Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Jun 1937, p. 7

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Phone HYland 2081 Open Evenings Res. Phone 9788 Johnston & Gvransttm MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS OF CANADIAN & FOREIGN UNSZETI‘LED The editor of a country. newspapâ€" aer received from a eubsetiber the query “Can you 'tell me what the \mather is‘ likely to be next week?” :Iu reply ‘he wrote: “‘It is my belief :that the weather next week is likely “to [be very much like your swbwcrip- :tiQrL” The inquirer puzzled his ;head 3E9: an hour over what fake editor-was driving- at, when finally be happened {to :thizik of the word “unsettled.” :He paid lthe amount next day. SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. TRAVEL SERVICE Questions umceming Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical Asâ€" sociation, 184 College Street, Toron- «to, will be answered «personally by ‘letter. Lumber, Lath, Shingles Ashphalt Roofing, Gyproc Telephone 27 PASSPORTS ARRANGED FOR Rail tickets and sleeper Reservations Can. Na-tional Station Richmond Hill Y. B. Tracy, Agent, Phone 1'69 Accidents are ‘dile to lack of rare, the taking m‘f chances and in some instances ‘to mover-indulgence in alcoâ€" holics. The xresultsan' accidents are minimized to .a high fdegree by ski]- Iul surgery. Steamship Reservations to Great Britain and the Continent. Premier service to West Ind The ~Tickety ‘hnild impmxvtes wond- erftfllyi‘if given:iwo to four teaspomj- fuls mfreod-‘livercoil or its equivalent. of viostembl, daily, in the fall winter and spfiaxg‘mentns. The Wrain let rays of the sun take t‘ha place of cad-liver 0i] and viostero] ‘m the interval Efrem ‘May to September. These remedies-pru'ent the 1053' from the body ref the~mlcium and phos- phorus *Wfiwh sewe;to build up granéi 1 bones and (enduring teeth. 1849 Yonge St. (east side) Between Mertan 8n Balliol Sts. thets- 15ile claims 'a uplace in the crippling ‘cf children hm the a‘fiec-l tion is "disappearing 531 {the .‘fact: of! plflflici health education. ' The “causes of \‘idcketsvare improper :fge‘ding of the pprgguant mother, 131% Llif .essen- tidls in the L’iz'eeding' of Mantsgand too iIEittle mmhine. I Ell aaddition- to a goat} \sta‘n‘dard diet, “the moller should Hiawe readâ€"l liver soil during pregnamrap It 166111 1 help ‘if she~also has sea fish twwe ‘ a 'Theuuse of cod-Imer -oi]'~m 1 pregnancy is‘naw a routine practice. Granite Monuments IIn’ "themrevention rd'fm'rippling‘irom Misu'iffieetion mnc‘h fiepends nm the xeaiwly‘ta‘ean'ment. Thisr‘sho'uld- be lim- ite'd‘totaecuring the nomfort‘fof the th‘ild,"to the maintenance bfsgood ‘poSftiomfi‘ the limb .invblvéd,'m.d to the-prevention of defirmity.‘finctive treatment“;by massage, «exercise, unan- i'pula‘tion or eledtfjc'fty should be withheld-as long as any soreness of file su‘rface remains. “Sorenesa of muscleswmeans that :‘the 'ififlamed spinalvcobfi, the real Eseat of.'the af- fection,‘-:-is: still susceptible 6f ‘irrita- (inn. Y‘Rffsi is the mail "needwa the vécbim ',"Of paralysis Sim ’the ' early stage. Active treatment belongs to the : morewonvalescem f‘flEI‘iOd mvhen swamming, or under water «move- ments, ':'eleturicity, msmge, 'occupa- I timal therapy and mmhpula'tion by. the traiImdr-sxurgeon m théir place] ‘hii'antfle paralysis causes c-ripifiing tecause mf the injury done to the muscles involved in the paralysis. In some cases the paralysis; is. extensive; in others it is moderate and cofiinéd ton-small group of muscles. “In oth- mrs~again, the initial rparalysisrmay mampl'astaiy clear up ‘mider tréax‘ument md‘thermippling he v‘absent '01" but temporary. The :main causes of crippling in thiidren, 'as indicate-dim a fnnner articlegsaa‘e tuberculosis (eitherhhu- man or Ebovine), infantile pamflgysis Endrricks'ts. A Ilimttéd number of cases are due to ancients. BRIPPLING OF CHELBREN (N01 2) RICHMOND HILL Dealers in ETHURSDAY; JUNE? mm, 1937 to West Indies She reflected that she would not have a minute for breakfast. New York was big, and it might take longer than half an hour to walk to the place where she had to go. She emerged, stiff and dazed. in Ann Ward sat the night through in a day coach. The hard plush seat, the jolting stops and starts, had their way with her rheumatism. She fid-g- eted because the train was so slow. Suppose it arrived too late. She asked the conductor a dozen times, and each time he assured her that they would' reach New York by 8.30. They all sighed in relief. Ann Ward waited that night until Thomas was asleep. Then she took her suitcase and went quietly out of the house and to the railroad station. The only train was a local that paused in- Taunton at midnight on its wearL some, halting way to New York. She patted his arm. “You’re a good boy but you’re not old enough to boss me,” she told him, who was 40. “However, I may put it off,” she compromised, .to end' the argument. “I forbid you to go, mother,” Thomas said. Her sons and daughters excfianéed covert glances. What a Lying- brag- gart Vera was. 1 He was glad his mother didn’t know. ‘But he did not count on Mrs. Ward’s decision to visit ‘Vera‘ A few days after the newspaper incident, she made up her mind. Thomas call- ed a family conference and they all protested. ' “Mother, you’re not we'll.” “I doubt if Vera has room for vou." “Yes, she has,” said Ann Ward. “She has a big apartment and only yesterday she wrote that she has a new part in a big opera company.” “Can I help? Answw care ban’k. Mother must not know.” The answer came: “No.” Exactly the proud answer Vera would send. Let her "high and mighty New York friends he'lp her, Thomas thought. And she *was strong for"her age. She was the first one down every _ morning to 'get breakfast ’for the " twins. who were in high school, and ifor Thomas. who liked a ’loisurv‘." ‘breakfast before going- tn the bank. He subscribed to a New York paper, to keep up "with national affairs. TMrs. Ward always put this paper beâ€" rside his plate.-und'istur'3e'l. foned as ‘It had arrived, the wax; he liked it. 'After he had gone to work she read "it herself. fee‘Iing‘ vaguer that it I'kent her in touch with Vera. ‘01: his way to the bank he stopped at the telegraph fiffice and wrote 'a Wire of a careful ’10 words. One morning ‘Thomas gave her a} «L‘fdrelong' glance "and snipped a flip-J ping out of the ~pa'per. “Ad for hair tonic,” he mum’b’led "‘I ma" send for some.” I But ‘fihen there was “Vera. From the fizrst‘Vera was different. She ’ flaumbed~~a strange beauty; her dark ' eyes ‘fl'ung‘ out a challenge; so did ‘ her sl'rm‘fig'ure. The ‘boys at the corner stared‘ after her, but she never gave them a glance. She had a nice voice, 'bdt- she was not satisfied with the church choir. Tamon wasn’t Igood enough for her. ' No mm was surprised when she ran away to New York. She had l’not gotten on well with 'IYnomas, who iwas bemrr'nmg a bit fussy. as middle aged bachelors do. Folks gossiped that. she ‘had' gone on the‘stage, but Mrs. Ward said “No,” that she heard from her regularly and that she was , singing in 4concerts. However, Ann Ward looked badly that winter after Vera le'ft, though goodness knew she had. no~r~eason to worry, with Vera doing 50-well, and all of her other children around her for comnamr. Thomas remained a *bu‘chelor and, when MrE’Ward died, became the head of the family. The «flith older chil- dren married and setth odwn in Tam-11:011. None of ‘t‘hem had much money, ’b'ut it was nice Tm- Ann Ward to have ‘them close tn» ‘her, now that she way‘growing older, and to know that fire-y were safe and reasonably hwpmu 1 Am Ward had 12 c'h'il'timn, a com- side‘mallihe “.mumber elven Tfor an upâ€" state town like Taumflmn w'where folks havefi‘t learned yet that it is un- fashimraibie to have a fb'igfiamily. The Wands were spaced sumac that Vera, the m0flhdmhild, was Thom about the time Thurmas, the oldest;- came back from thex war. After titer, by four years, came the twins. “That ended the Ann Waid had a fisvcrt'ite hymn. She smug-Lit, piping out a’s‘hrilly, in church :or'iat work in her} kitchen. “anew ninety andn'nine that lay In: kthe~ shelter of fireffold, Butt qme'was out on dihek‘hills away. Wrodff from the MS of gofldf flue mtarble mmry-go-round of Grand Carrt‘ral.Statim1,€and‘ lost 15 m'mn‘bes wandering about before she found an «exit ‘to'the 'stre'et. She felt yafiiékzy owe-r Lthe delay, and frightened sand weary and bid. Perhaps she should 1mm Imade T'Iz‘homas come inv‘he'r 'B‘utZ’ThUmas never understoryd rk by 8.30. would not dazed, in “Rather than admit she'd failed she acted foolish. She took the only job she could get and that’s how she got herself in ,trouble. If she was young- er I’d take the hail-brush to her. As it is, I figure she’s .been punished about enough. What’s more she hasn’t been eating right and she’s run down. If you’ll let me I'd like to take her home for a rest. Maybe she’ll learn The judge rapped and said»: “Con- tinue Mrs. Ward!" “Honey did you think those brag- ging letters fooled me? They just worried me. I knew if y0u were doing as well as you claimed you’d send money home.” Vera cried: “Mother, how did you know?” “To begin with, I don’t know what a strip tease act is so I don’t know «what you’re accusing my girl of. But I don’t doubt maybe she was doing something she ought not to have don-e. She was always a little wild, but more than that, she Was ambi- tious. She had her heart set on be- ing a singer or success of some kind. About a year ago she came to New York. I reckon she found it wasn’t so easy as she thought. She has a‘ good voice and she was the prettiest girl in Taunton but, in a city where there is plenty of prettier girls and maybe some with better voices. But she kept on trying until her money gave out. She was too proud to write home for more. Besides she knew I didn’t have much to send.” The judge looked thoughtful. He was known as a severe judge fOr he had two daughters and he thought that the hard-boiled young offend- ers who paraded before him were a “bad influence on the other young- sters. But the present defendant did not seem hard-boiled. She was gazâ€" ing at her mother with a tragic pleading that he hoped never ‘to see in the eyes of his own daughters. “Tell your story as you Wish Mrs Ward,” he said. I can say what I’ve got to say better in my own words.” The prosecution objected. What did a mother know of ‘her daughter’s morals when she lived in upstate and the girl in New York‘? While they“ argued Mrs. Ward smiled apologeti- cally at the judge. “I’m sorry to cause such a fuss,” she said. “Maybe THE MCHMOND HEEL “Suppose you ‘tell me of your daughter’s character‘,” said Vel‘a’s counsel. “Is 3119 of 'fiigh moralâ€"” There was a consultation between Vera‘s lawyer and‘the prosecutor and the judge which ended in Mrs. Ward taking her place in the witness chair. Vera turned pale and gasped: “Mo. ther, I didn't \want you to know! You mustn’t be dragged into this!” Mrs. Ward patted her shoulder. “Child you look thin and high strung. I should have come sooner.” She turned back ‘to the bench. “Mr. Judge, can I talk 'to you?” At this moment a little old wo- man slipped into the room and came down the aisle. She piped in‘ a clear high voice: '“Mr. "Judge, I don’t know just what *to flo’in court but this girl is my .danghiar-‘and I’d like to 'ex- plain to .you abmat her." The trial took place in a half emp- ty cou'rtroom, for the arrest of one more unimportant strip tease dancer in me minute "cheap cabaret is not a matter formexcitement. Two detec- tives swore that Vera’s act had Ebeen him. 'Ewo dubious looking men who owned :thercabaret swore that it had been meréiy artistic. {She firsmed the policeman that she wasn’t hurt a mite. Then she asked him how ‘nov~get to her destination. He Iinsisbed‘that she could reach it Guilty Lby‘taskdchb and he put her into one. 'Thsecoost of the ride worried her, irbutrshe was grateful for a min- ute to straighten her hat while she was 'horne "so swiftly that she could' not be I‘a‘te. “‘A pretty figure I cut,” she thought. "'“Nuw I'm all draggle‘di” There 'was ' a policeman in the rmii‘l'dbe'df th-e'street, and also in the middle of 'a‘traffic jam and more Wk ‘tha'n‘hhe had“ ever seen be- fore. ’Hereoiiid give her directions. 'She hurried toward him, saw any on- mming' czr'jtrst in time and sbepped solgiiiél'dy‘that she tripped and fell, with her‘straw suitcase squashe‘rl '11!!- d'er "her. "Immediately the entire mwd‘romrged on her and the poâ€" Tmemn made a way through them. She piéke’d’merself up, smiling in em- barrassment and dusted off her ‘biack skirt. weary and bid. Perhaps she should 1mm :m'aide Thomas come in.'her ~B“L‘1t?T'l‘1Umas never understood ‘Vm "and 'Vera would not want him mm. "This Divas work to which lonly a mbther'caifld: attend. There IS little bravery. The brave morer do things they aren’t afraid to do, and a coward can do that. QUALITY PRINTING The printed word is your most economical salesman. We take pride in producing high quality printing which we offer you at the most modâ€" erate cost. The Liberal, Telephone 9. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Last year considerable excitement was caused by the rumor that letters were being stolen from the rural mail boxes in the Sutton district, until postal authorities actually discovered the starlings taking mail from the- boxes, in some cases letters being, found two hundred yards from the box. This is the first instance of the 10- cal mail carriers having caught ‘hese robber birds in the act, though many a starling’s nest nas been found in the boxes. 'S'I‘KKLINGS TA'KE LETTERS FROM RURAL MAIL BOXI‘E ‘ ’On Thursday last Mr. Chas. Mel- Ibmn'n'e, mail carrier on R.R. N0. 1, \Bradford, while on his route, dis- covered 'a Starling picking away merâ€" rily at an unstamped letter lying- in the ditch about ten feet from Mr. John Watson’s mail box. Investigat- ing, Mr. Mel’bourne found that the letter had ,been stolen from the mail box ‘by a stafl‘i'ng, and, lying upon the ground 'below the mail box, he- found the three cents which the -end- 1 er of the letter had put in the box with the letter for a stamp. the Lord passed thro’ 'E're 'He foun‘dv 'His sheep that was 'lostL” She ‘loved that hymn It never occurred to ‘her 'fhat, 'in a small mea- sure, fhe words appIied to herself. 'A‘rm 'Ward lifted her own voice with the choir. “There were riineby and nine that safe‘ly‘lay 'But ‘none of the ransomed ever “Lana Child I can read a paper béfore you get dawn to breakfast and 'ffilifl it up as neat as it arrived, before you get a éhance to clip some- thing ’mit. “Now‘I got to hurry to churéh. The singing ought 'to be 'good today, “with Vera Huck.” fE‘hat singing in a ého'ir isn‘t the worst thing .in ‘ihe ‘Wm‘l‘d?’ Vera stammered: “YES.” “The fiefendant is released in the custody of 'her mothez.” "Thomas had but one question. “Mo- ther, how did you find “out?” "knew H‘ow deep were the waters crossed: Nor how dafk was the night that DPicloI-ial Review. . . .1 ;I’. El Canadian Horticulture and Home Magazine . . .1yt. Subscrlpuons taken at The L; long Mrs. J. D. Wilkie, home on fur- lough from Formosa, gave a most interesting address at the afternoon Session, and explained a large collec- tion of articles which she had brought from that land. Our Misâ€" sion Work in Formosa is among the Chinese, and this work has been made increasingly difficult by the ac- tion of the Japanese Government in forbidding the use of the Chinese language in the schools, and even in- flicting punishment on Chinese chil- dren speaking their own language on the way to school. Mrs. Wilkie said their work was only, possible by the knowledge that they were being up- held in prayer by friends in the homeland, and begged us to make use of this powerful weapon of prayer God had put in our hands. Mrs. J. F. M. Bingham, Secretary of the Girls’ Teen Age Department. made a plea for increased activity and more warmth and zeal in our ef- forts to accomplish our Women’s Mis- sionary Society aim “The World for Christ." Christ went abOut doing good. Were we to be content with just “going about?” Were we “acâ€" tive members” or did We “just be- Mrs. Ledingham, Presbyteria] Home Helpers Department Secretary, pre- sented the work of the Department, and very fittingly, as this is Home Helper Year, presided at the confer- ence at the lunch hour, when the work of the Literature, Welcome and Welfare, Mission Band and Supply Departments, was presented by the various Secretaries. Mrs. Hall, First Vice-President of Toronto Presbyterial, brought greetâ€" ings from the Presbyteria], and gave interesting impressions of the Pro- vincial Meeting in London, which she had attended. Auxiliary members were asked to remember in prayer daily at 9 am. the missionary work of the Society. ANNUAL MEETING SECTION V, TORONTO PRESBYTER- IAL W. M. S. The 22nd Annual Meeting of Secâ€" ‘tion Five of Toronto Presbyterial of the Presbyterian Women’s Mission- ary Society, was held in St. James Church, Stouffville, on Thursday, June 10th, 1937. There was a splen- did attendance from the Auxiliaries in the section, namely, St. Andrew’s, Scarboro, St. Andrew’s, Markham, St. James, Stouffville, and Knox, Ag- incourt, and to all Mrs. W. H. Fuller, President of the Steuffville Auxil- iary, extended a hearty welcome. Re- ports were presented showing in- creased givings to the cause of Mis- sions, and large, useful bales of quilts and clothing sent to the Sup- ply Department. n9 MAIL COUPON TO DAY STREET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOWN AND PROVINCE Please clip list of Magazines after checking 3 Publica- tions desired. Fill out coupon carefully. Gentlemen: I enclose $ . . . . . . . . . . . . Please send me the three magazines checked with a year’s subscription to your newspaper. Telephone 38 Manicure . . . . . . . . Hair Cut . . . . . . . . Child’s Hair Cut . . We Invite Your Patronage 35 Yofiée Street, “" ‘ RICHMOND HILL (Liberal Office Building) Finger Wace . . . . . . . . . . “I. Shampoo & Finger Wave 50c. Marcei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40¢. Shampoo & Marcel 5*. Oil Croguinole Permanent fl.” Other Permanents at Hillcrest Beauty Parlor RUTH RUMBLE, Prop. PRICE LIST PAGE- SEVEN FENCING Copper-Bearing Come in and get your season's supply of this famous all-Cana- dian fencing. Get your fence posts, mo. Easy to erect, a Stelco Fence gives endless yeats of thorough service. Strong and smart, it stands all weathers, the greatest dollar for dollar fencing value on the market today. 'INLINU and 'ee-Bar Fence Posts SELL AND ERECT WIRE FENCE NORMAN BONE $1.50, $3.50 & $5.38 Richmond Hill

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