Hare Owners Should mam Stallitms Used For Serv Carry High Certificate ’ In order to improve horse l "n the Province of Ontario, uric Stallion Enrolment Act By the Ontario Legislature on ht, 1912, provided for the prehred stallions only, in tl 'nce after the season of 19 To further indicate the aerit of stallions being- cffi flbï¬c service, each stallion Breeders Must Use Purebred Staliiees inspectw at least once every three 1 mount“ m 53 years and passed by the Stallion En- ‘ We extend calmenvt Board. The certificates is- ‘ Grace Park. Harm cued following inspection are namely, Mam“ and Rubv I ï¬rms One, Two, Three and qurflsuccessful in Bags†\‘m the first two classes, the Ontario examinations 6n the and Dominion governments coâ€"oper-i ML Gem†Cl.“ ate in paying premiums according to and Mr. HIDQ Bail: {we number of foals left to the ser- ‘ on Wednede after 9"“ of these SwlliO-‘S- iat Sesikanika Lake These premiums encourage stallion‘ The wedding of mers to purchase and maintain for ‘8‘. and Mr. VH3“, public- use horses of high quality “lace at the Ang“ late owners should take advantage 0W, w‘ood‘bï¬dze‘ I of this inspection and enrolment by L H. Kidd Officim making sure the stallions used for The “mum picni‘ service carry» a high certificate, as qhurch Sunday Sch i is only by the use of the best held on Saturday lites that horse owners can hope church and school I. improve the general standard of crowd was present uses in Ontario. supper and splend VARIED SPEED LIMITS In connection with Ontario’s action in increasing the speed limit it is interesting to note what other prov- inces do, says the North Bay Nugget. In Prince Edward Island “careful and prudent" driving is the test. In Man- ioba it is the same. Saskatchewan mks motorists tc pipe down to &5. int only While passing other vehicles. nova Scot-i9. demands “reasonable and proper" driving, with 4-0 as the high Emit. New Brunswick employs a system of “restricted districts". In Quebec and Alberta it’s 2’). In Brit- ish Columbia the same, except where Eghway signs provide otlwrwise. PAGE EIGHT JUST as predicted, egg prices are on their way' up. To profit from that fact, you need chicks from stock noted for rapid growth and early layâ€" fng . . . Bray’sv Xtra-Profit stock. We still have them. al- though the end of the hatch- ï¬rg'; season is drawing near. Also. limited number of started pullets, some ready to lay by early: August. Don’t delay any longer. Get in touch with us right away. Fred W. BRAY Limited 2385 Dufferin St., Toronto mmne KEnwood 6805 Notice to Horse Owners GIMME UP ! Stallions to stand for public service must be pure bred, must have passed inspection and be enrolled under the Ontario Stallion Enrolment Act. Certificates are issued to indicate the relative merit FORM ONE FORM TWO FORM THREE FORM FOUR Mare owners should ask to see the enrolment certificate for their guidance. Ontario and Dominion Governments encourage stallion owners to buy and keep for service the best grade stallions by paying premiums on stall- ions carrying Form One and Form TWO certificates. The Ontario Enrolment Act says: “No one shall stand, travel, or offer for use or sale any stallion that is not pure bred and enrolled.†HON. DUNCAN MARSHALL ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Should Make Sure sed Fur Service of 1918. the relative g offered for Lllion must be a everv three Ministe re on Augu’St the use of in the PrOV- ding ho n‘ weu and even une 26 Member The wedding of Miss Jessie Kerâ€" ‘e_\' and Mr. Harvey Prudiham took wlace at the Anglican Church Recâ€" orv, Wloodibridge, on June 23. Rev. T. H. Kidd officiated. The annual picnic of Hope United ’Thurch Sunday School and W.A. was held on Saturday. June 26 at the church and school grounds. A good crowd was present and enjoyed the supper and splendid programme of sports. A presentation was made to Rev. and Mns. A. M. Partridge. The iddress read by Mrs. W. Crooks was as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Partridge:â€" This occasion, though a nappy Unt, contains a certain amount of regret from us. We are happy at seeing and talking with you again but sad knowing that your stay with us is drawing to a close: Your optimistic outlook on life ex- pressed in your conduct and preach- ing has left a lasting impression on us. We are deeply grateful for your solendid service both in church and splendid service both In cnurcn anu home. Your kindl‘w visits to our homes have been helpful and inspir- ing. With an undt‘rstanding heart and a clear insight into human nature you have briiged that gap which ever seems. to exist between pulpit and congregation. As a small indi- cation of our love and respect for you. we ask you to accept this chair and table. May you partake of num- erous cherry pies from it and on and table. May you partake of num- erous cherry pies from it and on any occasion )ou will be prepared for all sit' down strikes. Signed on behalf of members and friends of Hope United Church. The presentation of! occasional chair was made by Mrs. T. 0. Nixon and coffee table by Mrs. J. Cousins. Rev. Partridge responded in very fitting: words thanking the members for the gifts and their many acts of kindness during the past six Pro years. Members and friends 1 Members and friends of Hope United Church wish Rev. and Mrs. Partridge and family every success in their new field of work. The regular meeting of the Unitâ€" ed Church W.A. was held in the Sun- day School room on Thursday after- ll‘C and Rub ful in pa ,ations on George ( r. H. C. E inesday- a! f M MAPLE NEW’SY NOTES congratulations to array Wilson, Agnes by Pollock who were assing their entrance 1 their year’s work. Crooks, Ray Crooks Bailey returned home after spending a week oftball team defeat Wednesday evening, core of 14-2. Mr. Chas. Roberts Mr. Desm< aving With Strawberr Partridge:â€" , though a happy th you again but sad your stay with us is vIrs. Marrott ted Church cial evening ‘ though a happy one, air. amount of regret are happy at seeing i M! J. B. FAIRBAIRN Deputy Minister he ayed and a love- ‘ by the hostess very enjoyabIt by all present. _9 St. Stephen“ wberrv Tea 3 n-as. Roberfs n-rott’s girTS’ xurch Sunday ening at the C. J. Robeâ€" ng as a fareâ€" zsmond Partâ€" his par: to you both, who have t: wholeâ€"hearted interest in During the years of yot among u$ we have learnt lciate your worth. You) ‘the course of the churc [cheerful Christian snirit noon with Edgeley ties as guesis. Mi Maple President, in the business a sh( given con'sisting of Mrs. E. Ston‘g‘ am solo by Mrs. Arms by Mrs. F. S. Run platform front and Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Smith who read the address and made the presentation from EdgevIEy. Tho address read by Mrs. Phillips The address read was- as follows: Our gathering to-night together a pleasant one i it almost impossible to s PHILIP G. JOHN SON Appointed Vice President in charge of operations of Trans- Canada Air Lines. The appoint- ment of Mr. Johnson, an air executive with international rep- utation and former president of United Air Lines, was announced by S. J. Hungerford. President of Transâ€"Canada Air Lines and Chairman and President of the Canadian National Railway. fol- lowing a meeting of the directors of Canada's new air tranrpnrt cnmnnnv. W J v v v v - - - 1 wholeâ€"hearted interest in our behalf. During the years of your pastorate among us we have learned to appre- ciate your worth. Your loyalty to the course of the church and your cheerful Christian spirit have been an inspiration to each one of us. In- terested always in everything which has been for the good of our church. sympathetic with those in trouble or in need and ever ready to cheer and help with a brightness which has: been so encouraging to all, we fully realize the loss your removal will be to us. We trust in your residence in Beaverton you may find congenial surroundings where yOu may make new acquaintances which may deveâ€" lop into as genuine friendship as you have always had in Edgeley. We ask you to accept this gift as a slight expression of respect from the peo- ple of this community and a modest momenta of our appreciatiOn and me- mories. May you be spared to be a very great influence of spiritual helpfulness in your new charge. This i: the sincere wish of the friends of To Operate Airways a very greét helpfulness in is the sincere Edgeley. DUELAVJ. Mrs. Smith prsented the beautiful floor lamp and cut glass crystal vase. The chairman then called on Mr. R. Marratt and Mr. F. Rumble who made the presentation of a set of dishes from the Maple congregation. Mr. and Mrs. Partridge both re- plied: thanking the members .and friends for their gift and co-opera- tion and loyalty during their resi- dence and service here. The meet- ing was brought to a close by singâ€" imr Auld Lang Syne and repeating Mr. and Mrs. Partril plied: thanking the 11 friends for their gift 2 tion and loyalty durin dence and service here ing was brought to a c ing Auld Lang Syne a the Mizpah Benediction Mr. and Mrs. W. ‘ Sunday with Mr. and Baldwin. A surprise kitchen and pantry shelf shower was held at the home of Mrs. C. Ball on Monday evening in honour of Miss Ruth Reaman, a bride of next week. Miss Reaman for seven years teacher of the priâ€" mary room of Maple Public School was the recipient of many useful and beautiful gifts, the kitchenware in cream and red. About seventy at- tended. The Induction of Rev. Dr. Mc- Crimmon will takeiplacc in Maple United Church on Friday, July 2nd, at 8 o’clock Standard Time. The minister presiding over the induction will be Rev. Fockler of Keswick. The annual Congregational and Sunday School Picnic of Zion Luth- eran Church will be held on the church grounds on Tuesday. June 6. All are invited. I Dumb animals are the ones that grow old without overtaxing their hearts in an effort to be young again. ,h Edgeley and Hope Socie- guesis. Mrs. H. C. Bailey, resident, in the chair. After ness 3 short program was n'sisting of a vocal duet by Storm; and Mrs. E. Robb, Mrs. Armstrong, vocal duet F. S. Rumble and Mrs. T. ‘ing: to-night is not al- e‘asant one far we find possible to say farewell who have taken such a THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND ELL, ONTAIEQ W. Woods spent and Mrs. Ail‘d at Mr. and Mrs. W. Wynn sp'en‘t Sat- urday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Reid in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark. Madelenel and Mrs. Hancoek spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. Rear at Barrie. ‘ Mrs. J. Hertz and children of Rich- vale and Mrs. Geo. Reid and son Douglas spent Tuesday with Mrs. W. Wynn. Mr. Gilbert Clark of Concord spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker. Miss Marguerite Glass of RichmOnd Hill spent Thursday with Mrs. Cliff Rumble and attended the Strawberry Festival. Mr. and Mrs. Beythel are spend- ing a week at their cottage on Bath- urst St. Mru and Mrs. Ed. Willett and son Warren spent Sunday with friends in Toronto. We are glad to welcome Mrs. J. Clement back to- Can'ville after some months im Richmond Hill. Mr. Bert Middleton and his Sun- day School class of boys spent the week-end camping at Mr. George Walker’s at Edgeley. CARRVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL EXAMINATION RESULTS JUNE 1937 The following pupils have been promoted from: Jr. IV to Sr. IVâ€"-W. J. Norris, Eileen Durie, Ruby Middleton. Sr. III to Jr. IVâ€"«Marjorie Nor- ris (H), Bessie O’Brien, Clifford Winger, Donald DelBrdcco. Jr. III to Sr. IIIâ€"Bonnie Burton (H), Christina DelBrocco, George Read’, Alex Spears, Walter Mitchell (R). ' II to Jr. IIIâ€"Tom McConnell, Floyd Winger, Lloyd MiddletOn (R), Beth Barton (R), Annie Wood (R). Sr. I to I‘Iâ€"Joy Anderson, Vincent DelBrocco, John Hyslop, Charles Jones, Charles Joy, John Mitchell, David Winger, George Wood. Jr. I to St. Iâ€"Gerald Winger, Mary Read, John Wood, Jack O’- CARRV ILLE BIGGER. ROOMIER INTERIORS ‘ LTake Kip; Hensurr’e with you and actuaNy check the extra inches of space. THORNHILL MOTORS Thornhill FAMEDTURRETTOP . . . Smooth-flowing for smarter sucamlining. A single sheet of solid steel, it puts unequalled protection overhead EVERY CONVENI- ENCE . . . Complete instrument panel and a convenient ï¬nccl com~ para-neat. any othu' attractive appointmen's. for economical transportation Rae)? A 1' A successful Strawberry Supper n was held last Thursday evening by y_ the Thornhill United Church, on the lawn of Mr. Fred Farr, Centre St. It was well attended and everyone ll? enjoyed the well prepared supper. In r. the evening, Mr. Floyd Davies, led "1» in- community singing. Brien. Pr. to Jr. Iâ€"Ruth Durie, Jean Brien, Warren Willet, Betty C Bruce Winger, Margaret Wood. Rev. E. E. Pugsley was present and was presented with a cheque and a beautiful basket of roses for Mrs. Pugsley. Mrs. R. Simpson, Presiâ€" dent of the WA. read the address and the gifts were presented by Mrs. N. L. Morton. Mr. Pugsley thanked all the members of the congregation for their kindness during his pastorâ€" ate, and for the gifts he had receiy- ed. Everyone joined in singing. He's a Jolly Good Fellow, which ended a very pleasant evening. NOW An open session of the Sunday School was held last Sunday after- »noon when Rev. E. E. Pugsley spoke to the boys and girls and to a num- ber of older folk, who dropped in to hear Mr. Pugsley on his last Sun- day, at Sunday School in Thornhill. On behalf of the Sunday School. Mr. Pugsley was presented with a beau- tiful coffee percolator by Miss Ger- aldine Wesley. M1‘.rNeil McDonald, Supt dress. Mr. Clayton Scott attended the Postmasters’ Convention held at Nia- gara Falls Est ‘19.??- Mr. and Mrs. Wi‘llard Simpson re- turned from a two weeks honeymoon trip last Friday and intend to take up residence in Totem-2; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thompson are leaving this week by motor, on a trip through the Marit‘me provinces and Quebec. _ The Induction Service for the Rev. E. B. Cooke. B.A., Minister Designate for the Thornhill United Church will take place on Friday night, July 2nd at 8 o’clock. Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson, Chairman of the Presbvterv, will conduct the Service and Induct the Minister. Rev. F. J. Maxwell of Glebe Road will nreach the Sermon and Rev. H. J. McKay of Leaside will address the Congregation and the Minister. A full attendance is looked for to welcome the new Minister. THORN HILL 0'1; VEhE-Séï¬Ã©bljrgave 'the ad; $745 00k, O’- Mater 2-panenger Elaine‘s; Couï¬e delivered a:- factory, Oxbawa. Goremmeut 14x21, liceme and freight additional. (Price! :ubiect to cbmn without notice.) THURSDAY, JULY lst, 1937. Vaughan Sunday School Association Holds 56th Anniversary The 56th Anniversary Conference of Vaughan Township Sunday School Association with 21 Sunday Schools represented, assembled- in Wood- bridge Presbyterian Church on Wed- nesclay of last week when the prin- cipal speaker was Miss N. Lewis of the Ontario Religious Education Council. Officers elected were: President. Murray Coles, Wood- bridge; Secretary, Miss Annie Fer- guson, Elia. The employees of Wm. Robinson & Sons have announced their an- nual cruise to Port Dalhousie on July 16th. Mrs. H. N. Smith who was seri- ously injured in an auto crash has returned home from the Western Hospital where she spent several days but is still suffering from in- juries. Mr. Smith is still in the hospital where he is making slow recovery. What They are Saying About the Growth in the Humber Valley Heard by A Listener I've lived in the Humber Valley all my life and cannot recall amr year With such a growthâ€"Donald McKenzie. There should be no scarcity of hay this year for the growth is enorm- ous.â€"â€"D. C. Longhouse. If the wheat gets a chance to ripen without rust, this year ought to see a record yieldâ€"James Bell. A California psychologist says many married men. are big babies. This will be doubted by all married people who are men. Successor to J. J. Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOOD‘BRIDGE. ONTAIIO WOODBREDGE Wilfrid R. Scott c-ma