b===aono=== Now on Display at our Showrooms A New Car . . . at new Low Prices“ with an entirely New Economy Idea! MO==OEOI SantaClaus IX]!!! MAE'IL‘ "IQ IC'I‘U AMMITAF ‘7IQY’I‘ m “A‘f- 1 2 hmgzgï¬ï¬rgzga % Wyamwammm iGormiey Grain Efleva‘ior E Ofï¬ce Stouffville 7303 Residence Stouffville 7307 2 PAGE EIGH-T JUST RECEIVED FROM NORTHERN ONTARIO 9 ‘ CARS DRY HARDWOOD 4 CARS HEA‘V Y SLAB WOOD 2 CARS HARD COAL, NUT AND STOVE ALBERTA COAL, I’OCAHONTAS COKE CARLOAD BRAN AND SHORTS CARLOAD CORN, BARLEY AND OATS MIXED PHONE FOR PRICES PROMPT DELIVERY ©=0=0=°=0=0=0=0=0=00 LITTLE BROTHERS RICHMOND HILL ALL KINDS OF FEED See how the Ford V-8 has been completely redesigned. It’s the smartest-looking car in the low-price field. It has new, comfort and safety. Operation is quieter. Breaking is smoother and faster. And there’s a choice of two V-8 engine sizes. You’ll want to drive itâ€"let us arrange it. FRANK HARVEY Phones: Ford Sales and Service THE ouo==o=01 The Missionary and Maintenance Supper meeting held in the United Church on Tuesday evening was well attended. Rev. T. S. Watson. M.A.. of West China, was the guest speak- er. The Sunday School teachers and officers served a hot supper at ’7 o’clock. A social evening was held« on Tues- day night in the Parish Hall when 'the members of the A.Y.P.A. enterâ€" tained their parents. A good pro- gram of games, contests. animated spelling and readings by Miss Betty ROM was much enjoyed. Refreshâ€" ments were served‘ by the young people at the close. Mrs. P. Bone and! Mr. R. Sargent won the highest number of points_in the cpnizests. "vA v The Teenâ€"age Branch of the WA, of Trinitv Anglican Church will meet at the Rectory on Saturday. Nov. |28th at 3 o’clock. Mr. Spencer of Cornwall, manager of the Bank of Commerce, is ex- pected here the beginning of the month. Mr. MacDoug‘al left on Mon- day for Madoc to take over the man- agership of the bank there. We regret to ream-.1: the illness of Mr. Victor Grainger, and his manv friend’s wish him a speedy (ecpverv The teachers and officers of the United Church Sunday School mef last Thursday night at the home 0" the Sulperintendant, Mr. Neil Mc- Donald, Willowdale. A social time followed the business meeting when Mrs. McDonald served dainty re- freshments. Triniâ€"éy Women’s Club will hold a business meeting at the home 'of Mrs. Wilcocks, Tuesday, November 24th. at 8 o'clock. Every member is re- quested to attend. Sadie Cummer, beloved \V11C‘ 01 Walter Morris and mother of Betty, Ralph, Cecil, Earl, Ruby Taggert and Verna Oates of Toronto and sis- ter of William Cummer. John Street, passed away on Monday night at the East General hospital in her 59th year. Service was held at the resiâ€" dlence. Willow Ave. on Thursday, November 19. Interment took place at Thorn-hill Cemetery. The Discussion Groun will meet at the United Church Parsonage on Monday evening a* 8 o’clock. Last Mondav evening the Gx‘gup attgndegi a l‘tlgetirvxï¬â€˜mlx’é‘ld in Néw‘tonbrook United' Church. All young people are cordially invited to attend these mertings. Several from here attended the so- cial evening of the North YOrk Hort- icuitural Society held) in the Ear] Haig Collegiate last Friday night and repqrt a splendid gutqytaimmen}. ‘ A number from here attended the service of Witness and worshin at the Maple Leaf Gardens on Wednes- day night. C.P.R. HAS GOOD CONNECTION FROM DETROIT The Canadian Pacific Railway maintains a splendid evening con- nection from Detroit to Toronto. Leaving Detroit at 4.45 in the after- noon the train makes the run to Wesrt Toronto in five hours and twenty minutes arriving there at 10.05. Mary? Sonâ€"Yes, I hated the taste "Alï¬ho’rhhil’l Friday“; November 13, 1936, to Mr. and- Mrs. George Tutt, Yonge St, a son. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Motherâ€"Aren’t you sorry you bit 'I‘HORN HILL ONTARIO ‘°=0=l0=g one: é Late Donald McDougall I Donald McDougall passed away on Sunday, November 15th, following an iillness of several years, at the age of 96 years. The funeral which was largely attended by friends in the surrounding Townships took place from his late residence, William St., Woodbrid'ge, on Tuesday, November 17th, with interment in Maple cemeâ€" tery. Rev. J. E. Anderson officiatâ€" ed. Mr. McDougall’s ancestors were natives of Argylshire, Scotland, and came to Canada early in the 19th century. For some time they lived on Yonge Street and later moved to Vaughan in the vicinity of Edgeley where they farmed and‘ where Mr. McDougall lived until three years ago when, with other members of the family, he retired to live in Woodbridge. He was a Liberal in oolitics and a supporter of the Unitâ€" ed Church. Deceased was one of a family of twelve of which three sur- vive, Silas, a brother, the youngest of the family and is in his 77th year. two sisters, Mrs. M. Burkhold‘er and Mrs. Caroline Garrett. The pallbearâ€" ers were Edgeley neighbours of many years and were, Eb. Smith, Frank Smith. Carson Smith, Ellsworth Kef- fer, James Mitchell and William Locke. ' Young PeOple Hear Travelogue by Major McKenzie Following the business period of the United Church Young People’s ,Meeting held! in the Sunday School ion Monday night when Assistant president Jack Boddy occupied the feliair, Miss E. Wallace, Citizenship ,convener, took charge and c0nducted lthe program, the feature of which Ewes the travelogue by Major A. A. :McKenzie on his Pilgrimage to Vimy. iOther items were the devotional ex- l-ercises by Miss Wallace, Agnes ;Watson and Everett Kellam. A vocal iduet by Misses Thelma and Enid lShore was enjoyed. Armistice Day Solemnly Observed By Citizens Armistice Day was solemnly ob- served by the War Veterans, Churâ€" ’ches and Citizens when several hun- dred assemlbled in Memorial Park at 11 am. and took part in the cere- mony conducted by Rev. J. H. Kidd, Scripture reading by Rev. J. E. An- iderson and a stirring address deâ€" )liveredl by Rev. J. S. Roe. Wreaths 'were placed on the Cenotaph by the Great War Veterans of Woodbrid‘ge represented by Thomas Carlysle, the Women’s Institute represented by Mrs. Leo Watson, the village Counâ€" cil by Reeve N. George Wallace, al- so a wreath placed by Mrs. David Evans, aged) lady of Woodbridlge. Junior’ Women’s Institute Euchre and Dance Many young folk were attracted to the Orange Hall on Friday night of last week when the Junior Wo- men’s Institute held a euchre and dance under the direction of Mrs. Lindsay Ward. The dance program consisted of Olde Tyme, modern and novelty dances with music furnishâ€" ed by Nelson’s Orchestra of Caledon East and Stewart Rutherford as floor Amanager. Woodbrid'ge folk express regret on the removal of their genial young friend, Claire Bush, who for several years was a popular member of the staff of the Royal Bank and has been transferred to the Branch at Goderich. Claire was popular with old and young and was a leading spirit in the Young People’s Society of the United Church. Best wishes for every success are extended to him. York Pioneers Undecided About Pur- chase of W. L. McKenzie Home At the November meeting of the York Pioneers and Historical Soci- ety held on Tuesday in the Forrest. ers Hall, College Street, Toronto, Professor Kennedy, the speaker, gave a splendid talk on “Odds and Ends in the English Language," which was most interesting as well as entertaining to listen to Professor Kennedy as he revealed the origin of many words and sayings used daily by us without giving the significance of the phrase or word any thought. The chair was occupied by Dr. Emerâ€" son Bull and following the order of business Mr. Nason again introduced the subject of the purchase of the W. L. McKenzie home at 82 Bond‘ Street, and again the motion was discussed by members who strongly discourage the suggestion of the purchase of the property. Rev. C. W. Watch spoke favourably. Mr. Joseph E. Watson regarded the mat- ter as a huge undertaking and sug- gested caution be observed. Mr. Neil Burton strongly emphasised the neâ€" cessity of a permanent home and suggested that if politics played any part it would be well to forget it. Mrs. O. B. Sheppard announced her withdrawal from the Society and on her departure told the meeting that a new society called Toronto Pionâ€" eers would be formed. Successor to J. J. Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERViCE WOODBRIDGE. ONTARIO WOODBRIDGE Wilfrid R. Scott I The W.M.S. held their monrthly meeting last Thursday evening at the lhlom-e of Mrs. S. Jones. The special tfeature of the evening: was the Bali). ‘tism of (Raymond GarthÂ¥ youngest Ison: of Mr. and Mrs. S. Jones after which Mrs. Cleary led in praver. ECurrent events were read by Mrs. ‘lLewis Egan. A review of the year’s work in the Mission Fields was given ,bv the following:â€"â€"~Rev. Bowman, .Mrs. A. L. McNeil. Mrs. M. McDon- ald‘. Mrs. A. Cameron. Mrs. Bowman and‘ Mrs. Robson. Mrs. Jones; rendâ€" ered a solo, “Stranger of Galilee.†Lunch was served by the hostess anti . committee. The Junior Farmens met in the hall last Tuesday evening. Miss Sally McNeil was in charge of the girls separate meeting. Miss M. Brownlee read current events, Miss D. McDon- ald played an instrumental and Miss M. Watson gave a very instructive paper on Posture assisted‘ by Miss L. Morning. Mrs. Bryan of Maple gave a very interesting talk on quilts dating: back to how they originated and where. Her talk was illustrated by two lovely quilts one of which took first prize at the Exhibition. M-r. Vanderburgh of Fairbank was the guest speaker for the boys meeting. The joint meeting was spent with a few short dances, lunch was then served. After the reading of “The Veil-ore Pen†by“ Miss C. Brownlee the meeting- was closed .by singing Goril Save the King. A number from the district atâ€" tendecl the health meeting at the hall on F‘ridav afternoon condue’oed brv Insmector Robert: and assisted by two of the» school nurses on “Health EducntiOn†or Mental Health of the School Child. On Wednesday evening of last week over one hundred friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Burton to give a. farewell party to Mr. W. Bone who has moved to Richmond Hill. Mrs. L. Sheardown, a pupil of Mr. Ernie McGann, accompanied by Miss Helen Phinney rendered some very dlelight. ful music. Mr. Jack Oliver also favâ€" ored the gathering with a solo. Mrs. W. Tyndall of Richmond Hill read the address and Mr. George Woods presented Mr. Bone with a beauti- ful electric floor lamp. Mr. Bone replied with a few well chosen words after which all sang “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow.†Lunch was then served. There were friends present from Richmond Hill, Toronto, Clare. mont and other places. Last Friday evening the friends of Mrs. Ro-bt. Craigie (nee Miss Eva Baker) gathered at the home of Mr. J. Baker to make a presents/don to her of a. beautiful case of silver. The good Wishes of all go with Eva to her new home at Patterson. FT-Diirston of Toron+o visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bates on Sunday. THURS, D‘E‘C. 3rdâ€"Auction Sale of Horses, Implements and Furniture, the property of Misses B. and! L. Chapman, Lot 28, Con. 1 Vaughan, Thornhill, Radial Stop 14A Yonge Street. Terms cash. No reserve as farm is sold. Sale at 1 o'clock. Prentice 8; Prentice Auctioneers. _ Not Original « But Real Good SA LE REGISTER Langstaff Coal & Supply La ngstaff Thornhill 73 LOOK AT YOUR LABEL Coal ! Coke ! CARRVILLE VELLORE SOME PEOPLE PAY WHEN DUE; SOME OVERDUE; SOME NEVER DO; HOW DO YOU DO? Rosedale Alberta Coal ALL KINDS 10=0=O=0=0=0â€"0=6 $9.50 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 1936. Misses B 8. L. Chapman Lot 28, Con. 1, Vaughan Radial Stop 14A Yonge Street THURS., DEC. 3, 1936 IMPLEMENTS Massey Harris Binder Frost and Wood Mower Seed' Drill Cultivators Disc 1â€"Horse R: Tractor, Fordson. Tractor Plow, Oliver Walking- Plows Land Roller Set Harrows 1 Drag Harrow 52 Souffle-rs Hay Wagon and Rack Heavy Wagon ' Fanning Mill, Chatham Hay Fork and Ropes Milk Trough 1 Milk P King Separator Chum, Daisy Gas Barrel 3 Ban Grind Stone 2 Crow Can Fly SprggefrA HHle-‘I-‘Mpâ€"‘r-JH HHHHHtâ€"Hâ€"Hâ€"IH r-A Quantity of Spring Wheat,' Du Quantity of Buckwheat Quantity of Barley, O.A.C. 21 Quantity of Oats SWINE AND POULTRY 2 Sets Harness 1 Stable Cupboard 1 Stable Broom Horse Collars Forks, Shovels. Neckyokes, and other articles too numerous to mention FURNITURE Piano 1 Carpet Parlor Suite Large Table Small Tables Cupboard 1 Wardrobe Sewing Machine, Singer Day Bed] 1 Hall Rack Baskets 1 Large Mirror Wicker Lounge Green Rack for Books Clothes Horse nives and Forks Pair Curtains 2 Pillows Red Table Cloth Wicker Basket Ice Box Large White Bed Threeâ€"quarter Bed, White Green DreSSer White Washstan-d Wninger Wicker Clothes Basket Lawn Mower Post Hole Spade Cutting Board Pair Pictures 1 Single Bed HHHHHHHHH HHHHwaHHNHHpâ€"tWr-‘HH 12 Pigst £511: Horses, Implements & Furniture PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Thomhill, Ontario Hot WASH- Henting and General repairs. Bay Mare Grey Mare Horse. aged A. C. HENDERSON No Reserve as Farm is sold PRENTICE & PRENTICE, Aucts. Lunch Box Auction Sale SALE AT 1 O'CLOCK SHARP TERMS â€" CASH THORNHILL MISCELLANEOUS per ton The Property of ALL SIZES GRAIN Spring- Wheat, Durham Buckwheat Barley, O.A.C. 2‘1 HORSES 1â€"Horse Rake About 40 Hens 1 Milk Plunger 3 BarreIs 2 Crow Bars 1 Tea Pot