Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Jul 1937, p. 1

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The Agar family held a reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Ward, Woodhill, Ont., on Sat- urday afternoon, June 26th. Among those present from Victoria Square were Mrs. Annie Morison, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Morison and daughters Joy and Margaret, Miss Erthel Mort- son, Mr. Gerdon Mortson, Mrs. Flor- ence Jaques. Mr. and- Mrs. George Dennis and Mrs. Jack F‘risby ami youn sons Leonard and Gra- ham. Master Graham Frisby won the prize for the youngest member of the family in attendance. The Young People’s Union was held as usual on Sunday evening. The topic was ably taken by Miss Pat Kay. Mr. Lorne MortSOn con- tributed an accordian solo which was much enjoyed. Mrs. P. Willows, Miss Ethel Mort- son, Miss Alma Attwood and Mr. George Wellman motored to U):- bridge to attend the decoration ser- vices held there on Sunday last. Mr. Henry Hill and Miss Thelma Hart later joined the party and had tea with Mr. and Mrs. H. Attwood. ' _A number from Victoria Square _A number from Victoria Square attended the Sunday School Anni- versary services held on Sunday at Headford. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Perkins and will be held in the Municipal Hall family of Toronto spent Saturday July 6th at 2.30 pm. evening with Mr. Perkins’ mother, Mrs. Matilda Perkins. On Sunday Don’t forget to attend Maple Field Miss Mabel Sanderson and Miss Con- Day on Dominion Day, July lst. Mrs. Stanley Young and daughter Shirley are spending some time with Mrs. Young’s mother, Mrs. Robert Agar while Mr. Young is on an ex- tended business trip through West- em Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Britnell and Miss Blanche Britnell of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Perkins. A number of members of the J. W.I. and Junior Farmers journeyed to Nobleton Thursday evening last and provided the program. Noble- ton entertained the young people in their beautiful new hall. ‘ This song- is now silenced for two months while the more popular tune will be “Down by the Old Mill Stream", near the old swimming hole. H The Lastom’irs. Gamay O (one Mrs. Winnifred Mortson and Miss Constance Mortson of Toronto are spending a few days with Mrs. An‘nie Mortson. School days, school days, Good old golden rule days Readin’ and writin’ and ’rithmetic Sung to the song of the hickory stick. Summer days are here again and' the farmers are busy bringing in their crop of hay while the farm- ers? wives industriously preserve the fruit of the season â€" the straw- berries. The Young- People's Union of New- market are playing a return game of baseball on Tuesday, June 29th at Victoria Square. The Newmar- ket Union are providing the pro- gram. 9 0:0) LET’S GET u’iARRIED “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER” Funnier than “OLD HUTCH” | " a] "m "7 5‘“ Saturday Matinee, Robinson Crusoe of “Clipper Island" VOL. LVII. 300 SEATS at 25 Cents Good Old Soak VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES MONDAY. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY. JULY 5-6-7 A 3 STAR RIOT ! WILLIAM POWELL - JOAN CRAWFORD ROBERT MONTGOMERY - FRANK MORGAN flaw-Iimflfl W;ALI;A(3E BIEEllY UNA.MERKEL TED HEALEY THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JULY 1-2-3 2 GREAT LAUGH HITS ! ADDED HIT WALTER CONNOLLY RALPH BELLAMY Continuous Thursday, July»lst, from 1.30 p.m. Continuous Every Saturday from 1.30 p.n’1. onemonomoaomon Yonge at . L Castlefield MO. 2172 Miss E. Farr was called to the platform at the conclusion of the oth- er program. Mr. B. Plunkett read a short address and Mr. P. Keffer and Mr. F. Oliver presented Miss Farr with a floor lamp. Miss Farr responded very nicely thinking every- one for their loyal support during her period as teacher at Vellore for seven years and wished the children every success with their new teacher for the next term. Lunch Was served and a happy evening brought to a close by singing ‘God Save the King.’ Preparations are being made for a bountiful harvest. A great number attended the barn-raising at the home of Mr. J. Phillips on Friday after- noon and remained for the lovely supper served on the lawn. WOMEN VETERAN'S AUXILIARY The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Veteran’s Auxiliary will be held in the Municipal Hall July 6th at 2.30 Dam. , The anniversary services on Sunâ€" day held at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church were very gratifying- both in attendance and quality of the ad- dresses and singing both morning and evening. The friends of the school section gathered at the Township Hall on Friday night when they held a fare- well party for their recent teacher, Miss E. Farr. The program for the evening consisted of home talent. Guitar selections were played by Geo. Carley, Ruby Downing- and Idrus Price. Stewart and Albert Rutherâ€" ford sang a couple of selections ac- companied by, Mrs. C. Graham. Mr. P. Keffer and Mr. H. Joslin step danced accompanied by Mr. C. H. Rutherford and Idrus Price. The charivari boys and friends held a charivari party for Mr. and Mrs. Pete Craib in the Hall at Vel- lore just recently. A very happy time was spent playing euchre and dancing. The important feature of the program was the calling of Mr. and Mrs. Craib to the platform. Af- ter a well planned address was read the newlyweds were presented with a parlor table, linen runner and a reading lamp. Mr. Craib responded in a few well chosen words after which the friends joined in with “For They are Jolly Good Fellows.” Lunch was then served by the girls of the community. We are glad to welcome back Mr. and Mrs. Robertson and Miss Bonnie who have returned to this commun- ity after'spending the winter in To- ronto. stance Mortson had tea with Mrs Matilda Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mortson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neill, Eversley, Ont. Way outWest PJARAMOUNT NEWS VEI 1LORE Stan LAUREL HARDY Oliver RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY lst, 1937. “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-gssgntials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity” First Book to 2nd Book, passed without writing examinationsâ€"Don- ald Little, Eleanor Young, Nancy Austin, Mack Clement, Betty Carr. Doris Fox, Ray Charles, Albert Wilâ€" son. Passed on written exams in June from Sr. I to IIâ€"â€"Robert Butler, Frederick Edwards, John Evison, Delbert Hull, Frederick Kozak, Clar- ence Perrin, Ernest Wolfreys. ’RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL JUNE PROMOTIGN EXAM RESULTS Passed from Sr. I to Jr. II on year’s workâ€"James Barker, William Bowdery, Florence Durrant, Reta Mallory, Lolu Sanders, Stanley White Victor Jones. Passed in June (written examinâ€" 'ations)â€"Lenore Dewsbury, Ed Hea- 'ley, Morley Hillaby, Effie Jarvis, Bill Murray, Garth Palmer, Marjorie Pattenden, Harold Reesm', Don‘ald Reid, John Schuman, Earl Tilley. ROOM 3 Passed on year’s worlr' Sr. III to Jr. IVâ€"â€"Margaret Allison, Marie Brilling‘er, Eeileeg Cook, Robert En- dean, Betty Mans‘bridlge. Helen Ran- som, Olive R055, Be‘ty Smith, Anne Walwin. Passed on written exams in June from Jr. II to Sr. IIâ€"Shirley Heaâ€" ley, Jean Henshaw, Douglas Mans- bridge, Lorne Musson, Melbourne Newton, Victor Richardson, Herbert Rose, Isobel White (R). Passed from Jr. II to Sr. II on year’s workâ€"Joyce Barraclough. Nancy Donaldson, Florence Edwards, Hazel Reesor. Passed in June (written examin- ations)â€"-Ga1'th Bowes, Murray Hunt, Lenard Lunau, Douglas Manley, Vernon Mitchell, Esther Morrison (R), Lorna Webb, Donald Wolfreys. Bernice Cook promoted from Sr. III to Jr. IV at mid-year. Jr. IV to Sr. IV, passed on year’s workâ€"Gloria. Anderson, Ernest Bur- nie, Joan Carr, Bernice Cook, Eliza- ‘beth Elliot, Mary Megdonald, Marie Paxton, Lloyd Sanderson, Deane ’Wellrman, Hank Young. Passed on written examinations in June from Sr. II to Jr. IIIâ€"Shirley Burt, Peggy- Mackenzie, Shirley Par- is, Elinor Pattenden, Frederick Wis-e. Passed from Sr. I to Jr. 11 in Februaryâ€"Lorne Musson. Passed at June, Sr. 111 to Jr. IV (written examinations!) -â€" Stanley Baker, Gladys Chedzoy (R), June Davis, Donald Glenn, Irving Ross, Stewart Wellman. Sr. 11 to Jr. III, promoted on year's workâ€"Lorna Baker, Allen Horwo'od, Frances Mackey (H), Margaret Ran- som, Billy Sheardown (H), Charles Srigley, Viola Woods (H). Promoted on final examinationsâ€" Florence Allen, Arthur Barra- clough, Murray Bowen (H), Mary Brock (H), George Loughlin (H), Mabel Loughlin, Philip Mihorean, Henry Richardsnn (R), Leonard Richardson, Arthur Wolfreys (H). ROOM 5 Passed from Jr. II to Sr. II 'in Februaryâ€"Shirley Burt, Alex Clarke Eric Cruickshank, Milberg‘e Gibbons, Bert Hunt, Peter Kanis, Peggy Mac- kenzie, Muriel Megdonal, Shirley Passed on year’s work, Jr. III to St. IIIâ€"Dick Baker, Dorothy Carr, Sheila Hamilton, William Kanis, Mary Morris. Passed in June, Jr. III to Sr. III (written examinations)â€"Marie De- ferrari, Vera Evison, Albert Fish. Merlyn Graham (H). Peter Kozak, Georgina Pattenden, John White, Lin Wilson (R), Kenneth Wood's. Paris, Elinor Pattenden, Francis Per- rin, Alverna Smith, Frederick Wise. Passed from Sr. 11 to Jr. III on year’s workâ€"Alex Clarke, Eric Cruicksihank, Milberge Gibbons, Pet- er Kanis, Francis Perrin, Alverné Smith. Passed in Feb, Jr. III to Sr. IIIâ€" Betty Smith. Promoted on final examinationsâ€" Jean Barker (R), Margaret Brown, Kathleen Butler, Joam Paxton, Nor- man Tyndall. Charles Wellman‘ Irene Rose, Norma Chappell (R). ROOM 1 Promoted to Sr. IV on year’s work â€"Ro‘bert Carpenter, Kenneth Shields Helen Whitten. ROOM 4 Jr. III to Sr. III, promoted on year’s workâ€"Murray Bowes, Mary Burnett (H), Margaret Carpenter (H), Eileen Carr, Tom Macleod, Foss Mallory, Billy Neal, Jean Scott, Eric Upton, Howard White. ROOM 2 Sr. III to Jr. IV, passed on year’s workâ€"Mervin Charlton, Rose Jones. Harold Megd-onald, Donald Smith. Passed to 2nd Bookâ€"Harry Hill, ROOM 6 Patterson Lodge Officers Install The following officers were inâ€" stalled and invested: W.M., W. Bro. Herbert S. Sparks; I.P.M., W. Bro. Garth Tassie; S.W.. Bro. S. H. R. Jarrett; J.W., Bro. Alan L. Francis; Chaplain, Bro. John Edwards; Trea- surer, R.W. Bro. J. E. Francis; Secâ€" retary, V.W. Bro. J. A. Thompson; Ass't. Sec'y., Bro. W. B. McDonald; Organist, Bro. W. R. Howard; S.D., Bro. John J. Madill; J.D., Bro. John Kerr; S.S.. Bro. J. W. Thompson; J.S., Bro. Dr. L. R. Marwood; I.G., Bro. Leslie Winch; Tyler. Bro. Alan Wiltshire; Auditors, W. Bro. R. W. McIntosh, Bro. W. S. Jenkins; Proxy to Grand Lodge, W. Bro. Thomas R. Johnstone. The annual meeting and election of officers of Richvale Social Club will be held on Friday evening, July 2nd, in Richvale School. A report of the auditors will be given. All members requested to be present. BIRTH SNIDERâ€"On Tuesday, June 22nd, at Victoria Square, to Mr. and Mrs. John H. Snider (nee Nellie Beck), AbsenHames Allen, Fred Brock, Gerald Paris. Pr. B to Pr. Aâ€"Jan‘et Anderson, John Bowdery, Shirley Deferrari, Madeline Evelyn, Muriel Mallory, Jean McFarlane, Barbara Murphy, Joan Murphy, Sheila Sand-ers, Llo-yd‘ Wolfreys, Vernon Wood. Pr. C to Pr. Bâ€"Lonvd Bond, Billy Brignall, Betty Clubin'e, Vera Mc- Gann, Gordon Leece, Betty Rose. First Book, Class C to Class 8-â€" Albert Taylor (P), Ruth Davis (R). ROOM 7 Jr. I to Sr. I, passed on year’s work â€" John Atkinson, Dorothy Bowes, Vera Heteny, Marian Little, Billy McIntyre, Betty McNabb, Vio- let Mihorean, James Monkman, Ken- neth Moore, Shirley Mylks, Stanley Ransom, Ronald Sanders, Edward Tilley. 0n the evening of St. John the Baptist, June 24, 1937, the Installa- tion and Investiture of Officers of Patterson Lodge A.F. & A.M. was held with V. W. Bro. J. A. Thompson as Installing Master and this occa- sion marked the twenty-fifth conse- cutive year in which V. W. B-ro. J. A. Thompson has installed the Worâ€" shipful Master, in his mother lodge. The retiring W.M., W. Bro. Garth Tassie, was presented with a Past Master’s Jewel, sultany engraved, by the W.M., W. Bro. Sparks on behalf of the Lodge. He was also present- ed with an electric coffee percolator, at the banquet table, on the occasion of the departure, in the near future, of W. Bro. Tassie and Mrs. Tassie to Vancouver, B.C. The presenta- tion was made on behalf of the Lodge by W. Bro. Donald M. Ross. a son, Samuel John Isobel McFarlane, Janet; Atkinson, Kathleen Stunden (R). Passed to Sr. lst Classâ€"Eric Fish, Elizabeth Hunt, Norman Stunden, Frank Evison, Roy McGann (R). Ruth Clubine (R), Doreen Patten- den~ (R). V.W. Bro. Thompson was ably as- sisted by his Installation Board con- sisting of R.W. Bro. A. W. Spence. D.D.G.M. Toronto District “C”, R.W. Bro. J. A. Carson, P.D.D.G.M., R.W. Bro. W. C. Hopkings, P.D.D.G.M., R.W. Bro, J. E. Francis, P.D.D.G.M., V.W. Bro. Geo. McRae, PD. of C. and Past Masters of Patterson Lodge. Another feature of the banquet hour, which consisted of toasts and musical numbers, was the presenta- tion of a pipe to V.W. Bro. James Cherry by R.W. Bro. J. E. Francis to mark the fiftieth anniversary of V.W. Bro. Cherry’s Installation as Master. About one hundred visitors were present to do honour to the newly installed Master, W. Bro. Herbert S. Sparks. The majority of the guests were brethren from the Christie St. Hospital Staff, of which W. Bro. Sparks is a member, and they re- presented the following lodges: Uni- versity, Riverdale, Dufferin, Tuscan, Shamrock, Grey, Alpha, Dentonia, Kilwisining, General Mercer, St. Al- ban’s, Golden Fleece, Wilson, Fair- bank, Oakwood, all of Toronto and also Lake Shore Lodge of Mimico. RICHVA LE SOCIAL CLUB A feature of the evening was the presentation of a Past Master’s Jewel to the retiring master, W. Bro. Rob- ert Endean. C. Murphy was installed as Master for the coming year and the other oificers were duly invested in their respective offices. W. Bro. A. A. Eden acted as installing master and was assisted in the work‘ by, Past Masters of the Lodge.‘ The follow- ing officers were installed and in:- vested: W.M., W. Bro. J. C. Murphy; I.P.M., W. Bro. R. Endean; S.W., Bro. W. L. Glass; J.W., Bro. Carl Swanson; Chaplain, W. Bro. W. A. Wright; treasurer, W. Bro. A. A. Eden; secretary, W. Bro. J. E. Smith; S.D., Bro. A. R. Hill; J.D., Bro. H. F. Austin; D. of C., W. Bro. H. Reid; s.s., Bro. H. W. Mylks; J.s., Bro. James McLean; organist, Bro. Rand Phipps; I.G., Bro. P. G. Savage; tyl- er, Bro. C. Mylks. RICHMOND LODGE OFFICERS INSTALLED IN OFFICE The annual installation and invest- iture ceremonies were observed in Richmond Lodge A.F. & A.M. last Thursday eveningwhen W. Bro. J. i â€" NOVELTY â€" ' Emmy tea at its best SINGLE COPIES 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE The local club has purchased a new mower which has been put to work on the greens with very satis- factory results. An important meeting of the Bowling Club will be held' at the club house Friday evening at 8.30 pm. A representative attendance of the members is urgently requested. Two Richmond Hill rinks skipped by A. A. Eden and G. Yerex will compete in the Coronation tournaâ€" ment at Newmarket July lst. Four rinks represented Richmond Hill in the men‘s doubles at Stoufi- ville Tuesday evening. Skip A. A. Eden was successful in Winning three games and was awarded the third prize, a camp chair. Skip E. T. Steâ€" phens won the prize for high for two wins. The rinks were: George Walwin. A, A. Eden skip; G. Willis, E. T. Stephens skip; J. Graham James D. McLean skip; J. E. Smith A. E. Glass skip. A very pleasant time was enjoyed at the Bowling Green Monday even- ing when over thirty competed in the weekly mixed) tofirnament. Several new faces were on- hand and enjoyed the game for the first time. The premier honors of the night were won by skip Wesley Wellman and his rink included James D. McLean and Hugh Yerex. BOWLING NOTES

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