Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Jun 1937, p. 2

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Where am I? What has happened to me, doct‘or? My leg has been taken off? My God! (From the Kiwanis Magazine) On with the dance! Step on it; we are late! Hello, there are a couple of cars that have run into each other head on! Hurry past There are dead and wounded people there on the grass. We might have to go to court as wit- nesses, or carry them to a hospital! Shoot the gas to her. You can pass that truck before we get to the top of the hill. Hurry! Gosh, you almost hit that old lady! Why do people allow women as old as that to get out on the highway? They are all hen-minded. We might have hurt her. There is a hole you can break through in that line of traffic. Give her the gun! Gee, that was close! Did you hear that fellow swear? We didn’t hit him. What’s he got to complain about? Blow that horn and make that guy get over where he belongs! Why, the fool won’t give us the right of way! He can’t be going more than forty~ five. How can he expect to stay on the pavement at that pace? Hit her up around the right side there! Boy, that scared him! Maybe that will teach him to keep over where he belongs! I thought for a minute we were going to turn turtle. Look, there is another accident! That car is on its top with its wheels in the air! Looks like a bug on its back doesn’t it? There was blood on the grass. Some one must have been badly hurt. Crazy fools, they don’t know how to drive, yet they get right out into traffic. Watch that woman! he is driving all over the road! Run up alongside her and give her a blast on the horn! Whew! Didn’t her fender nick ours when she swerved? I believe it did. Thank heaven she didn’t lock fenders with us! It might have caused an accident. I hate woman drivers! Cut around that fellow. Never mind the curve. There isn’t anything coming. Crash! One thing more might be said of the late John D. Rockefeller, and might be profitably considered by the members of the rising generation. He was not “to the manor born” in the usual sense of that word. To a large extent he himself achieved the position of dominance and leadership which he held at the time of his demise in the world of politics, finance and business. But throughout and amid all his achievements and transitory laurels he never lost his sense of perspective. He remained to the end a deeply religious man, with a taste and appreciation for the simpler things of life. In the midst of social pro- minence he did not become snobbish; amid great wealth and financial power he did not become hard and heartless. He had his faults, as all mortals have, but there can be little doubt that he will go down in history as one of the greatest Americans of 'all times. He has left behind him monuments in the form of charitable, educational and civic endowments which will be living and useful long after the memory of his practical achievements has faded and all but disappeared. To our way of thinking, this is the outstanding achieve- ment of his life. The late Mr. Rockefeller was able by a combination of good fortune, native ability and indomitable energy to amass a fabulously huge competence within his lifetime. On the whole he used that fortune conscientiously and wisely. He was a willing and generous supporter of all worthwhile charitable, religious and civic enterprises. Many charitable and educational endowments and public services of various kinds will stand as an enduring tribute to his memory. Doubtless much will be written of him by way of obi- tuary, both favourable and otherwise. It has been said of him, and it is probably true, that he is the greatest phil- anthropist of all times. Certain it is that he has expended huge sums of his money on philanthropic and civic under- takings of various kinds. The death of John D. Rockefeller, Sr., is a matter of more than passing interest. One of the richest and most powerful men in the whole world, for many years he has had an immeasurable influence on the moulding of events in the realms of finance, industry, society and government. There are limits beyond which the rights of the in- dividual cease and the right of society to protect itself takes command. We no longer tolerate, in most commun- ities, what used to be regarded as the inalienable human right of every individual to carry fire-arms and shoot them off when and where he pleased. Even under that scheme of things, the shooter was held responsible if he hit any- body. Now the automobile has displaced the revolver as the universal weapon of homicide. It is time we restricted its use to those who can be trusted not to abuse it. Driv- ing a car should be regarded as a privilege granted to a selected few, not a right which everybody is free to exer- cise without restriction. Where is this slaughter going to end? How can it be stopped? How many more of our citizens must be killed before outraged public sentiment rises to the point of in- dignation and forces action by the constituted authorities? A hundred or more groups and organizations have been giving intensive study for years to the causes of motor accidents and ways to prevent them. They all agree that the guilt lies at the doors of irresponsible, careless, “take- a-chance” drivers. The solution lies in tightening the re- strictions upon drivers of cars and punishing severely every motorist whose recklessness or incompetence causes an ac- cident. We all know that that is just what has happened. Last year nearly 37,000 people on our highways, in Canada and the United States, were killed, most of them not the driv- ers of the cars, but their passengers, people in other cars, pedestrians and children. This year, so far, the death toll is nearly a quarter as large again, the National Safety Council reports. MORE MURDERS BY MOTOR If anyone had predicted at the beginning of this cen- tury that within less than forty years the nation would be criss-crossed with wide, paved streets along which auto- mobiles would scoot at speeds up to eighty miles an hour, most people, if they listened to the prophet at all, would have said he was crazy. And if he had added that practi- cally anyone, child or ancient, sound or crippled, drunk or sober, would be permitted to drive an automobile at such speeds, intelligent listeners would have said that could not possibly be allowed. It would be too dangerous to put such engines into irresponsible hands. Why, a lot of people would be killed. AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY J. Eachern Smith, Manager Advertising Rates on Application. ’1 dvertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING 00., LTD. Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.00 per year â€"- To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District BAGE TWO THURSDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1937. KILL! “THE LIBERAL” A GREAT MAN Established 1878 KILL! KILL! Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College Street, Toron- to, will be answered personally by letter. The best available method of treatment is by the use of a vaccine made from the non-virulent culture of germs of the disease. This vac- cine, which has [been accepted by the authorities, is valuable both in the acute and chronic forms of undulant fever. If we leave out of consideration the cases derived from close contact with affected animals and the handling of the meat of such animals, the one certain preventative is to abstrain from the use of raw milk. Pasteur- ization or boiling of milk destroys the germ causing- the infection. A- mong dairymen it is impossible to avoid close contact with animals, a considerable proportion of which are liable to be affected with the organ- isms causing undulant fever. There exists no ready! protection for the butcher or other handler of infected meat. For these classes and for the laboratory worker, who in a few in- stances has been known to have con- tracted the disease, extreme care in the washing of hands appears at pre- sent to be the only means of pre- vention. The symptoms of this fever inâ€" clude recurrent rises of temperature with drenching sweats, headache, general pains, Iassitude, lack of ap- petite and complete disability for months. It is altogether likely that many cases of neurasthenia among country people is due to undulant fever. It was only in 1924 that the rela- tionship between undulant fever and contagious abortion was established. This knowledge has intensified the interest in a subject affecting so Wide a range of the population. The diagnosis is readily made by laboratory tests. Undulant fever in human beings is caused by the same germ that causes contagious abortion in cattle. Man contracts the disease by drinking in- fected milk which has not been pasâ€" teurized 'or boiled, by contact with infected animals, or by handling in- fected meat. The cows infected may appear to be quite well. even though they harbour the organisms of dis- ease and excrete it in their milk. While the death rate from undu- lant fever is comparatively small, the disease is a distressing one; it may be prolonged for weeks and months and is not controlled by any specific treatment. Undulant fever is on the increase on the continent 01" America. It is very general in the United States. At least one case has occurred in every county in Southern Ontario. Since 1929, 480 cases have been found in Ontario alone, the greater number of cases occuring‘ in adults. The affection is closely akin to Malta fever, a Mediterranean disease contracted from the use of the» raw milk of goats. The W. A. met at the home of Mrs. F. Oliver Thursday afternoon, May 27th, with a good attendance and an interesting program. Mrs. Bales, Vellore, attended the church service on Sunday. Friends were pleased to see her. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hadwen, Mr. and Mrs. J. Watson and Bob mot- ored to Whitby Sunday. Frank Robson and party had a very enjoyable trip to London and Petrolia. Last Sunday evening the Y. P. U. Service was in charge of the Social and Literary Committees. Munro Stimers presided. Eddie James led the prayer sewice and the lesson was read by Dorothy Castator, Ps. 20. Chas. Robson gave a reading “Thanks for All Things”. Irene Hadâ€" Wen read a very appropriate article on “Prayer”. The guest speaker, Miss M. Ezard, took for her subject “Hob- bies” giving special attention to “Faust” and: Gunond who immortal- ized Faust in musical terms. The musical part of the evening- Was giv- en by Misses Margaret Devins and‘ May Harrison, Emery, who sang tWo duets very nicely. There will be some social activities in the near future. Sunday morning services in the Sunday School and Church will be cancelled so that the congregation here may attend Hope United Church anniversary. Young People’s Union will meet, as usual in the evening. UNDULANT FEVER, A MILK- BORNE DISEASE TESTON THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO “If any manufacturer listening-in tonight wonders if he should use the force of modern advertising to create and maintain his market, I would like to assure him that I can promise him that if his product and his proce for it are right, I can sell enough of it to pay for the advertising before the advertising begins.”â€"~Globe & Mail. Col. R. J. Stuart, former reeve of York Twp. and‘ Mrs. Stuart, celebrat- ed their 52nd wedding anniversary on May 20th. “Modern advertising is the meth- od by which you can tell the merits of your goods to millions in one day,” he said. “If you had to wait to tell them 1by word of mouth it would be impossible to convey the news, and if you sent a letter or a postcard it would cost the manufacturer four times as much as it would. to tell his story in a full page in a newspaper to reach the same number of people. ADVERTISING HELD VITAL T0 INDUSTRY London, Engâ€"The claim that ad- vertising creates steady work at good wages and reduces prices was made by Sir Charles Higham, British adâ€" vertising .expert, in a debate broad- cast by the Midland Regional sta- tio‘n. The provincial election in Nova Scotia will take place on June 29th. The Woman’s Association will hold a Birthday Tea in the S. S. Hall of the United Church this (Thursday) afternoon from 3 to- 5.30 o’clock. The G. R. Goulding Memorial Home and School Association intend holdâ€" ing a Coronation T-ea next Saturday from 2.30 to 5 p.m. at the home of Mr. A. W. Galbraith, 5980 Yonge St. TAKEN TO TOWN An interesting story was related to us a few days ago of an incident that is supposed to have taken place on the eve of Coronation Day. A group of young men from a suburban centre went to a place in Toronto to hold a’d'inner party. When ap- proaching the place they were stopp- ed and searched for liquids. One chap was obliged to hand over a bottle of Scotch together with his name and address and after a brief lecture on the merits of temperance and. abstainence were permitted to go on to the party. Needless to say the atmosphere at the party in View of this was somewhat gloomy. After waiting patiently and uncomfortably for several days without receiving any summons to court it finally oc- curred to the boys that they had been smartly taken to town by a couple of gentlemen whom they had thought to be plain clothesmen but who had no police Connection at all. Rev; A. M. Partridge of Maple will preach in Newtonbrook United Church next Sunday at 11 am. Rev. A. H. Halbert is preaching anniversary services at Hope United Church near Maple. The North York Horticultural Soâ€" ciety held a Tulip Show and other spring flowers last Saturday after- noon in the basement of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Willowdale. There was a wonderful display of flowers and was one of the best spring shows ever held. Hundreds of people visited the show during the afternoon and evening. Mr. Charlie Wicks has been trans- ferred from the Carload Groceteria at Newtonbrook to Barrie. The annual Toronto Conference of the United Church of Canada will meet in Bathurst United Church, To- ronto commencing on Wednesday, June 9th. Mr. John Graham spent a few days lasst week in Cobourg with his brother who has been seriously ill. Mrs. J. Murray and Mrs. A. H. Halbert attended the annual meeting of the Dominion Board of the W.M.S. of the United Church of Canada which was held in Emmanuel College during the past week. A delightful Afternoon Tea was held last Saturday afternoon under the auspices of the W.M.S. at the home of Mrs. James Murray, Hendon Ave. The tea table was attractive with spring flowers. Mrs. W. T. New poured tea. A fine program was enjoyed with the following art- ists taking part, M-rs. Burton of To- ronto, elocutionist; Miss Evelyn Southgate and Mr. T. Murray, pianâ€" ists and Mrs. Snodridge of Toronto, soloist. Mr. H. Taylor and daughter of Rochester, N.Y., have returned home after spending- a week with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. F. Summers. Miss Mary Douglas entertained a number of young people last Mon- day evening at a shower in honor of Miss Helen Bales, whose marriage takes place this week to Mr. Edger- ton Young, the son of a former pas- tor of N’ewtombrook United- Church. Their new appointment will be at God’s Lake, Northern Manitoba. A «fiery happy evening was enjoyed by all. N EWTONBROOK WMWWWW This 311 CITIES SERVICE STATION 24 Hour Service CITIES SERVICE GARAGE Repair Shop MEL; P. MALTBY Phone 12 Garfield YereX Guarantee Jobs on all Makes of Cars ESTIMATES GIVEN FREE New Bronze Koolmotor Gas CITIES SERVICE} and KOOLMOTOR GAS GOODRICH TIRES and TUBES AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES Moderately priced from $169.95 Service on all General Motors Cars and Trucks Phone 12 Richmond Hill MABLEY & BAKER MARKHAM ROAD, RICHMOND HILL mmer Enioy The Service 0! Two years to pay ROLLING MOTOR SALES RICHMOND HILL LESSEE THURSDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1937. Richmond Hill

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