 52, Gordon Norton 45, Peter Davison 38. Myrna Coulson, Donald Maynard, Murray Roberts, Victor Blough, Jeanne Norton, Joyce Cooper, Mary Hiltz, EdWard Tahompson, Marjorie Latim-er, Eleanor Noble, James Mowâ€" bray, Ronald Norton. FIRST CLASS Beth Brown, Neil Stiver, Eva Payne, Sunny Rae, Dean Findlay, Leonard Black, Murray Summer- feldrt, Ross Coulson. Wray Brookfield, Bobtby Wilton, Betty Norton, Billy Parkinson. PRIMER CLASS Helen Rudkin, Donald Summerâ€" feldt, Betty Black, Audrey Smith, “You’re ri clearing up.†SENIOR PRIMER SECOND CLASS D Piciorial Review. . . . 1 yr. D Canadian Horticulture and Home Magazine . . .1yr. A. M. HILL, Principal Junior Room JR. THIRD Maclean’s (24 issues) 1 yr. Naï¬unal Home Monthly . . . . . . . . . . 1 yr. (3' Julian . . . . . . . . . 1 yr. Chaieiaine . . . . . . . . 1 yr. Subscriptions taken aYVThe Margot Nash, Gordon Minton, Ken- neth Roberts, Barbara Maynard, Gwen Brown, Billy Hiltz, Donald' Brookfield', Bert Norton, Carmen Stiver, Kenneth Allen, Georgina Payne. §DA1RY§ WMWâ€W Learning should be a utility rath- er than an ornament. Jimmy Fax, well known comedian through this district more than 40 years ago is still able to entertain an audï¬ence despite [his 83 years. Last week he delightuf a large audi- ence which attend‘ed' the fowl supper sponsored by St. Peter’s Church at Erindale. For many years Mr. Fax lived retired in Westfield, Conn. but has recently returned to Toronto. “JIMMY FAX" ENTERTAINS AT ERINDALE Milk and Cream Secured from selected and inspected herds and ham“- ed in the most approved methods. It is sure to give satisfaction. Pasteurized by the most modern method; Phone 42 Richmond Hill HARRY R. ROSE LOUIS HE! A. Yonge SL. Richmond Hill Telephone 1.33 BARRISTERS-AT-LAW Office Hoursâ€"Every Monday and Thursday Afternoon and by appointment Toronto Office: 100 Adelaide Street West BERNNICE FRENCH, teacher G. WALW‘IN, Prop. Richmond Hill Dairy This wonderful offer is avail- able to old and new subscrib- ers to this newspaper. We guarantee the fulfillment of all magazine subscriptions and you have positive assurance that this generous offer is exactly as represented. Re- newals will be extended for full term shown. your newspaper. ROSE & HERMAN XND PROVINCE Baker’s Repair Shop Let us do your harness and collar repairing COLLAR FI'I‘I'ING A SPECIALTY Prompt service. Prices moderate Shop closed 6 pm. Mon, Wed., Fri. MRS. JAMES NEWLOVE The death occurred at the home of her son-inï¬law, Russel] See at Malton on Wednesday, November 4. of Jane Watson, widow of the late James Newlove of Albion township. Funeral took place on'Friday to Bolâ€" ton Cemetery. Maple, Ont. Elizabeth Norton died at the home of her brother, George Norton on Monday, November 2nd,, in her 79th year. She is survived by three bro- thers, George and Alsey of Bolton and James of Mount Dennis. Lumber, Lath, '"Shingles Ashphalt Roofing, Gyproc SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. TRAVEL SERVICE Steamship W to Breat Britain and the Continent. Premxer service to West Indies. PA SSPO’RTS ARRANGED FOB Rail tickets and sleeper Reservations. EXPRESS TELEGRAPH Can. National Station Richmond Hill Y. B. Tracy, Agent Phone 169 Cid]. ISAAC BAKER ELIZABETH NORTON Ont. RB. No. 2 Telephone Maple 1063 RICHMOND HILL Telephone 27 PAGE SEVEN Dealers in LOUIS HERMAN Telephone 1.3.;