The meeting of the Busy Bees Misg sion Band was held at the home of Jean Ingram, awistant superintend- ant, on Saturday afternoon with 20 members present. Mrs. Bowman gave a talk on Japan and Jean Robinson a piano 3010. A very pleasing feaâ€" ture of the afternoon was the pre- sentation of three Junior Member- ship Certiï¬cates and pins to mem- bers who had almost perfect attend.- ance for several years. Mrs. D. A1- Ien'presented the certificate and pin to Eileen Allen and Jean Robinson read the following afldressze You too have aomplmed 6 years of attendance at our band and have served as assistant treasurer and] pianist and we are looking- forward to many years of further service from you. As some x'eward- for the many miles you have walked ‘in order to attend our meetings we wish you to accept this Junior Membership Certificate. Signed on behalf of the Busy Bees Mission Band. In the absence of Mrs. Cousins, who is ill Jean- Ingram presented Helen Cousins with the certificate and pin and El‘sie Janett read the address: Dear Helen:â€" St. Andrew’s Mission Band feel that they would like to especially mark your six yearr v-i faithful atâ€" tendance at their meetings. During that time you have acted as our Sec- retary and mose recently guided us as President. To show our appreâ€" ciation we ask you to accept this Junior Membership Certificate. Signed! on behalf of the Busy Bees Mission Band. Each member thanked: the band for their gift and the meeting closed with hymn and benediction. A dainty lunch was then served by the Supt. and Assistant. An illustrated lecture will be given in the Parish Hall on Friday even- ing. Jan. 15th by Mr. Frank Silifant of Toronto under the auspices of the PAGE EIGHT MA PLE N E WS Y NOTES The United Church Parsonage was the scene of a quiet wedding on Tues- day evening when Miss Dorothy Cox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cox of Brampton, became the ‘bride of Mr. Russell M. Patterson. son of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Patterson of W0udbridge. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. M. Partridge. Attending the bride and- groom were Miss Kathleen Cox, sister of the bride and Mr. John Miller, uncle of the bride. Follow- ing the ceremony a luncheon was served at the home of the bride with near relatives as guests. The couple will reside in Woodbridge. The Presbyterian Women's Mis- sionary Society met at the Manse on Wednesday afternoon, January 6th. The President, Mrs. A. Cair : was in the chair. The program in the Glad Tidings was followed all mem- bers taking part. Mrs. Malloy and Mrs. Mathewson gave short readings. It was decided to send a donation to Evangel Hall in the near future. Meeting closed With a hymn and benediction. Mrs. C. H. Bow-man and the committee in charge served re- freshments. “The Live Wire" girls class of the United Church entertained “The Busy Bees" girls class in the Sunday School Room o'n Thursday evening. Supper was served in banquet style after which games were played. The Live Wire class presented their teaâ€" cher, Mrs. L. Laver, wi-th'two pairs of silver salt and: pepper shakers. The presentation was made by Ruth Rumble and the address read by Eleanor Cooper. At the annual meeting of the Pol- ice Village, the trustees for the year 1936 were all reâ€"elected by acclama- tion to that position for 1937. They are W. Cousins (chairman), J. A. Rose and W. J. Johnson. The crook doesn’t defraud the in- surance company. You pay the bill when you buy insurance. -u. mu, ~n......V,, ~, Eread two very interesting- chapters from “Transforming of Friendshio," iby Francis Thompson. Miss F2. Clu- "bine gave a humorous reading, “The iTeacher of Mig‘osh." Miss Nora Johns Ipresided over three guessing con- tests. Refreshments were served at the close, Miss 0. Shell and Miss M. Kirby assisting. Twentyhfou“ mem- bers were m‘esent. . -- ., The annual meeting- and! election of officers of the Thornhill Horti~ cultural Society will be held in the Sunday School room of the. United Church on Monday, January 18th at 8 pm. sharp. Commencing at 8.15 the Rev. Dr. W. Harold Young wil give an illustrated lecture entitled the “Borders of Scotland." The .slides are outstanding and the address is sure to be most interesting. Come and invite all your friends. The vestry meeting- of Trinity Ang- lican- Church will be held in the Parâ€" ish Hall on Monday night, January 25th at 8 o’clock: __.‘ ‘1 Friday night, January 15l'h. Mov- inz Pictures will be given in Thomâ€" hill United Church by John Starr Kim of Korea. Evervbodv welcome. The teenâ€"age Branch of the W.A. of Trinity Church will meet at the Rectory on Saturday afternoon, Jan. 16th. _ .. . I“ ,. LL_ AVI/ll- The Young: Ladies’ Class of the United Church met last Thursday night at the home of Elizabeth Smellie. The president, Miss Ger- aldine Wesley, presided. A number of favorite hymns were sung: by the class, with Miss Edith Davies at the piano. Mrs. McKean led in nrnyer. Plans were made to hnlrl an Oyster Supper on Saturday, January 23rd in the Sunday School. Mix; 0. Shell ,L‘.A‘ cur guilty“ . Funeral service was held at her home on Sunday at 2.30 and was conducted hv Rev. A. H. Halbm‘t cf Newtonbrook, assist-ed hv Rev. E. E. Pugslev of Thm‘nhm. The mubmrâ€" ers were Messrs. E. Lane. W. Moâ€" Dmmld. E. Duncan. D. Burbridze. P. Ridden and: Pra_tt._ n1 . :1! lea n "v..-" Mrs. S. Bone. Mr. and: Mrs. Mann and children of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bone. The. January meeting of the local Women’s Institute will be held on Thursday, Jan. let at the home of Mrs. B. Heslop. Roll call will be answered ‘by naming- a food rich in protein. The women of the commun- ity are cordially! invited. Late Mll's. James Dean After a brief illness. death occurr- ed early Thursdav. January 7th of Lucinda Jane Hall, wife of James Dean. 1-: . LI»... The deceased was ‘born at Erin- dale and was in her 69th vear. Most of her life was snent in the vicinity of Thornhil]. Mr. and Mrs. Dean moved to fheir present home on John Street eight yeags agg. She was an active workerflfor" many vearQ in Newbonbrook United Church where she gained many friend's. lVIVl‘ICII nuu J -- A -‘-v-. The Thornhill BadmintOn Club will give an evening 9f Badminmn, Bridge and Enchre in Lawrence Mm morial Hal]. Wednesday. January 20 from 7 to 12 um. - ~11 . .11 ll‘l'll a W Au .1...“ The regular meetino' of Thov'nhil‘ Women’s Insh'tute will be 11441 at the home of Mrs. Heslon on Thurï¬- dmr. Januarv 2151:. at 230 “.m. An address will be given by Mrs. Dr. Wesley. Don’t forget the Fancy Dress ( nival on Thursday, January 2lst THORN HILL 11E LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO King Township Council Makes Move To Refund Municipal Debentures At the first meeting of King Town- ship council held on Monday a reso- lution was passed authorizing the clerk to make a schedule of town- ship debentures with a view to reâ€" funding this bonded indebtedness at a considerable saving in interest to the taxpayers. The resolutiOn pro- posed by councillor E. M. Legge and seconded by deputyâ€"reeve Cameron Walking‘ton, was as follows: “Whereas this township has vari- ous sums of Debentures on several projects within the township at var- ious rates of interest from 51/2 to 61/2% and: whereas the money mar- ket rates of borrowed money are to- day around 2% to 4%. It would therefore appear that the present would be an opportune time to re- fund these Debentures where poss- ible. “Therefore be it resolved that the Clerk be requested to favour this Council with a list of all outstandâ€" ing issued Debentures showing their Various rates of interest for the pur- pose of going into this matter fully with a View of making a substantial saving for our taxpayers.†The New Council subscribed their qualifications and after addresses by Rev. Mr. Hardy. Reeve and Members of the Council the Township business was proceeded with. , General Accounts H. H. Sawdon, re Birth, Marriages and deaths, $31.00; Imperial Bank, re Tax Collections, $32.50; Royal Bank, re Tax Collections, $15.05; Schomberg Telephone, re Clerk’s phone rent, $10.10; Schomlberg Tele- phone, re L. D., $15.32; Registry Off- ‘ice, re Registrations, $9.95; Stamps l& Stencil 00.. re Dog Tags, 1937, {830.00. Relief Voucher No Road Voucher No. 1, 3 $1862.23. Resolutions Moved by E. M. Legge, seconded by? L. B. Goodifellow. that the Clerk be instructed to prepare a By-Law to prohibit the Dumping 0f Relief recipients by other Municipalities within the limits of this Township. Carried. Moved by L, B. Goodfellow, sec- onded by E. M. Legge, that the Clerk be instructed to prepare a license by-law for pedlars outside of the Municipality. Carried. Moved by Thos. MacMurchy, sec- onded by C. E. Walkington, that clause No. 7 of By-Law No. 646 apâ€" pointing Dr. Lockhart a M.O.H. for King Township for 1936 be continued in force for the year 1937, and that the Seal 0f the Corporation be af- fixed to this resolution. ! Carried. Moved by E. M. Legge, seconded by L. B. Goodfellow, that the Clerk be instructed to forward to W. Gard- house, County Treasurer, a cheque for the sum of $57.37 being this municipalityPS share for Hospitaliza- tion charges for the month of De- cember, 1935 Carried. ‘Moved by J. Jefferson, seconded by C. E. Walkington, that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to make application to the Department of Highways for subsidy on the total expenditure of $21,417.53 on roads in this Municipality of which $1562.83 was received from Relief Department on Relief Works expenditure includ- ed in aforementioned sum. Carried. Moved by| E. M. Legge, seconded by Thos.‘MacMu‘rchy, that the Clerk be instructed to issue cheques to various peturning officers and pollâ€" ing clerks for services and polling booth rents as per list on the file for the sum of $128.15. Carried. Moved by L. B. Goodfellow, sec- onded by C. E. Walking‘con, that the Clerk be instructed to write to Mrs. Jas. Stewart, Oak Ridges, that the council are not responsible for dam- ages re limb of tree to her furni- bure. Moved by Thos. MadMurchy, sec- onded by L. B. Goodfellow, that the Treasurer be instructed to remit the usual sum of $5.00 to L. S. Squire as Mem%ership fee for the Township of King to the Ontario Good Road Association for the year 1937. Carried. Moved by Thos. MacMurchy, sec- onded by L. B. Goodfellow, that Chas. Ross, Relief officer, be instructed to forward to Dan Poluschuk relief a- mounting to $5.00 per week; no ac- count allowed for rent. Carried. Moved by C. E. Walking-ton, sec- onded by E. M. Legge, that the Road Superintendent rbe instructed to take up- the matter of Albion Townline‘ account with the Council of Albionll No. 1, $219.80; 1, $512.02; Relief, ‘olved that the Carried. Carried. Moved by E. M. Legge, seconded by C. E. Walkington, that the relief officer when issuing order for re- lief supplies in the township be in- sflructed to purchase all supplies ~f1'om the various dealers and met- ichants within the confines of this I township. Carried. Moved by C. E. \Valkington, sec- onded by L. B. Goodfellow, that the Tveasurer be authorized to refund the following dog tax the undersign- ed. havihg been wrongly assessed: Lloyd Kerswell, $2.00; Andrew Mc- Council Township and: report 'back to this Carried. Moved by E. M. Legge, seconded by Thos. MacMurchy, that Arthur Wellesley be and is hereby appointed School Attendance Officer for the year 1937 and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resoâ€" lution. Clure, $2.00 Moved by E. M. Legge, seconded by Thos. MacMurchy, that the Clerk be empowered to amend the assess- ments of Messrs. .W. C. Mason and W. Bridgman on the Holland Marsh as 991' outline given by: him to this council. That he also be empowered to make assessment for Mr. Thorty on the marsh for 1936 upon receipt of the 1937 assessment as per statute cover- ing the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. Moved by E. M. Legge, seconded, by L. B. Goodfellow, Whereas this council is in receipt of a letter from the Anglo Canadian Underwriters Limited turning down the claim of one Geo. Agar for $22.00 re damages to his truck and whereas this coun-i oil is of the opinion that this is a just claim. Therefore be it resolved that this Council go on record in as much as they think this claim should be paid, as it was one of those claims that could not be avoided. By-Laws Passed By-Law No. 652 to determine him-3 and place for Council meetings was read three times and passed. Byâ€"Law No. 653 to provide for ex- penditure on roads for the Township was read three times and passed. By-Law No. 654 to borrow $50,- 000.00 for current expenditure was read three times and passed. By-Law No. 655 to appoint a local Board of Health was read three times and passed. Néxt regular meeting- to meet at Parish Hall, Kettleby, on Saturday, Feb. 20th, 1937. Albert McBride Thomas Evans McLeish Trathen . . . .4 Hawkins Stony . . . . . . Ellis Jones . Successor to J. J. Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVHCE WOODBRIDGE. ONTAKEO as soon as possible Finest Anthracite Virginia Anthracite PER TON DELIVERED Wilfrid R. Scott CALEDON TOWNSHIP Langstaï¬Coal Company Reeve Sam Kanniwan (Axel) Deputy-Reeve PER TON DELIVERED STOVE OR NUT Council reby appointed fficer for the le Seal of the id to this reso- Carried. alkington. sec- ellow. that the zed to refund the undersign- igly assessed: ; Andrew Mc- Carried. .egge, seconded . L1,, fluted. W. Burdekin; Pianist‘ Mrs. Joseph Harrison; Missionary Superintendent, Miss Riley; Devotional Convener, Mrs. Bert Duck. The annual congre- gational supper was held on Thursâ€" day night, January 14th. Humber River Clear of All Ice Heavy rains of last week caused the breaking up of ice on the ponds of Hayhoe Brothers Flour Mill at Pine Grove and the Woodvbridge Mill at No. 7 Highway and Weston Road. It was found necessary in order to dislodge the jam below the Wood‘- bridge Dam to do some dynamiting. THURSDAY, JANUARY 14th, 1937 THORNHILL 7 3 Carried 592 525 435 426 41 5 Humbler V‘allrey Enjoys Spring Weather While Western States including the always bragged of climate of Cali- fornia are suffering from severe be- low zero weather and terrific Show storms, through which many people have perished, and citrate growers of California have lost millions of doll- ars worth of their crop, the Humber Valley can boast of spring weather so far in January. Mrs. W. 0. Duncan lie-Elected President of Emery W.A. Mrs. W. 0. Duncan, who for many years has been president of Emery United Church Women's Association, was re-elected again at the annual meeting of the Association last week. other officers elected were: lst vice- President, Miss Hattie Riley; 2nd vice-President, Mrs. Fuller McClure; Financial Secretary. Mrs. Les Ella; Corresponding and Recording Secre- tary, Miss Ida Love; Treasurer, Mrs. The'stream is’clear of ice now and ready for the ice crop needed by the farmers, and hoped for through Jan- ' uary frosts, which at the present time se< ms doubtful. Annual Meeting of Library Board Rev. J. H. Kidd was re-elected chairman and Clinton Jackman secâ€" retary-treasurer of the Library Board "at the annual meeting held on Sat- urday night, January 9th. A new librarian will be appointed instead of Mr. G. W. Shore who resigned ‘following a number of years service. Appointments Made at Inaugural Meeting of Council At the inaugural meeting of Woodâ€" bridge Council for 1937 held on Mon. day, January 11th, the following chairmen of the different departa ments were appointed: Fire, water and light, A. B. Cousins; Public serâ€" vice and law, A. W. Maynard; Roads and bridges, John Dalziel; Finance, John Watson; Assessor. William Fleming; Weeds and sanitary irspec- tor, Fred Bagg; Auditors, J. A. Fra- ser and J. W. Ellerby. Patterson - Cox. Miss Dorothy Cox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cox of Brampton and Russell Patterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Patterson of Woodbridge, were united in marriage on January 5th, by Rev. Partridge at the par- sonage, Maple. In attendance were Miss Kathleen Cox, sister of the bride, and Mr. John Miller, uncle of éï¬errrlsride. The happy couple have taken up residence in Woodibridge. A.Y.P.A. \Vill Present Three-Act ..Christ Church Young People’s meeting held on Monday night was termed Music Night when musical contests were a feature of the proâ€" gram with Misses Avis Poole and Helen Willis in charge. Harry Watts presided and conducted the devotion- al period in the absence of Rev. J. H. Kidd, while Scripture was read by Billy Wise, a youthful member of the Association. The date for the presentation of the three-act comedy “‘Mister Nobody†was set for Fï¬dny, ‘February 5th. Lunch was served under the supervision of Miss Vera Smith at the close. Friends will regret to hear that Smith at the close. Friends will regret to hear that Mr. Jacob Cook who ‘has been con- fined to bed for some time, is not progressing very favourably. Mr. Cook conducted the Woodbridg-e Bak- ery for a number of years and later was night miller at the Hicks Flour Mill, Pine Grove. WOODBRIDGE Comedy $13.75 $12.00