7â€"Fisherville at Maple Thornhill at Unionville 14â€"-Map1e at Thornhill Unionville at Fisherville 21â€"Maple at Fisherville Unionville at Thomhill 28â€"Thornhill at Maple Fisherville at Unionv‘ll‘le 'AUG-UST 4â€"Unionville at Maple Fisherville at Thornhill Fisherville at Thornhill BOâ€"Unionville at Maple Thornhill at Fisherville ’JULY JUNE 23â€"Maple at Unionville Mr. and Mrs. W. Griffith spent the weekâ€"end with friends in Tor- onto. Vaughan and York Girls’ Softball Schedule Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jackson spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. L. Wagner of Elmira. Miss Grace White left on Monday for Weston where she has accepted a position for a month. Miss Jean Park left on Sunday for Cooksville where she has accepted a position for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brown Sr. and Dr. Bert Brown Jr. of Motherwell and Mr. Cyril Brown of Glanworth spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bailey attend- ed the Emonds-Watkins wedding in 'St. Clements Anglican Church on Saturday afternoon. Maple United Church S. S. Anni- versary will be held on Sunday, June 20th. Morning service at 10.30 Stan- 'dard Time will be in charge of Rev. I-Iunnisett and his orchestra of the Mission of the Air, Toronto and the evening service Rev. A. M. Partridge with special music by the Sunday ‘School choir. Maple Girls’ Softball team defeat- ed Fisherville girls on Monday even- ing by a score of 6-5. Vaughan T0wnship United Church Sunday ‘School Assoeiation Conven- tion will be held in the Woodbridge United Church on Wednesday after- noon, June 23rd. On Thursday afternoon, June 24, there will be a joint meeting of the United Church W.A. Societies from Hope, Edgeley and Maple, held in the Sunday School Room followed by_ a supper served by team three of Maple WA. Everyone welcome for supper served at 6 pm. Standard [0:0 VOL. LVI. BINNIE BARNES - WM. GARGAN Sat. Matinee ‘ROBINSON CRUSOE of CLIPPER ISLAND’ “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER†300 SEATS at 25 Cents MONDAY. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21-22-23 Everybody Dance_:§1’.x1§ The Stars of “The Trail of the Lonesome Pines" together again “ BREEZING HOME Continuous Every Saturday from 1.30 MAPLE NEWSY NOTES FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JUNE 18 - 19 â€" WITH _ ERNEST TRUAX 2ND HIT UNIVERSAL NEWS Added Hit CAPI'E‘OL DIED PATTONâ€"Suddenly, in Hollywood, California, on June 16, 1937, William R. Patton, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Patton. Elgin Mills, in his 43rd year. REV. J. R. MacCRIMMON TO GO TO MAPLE Rev. J. R. MacCrimmon, Minister of the United Church, Beaverton for the past five years has received a call to the United Church at Maple, and will take over his duties in that charge on July 1st. Rev. Mr. Partâ€" ridge, of Maple has accepted the call to Beaverton and will take over his duties there July 1st. PROTEST 36c. EACH TOWARD ROAD OIL “Rather than pay 40 per cent of the cost direct of oiling our road, we will buy the oil ourselves, and we’ll keep the cost back out of our taxes, and you can sue us for it,†blazed Bert Lloyd, president of Mus- selman’s Lake Ratepayers Associa- tion, speaking before Whitchurch Township Council on Saturday when a deputation appeared to protest the arrangement for putting oil on the roads throughout the municipality this summer. In the past the lake areas have been oiled under instruc- tion of the council and the cost borne by the whole municipalty. Increas- ing demand on the part of farmers living near the roadside and in ham- lets, indyuced Rleeve Tcole to lay down one policy for all, and that policy is that everybody must have the same treatment. What the lake people get, the farmers should have, and as it was impossible to give oil to all, the idea was evolved that a 40 per cent contribution should be forthcoming from those directly bene- fitted. The decision to do this had aroused the ire of the cottagers. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Robertson and 'Bruce of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Rumble over the week- end. The Busy Bees Mission Band met at the home of Jean Ingram on Sat- urday afternoon. After the devotional and business part of the meeting stories from the study book were read and explained followed by games played on the lawn and lunch served by the hostess. no=o=oz Funeral arrangement later. . ‘ .. ‘ g - «#5.! L: ,ECW‘ :f PARAMOUNT NEWS Yohge at Castlefield MO. 2172 0:19} RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 17th, 1937 EEMAPLE FIREMEN fl PLAN DOMINION 3 DAY mew: “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essegy'ak. Libierity; In All Things, Charity†SPECIALS Bouquet in Bowl, Mrs. James, Mrs. Hume; Bouquet in Basket, Mrs. Lit- tle, Mrs. Wilson. Janetâ€"“0h, Proffy, what do you think of me now that you’ve kissed Rhubarb, Miss Alcombrack, Mrs. Ley; Cress, Mrs. Skilleter; Lettuce, Mrs. Wilson, Miss Mason; Asparagus, C. R. James; Onions, Mrs. Skilleter; Radishes, T. H. Trench; Mrs. Skill- eber; Spinach, Mrs. Haworth, Mrs. Skilleter. Spiraea Van Houttei, Mrs. Cook, Miss Alcombrack; Snowball, Mrs. Haworth, Mrs. Atkinson; W‘eigelia, Mrs. Hume, Mrs. Atkinson; English Honeysuckle, C. R. James, Mrs. Gee; Tartarian Honeysuckle, C. R. James; Deutzia, Mrs. Hume, C. R. James; Syringa, C. R. James; Rose, C. R. James, Mrs. Cook; Shrub, other va- riety, C. R. James; Collection of shrubs, Mrs. Hume, C. R. James. VEGETABLES Columbine, short spur, Miss Mason, Mrs. James; Lilies, lemon Mrs. Hume, Miss Alcombrack; Pyrethrum, J. A. Bales, Mrs. James; Poppies, Oriental, G. Moodie, Mrs. Atkinson; Bachelors’ Buttons, Miss Alcombrack, Mrs. Hume; English Daisies, Mrs. Haâ€" worth; Garden Heliotrope, G. Moodie, Mrs. Hume; Lupin, G. Moodie, Mrs. Gee; Perennials, 6 varieties, Mrs. James. Prize winners were as follows:â€" Iris, 4 spikes, I variety, J. A. Bales, Mrs. Haworth; Iris, 4 spikes, 2 varie- ties, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Gee; Iris, 12 spikes, R. D. Little, Mrs. Tuck; Iris, Individual, R. D. Little, James Skeele; Peonies, 3, red, Mrs. Gee, Miss Mason; Peonies, 3 pink, Miss Burr; Peonies, 3 White, Miss Burr, Jas. Skeele; Peony, Individual, Mrs. James. Beautiful blooms featured the an- nual summer flower show held by the Richmond Hill Horticultural So- ciety Monday evening in the School Room of the United Church. There was particularly close 00mpetition in the classes for Iris blooms and there were beautiful specimen on display. The baskets of new varieties of Iris shown by Mrs. R. D. Little and Mrs. Tuck attracted much interest and a collection brought for exhibition by Mr. James Skeele was greatly ad- mired by visitors to the show. The two specials for bouquets brought out several entries and the beauty of these two classes made a show in themselves. The beauty of early summer bloom was admired by the large number who visited the show during the evening. The events are in charge of active committees headed by Fire Chief Les Laver with W. J. Johnson as treas- urer and P. White as secretary. FLOWER SHOW PRIZE WINNERS In the evening there will be a dance in the community hall with ‘Catania‘s orchestra providing the music and E. Evans ofï¬ciating as floor manager. A handsome prize is offered for the largest family on the grounds, and there will be a prize for the lucky number admission ticket. Sup- per will be served in the Masonic Hall by the MapTe Women‘s Instiâ€" tute. Heading the list of afternoon at- tractions are Men’s and Lad'ies’ Soft- ball tournaments and a football tour- nament. In addition there is a big program of races and athletic events with excellent prizes offered and sev- eral novelty numbers including a bar- rel boxing contest. There will be a horseshoe pitching contest and other features. Professorâ€"“You’ll pass.†Plans are going ahead rapidly for the monster celebration at Maple on Dominion Day, July Ist and one of the biggest events of the popular summer holiday will take place at the Vaughan township centre. The celebration will be staged by the Maple Fire Brigade and there will be a long list of attractions with a big program lasting from early- af- ternoon until late at night. Many Fine Attractions For Annual Field Day At Maple SHRUBS The funeral of the late Mrs. Lucy ‘Bowes who died Wednesday, June 2 ‘was held on Fï¬day, June 4th, the service being conducted by, Rev. C. W. Follett of Richmond Hill United Church. Interment followed in Thorn- hill Cemetery. The late Mrs. Bowes who was in her 75th year was born in Vaughan township, and was the ~last surviving of a family of five. In the year 1889 she was married ’to Henry Bowes Who predeceased her in 1919. Following the death of her husband she lived for a time at Thornhill and for a number of years has resided in Richmond Hill. The pall bearers were Harbld Echlin, Nelâ€" son Bowes, Fred Bowes and three sons, Albert, Henry and Arthur Bowes. Marlborough House, S.W.I. The Private Secretary to Queen Manx is commanded to thank Mr. Herbert H. Hopper for his kind me’ss- age of congratulation upon the occa- sion of Her Majesty’s birthday. 30 May, 1937. Mr. H. H. Hopper of Toronto, for- merly of Richmond Hill, whose birth- day is the same day as Queen Mary, May 26th, sent the Queen 3. letter of congratulations and Mr. Hopper was delighted to receive the followâ€" ing reply:â€" St. Paul’s Presbyterian church on the 7th con. of Vaughan will cele- brate its 49th anniversary Sunday, June 27th. Rev. J. C. Ross of B01- ton will preach at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. standard time. The late spring with an unusual amount of rainfall delayed planting of early potatoes in many districts, and a number of fields are spotty due to some rotting of seed. Up to the present time growth has been slow, but with warm weather and plenty of soil moisture more rapid development may be expected. It is too early yet to predict when the date of the early potato crop will 'be ready for market. The acreage of late potatoes will be about the same as last year, but planting will be somewhat later than usual as far. mers have been busy trying to get their earlier crops sown. FORMER RESIDENT RECEIVES MESSAGE FROM QUEEN MARY Whitchurch Township Council will establish a fire area around Aurora if there are a sufficient number of farmers favorable to the scheme, it was decided on Saturday at the June council meeting. Council passed a resolution to advertise the prOposed bylaw and each farmer in the area covered would be assessed for any cost involved any time the brigade rendered assistance in the area to be set up. Under this arrangement only those who stand to benefit from the scheme will have to pay. ST. PAUL’S VAUGHAN, TO CELE- BRATE ANNIVERSARY Alfalfa is making very rank growth and cutting has already com- menced but farmers report that the weather has been poor for “hay mak- ing". Timothy and clover are makâ€" ing excellent progress but the yield will be somewhat lighter owing to winter killing of many fields of new seeds. The acreage of spring grains will be slightly reduced on account of the lateness of the spring and as a result there will be an increased acreage of buckwheat, corn, etc. of the district the outlook for all field crops is very promising. Fall wheat is headed out and gives prom- ise of a bumper yield. ThroughOut Ontario the condition of spring grain is rated by expert observers as- be- tween 91 and 92 per cent of the long time average and in York County this rating is even higher than the provincial average as seeding was earlier here than in many; parts of the province. Favored with ideal weather crop conditions throughout York County are very satisfactory and according to reports received from all sections OROP CONDITIONS VERY PROMISING ON YORK COUNTY Fall Wheat Headed Out and Having Started PROPOSE A FIRE AREA IN TOWNSHIP LATE MRS. LUCY BOWES OBITUARY To say a person is well known is not necessarily a compliment. mon. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and Sermon. 0 worship the Lord in the beauty bf holiness: let the Whole earth stand in awe of him. Psalm 96:9. RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. Sunday, June 20 Trinity 4th 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Holy Communion and Ser- RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, Bâ€"D‘., Pastor Sunday, June 20th 11 a.m.-â€"Divine Worship. The Pas- tor. NOTEâ€"The Sunday School meets in school-room at 11 o’clock and will join the congregation in worship at 11.30. The Primary Sunday School meets at 10 am. 7 p.m.â€"Divine Worship. The Pastor in charge. Summer services sixty minutes only. A hearty welcome to all. The average figure over the en- tire county is given as $2,003. The average salary paid. in the six con- tinuation schools is as follows: Agin- court, $1,496; Stouffville, $1,466; Long Branch, $1,363; Mount Albert, $1,325; Sutton, $1.320, and Schem- berg, $1,127. The average for the six is $1,370. The highest average salary is $2,- 181 in Weston, and the lowest $1,655 in Markham. Other averages are: Aurora, $2,118; York Township, $2,- 098; Etobicoke, $2,042; East York, $2,012; Scarboro’, $1,990; Richmond Hill, $1,979; North York, $1,958; Newmarket, $1,892; Weston Voca- tional, $1,874, and Mimico, $1,750. TEACHERS’ PAY VARIES IN YORK According to a report tabled in York County Council today, salaries paid to secondary school teachers vary considerably in various parts of the county. I Skip G. Willis won the premier honors at the regular Monday night games at the local club. He was Successful in winning two games 'with the high score for the evening. The other members of his rink were J. R. Herrington and George Fuller. The Richmond Hill club will hold :1 Men’s Doubles tournament next Tuesday evening commencing at 7 p.m., D.S.T. Unionville club announces a mixed doubles for July lst. BOWLING NOTES ST. MARY’S CHURCH (Anglican) W. M. S. LAWN TEA A lawn tea will be held under the auspices of Richmond Hill United Church W.M.S. at the home of Miss Burr, 61 Richmond Street, on Friday, June 18th from 4 to 6 o’clock. All ladies are cordially invited. A very interesting meeting of the Women’s Association was held at the home of Mrs. Ernest Caseley on Wed- nesday evening under the direction of Mrs. Ratcliffe’s group. A splendid paper was given by Miss Jean Mac- Donald and a solo by Miss D. Oliver was much enjoyed. Miss Dorothy Valliere gave a short but worthwhile reading and Mrs. Ratcliffe rendered an instrumental with her usual skill which everyone enjoyed. A dainty lunch served by the group brought a pleasant and. profitable evening to a close. Mrs. Jaques is visiting in Bloom- ington With her cousin, Mrs. Martha Storry. Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacDonald of Kitchener and Mrs. Geo. MacDonald of Toronto spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stoutenâ€" bury.- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mortson and little daughters visited with Mr. and Mrs. John King of Keswick last Sun- day. Miss Charlotte Heise of Uxbridge has returned home after spending a few days with her friend, Mrs. W. F. Nichols. Mrs. Smith, sister of Rev. J. Mac- Donald, is visiting with him and his family for a few days. Mrs. Jack Dugan of Weston, sis- ter of Mrs. Ross Nichols, spent the past week with her. Rev. and Mrs. McKewin of Melâ€" ville and daughter, Miss Margaret, called on Mr. and Mrs. Ross Nichols one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Har- riet Jackman and granddaughter Miss June of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Sanderson of Richmond Hill were Sunday evening callers at Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton’s. On Tuesday, June 15th, Mrs. Ella Ratcliffe, Misses Dorothy Valliere, Marion Smith and Ethel Mortson at» tended the East York District An- nual Institute Convention at Agin- court. A pleasant and most profit- able day was spent. The sugges- tions, where possible, become effectâ€" ive in our Institute programs for the coming year. On Saturday afternoon, June 19th, all roads lead to Victoria Square where their annual garden party is being held. A splendid afternoon of sports, a bountiful supper and a high class entertainment is being provid- ed. ' SINGLE COPIES 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VICTORIA SQUARE No. 51