PAGE FOUR WWW Roden Defeat East York Roden A.C. continued their winnâ€" ing streak Tuesday when they de- feated the classy East York team Ed. Morrin and Jack Crew were the chief goal scorers for Rodens while L. Woods scored three for East York and was the mest valuable man for the visitors. Brooklyn will meet Roden Inter- mediates at the local arena Monday, July 19th. The fans can be sure this will be a game worthwhile. Frank Hayward and. C. Smith, the goal keepers for both teams, were exceptionally good making almOSt impossible saves. D. Puncin had the. misfortune to break three ribs when he slipped into the goal post after making an attack on the Roden goal. Juniors. East York and Richmond Hill teams are made up of Roden and Marlboro Jrs. so the fans can be sure the lacrosse will be worthwhile coming out to see. All plans and signs point to the fact, that the Street Dance to (be held August 18th is going to be one of the best held in years. Plan to attend, make up a party and .come and enjoy yourselves and help a good cause along. The l~acr055e fans should not miss Tuesday’s games in the Town League. 7.30â€"Richvale vs. Richmond Hill Midgets. 8.30â€"Richvale vs Juniors. Change gear, avoid car coming from side turning and stop as quickâ€" ‘ly as pOSsible with front wheels back 'of white line. DRIVING TESTS Editorial in Stratford Beacon-Herald Here is what an applicant for a firstâ€"time driving license has to do in Salisbury (Rhodesia): Drive at a fast rate and then pull up suddenly when a sack of flour representing a child is thrown unâ€" expectedly on the roadway. Drive off again and be suddenly confronted with a “nursemaid†push- ing a baby carriage. Repeat test with two jay walking pedestrians. (We wonder who risks [being the nursemaid and the jaywalkers). One wonders what the traffic ac- ‘cident statistics are in Rhodesia. If ‘tests mean anything the highway ‘toll should be comparatively light. The Ontario examinations are child’s ‘play compared to these. Reverse into a narrow parking space. Give all the statutory signals. Answer a number of questions tak- en at random from the Roads and Traffic Act. Then, whether you are driving a sports model or a heavy truck. drive 'around point-duty policeman in the smallest possible circle. “A MAN’S PRAYER†Teach me that Sixty minutes make an hour, sixteen ounces make one pound, and one hundred cents one dollar. Help me so to live that I can lie down at night with a clear conscience, without a gun under my pillow, and unhaunted by the faces of those to whom I have brought pain. Grant that I may earn my meal-ticket on the square, and that in earning it, I may do unto others as 1 would have them do unto me. Deafen me to the jingle of tainted money and to the rustle of unholy skirts. Blind me to the faults of the other fellow, but reveal to me my own. Guide me so that each night when I look across the dinner table at my wife, who has been a bless- ing to me, I will have nothing to conceal. Keep me young enough to laugh with little children, and sym- pathetic enough to ‘be considerate of old age. Then, when comes the day of darkened shades and the smell of flowers, the tread of soft footsteps, and the crunching of wheels in the yard â€" make the ceremony short and the epitaph simple â€" HERE LIES A MAN! Sport Notes East York vs. Richmond North Toronto Hill QUANTITY SEED BUCKWHEAT. Bruce Brothers, telephone Stouffville 3602. PIANO, Player, in good condition, $45.00 cash, a real bargain. Apply at Liberal Office. HORSE suitable for saddle or light work. Apply Chas. Mizen, Doncast- er Gardens, near Bayview. weeks old, cheap. H. Lawrence, lot 45, lst con. Markham Township. 250 BARRED ROCK CHICKS five FORDSON TRACTOR in good con- dition; also Oliver Plow nearly new. John J. Lees, R.R. No. 2, Gormley. TWO PLATE GASOLINE stove for sale. Cheap. A real bargain. Apâ€" ply G. Yerex, phone 242, Richmomt Hill. 2 YOUNG GRADE AYRSHIRE cows fresh, passed 3 clean T. B. bests. I. D. Ramver, Richmond. Hill, teleâ€" phone 10. MILK COWS, T.B. Tested, four to s'rx years old, fresh cows and close springers; also Heifers. Apply E. ‘Fisher, Langstaff. ‘ ‘ PUREBRED AYRS‘HIRE BULL ser- viceable age, Dams are R.O.P. Reâ€" cord, 3 years old, 10,019 lbs. milk, 435 lbs. butter fat. E. Fisher, Lang- staff. HOUSE AND LOT at 36.0emtre St. West, Richmond Hill, known as the late Lucy Bowes property; also some good furniture. Apply phone Maple 362. BOY’S BICYCLE in good‘ comlibion; also 4h inch non-sag- bed spring, good as new. Mrs. Lewis Clement, opp0site L.T.B. & 0‘. Home, tele- phone Richmond Hill 44:11. Eastern cattle (from T.B. Tested Area). Fresh Cows and close-up Springers, Holstein, Ayrshire, Jer- seys, Durhams, T.B. tested and blood tested. Purebreds and grades. Jack Devins, RR. 2, Weston, 2 miles south of Woodlbridgse. Phone Woodbrid-ge 1364. Cattle for Sale NIEW STUOOO BUNGAIDW ¢n Centre St. West, all modern con- veniences, hardwood trim. Apply to Mrs. H. Hewison, 44 Centre St. W., Richmond Hill. Several complaints having been re- ceived of damage done by children parents are asked to take warning that a strict check-up is being made and all offenders will be prosecuted. “Let joy be unconfined,†even if there are slipâ€"ups here and there. Mandy had been given leave to at- tend her sister’s wedding, and on her return entertained her employer with a full account of the proceed- ings. After listening to a glowing description of the gowns, the wed- ding breakfast and the guests, Mandy’s employer said: Employerâ€"“You haven’t told me anything about the rbridegroom, Mandy. What is he like? Mandyâ€"“Why, ma’am, dat man never did show up. Mulock Picnic Aug. 21 , SATURDAY THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF LT RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for gin-st Insertion and_ 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 llnes '5 cents per hne extra -7 ____ ._..._n _ hw‘vmn rn-In rr‘vn AVA gun... ~“y..- each insertion."1'§'cï¬1izGED 7 CENTS PER LINE, Classified Advs. Woodbridge WARNING FOR SALE J. A. GREENE, Reeve. EIGHT ROOM HOUSE, conveniences, modern. Apply T. H. Trench, Rich- mond Hill. YOUNG GIRL as mother's help on farm. Telephone Maple 563 HOUSE, modern, wanted by young couple by the latter part of Sep- tember. Apply by letter stating particulars to Box 40, Liberal Offâ€" we. EXPERIENCED MAN wants jOb on farm by day. Apply at The Liberal Office. FOUNDâ€"Two car keys, N0. FH047. Apply at The Liberal Office. BUILDINGS raised and moved. Lang. staff Coal and Supp}y. Phone Thorn- hill 73. ORDERS TAKEN for Gooseberries and Red Currants. B. F. White, 47 Church St. MONEY TO LOAN. I have clients with money to loan on first mort- gage in amounts up to $5,000. A. E. Glass, Richmond Hill. Used Cars The Council Wishes to negotiate a loan of $6,500.00 and bids for this amount will be received up to Wed- nesday, July 14th at the Treasurer’s Office, where full particulars may be obtained. Richmond Hill, July 8th, 1937. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Little Brothers 1936 FORD LIGHT DELIVERY â€"- Heavy Duty Tires. Like new. 1934 FORD V-S DeLUXE COUPEâ€"-‘ Rumble Seat. Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174-W 1933 FORD V-8 COUPE -â€" Rumqu We are making progress. In the old days it was naughty to keep on having friends after you- got mar- riod. 1936 FORD V'8 SEDAN â€" Nioek VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL MISCELLANEOUS are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada; They cost no more than ordinary book; and always give We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See You Home “It: Fast TO RENT ORDERS TAKEN if TEE LIBERAL omen eer le// Sales Books NOTICE WANTED A. J. HUME, Treasurer. $650.00 $550.00 $375.00 $450.00 FOUND