Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Mar 1937, p. 1

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Jr. Uâ€"Joyce Barraclouvg-h, Victor Richardson. Hazel Reesor, Isobel White, Douglas Mansbridge. Herbert Rose and Shirley Healev equal, Jean Henshaw, Melbourne Newton. Flor- ence Edwards“. Thelma Darby*, Hen- ry Fish. Nanc" Donaldson“. *Sri Iâ€"Lorne Musson. Stanley White. James Barker. Vintor Jones. Frederick Kozak, Robert But‘er. Ern- est Wolfrevs. William BOWderv, Clarence Perrin. Reta Mallory, Del- bert Hull, Florence Durrant, Johnwelcome. and Son and the Anglo-Canad- ian Company for a period of only one week when the house was burn- ed. ST. PATRICK’S EUCHRE A St. Patrick’s Euchre will be held at St. Mary’s RC. Rectory on Wednesday, March 17th. Special at- tractions and good prizes. Everybody Admission 25c. Pemv Ma r'Kenzie' Fred “*isen". Sr. IIâ€"Billv Sheardown, Marv Brock. V‘ola Woods. Lorna Baker. Frances Mackey. Murrav Pn‘wen. A1- ]an Horwood, Leonard Richardson. Margaret Ransom. Cporg'e LoughIin. Arthur Ranaclouzh. Philip Mihnrcan, Henrv Richard‘son. Arthur Wolfvevs, Charles Srig-lnv. 771‘th Wade, Flor- ence Allen. Moflw‘ Tmnthin. RJOOM V Sr. IIâ€"Milberge Gibbons, Muriel Meg-clonal. Shirva Pari: and Alex Clarke enuaL Francis Perv-in, Eric Cruickshank. Alverna Smith. Bert glint. Shirley Burt. Peter Kanis“. ROOM IV Jr. IIIâ€"Mary“. Burnett. Murray Bowes. Margaret Camenter. Helen Thompson, Irene Rose, Foss Mal‘orv, Margaret Brown. Eric UMon. REIIV Neal and Joan Pa‘xton equal, Jean Baker and Jean" Scott enual. Charles Wellman. Eileen Carr. Kathleen But- ler, Billv Bell. Howard White”. Tom Ma_cleod and Norman Tvndall absent. Sr. IIIâ€"Mervin Charlton and Rose Jones equal, Harold Megdonal, Garth 'Bowes, Murray Hunt, Len Lunau, Douglas Manley, Ted Evelyn, Sidney O'Brady, Vernon Mitchell”, Don Wolfreyf-l, Don Smith**, Esther Mor- risen“. ROOM III 81'. IIIâ€"Helen Ransom, Marie Bril- finger, Betty Mansbridge, Stewart Wellman, Anne Walwin, Margaret Allison and Olive Ross equal, Bobby Endean, Betty Smith. June Davis and Gladys Chedzoy equal AEileen Cook, Donald Glenn. Patricia Belgrade, Verna Musson. Alex Belgrade. Stan- ley Baker‘: John Tavlor. Lilv 0’- Bratlv, Irving Ross, Ferris Allen”, Harold Reaman****. Jr. IIIâ€"Dick Baker. Sheila Ham- ilton. Mary Barbara Morris. Willv Kanis. Dorothv Carr. Kenneth WoodS. Vera Evison. Meran Graham, Albert Fish", Poker Vnznki‘. Ceorrrina Patt- enrlen, Lil's Wil<0n*. Marie Deferr- ari*‘-=. William Darby, John White*. Clarence Wa‘de. i ROOM II Jr. IVâ€"Deane Wellman, Ernest ‘Burnie. Bernice Cook. Gloria Ander- gson, Lloyd Sanderson, Joan Carr, ‘Mary Megdonal. Bill Murray, Ed- ward Healey, Harold Reesor. Frank Young, Effie Jarvis, John Schurman, Garth Palmer, Don Reid, Morley Hillâ€" aby, Marjorie Pattenden, Lenore ‘Dewsburv*, Elizabeth Elliott“, ‘Bryce Reid***“*. Marie Paxton", Hazel Raemaxfi“. ~ Jr. IVâ€"Robert Carpenter, Margar- et Hunt. Erle Cook, Kenneth Shields, Harold Henshaw. ROOM I Sr. IVâ€"Jean Mills, Bert Thomp- son, Evelyn Brillinger, John Carpen- ter, Robert Edmunds, Dorothy Hur- rell, John Tracy, Clifford Dexter. Marian Buchanan, Sydney: Lepard, Mabel Gilbert, Arthur Gater, Mary Duncan, Doreen Wise*, Margaret McGibbon and Dorothy McGann equal, Gwen Schisler and Ruth Tyndall equal, Marion Barker and Ruth Rich- ardson equal. Frank Moorly, Fred Leech, George Monkman, Clifford Casement, Henry Baker, Donald Well- man, Evelyne Bowen, Eric Srigley, Stuart MacDonald-*, Chester Ung~er, Harold Graham. 16:6: THE CASE OF Tnhla BLACK CAT Richmond Hill Public School February Report 0=0=0=OI VOL. LVI. “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER Man}? NOAH BEERY in ‘THE MIGHTY TREVE’ SING ME A LOVE SONG CAPITOL J” .l l. 1 U LYonge at Castlefield MO. 2172 AIR CONDITIONED PARKING FOR 300 CARS Barbara Stanwyck - Joel McCrea .____IN.__.._.. BANJO ON MY KNEE -â€"-â€"ALSOâ€"-â€"- RALPH BELLANY in “WILD BRIAN KENT" COUNTRY COUSINS THURS, FRI., SAT., MARCH 18 - l9 - 20 MON., TUES., WED., MARCH 15 - 16 - 17 N ino Martini - Leo Carillo THE GUY DESPERADO THURS, FRI., SAT., MARCH 11 - 12 - 13 James Melton - Patricia Ellis Richard Cortez - June Travis Elinor Pattenden; {0:0 PARAMOUNT NEWS ‘O=0==0=0‘ Mr. Ernest Evans of Pine Grove wishes to thank the Anglo-Canadian Underwriters Limited of Toronto, re- presenting Lloy ’s Underwriters through their agents J. T. Saigeon and Son, Maple, for the prompt and satisfactory settlement of his claim following the loss of the dwelling on the William Bell property which he recently purchased. The property had been insured with J. T. Saig-eon and Son and the Anglo-Canad- ian Company for a period of only one week when the house was burn- ed. and The annual Thank-Offering meet- ing of the Women's Missionary So- ciety and the Young Women’s Aux- iliary will be held- in a joint meet- ing- in the United Church Sunday School Room on Tuesday, March 16, at 7.30 pm. at which the affiliation service of the C.G.I.T. will take place. Miss Maude HOWell of Trinidad will give an illustrated talk with lantern slides of her work there. At pre- sent Miss Howell is on furlough at- tending the University of Toronto. A social half hour will be held at the close of the meeting. Ladies and gentlemen who are interested have a. cordial invitation. PROMPT SETTLEMEUT OF FIRE CLAIM Primer Bâ€"Stanley RanSOm, Ron- ald Sanders, Kenneth Moore, Gerry Paris, Lloyd Wolfreys, Joan Mur- phy*, Lloyd Bond, Jack Bowdvery, Jean McFarlane, Muriel Mallory, Madeline Evelyn. Betty Clubine, Eunice Graham*, June Graham, Fred Brock, GOrdon Leece, Vera McGann, Betty Rose*, Shirley Deferrari***, Sheila .Sanders***, Barbara Murâ€" p y****' Names marked ’3 missed examina- tions. ROOM VII Primer Aâ€"«Violet Mihorean. Marian Little, Donald Matthews. John Atkin- son, Dorothy Bowes, James Monk- man, Shirley leks. Betty McNabb“, James Allen, Vera Heteny, Billy Mc- Intyre, Janet Anderson, Vernon Wood. First Book, Class Câ€"Norman Stun- den, Georg-e Brock, ‘Albert Taylor, Bill White‘“, Anne Davis, Henry Kan- is*, Everett Baker, Mav White”, Marie Allen*j‘. Eugen; Hilliard*. First Book, Class Bâ€"Janet Atkin- son, Elizabeth Hunt, Ruth Clubme, Doreen Pattenden, Roy McGann, Ruth Sanders, Bud Bowen. Eric Fish“, Winnier Butler". ROOM VI First Book, Class Aâ€"Eleanor Young, Nancy Austin. Mack Clement, Donald Little*, Betty Can", (Nora Belgrade*, Isobel McFarlane, Kath- leen Stunden) equal, Harry Hill", Ray Charles", Eunice Sanders“, Sandy Neal. Doris Fox” and Albert Wil- son” equal, Donald Chedzoy, Frank Evjson*,Â¥CeAci1 Espey". _ _ Evison, Lolu Sanders“, Fred Ed'- w_ard‘s*, George Collins, Robert Pat- tenden. ANNUAL THANK-OFFERING MEETING THEATRE NEWS {0:0} RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 11th, 1937 I TO BUILD SUBWAY AT LANGSTAFF The Federal government at Ottawa has- announced that work will be com- ‘mencedi this next summer on the con- struction of a subway at the C.N.R. crossing on number seven highway just east of Langstaff. The work is estimated to cost $55,000 and is part of the grant made by the Dominion government in line with its policy of eliminating dangerous level crossâ€" ings. The Langstaff crossing has been the scene of many serious acci- dents with resultant loss of life and property and its elimination will make the highway more safe for‘ motor- ists. Col. W. P. Mulock, M.P. and Morgan Baker, MLA., have consis- tently worked to have this important work undertaken. The project should supply considerable employment dur- ing the coming summer. l In connection with the Home Im- provement Plan sponsored by the Na- itional Employment Commission a lo- cal committee has been organized with the view to helping- along this plan for increased employment. The double purpose of the Home Improve- ment Plan is the improvement of Canadian homes and the employment of Canadian workers. Every com- munity has in it many homes on which little or no maintenance or im- provement has been made in the last six years. The National Employ- ment Commission has set itself the task of mobilizing across Canada a vast coâ€"operative‘ movement in an effort to restore and improve those homes and to draw the unemployed into remunerative and constructive employment. Loans up to $2000 are available to home OWners and are repayable over a three years period in monthly instalments. The Ontario advisory committee is headed by Mr. RylandI H. New and includes many men prominent in the business and professional life of the province, and they ask that a local advisory com- mittee be organized in each communâ€" ity. The local committee organized this week includes the following, Chairman Thomas H. Trench, Secre- tary, J. E. Smith. H. J. Mills, J. A. Greene, P. C. Hill, C. H. Sanderson, ‘ R. W. Atkinson, P. E. Angle, F. At- kinson, Dr. J. P. Wilson, Alfred Mills, A. D. Buchanan. Alex. Little, J. Jefferson and R. Paris. “In Essentials, Unity; It} Non-gsgenfialslfiltiberty; ’In All Things, Charity” Local Committee Organized For Home HON. MITCHELL F. HEPBURN Ontario’s Premier and provincial treasurer who presented to the Ontario Legislature on Tuesday the annual budget which has been hailed through- out the province as the outstanding administrative achievement of any government in Canada in recent years. The Premier making his third budget address since assuming office in 1934 told in plain, straightforward words the story of strict adherence to an economy and» “pay-as-you-go" policy and announced for the first time in many years a balanced budget, and a surplus of $7,347,720.00. In addition he reported a reduction of $33,000,000 in the gross debt of the province and substantial tax reduc- tions. The Amusement Tax, an unpopular nuisance tax, will be abolished June lst, there will be a reduction of twentynfive per cent in commercial vehicle licenses and there is assurance of consideration of reduction in price of ordinary car markers before the end of this year, an increase of ten per cent in the grants to township roads, and a provincial subsidy equal to one mill on the assessment to every municipality in Ontario, which means one mill reduction in municipal taxation to every taxpayer in the province. Is it any wonder Old Man Ontario is happy and calls it the “Sunshine Budget" '.’ In concluding his remarkable budget addreSs Bremier Hepburn said: “It is my considered opinion that this Government has not reached the pinnacle of its achievement; rather is it in its early stages, and I am persuaded that by continuing to follow sound policies and to give honest Government we shall carry the people of this country on to the great destiny that is the heritage of the sturdy offspring of our noble forefathers. I hope that we can reinculcate in our minds and hearts their hope, faith, courage, and vision, and accordingly, Mr. Speaker, may I urge that we turn our faces, not toward the shadows, but toward the sun and view in that direction a brighter and happier day for this great land.” PRESENTS ONTAREU’S ‘SAJNSHINE’ BUDGET Improvement Plan Poise : The placid feeling: that means your conscience is clear. Athletic certificates were present- ed by Mr. M. T. Caldwell of the pub- lic schOnl staff to the following field day winners: Senior Girls, Marian Buchanan, Emily White; Intermedi- ate Girls, Marie Brillinger, Bernice Cook: Junior A Girls. Helen Ransom, Isobel White; Junior B Girls, Norah Belgrade, Betty Carr. Senior Boys, Jack Stott, Sidney O’Bradyv; Interâ€" mediate Boys, Erle Cook, John Car- penter: Junior A Boys, Bert Hunt, Billy Neal, Herb Rose: Junior B Boys, Mack Clement. Billy White. Selections by the School Choir and a group of senior girls with guitar accompaniment added to the enjoy- ment of a. splendid evening’s pro- gram. Entrance certificates were present- ed to the following pupils by trustee A. D. Buchanan: Ivy Belgrade, James Butler, Joan Carpenter. Frank Carr, Nellie Coveyduck, Murray Cunning- ham, Alice Donald, Alfred Elliot, Margaret Endean, Edna Fish, Willâ€" iam Hall, Olga Kozak, Am“ Kozak, Alex MacDonald, Harold Mills, Ethel Mitchel, Eva Mihorean. Sydney Seat- ter, Marguerite Smith, James Smith, Helen Warwick, Alfred Warwick, Muriel Barrow, William Johnson, Gilbert Mihorean. The oratorical contest for pupils of the third and fourth classes of the public school sponsored .by' the Sch001 and Home Club was held Wednesday evening at the High School “gym”. President H. V'. Henshaw presided and' a large number of parents and friends enjoyed the program. The contestants first gave their prepared address and afterwards were called on for impromptu speeches and were judged on both efforts. The pupils made splendid orations which reflect- ed careful preparation and training andl their impromptu efforts were original and amusing. The judges were Mr. Aubrey Teel and Miss Jones of the High School staff and Mrs. Allan Bales, and the prize Winners were as follows: fourth class. lst, Donald Wellmuan; 2nd, Dorothy Hur- rell; 3rd, Jean Mills; 4th, Helen Whit- ten. Third! class, lst, Norman Tyn- d’all: 2nd, Alex Belgrade; 3rd, Stew- art Well‘man. Prize Winners At Public School Oratory Contest Donald Wellman and Norman Tyndall First Prize Winners A St. Patrick’s Tea, under the aus- pices of the Y.W.A., will be held on Wednesday, March 17, in the Pres:- byterian Manse. Tea will be served from 3.30 to 5.30 p.m. and Mrs. Bai- ley, popular tea-cup reader, will be in attendance. You and your friends are cordially invited to attend. Ad- mission 25c. ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH Maple, Ont. Rector: Rev. E. W. G. Worrall Sunday, March. 14th 10 a.m.â€"Church Service. 11 a.m.â€"â€"Sunda)1 School. Thursday, Mar. 11, 8 p.m.â€"~Lenten Service. A euchre will be held Friday even- ing, March 12th in the Masonic Hall under the auspices of the Horticul- tural Society. Have you something- to sell? Try a classified “ad” in The Liberal. The W.M.S. of St. Andrew’s Church met at the home of Mrs. Art Lawrie, Wednesday. March 3rd. Mrs. C. H. Snider. the 2nd vice-pres, presided and there were 20 members present. Mrs. M. McDonald gave an interest- ing paper on Missionary work among the Chinese in Quebec, and Mrs. J. Keffer and Mrs. Steventon led in prayer for the missionaries. A piano solo by Mrs. W. J. Hodge and 3 VO- cal number by Mrs. Victor Orr were much enjoyed. After the meeting dainty refreshments were served by the hostess and committee. Several ladies attended the Went)“- fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Routley in Toronto on Saturday afternoon. The Women’s Missionary Society of the Maple United! Church are hold- ing- their Easter Thanksgiving ser- vice in the form of an Easter pageant entitled “The Resuyrection,” on Sun- day evening, March let, in the Unit’- ed Church. Team Number One of the United Church Women‘s Association are holding a St. Patrick’s supper in the Sunday School room on March 17th. ST. PATRICK’S TEA MAPLE 'm for every Taste “St. Patrick’s Breast Plate." Monday, Mar. 15, 8 p.m.â€"A.Y.P.A. in Parish Hall. W'ednesday, Mar. 17, 8 p.m.â€"Lenteu Service in Parish Hall. Oak Ridges Rector: Rev. E. W. G. Worn]! Sunday, March 14th 10.30 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11.15 a.m.â€"â€"Church Service. Sermon. “Sanctification.” Wednesday. 8 p.m.â€"Short service with address. “Bible Truths For Every Day." ~ A cordial invitation to all. men. “I Thirst.” 3 p.m.â€"Sunday School. '7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and Sermon RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. “’1 F. Wrixon. LTh Sunday, March 14th 5th Law 11 a.m.â€"â€"Morning Prayer and Ser UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D., Pastas Sunday, March 14th 11 a..m..â€"R.ev. Hugh Dobson, D.D.. Vancouver, Associate Secretary of Evangelism and Social Servica United Church of Canada. A strong man with a stirring message fo: the times. 2.45 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"Song Service. Sermon by Pastor on “Decision” or “I wil': arise.” Fourth in a series on “The Modern Prodigal.” A hearty we'l- come to all. SINGLE COPIES 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham Sunday, March 14th 11 a.m.â€"“He went a little farther." 2.30 pinâ€"Sunday. School. 7 p.m.â€"â€"“Things that make 1m Peace.” Pure, upright living and steady de~ votion to principle are the surest foundations of true success. TOXOID TREATMENT Toxoid Treatment will be given af the Public School next hesday, Mar. 16th, at 1.30 p.m. ST. JOHN’S CHURCH ST. MARY’S CHURCH (Anglican) No. 37

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