Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Mar 1937, p. 5

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ufi=0=0=0=0=l0=0=038 II g Announcing the opening of a modern ll WWWWNOMW DO YOU WANT TO BE AN ACTOR? It was a'gala evening for the Markham Township ConservatiVe As- sociation when the members and friends met in the Township Hall on Wednesday evening last for a social time. The President, Stewart Mc- A miraculous escape from fatal in- jury was accorded little Betty Eileen Hill on Monday last when the rear door of the automobile, driven at 40 miles per hour, opened and‘ the child fell to the pavement. Barring a few facial scratches, we are pleased to report Betty Eileen uninjured. Ten tables of euchre provided good evening’s enjoyment at the local Lawn Bowling Club’s event last Friâ€" day evening. The winners were: Ladâ€" ies, Roberta Allan, Mrs. R. Allan, Mrs. R. Lotton. Men,’Herb Perkins, Leslie Couperthwaite, John Couperth- waite. An enjoyable social hour followed the program when tea was served by the hostesses, Mrs. W. J. Perkins, Miss E. Austin, Mrs. J. A. Gibson, Mrs. C. H. Stiver and Mrs. T. Barâ€" ber. An intensely interesting historical story of early days in Unionville was told to the ladies by the president, Mrs. G. R Whaley. The tracing of the ownership of the different homes from the original founding, the origin of the name, the growth of business projects and many other interesting facts were included in the story. Un- fortunately time would not permit the conclusion, but the speaker’s pro- mise to continue at some future date was enthusiastically sanctioned by the ladies. Several delightful read- ings by Miss Audrey Clarkson, sis- ter of Mrs. E. Appleton, were also a pleasing part of the program. The Nominating Committee and the Pro- gram Committee were appointed-in view of the forthcoming annual meetr The decision to hold a tag day in aid of the Canadian National Insti- tute for the Blind was important business at the regular meeting of the local Women’s Institute held at the home of Mrs. J. W. Perkin on Thursday afternoon last when thirty. three ladies were present and Mrs. G. R. Whaley had charge of the meeting. WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT at 107 Yonge St, Richmond Hill Quality Workmanship - Satisfaction Our Motto - Prices Reasonable - Best Materials Used WE MEND THE RIPS, AND PATCH TEE HOLES, BUILD UP THE HEELS AND SAVE THE SOLES. Complete information and Market Facil- ities Available Through our local Representative THURSDAY, MARCH 11th, 1937. Richmond Hill April 2nd, Lawrence Memorial H33; Thornhiiifif Well known M. C. Prominent Judges Apply, stating your qualifications fully, to Miss E. J. Wilson, Thornhill, Ont. Applications not accepted af- ter Thursday, March 25th. If you sing, dance, play a musical instrument or have an “act” get your application in early. Only a limited number accepted. Here’s a chance every amateur has been wanting! EU. R. HERRINGTON SHOE REPAIR SHOP H. LAWRENCE, Proprietor Special Attention to Ladies’ Work Prompt Service =0=0=0=0===0=0= Investment Securities Dominion Bank Building, Toronto SABHS’EQN 5 VALUABLE PRIZES AWARDED BIG AMATEUR NIGHT PROGRAMME LIMITED 8.00 P.M. Rev. E. Huenergard, B.D. Pastor 1.30 {umâ€"Church School. 230 p.m.â€"Public Worship. 7.30 p.m., Thursdayâ€"Lenten Service “On the Cross.” ST. PHHJP‘R \NGLICAN CHURCH 10 a.:11.â€"â€"Cl‘nrch School. 11 anyâ€"Morning Prayer: 7.30 pm. Thursdayâ€"Lenten Service. BETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH EBENEZER I'NITED CHURCH 1.30 p.m.â€"Church School. 2.3-0 p.m.â€"“The Discipleship of a Church-worker.” ' Following refreshments the presi- dent called upon several of the guests for short speeches then the floor was cleared and dancing, to the orchestra under the direction of Robt. Stiver, was enjoyed. Other members of the orchestra. were John Young, Alex. Snowball, Chas. Gray and Mrs. Find- lay of Thornhill as accompanist. Unionville Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 emfâ€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"“The Discipleship of a Churchâ€"worker.” 7.15 p.m.~â€"Men’s Service. Dr. Ern- est Thomas, former Secretary of Evangelism and Social Service of the United Church will speak on “Christ find present-day Move- ments.” Ebenezer quartette will sing. Everybody welcome. Twenty-four tables of euchre en- joyed the game in the fore part of the evening and the prize list inâ€" cluded: Ladies, Mrs. Robt. Holden. Mrs. Parks, Mrs. J. Burney; Men, Ross Martin, Percy Toyle, Arthur Snowball. 'The honor of presentingr the prizes was given to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Reesor, the oldest couple pre- sent. Quay, was in charge of the meeting and expressed pleasure in welcoming the large number of guests who came from Cedar Grove, Cashel, Thornhill, Markham and other points. A chart- ered bus brought a number from To- ronto who were delighted with the spiendid evening’s entertainmenf. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH o=o=oéo & Son. Phone 87 T0 FARMERSâ€"No. 21 Barley for seed, testing 48 lbs., also Velvet Bat- ley suitable for seed, Goose Wheat, Alaska Oats and Ontario Oats. We can supply you also with all kinds of feeds. Phone 10. I. D. Rainer On Thursday af‘ernoon, Mrs. A. H. Cooke, Chebucto Road, entertained at tea for Mrs. Hewison, mother of Mrs. H. C. Walker, Dutch Village Road, who has bee‘n visiting hem for some time. The rooms were bright with spring blossoms and the tea table was invitineg arranged with a centre of yellow and mauve tulips. Mrs. Jas. Fraser assisted Mrs. Cooke in her duties as hostess. Mrs. Hewison. who will return shortly. to her home in Toronto, has made a. host of friends here, and her departure is much re- gretted. The following article was copied from the Halifax Mall of March 5th: Mr. George Smith, Richmond St.. this morning renewed his subscrip- tion to “The Liberal”, for the com- ing- year, and while this might seem an ordinary happening, it is “news” when we tell you that he has been a continuous subscriber to this paper for fifty-six years. If there are any of our readers who can equal this record we would be pleased to hear from them, otherwise we will award the “orchids” to our esteemed citizen Mr. George Smith, as our “subscrib- er number A1”. Miss Ruth Rumble will celebrate the first anniversasy of the estab- lishment of the Hillcrest Beauty Par- 101- by offering a special shampoo and finger wave on Tuesday, March 16th. See “ad” elsewhere in this issue and telephone 9 for appoint- ments. A banquet under the auspices of the Richmond Hill Agricultural So- ciety will be held in the United Church Tuesday evening, March 23rd at 6.30 pm. Prof. W. M. Drummond of Toronto University will be the speaker. Tickets are 50 cents each and may be secured from any of the directors. H’Il High School Friday and Satur- “2v evenings. A feature of the pro- m‘nm will be the presentation of “Thr‘ee Cornered Moon” by the studL etts. Tickets are on sale at Glenn’s Drug Store. The Women’s Auxiliary of St. Mary’s Anglican Church will hold an Afternoon Tea and display of inter- esting articles. both ancient and mod- ern, also quilts, on Wednesday, Mar. 17th, in the basement of the church, 10 which you are invited. Reeve J. A. Greene and Miss Mae Greene attended the reception given Wednesday evening by His HOnor Lieutenant-Governor Dr. Herbert A. Bruce to members of the Ontario Legislature and York County] Counâ€" cil. Mrs. Walker McKay attended the christening of her niece, Wilma Lill- ian, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Robinson in Toronto last Sunday. The baby wore the dress her father was christened in. ' The ffiurt'eenth annual Commence- wxnt will be held at the Richmond Miss Betty Bone, a youthful elo- cution pupil of Miss Marguerite Boyle, and Miss Doreen Johnson, well known young local singer, emer- tained a large audience in‘ Westmore- land United Church in Toronto last week. 2 Social and Personal A very interesting and instructive address on “Educational Matters in Ontario” was given to the Y.P.S. of the United Church on Monday even- ing by Mr. W. W. Trench. Rev. C. W. and Mrs. Follett and Mr. and Mrs.‘James McLean were among- those who heard Premier Hep- burn’s famous Budget Speech on Tuesday afternoon. Your Easter cleaning and pressing promptly and efficiently attended to at Richmond Tailors, Richmond Hill. Phone 49J and our driver will call. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swanson re- turned on Monday from Florida where they spent the past two months. A large number enjoyed the Oys- ter Supper served by the Women’s Association of the Presbyterian Church Wednesday evening. Mr. George Marlow and Mr. Har- old Clark of Vineland spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark. The local Women’s Institute is meeting this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Duncan M. Chamney. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Chilton and Dorothy of St. Thomas were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Elliott, Mark- ham St, over the week-end. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND BILL, ON FARIO homel BAILIE SALE BRINGS OVER $5000 Despite the rather cold weather a Harâ€" i large crowd attended the William J. ‘ the Bailie sale at Maple Wednesday af- ;- 0- ternoon. An exceptionally good lot 'of livestock brought good prices and the implements sold- well. Messrs. Oys- J. Carl Saigeon and J. H. Prentice nen’s carried out. the ‘auctt'm-rerimr duties flan to the satisfacton of all, and the e lbid‘ding was quite brisk. In another column in this paper will be found an advertisement 'by the Department of Agriculture call- ing attention to the danger of farm- ers using seed without having germ- ination tests made of it. A careful perusal of this advertisement may be of very great. value to many of our farmers. We know that most farm- ers are particular about sowing good seed free from weed seeds and with a high germination test but some- times these matters are left off un- til it is too near sowing time to have these tests properly made, and so this advertisement will just call their attention to the necessity: of having this work done in good time before seeding begins. Warning to Farmers Re Seed Grain St. Patrick’s Dance A Ehchre and Dance will be held under the auspices of Richvale So- nia] Club Wednesday. March 17th at RichvaIe School at 8.30 sharp. Nov- Dlt‘v dances. Dancing to 1 am. The monthly meeting of the East Vaughan Ratepayers will be held at Richvale School Monday, March 15. at 8 o’clock sharp, for election of officers. Everyone is cordially in- vited. Richvale Social Club mrmbers a“ cordiallyy invited to attend a 91.11%!“ on Friday night, March 12th at Rich- vale School, Stop 22A Yonge Street. Richvale Social Club we?)le Eu chre and Dance was held with 2 large attendance. The who winne" were, Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Morrison, Mr B. Patterson, Mr. Bishop. Refres‘” ments were served and dar-éing u“ enjoyed until 1 3mm. Some very enjoyable evenings are being spent in this community. With dancing in the school every week and house parties the young people and also elderly people are spending a pleasant winter. Among other things last week a shower was held for Mr. and Mrs. Shell (nee Dorothy Bent- ley) at the home of her sister Mrs. Herman when about forty attended. The house was prettily decorated for the occasion and after the gifts had been received a ribbon was cut by Mr. S. Hall and a shower of confetti fell on the young couple adding a pretty effect to the occasion. Re- freshments were served and games and dancing enjoyed until the early hours. The next party was held at the home of Mrs. Reed when a most enjoyable time was spent by all who attended. The your-1g people hope to continue these parties for awhile. April 13thzâ€"Poplar Bank, “The Singapore Spider”; Stouffvflle, “Squaring it with the Boss”; Noble- ton, “Trysting Place”. April 12th: â€" Victoria Square, “Lonely Lady”; Unionville, “Coer- cion”; Vellore, “The Teeth of the Gift Horse”. It was decided by the grOups to all come to Pickering College to put on their one act plays on the even- ings of April 12th and 13th. This eliminates the necessity of having semi-finals and a final. By this plan, those taking- part will have in- struction beforehand rather than too- much. criticism after their shows are over. Headmaster Jos. McCuIIey very kindly offered the use of the audi- torium to the Junior Farmers for their competitions. The following Clubs will be com- peting: IN CRITICAL CONDITION i' Righard Brock of Markham Town- lship is in Toronto General Hospital 'and is reported in a critical condition lfrom injuries received when he was {struck by a. car on South Yonge St. llast Sunday evening. The d’riv_er of :the car. John West of Newmarket. iwas not held- by police. All Six Junior Farmer Clwbs enter- ing the contest had their directors, coaches, casts and stage managers on hand and everyone was delighted with the experiment. A new idea in dramatics has been worked out for the York Junior Far- mers’ Dramatic Competition by Ag- ricultural Representative, W. M. Cockburn, to make the commtition more educational and constructing by having the official adjudicator give all competing groups a course of in- struction before rehearsing their plays. The first part of this pro- gramme was carried out on Tuesday night (March 2nd) when the adjudi< cator, Jas. E. Dean of Central Tech- nical School, gave a most interest- ing and instructive evening’s discuv sion and demonstrations at Picker- ing Coflege. YORK JR. FARMERS' DRAMATIC COMPETITION RICHVALE 'as quite br W900 1 {(Auction Sale of fFurniture, Etc. on Table, Large Set of Drawers, Singer Sewing Machine, Six Dining Room Chairs, 2 Rocking Chairs, 1 Nursing Chair, Divanette, Kitchen Cabinet, Kitchen Chairs, 1 Heater, 1 Kitchen Stove, Washstand, Oil Lamps, Wringer, Rubbing Board, Bath Tub, Step Ladder, 5 Gallon Oil Can, 2 Gallon Oil Can, Gent’s Bicycle complete, Organ Stool, 3 Hospital Beds, Full Size Marshall Mattress, Wheelbarrow, Garden Tools, Chicken Coop. Everything in good condition. AT 1.30 RM. 10 Pullets, 6 Hens, 4 Female Goats due in June, Bell Organ, Victrola and Records, Dining Room Table, Kitchen Table, Bedroom Drawers, Bookcase W. E.Steventon North End of Maple Sat, March 20 Hillcrest Beauty Parlor Shampoo and Finger Wave 40c. This Offer is for TUESDAY, MARCH 16 ONLY This new concoction of slapstick gags will probably haw you rollâ€" ing in the aisles with laughtex. Also PAUL KELLY - MARSHA HUNT in A rarely beautiful picture, a thoroughly convincing melodrama, out- standing in entertainment value. WED” THURS», TWO FEATURES MARCH 17 - 18 LAUREL AND HARDY in Moving with directorial and historical sweep that will leave m breathless, Lloyd’s of London lives up to the screen’s Militias thundering spectacle, vivid drama and lavish entertainment, am for the entire family. Two Shows Daily â€" 7.30 & 9.39 ;â€" Sat. Matinee 2.00 pan. RoyalTheatre,AURORA FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW - SIR GUY STANDING - MADELINB CARROLL - TYRONNE POWER. in Phone 9 for Appointment FIRST ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL TODAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MARCH 11 - 12 n 13 TERMSâ€"CASH J. C. SAIGEON, Auctioneer Technically excellent. Dramatically outstanding The Property of MONDAY & TUESDAY, MARCH 15 - 16 SIMON SiMONE - HERBERT MARSHALL in Mill salesmansfiip is vifal *0 {he dairy {armen BoHle by bciilo and pound by pound. millr and ifs products musl be sold +0 H19 millions. Selling is “19 final slep {lid {urns milk info money. For 79 years Borden has worked 0’ fills highly specialized fish of selling. Every day Borden adverfising and Borden salesmen in {his and ofher lands are of worl: selling ll'ie producls of mill. Cons’ranf year-in and year-om effort ’ro broaden fhe mar' * :~ is one reason why Canada is becoming one of {he world's larg: or producers as well as one of “19 larger? consumers of dairy prolâ€" ucfs. The dairy farmer benefifs accordingly. “ LLOYD’S OF LONDON ” ACCUSING FINGER “ GIRL’S DORMITORY ” ASSOCIATED COMPANIES PURCHASERS OF MILK MANUFACTURERS OF MILK PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTORS THROUGHOUT THE WORD “ OUR RELATIONS” MELK MUS? BE Stop 18A Yongc 811., Phone Iii-fin . Thornhil]. BROTHERTON’S Steamshipwfl" MILK'COWS T37, TESTED FOIR to SIX years old, FRESH cows, and CLOSE SPRINGERS that: will make MONEY for you. A18. Heifers. Apply Special Sailings to the Homeland by Canadian Pacific, Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson lines at Lowest Rates. Photos and Passports Secured All enquiries unfidontitl e look after your wants right In. your home. Phone Willowdnh 63.1 Office Stop 6 You.” 8%., Land‘ Pelham Nursery (:0, AGENCY FOR Growers of Highâ€"Gradé Nursery Stock. Look over your Nursery needs and get in touch with N. J. GLASS RICHMOND HILL E. FISHER v ‘0 1357 PAfE

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