Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Aug 1937, p. 8

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Mr. and Mrs. James B. Waters of Palm Beach. Florida, are guests this week of Mrs. J. E. H. McDonald, Centre Street. Mr. Edward White, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. George Rowbottmn, returned on Thursday after two weeks’ vacation to H.M.C.S. Stado- cona, Halifax. . -- n. , . nu:n:..._.‘.. uv-um. v._«_.- .0.“ Mrs. Austin Brillinger, became the bride of Theodore James MacGregor. son of Mr. and Mrs. John MacGreg- or of Toronto. ovum, .~..._-.v Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Brillinger and sons of Timmins and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferguson and son of Toronto are spending their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. A. Brillinger. MacGREGOR-BRILLINGER 0:! Saturday, July 3151;, Thornhil‘l United Church was the scene of a very pretty wedding when Mabel Lolitateldest‘dgughter of Mr. and LL. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. E. Pugslev of Cannington. formerly of Thornhill. The church was beautifully decnrated with palms, ferns, White gladioli and Shasta dav’sies. uu'u-vur The bride, given in marriage by her father, was attractively gowned in white satin dress with a cowl neckline and fitted jacket of suede lace with Queen Anne collar and the back extending into a lone‘ train. a small hat of white taffeta. with tiny nose veil and satin shoes to Mulock Picnic HAGE EIGHT THORNHILL Woodbridge SATURDAY Aug. let match, completed the costume. She carried a semi-formal bouquet of Johanna Hill roses and lily-of-the- valley. Her only attendant was her youngest sister, Jean, who was gown- ed in blush pink chiffon cut on long lines, with large puff sleeves and sash of turquoise blue and pink ri_b- bon with pink accessories. She car- ried a bouquet of Briarcliffe roses and maiden hair fern. 5 . Mr. Floyd Davies, organist of the church, played the wedding music. During the signing of the register. Mr. James Low of Toronto sang “Until”. After the ceremony a re- ception was held at the home of the bride’s parents. where the bride and groom received, assisted by the m0- ther of the Ebride. who wore a navy blue triple sheer with Rosew00d col- ored hat and corsaee of Iily-of-the- valley and fern. Mrs. MacGregor. mother of the e‘rOOm, also received weaning white chiffon lorxg dress and accessories and corsage of orchids. The groom was attended by M1: Harry Bennett of Toronto, and the ushers were Mr. Stewart Brillinger of Timmfins, brother of the bride. and Mr. John MacGregor, brother of the groom A davih‘tymwguffet Iluncheon was served, Unsers of Toroptp gateflng. Eyei‘r'uréfir'firthev will reside at 86 Deloraine Ave.. North Toronto. bclvcu' unacu‘ v1. -unnu The bride and groom left for Mus- kok‘a and northern noints. The bride travelled in a white tailored suit with brown accessories. the costume. She Sunday: Went to church & S. S. in the a. m. & I & Jake & Blisters went for a swim E in the crick in the PAYING THREE WAYS Bostonâ€"Explaining Why he stole $33,000 from his empIOyers, a, book- keeper said he had to maintain a wife, pay alimony to ano¢her and support a sweetheart. SLATS’ DIARY Parcel 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 22. NNHHHHHHHIâ€"‘P‘H $9599°999P9°Pfl95°°°fl£mgfiw5°“ Langstaff Securities Langstaff Securities Langstaff Securities Jane Crawford . . . . Philip Blanc . . . . . . . Walter Hinds . . . . . . Walter Hinds Langstaff Securities N. Pann Langstaff Securities Langstaff Securities Langstaff Securities Ethel Blackburn Ethel Blackburn Langstaff Securities A Greenyer . . . . . . . H. J. O’Hara . . . . . . J. O’Hara . . . . . . Dr. H. E. Morgan Dr. H. E. Morgan . Dr. H. E. Morgan . Dr. H. E. Morgan . Dr. H. E. Morgan . Percy J. Farr . . . . . Percy J. Farr . . . . . Anna Sumner . . . . . . 33. Robt. Poole 34. Gertrude Cole (By Oliver N. Warren) Gertrude Cole Josephine Arnold 1U VVLL By virtue of a War-rant issued by the Reeve of the Township of Markham, dated me to levy upon the lands mentioned in the following List for arrears of taxes th patented lands, I THEREFORE GIVE NOTICE that unless the said arrears of tax sell, by Public Auction, the said lands to discharge the said arrears, together with the I day of NOVEMBER, AD. 1937, at the hour of ten o’clock in the foren-oon, and upOI completed, at the Township Hall, Unionville, Ontario. TAKE NOTICE also that such Sale some or all of the lands. Treasurer‘s Office, ' . TO WIT Assessed to Unionville, Ontario, July 20th, 1937 Treasurer’s Sale of Land for Taxes Township Markham, County of York. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO p. m. WhatIcant see in to is why church shade are so hot & crick bank sun so nice & kool. & I wander can enney boddie see Why it are. .. Lot 58‘ _. . Lot 64. . . Lot 65, ..Lot 76. ..Lot 81. . . Lot 84, 1/2 Lot 85. Vth 90. l,lzLot 90. 1/2 Lot 91. S.167’ of ..Lot 98. ..Lot 174 . . Lot 175, .. Lot 1'76 Mrs. Robert McCallum Buried Barbara Alexander McCallum, 'be- loved wife of Robert McCallum, aged 73, passed away», last week at her home, Lot 12. Concession 5, Vaughan, following a brief illness. She was buried in Hillcrest Cemetery on Friâ€" day, the funeral taking place frOm W. R. Scott‘s chapel with Mr. Ern- est Root officiating at the graveside. Deceased was born in Scotland and came to Canada 30 years ago. She is survived by her husband who is a veteran of the World War having served with the 48th Highlanders. Hitch-Hiker Causes Constemation~ Among Residents Consternation was rampant among farmers and others on No. 7 High- way between Woodbridge and Edge- ley recently when a' supposed to be dead man was observed lying- on the roadside with blood flowing from a wound, and it was suggested that the man may have self inflicted the wound that caused his death. County Officer Sam Ireland was called and . on investigation discovered that the man was very much alive, that he was a hitchâ€"hiker and becoming weary had laid down to rest. A red bandanna handkerchief containing articles of wearing apparel was used as a pillow and which was mistaken for blood. ‘ Toronto Civic Holiday in and Around Woodbridge - ‘ Although Monday last was not proclaimed as a holiday by; the coun- cil owing to the holiday of two weeks ago on the occasion of the Robinson Dye Works employees excursion to Port Dalhousie, some of the business concerns did observe the day and a goodly number of residents attend- ed the Herbert Lennox Memorial Picnic at Jackson’s Point, while many 1 Toronto folk visited friends in Wood- bridge. Elm and Elliston Parks were busy; spots where a number of picnic parties spent the day. Cottage dwel- lers for a stretch of two miles on the banks of the Humber entertained many visitors. Exâ€"Sergeant of To- ronto Police Force Bob Fraser was exceptionally busy pointing out the advantages of a summer home in the ‘ Pine Grove colony. Mr. Fraser built a new home last fall and al- though he twice won +he highest honors for home surroundings at the Horticultural Flower Show it is ex- pected that he will soon have his new home ready for competition. The Finnish Camp was a hive of activity on Saturday, Sunday and Monday when a three days powâ€"wow was carried on by the Finnish Soâ€" ciety of Toronto. Saturday and Sun- day were devoted to sports of a di- versified nature and all sorts of games. It was estimated that 5000 attended the big holiday event. The camp is a half mile south of Wood- Lot Lot Lot 1 34' 01 Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Block 30 N Iâ€"Auâ€"AL‘JJCOHHDâ€"lm Pond erly acre: Part fron nort pot erly 10 acres of the east 20. acres of the west half of Lot 1. Part Twp. Lot 13, ConceSSion 2,. frontage of 363’ 5" measuring. north from centre of Lot on Bayview by depth of 443’ 6” to-. gether with and subject to right-‘ of-way on south 33’ . . . . . . . . . . . t Part Lot'13, Concession 2, com- mencinz at a point distant east 443’ 2" from the n.w. angle: Thence east 349’ 11” along N. limit by depth of 659’ 3” more or less. Together with and sub- ject to right-of-waw on south 33’ Part Twp. Lot 13. Concession 2, Commencing at a point 2544’ 3” measuring east from the N.W. angle along N. limit of Lot; Thence east 350‘ 6" bv depth 659’ 8" together with and subject to right-ofâ€"way on south 33’. . .. of Lot 97. 98. Plan 232 174, Plan 25 175, Plan 231 176, Plan 25 177, Plan 25 178. Plan 25 1'79. Plan 25: of Lot 30. P 83. Plan 24: 15. Plan 24‘ Description 24. Plan 2386 25. Plan 2386 47. Plan 2386 52. Plan 2386 . 181 182. Plan Lot 1 y the Reeve of the Township of Markham, dated the 20th day) Of July, AD. 1937, commanding l in the following List for arrears of taxes thereon and costs as herein set forth, all such E NOTICE that unless the said arrears of taxes and- costs be sooner paid, I shall proceed to o discharge the said arrears, together with the Charges thereon, on MONDAY, the EIGHTH 'e hour of ten o’cloek in the foren-oon, and upon the following day or days until the Sale is nionville, Ontario. TAKE NOTICE also that the Township of Markham intends to buy at Plan Plan Plan Plan 21 Plan 21 D" and f Block Plan Plan Plan WOODBRIDGE an 2386 . . . . . . . 97. Plan 2386 238-6 . . . . . . . n 2383 A . . . . . 1 23383 . . . . . . . Concession 2 west- 2446 2446 2446 2446 2113 2113 2383 2383 2383 23 83 Dart Twp. Lot “D” to old Mill 22 60 bridge on the Humber flats. Trained Béar a Feature at Elliston Park ‘» ‘ Patrons of Elliston Park were treated to a trained bear perform- ance together with a highâ€"glass pro- gram of songs by several radio art- ists on Friday1 night of last week by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Death, park managers. Mrs. Dougal McKechnie Returns Home Mrs. Dougal McKechnie, No. 7 Highway East, who suffered a break- down two years ago and has been cared for by her sisters in Toronto during that time was brought home Quantity in W. R. Scott’s ambulance to live with her son George under Whose care it is hoped she will improve. Who could help but admire the beautiful home surroundings of A1- vin Robb. ' 11/100 16/100 16/100 15/100 15/100 DISTRICT NEWS 1/5 CITIES SERVICE GARAGE Repair Shop 5 acre 5 acres acre . . . . . . . . 1356-0'4-68-00 acre . . . . . . . . 1938â€"34-35â€"36 acre . . . . . . . . 1933â€"34-3-5-36 acre . . . . . . . . 1933-34â€"35-36 acre . . . . . . . . 1933-34-35-36 acre . . . . . . . . 1938-34-35-36 acre . . . . . . . . 1933-34â€"35â€"36 acre . . . . . . . . 1933â€"34-35-36 acres . . . . . . . 1933â€"34â€"35â€"36 acres .. 1931-32-33-3435-36 acre . . 1931-32-33-34-3’5-3‘6 acre . . . . . . . . 1933-34â€"35-36 acre.. Part 1933, 1934-35-36 acre. . Part 1933. 1934â€"35-36 acres . . . . . . . 1933â€"34-35-36 acre .- . . . . . . . 1933-34-35-36 acre r . . . . . . . 1933-34-35â€"36 acre . . . . . . . . 1933-34~35-36 acre . . . . . . . . 1933-34-35-36 acre . . . . . . . . 1933-34-35â€"36 acre . . . . . . . . 1933-34-35-36 acre . . . . . . . . 1933-34-35-36 acre . . . . . . . . 1933-34-35-36 acre .. 1930-31-32-33-34-3I5- acre . . . . . . . . 1933-34-35-36 acre . . . . . . . . 193334-3536 acre . . . A . . . . 1933-?4â€"35-36 acre . . . . . . . . 1933-34-35-36 acre . . . . A . . . 1933â€"34-35-36 acres . . . . . . . 1933-3435-5363 acres . . . . . . . 1933-34-35-36 acres acre acres Guarantee Jobs on all Makes of Cars ESTIMATES GIVEN FREE Service on all General Motors Cars and Trucks Phone 12 Richmond Hill MABLEY & BAKER . . . . . 1933-34-35-36. . . . . . . 1933-34-35-36. . . . . . . 1933-34-35â€"36 . . . . . . . 1933-34~35-36. . . . . . . 1933-34-35-36 . . . . . . . 1933-34-35â€"36 . . . . . . . 1933-34-35-36 . . . . . . . 1933-34-35-36 . . . . . . . 1933-34-35-36 . . 1930-31-32-?)3-34-35-36 . . . . . 1933-34-35-36 . . . . . . . 1933-34-3536. . A . . . . 1933-?4â€"35-36 . . . . . . . 1933-34-35-36. . ‘ . A . . . 1933â€"34-35-36. . ‘ . . . . . 19-33-34-35-36. . , . . . . . 1933-34-35-36 . . art 1932-33â€"34-35-36. .. 369.71 Years in arrears .. 1933-34-35â€"36 .. 1938-34-35-36 .. 1933â€"34-3-5â€"36 1933â€"34-35-36 .. 1933â€"34-35-36 1933-34-35-36 . 1933â€"34-35-36 rt 1930â€"31-1 34w 1933~34~35â€"36 1933-34-35-36 ROLLING MOTOR SALES 34.35-36 RICHMOND HILL 35-36 THURSDAY, AUGUST 5th, 1937. J. E. Harris, Dr. G. D. MscLean, Mrs. Arthur McNeil, E. W. Brown, J. G. Whitmore, W. J. Mitchell, Newman Wiley, Boyle Kellam, Elm Park and Elliston Park. Miss Lillian Risebrough and Miss Alma Smith motored to Robin’s Beach, Georgian Bay and spent a, few days at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hirlehey of Tor- Taxes & Int. 3 47.32 121.36 62.18 87.35 197.47 31.57 31.57 30.98 95.31 331.81 . 192.95 68.82 , 63.62 . 132.64 . 169.71 90.82 11.70 11.70 onto. is the interesting disclosure made by Abbot Hunter Blair, O.S.B., noted antiquarian. KING AND QUEEN ARE 17TH COUSINS Abbot Hunter Blair Traces Relationship London, July 12.â€"King George of England and his Queen are cousins, Tfiey are seventeenth cousins, it is 'true, but co‘usins just the same. King George, says the Abbot, de- scends in right line through Mary Queen of Scots, James VI. and I. and the Guelphs, from Robert 111., King of Scots (1315â€"1390). Robert’s sister, Jean, was married in 1376 to Sir John Lyon of Glamis, whose grandson was created Lord Glamis, in 1445, the direct ancestor "of Lady Elizabeth Angela Marguer- ‘ibe Lyon, who is now Queen Eliza- beth. Illustration of the power of habit: Bathers quitting- the water and rac- ing for shelter when a shower be- gins. 138.47 12.55 35.19 19.23 9.60 9.60 9.60 9.60 26.28 52.56 CHARLES HOOVER Treasurer. NEWTONBROOK 59.84 Successor to J. J. Deane Directar of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE 38.06 SERVICE WOODBR‘IDGE. ONTAIO Wilfrid R. Scott Costs 5 2.96 6.42 3.66 4.82 9.98 2.23 2.23 2.20 5.20 16.26 5.56 3.96 3.73 6.94 8.68 5.00 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.34 2.40 1.65 1.20 “FE-‘3‘!" I0<DNNH§ toweéo 18.0‘5 2.53 7.22 3 .88 Total 5 50.28 127.78 65.84 92.17 20’? .45 33.80 33.80 33.18 100m 348.07 108.51 72.78 67.35 139.58 178.39 95.82 13.00 13.00 387.76 145.69 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.89 37.59 20.88 10.80. 10.80 10.80 10.80 28.26 55.78 40.59 70.94

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