Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Jun 1937, p. 1

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You can estimate the size of a town by the children’s degree of anxiety! about what his neighbours will say. A cordial invitation is extended to the general public to attend and en- joy these meetings. The Church of the Nazarene An- nual Camp Meeting will be held at Willowdale in the Arena from July 8th to 18th. Well advanced plans are being made for a bigger and better camp meeting than on previ- ous occasions. Dr. R. T. Williams of Kansas CityI has been engaged and is one of the four general sup- erintendents of the church and is re- cognized- as one of the outstanding church leaders and. preachers of the day. Assisting as song evangelist will be Pro‘f. Clarence J. Haas of Flushing, New York. These noted Evangelists will be assisted by an able corp of workers and ministers. 'Accommod‘ation for dining and sleep- ing are being conveniently arranged on the grounds. The Camp Meeting will be in charge of Rev. W. M. McGuire, chairman of the Camp Meeting Committee. Due to unforeseen circumstances the Strawbey'rfly Social which had been announced for next weekunder the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid of Zion Lutheran Church has been cancelled. We extend congratulations to Mr. :and. Mrs. C. J. Robeson who cele- ‘brated their 35th wedding annivers- ary on June 18th and Mr. and Mrs. ’W. Ingram who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary June 12th. A Strawberry Supper will be held :at Elia Church grounds on June 29. .Supper served from 6 to 8 Standard 'Time. Followed by a good program -of artists from Toronto. 35c. and 20c. NAZARENE CAMP MEETING TO BE HELD AT WILLO‘VDALE Maple Girls’ Softballyclub defeatâ€" ed Thornhill at Maple last Wednesâ€" day evening. The annual picnic of St. Stephen’s Church Sunday School will be held at Eaton Hall Farm June 29th. Chilâ€" dnen. are asked to invite their par- ents and meet at the church at 2.15 Under the auspices of St. Stephen’s Church W.A. a Coronation Straw- berry Supper will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Bryan on Saturday, June 26th. Supper served at 5.30 p.112. Everyonedwelcome. Members of St. Stephen’s Church W.A. motored to Schomberg Ang1i~ can church on Thursday last to at- tend the West York Deanery W.A. All members report having a very enjoyable time. ” ‘ _‘ _ . r '- ‘ié‘af‘gsj . 1'53; . . N 7 ~ 5 t V Es,- ‘ J ;L_ 1+2” SH‘EIRE’Râ€" HOWARD?” ' ' fi 1 'L . ,_ * P.’ . gflum'knfl‘luliei” m0=0= °=0=0=1 VOL. LVI. MONDAY. TUESDAY. 3 DayS WEDNESDAY. JUNE 28-29-30 FIND THE WITNESS “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER” 300 SEATS at 25 Cents 1mg: Added Treat â€" WITH ROSALIND KEITH MAP LE Added Feature, antinuous Every Saturday from 1.30 p.m. THURS., FRI., SAT., JUNE 24 - 25 - 26 Continuous Saturday from 1.30 10:0 Yonge at Castlefield . MO. 2172 Regular Prices HOW TO VOTE 5 0=0==10=0 lo=o=o=o=o=gl ROBERT BENCHLEY INSTALLATION CEREMONIES AT RICHMOND LODGE TONIGHT Bro. J. C. Murphy, worshipful master-elect of Richmond Lodge A.F. & A.M. Will be installed as Master of the Lodge tonight and all other elected and appointed officers will be duly, invested ii: office. W. Bro. A. A. Eden will act as installing mas- ter and he will be assisted by past masters of theLodge. Under the auspices of the Pres- byterian W.A. a Strawberry Tea will be held on the church lawn Monday evening, June 28th. Tea served from 5 o’clock. Price 25c. S. Mason, south Yonge Street, on Wednesday, June 30th, from 5 0’- clock. STRAWBERRY SOCIAL A Strawberry Social will be held on the lawn at the home of Mrs. R. ST. MARY’S W.A. HOLD CLOSING MEETING The W. A. of St. Mary’s Anglican Church held their ‘eiosing meeting of the season on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Donaldson, north Yonge Street. After the business was concluded dainty refreshments were served by the hostess and a pleasant social hour enjoyed. -The regular weekly 'mixed games will be played at the local green next Monday evening. Be on hand at 7.45 or phone your entry to the club as play will start sharp at 8 pm. Three rinks skipped by A. E. Glass, Wesley Wellman and G. Yer-ex play- ed in the tournament at Agincourt Wednesday afternoon. Fourteen rinks competed and the Walton tro- phy was won by skip Malcolm of North Toronto. Bill Sanders of Stouffville won second prize and Tom Doyle of Newmarket the third. Reeve J. A. Greene, L. H. Clement, George Fuller ,and George Chadwick are representing the Richmond Hill Club at Newmarket to-day when dis- trict rinks entertain the bowlers from South Africa. ‘ Went)! rinks representing all the clubs in the district competed in the doubles,tournament here Tuesday ev- ening. The prize winners were: lst T. Doyle, Newmarket; 2nd P. Dixon, Unionville; 3rd L. Bell, Newmarket; 4th E. T. Stephens, Richmond Hill. Thirty-six took part in the week- ly mixed games at the local green Monday evening. “Gar” Yerex and his rink won the first honors with the 'high score for two victories. The winning rink was: J. Martin, Geo. Chadwick and G. Yerex skip. Empire’s Hour of Glory BOWLING NOTES Hear the actual Coronation Ceremony! STRAWBERRY TEA EXTRA roan RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 24th, 1937 W“In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity” Prominent among- those from out of town noticed at the funeral were: J. J. Dufqu, M.P. of Peterboro, Hon. G. S. Henry, M.P.P., C01. W. P. Mulock, M.P., Magistrate L. J. C. Bull of Brampton, A J. H. Eckardt of Toronto, J. W. MacRae of Lochiel, president of the Ontario Plowmen’s Association, and the following all di- The honorary pall bearers were: J. Lockie Wilson of Toronto, Honorary Life Director of the Ontario Plow- men’s Association, J. A. Carrol, sec- retary-manager of the Ontario Plow- men's Association, Carl Reeves, of the T. Eaton Co., Toronto, William Doherty, honorary treasurer of the Ontario Plowmen’s Association, Wilâ€" liam Barrie of Galt, D. D. Gray of Ottawa and George Waldie of Strat- ford, directors of the Ontario Plowâ€" men’s Association, and T. H. Trench of Richmond Hill. The active pall bearers were Elliot Moses of the Six Nations Indian Reserve, Brantford, Robert W. |Scott, president of the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society, Councillor Alex. Little of Richmond Hill, Evan Morris representing the Sand Bay Hunt Club, Clark Young, Milliken, treasurer of the Ontario Plowmen’s Association, and J. E. Smith, Richmond Hill, secretary Richmond Lodge A.F. & A.M. Following the service the funeral procession proceeded to Richmond Hill cemetery where interment took place. Members of Richmond Lodge A.F. & A.M., members of,the 0n- tario Plowmen’s Association, mem- bers of the municipal council, the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society, and the pall bearers walked at the head of the long procession. Follâ€" owing the service conducted by Rev. C. W. Follett, the\Masonic brethren conducted a graveside service. ing Eyles” an old favorite of Mr. McLean. Scripture reading and prayer by Rev. C. W. F'oll-ett was fol- lowed by a vocal solo “The Stranger of Galilee” rendered impressively by Mrs. Lester Jones. The sermon was given by Rev. G. W. Back who said that he had known Mr. McLean for the past thirty-seven years. Paying glowing tribute to the life of the late James McLean he said, “he lived all his life in this community and his life was an open book. And while we sorrow to-day at our loss and sympathize with the family we must not think of sorrow as the last word. We must not sense only the note of sorrow, rather we must feel the sense of victory for indeed our dear friend lived a victorious life. I believe that when a man reaches the end of life with a firm belief in God and an abiding love for his fellow men he has been victor- ious. And this Mr. McLean had. He served his age and generation faith- fully and well and he rendered note- worthy service as a citizen of this community. He plowed a straight furrow in the field and he plowed a straight furrow in the life he lived." At the close of the service the great throng filed past the open casket for a last fond look of fare- well and it was with heavy hearts‘ that those who knew so well the warmth of his friendship realized that the voice theyknew so well was still and that only in the treasure- house of memory could those many precious bonds of fellowship be re- newed. COMMUNITY MOURNS PASSING 0F DISTINGUISHED CITIZEN The funeral of the late James Mc- ‘Lean who passed away on Friday, ‘June 18th after an illness of four 'weeks was held Monday afternoon ‘and was very largely attended. It 'was probably the largest funeral ev- ’er held in this district and the hunâ€" dreds who gathered to pay their last respects to an outstanding citizen were representative of all walks of life and many came from distant points throughout the province. Memâ€" bers of the Plowmen’s Association from all sections of Ontario, memâ€" bers of the Masonic Order, men who had been associated with the deceas- ed in his many activities, govern- ment officials, and hundreds of friends crowded the Richmond Hill United Church where the public ser- vice was held following the private service at his late residence on ROS‘e- view Avenue. Funeral of the late James McLean Held on Monday The late Mr. McLean took an ac- tive interest in all community activ- ities and municipal affairs and serv- Speaking from a friendship of over thirty years during which time he was associated with Mr. McLean in his work for the Department of Ag- riculture, Mr. J. Lockie Wilson said, “I valued his counsel and advice on all Agricultural matters very highly, and it will be hard indeed to fill his place." He took a deep interest in the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society and served for many years as a di- rector and officer of this organiza- tion. When he was suddenly stricken ill four weeks before his death he was working at the park in prepara- tion for the annual Fair on May 24. largely responsible for the organiza- tion of the Ontario Field Crap Com- petition which has grown frOm a small beginning until to-day over 7,- 000 farmers annually take part in the competition. He was a Past President of the Ontario Fairs and Exhibitions Association and of the Ontario Seed Growers Assoeiation. He was also well known as a field crop and livestock judge and in this capacity visited fairs and exhibitions in many sections ‘of the country. Along with Lockie Wilson he was He was known as an outstanding authority on plowing and acted as judge and lecturer in all parts of Ontario and was most widely known throughout the province. On many occasions he was honored by invita- tions to act as judge and lecturer in Quebec and the Maritime provinces. A wealth of floral tributes was evidence of the esteem and affec- tion of a very wide circle of friends and included wreaths from the fol- lowing organizations: Village of Richmond Hill, King and Vaughan Plowmen’s Association, Toronto East General Hospital, York County Seed Fair, Bedford Park Floral 00., Sand Bay Hunt Club, Haldimand Plow- men’s Association, Richmond Hill United Church Official Board, On- tario Agricultural Societies, Ontario Plowmen’s. A’ssociation, Wellington County Plowmen’s Association, Essex Street School staff Toronto, Rich- mond Lodge A.F. & A.M., Richmond Hill Agricultural Society, Aurora Agricultural Society, Six Nations In- dian Reserve. All his life he was an enthusiastic plowman. As a boy he plowed at local plowing matches and won many prizes and kept gradually moving up until he attained his cherished am- bition of winning the Dominion Championship. Since that time he always has taken a most active inâ€" terest in plowing and plowmen’s or- ganizations. At the time of his death he was an active director of the Ontario Plowmen’s Association of which he was a Past President. Along with J. Locki-e Wilson he was one of the principal men who organized the Ontario Plowmenls Association at a meeting held in Richmond Hill some 26 years ago. The late James McLean was born in King Township on August 3rd, L874, :1 son of the late James McLean and Elizabeth Whittaker. In the early years of his life he moved‘ to Vaughan township and farmed on Yonge Street until he sold the prop- erty to E. T. Stephens some 16 years ago. Since that time he has lived in Richmond Hill. 7 rectors of the same Association, William Newman M.P.P. of Lorne- ville, F. G. Fuller of London, George B. Little of Agincourt, J. J. Tierney of Brockville. A wealth of floral tributes was LATE JAMES McLEAN To an exceptional degree he poss- essed the faculty for making friends and those who were proud to call “Jim” McLean their friend are legion in number and they are as Wide- spread as his extensive travels in his lifetime. He dearly loved his fellowmen and delighted in the good fellowship of friends and those who knew him will long treasure in their The late James McLean lived an active and a busy life. His many and varied interests and activities brought him in touch with a great many people and wherever he was known he was honored and loved..In his passing Richmond Hill has lost a most useful and outstanding- public spirited citizen. Every worth-while endeavour found in him a cheerful, willing and wholeâ€"hearted supporter. He generously devoted his natural gifts of leadership to every~ good cause in the community and many accomplishments in the life of this district are indebted for his sup- port. His life was a model of good citizenship and in every organization which claimed his interest he was a willing worker and often times his broad shoulders carried much more than their share. Known far and wide as an en- thusiastic sportsman he was keenly interested in bowling and curling. His friends on the bowling green and curling ice could be numbered in the hundreds and wherever he was known he was very popular and known as a sportsman in the truest and best sense of the term. He loved the game and he played it for the game’s sake and win or ‘lose made no diff- erence. He took part in Bowling tournaments and Curling Bonspiels in many Ontario centres and enjoy- ed the reputation of one of the best in the game. Formerly a member of Richmond Hill Presbyterian church he joined the Richmond Hill United Church at the time of Union and was an active and devoted member. He gave his enthusiastic support to all branches: of the church work and served as chairman of the Board of Stewards. ed for eight years as a member of Richmond Hill municipal council. Grange Pekoe Blend SING‘LE COPIES 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE The primary and cradle roll de- partment of the Richmond Hill Unit- ed Church 8.8. will hold their picnic on the lawn of Mr. P. E. Angle, Yonge St. Saturday, June 26th from 3.30 until 6.30 o’clock. Mothers and interested friends cordially invited. Please bring a picnic basket. A Monster Amateur Contest will be staged! in Stouffville on July lat under the auspices of Stouffville Baseball Club. There will be an A1- ternoon Program in Memorial Park with a hard ball tournament consist- ing- of four first-class teams. The evening program will take the form of a monster Amateur Contest in the Arena with 6 cash prizes. Pro- gram commences at 8 p.m. S.T. Mail Amateur entries to Reg. Button, Stouffville, Ont. To his bereaved w1re, his two sons James and John, his daughter Mrs. Russell Lynett and his three sisters Misses Elizabeth, Mary and Ella Mcâ€" Lean, The Liberal joins with the people of this community in extend"â€" ing sincerest sympathy in their great loss. memory the warmth o£7:his..genuine friendship. We will miss him, and his place in the community life will be hard to fill, but his many activities have written a creditable record on the pages of history which never will be forgotten. UNITED CHURCH PRIMARY PICNIC AMATEUR CONTEST AT STOUFFVILLE ltuutflI No. 52.

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