PAGE TWO “THE LIBERAL†Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY J. Eachern Smith, Manager Advertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9 THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.00 per year â€"â€" To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District THURSDAY, AUGUST 26th, 1937, ELECTION DAY. OCTOBER 6TH Hon. Mitchell F. Hepburn, Ontario’s Premier announcâ€" ed this week that a provincial election will be held Wed- nesday, October 6th. In the usual course of events the 'Hepburn government would not need to have an election until the fall of 1939, but the importance of certain issues facing the government have induced the Premier to seek a fresh mandate from the people to strengthen the hand of administration in dealing with these highly important questions. ' In our last issue Morgan Baker, member for North 'York, gave an interesting review of the record of the Hepâ€" burn government, and its achievements as listed by the North York representative included much that unques- tionably has been for the best welfare of the people of this province. On the whole the record of the Hepburn 'government has been exceptionally good. It would be im- possible to achieve perfection in government and no one will claim perfection for Mr. Hepburn and his administra- tion. They have made mistakes but anyone who does as much as Mr. Hepburn is sure to make a mistake sometime. The only ones who do not make mistakes are those who 'do nothing. Hepburn is a man of action and even his most bitter opponents cannot place him in the jellyâ€"fish Or do-nothing class. Mr. Hepburn and his government must be judged on their record as a whole, which we be- ‘lieve has been exceptionally successful and we believe it will commend itself to the majority of the electorate in Ontario. ' Mr. Hepburn’s sunshine budget of this year was an outstanding achievement in administration which vindi- ‘cated the pre-election promises of the young premier and ’re-established Ontario’s credit throughout the world. It would be too much to expect that after three years of administration Mr. Hepburn and his government would 'have pleased everybody, but as election day dawns it is evident that the courageous young premier who was swept 'into power three years ago, enjoys to a remarkable de- ‘gree the confidence and admiration of a large section of the people of Ontario. As voting day draws near reports from all parts of the province indicate that Mr. Hepburn will be returned to office to carry on the business of govâ€" ernment in Ontario for another term. * =I< a: a * a: at a: a: SUPPLY AND DEMAND IN PROFESSIONS Nearly three per cent of the young people growing up in Canada today become graduates of a universityâ€" about four percent of the young men and one-and-one- ’half per cent of the young women, according to a bulletin prepared by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. The pro- portion receiving a degree in Arts or Science is nearly double what it was fifteen years ago, but in several of the professions the increases have not kept pace with the increase in population, and in a few the annual num- ber of graduates has definitely fallen. The population is larger per doctor or clergyman now than it was a generation ago, and is pearly double in some provinces what it is in others; the number of veterinaries'has ac~ tually fallen while live stock has become much more num- erous. ' Some of the most rapid increases in professional wor- kers have been in the several branches of engineering. 'Native-born Canadians have met little more than half of the demand for mining, mechanical or electrical engin- eers, designers, draughtsmen and architects, and only aâ€" bout two-thirds of the demand for civil engineers, sur- Veyors, chemists, assayers, and metallurgists. Much the ‘greatest outside source of supply has been the British ‘Isles, while the United States has supplied larger num- ‘bers than the continent of Europe. In spite of greater 'liability to unemployment than most, other salaried pro- lfessionals, the earnings of engineers and other applied ‘science workers are higher than for the average profes- ‘sional, whose salary in turn is more than double that of a non-professional worker. ' The continent of Europe has contributed its great- est proportions to Canadian professionals among clergy- 'men, artists and musicians, and only in these fields has “its contribution exceeded that of the United States. Yet 'by racial origins music and art are two of the most “Eng- ‘lish†of the professions in Canada, and theology one of ‘the most “French.†Journalism is one of the most “Britâ€" ish,†in the sense that persons of English, Irish and Scott- 'ish origins all occupy a considerably greater share of positions in journalism than in other occupations. Con- ‘sidering all the professions together, persons born in the 'British Isles occupy more than their share of positions, 'i.e., considerably higher percentages of the total than in other occupations, while the opposite holds for immigrants from Europe. * * * V '4' * $ * * YOU CAN’T STAND STILL ' You turn through a Kodak album and smile at old- ‘style clothes. Skirts cluttering the anklesâ€"hats perched high on hairâ€"wasp waists awkward sleevesâ€"odd how ‘your taste has changed. ‘ Yet day by day your taste changes in all you wear and do. You don’t like the same books, enjoy the same movies, choose the same underwear, prefer the same soap ‘you did a short while ago. You are so used to the bet- ter, you wonder why you liked the old. Advertisements 'rnake you know the better as soon as it's proved to be better. They tell of good things, accepted as good taste ‘in the best homes. The hosiery, glass-curtains. lighting fixtures, others moderns use; why their use is preferred. Advertisements influence so many around you, sooner or later you will feel the change. Even if you never read ’an advertisement you will uSe in time some of the con- Veniences which advertisements urge you to use today. Advertisements form a tide of taste that sweeps you for- ward; you can’t stand still. Since you’ll enjoy what they advertise anyway, why not begin enjoying it now ?â€"Trenâ€" ton Courier-Advocate. : a o z a =- 3 I The menace of drunken drivers is being recognized throughout the world and steps have been taken in many countries to punish them severely. Prompted by the fact that the majority of traffic accidents occurring in Germany are caused by intoxicated motorists. the chief of the Ger- man police has proclaimed drunken driving a criminal offence and ordered that all intoxicated drivers of motor vehicles be arrested on the spot and kept in jail until the trial opens. l P. if. lesson was read by Eleanor Heacockï¬ â€˜ ‘ iarczis are trying to tell themselves, Psalm 98421â€"19. Douglas Kyle read a poem “A Little Pilgrim". Miss. ‘ Helen Bowes played a piano solo. 1 'was a good attendance. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO l TESTON l Charles Robscn presidch at the Y. meeting Sunday evening. The The topic. “Homewm‘d Bound." was} taken by Charles Robson. Another, poem. “Which Road Will You Take?" followed the topic. Twenty-four were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stund-en and family of Richmond Hill visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bowen Sun- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Ash, TOI-onto, called on Mr. Wm. Diesman and Mr. and Mrs. Bowen Sunday morn- ing. Miss Nora Hopper, Buffalo, came 'to pay a shout visit to her grand- father, Mr. J. McLaughlin. â€"Mr. and Mrs. Cublbage and son Allen, also Fred Bignall and Mr. and Mrs. Bignall, Toronto, were visitors- with Mrs. McCluskey, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rogers, To- ronto, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson Friday last. Mrs. Wm. Ireland, Brampton and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald motâ€" ored to Cookstown Sunday to call on relatives. ' The W. A. met at Mrs. Peterman s on Wednesday, August 18th. There Mrs. Wilf Williamson spoke on the Training of the Early Life of Jesus. Plans were made for the coming ice cream so- cial at Ed. Kyle's Thursday evening. The Harman-Diesman Clan Holds First Reunion The first Harmanâ€"Diesman reun- ion was held Sunday, August 8th at the Oscar Frick picnic grove, near Wellsville, Pa., with a very good atâ€" tendance. Seven people representâ€" ing the Diesman families from Tes- Port Hope, and Maple, Ont.. Canada, came by automobile and train. Another party of four peo- ple representing the Diesman fam- ilies from Dallas, Texas, came by auto. over 1600 miles, without mis- ton, hap. _ The day was started With memor- ial services held at the Friends‘ Meeting House Cemetery, at 11 am. near Wellsville, by a silent prayer, followed by the Lord’s Prayer. The president then read the poem “Look- ing Backâ€, which describes the emi- gration of the families from Palatâ€" inatc, Germany, to the U.S.A. on the ship Phoenix, landing at Philaâ€" delphia September 15th, 1749 and settling in York County. Flowers were then placed on the graves of Collistie, Shillito and Marion Har- man, two of the first family hisâ€" torians, and Mr. and Mrs. Fredâ€" erick Harman and Mr. and Mrs. ‘Henry Diesman‘s graves, cO-parents of the present clan. The exhibits of the Coatâ€"of-Arms and genealogy of the Harman family dated back to 1749 was viewed with great in~ Iterest by many. Also pictures of the early families and their old let- ters written before envelopes came into use and while horseback was the way letters were carried taking ‘months for long distances. The afternoon program was opened at 2 p.m. by Wilmot Harman. Mrs. Roy Harman gave a very. interest- ing account of the reunion of Joseph with his father Jacob and brethren after the journey into Egypt to meet Joseph who was now a great man. This was very appropriate to the service. A poem “The Beautiful City," written by Margaret Diesman of Big Valley, Alberta, Can., aged 85 years, was read, also her greet- ings and regrets at not being able to be in attendance. Prizes were given to the oldest gentleman present, claimed by R. J. Kepke, aged 78 years, of Dallas, Texas; one to the oldest lady pre- sent, claimed by Mrs. Dr. Tydings Harman of Hagerstown, Md, 75 yrs. A gift of the pictures of the family group was presented to the Cana- dian cousins, claimed by Mrs. Ethel Murray and Mrs. Ed. Bowen of Maple, Ont., Can., for the largest family present by Reese Derrick of 'Enola, Pa. who had a family of nine with him, the youngest child present, 'Carol Annette Blair, of Enola, Pa., ‘aged 3 months, which was a new Coronation Canadian silver dollar. 'For the coming year Wilmot V. Har- man, New York City is President and Mertie L. Harman, Dillsburg, R. D. I. is secretary. with Mrs. Edith Harman, Dager, Washington, DC, assistant. There " a lookout com- mittee of 15 to collect new data and 'report to the secretary re births. ‘marriages, deaths, etc. The place 'and time of meeting for next year ‘is under consideration. SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. RICHMOND HILL Dealers in Lumber, Lath, Shingles Ashphalt Roofing, Gyproc Telephone 27 NEIGHBOURHOOD Two hundred and fifty boys and‘ 1 girls who live in Toronto's downtown it can‘t be true that their chances of getting a holiday this summer are almost gone. Yet they know that in two weeks the school bell will ring. and then it will be too late. Through the auspices of the Neigh- borhood Workers Association of T0- ronto, and the generosity of many country dwellers, 800 children have so far this summer been given two weeks vacation on farms, in country towns, or summer resorts. The 250 that remain need a holidayl just as badly as these children did. It’s just their hard luck that they happen to be last on the list, for invitations are not coming in so plentiful now. Among those who are waiting are a little brother and sister. The girl is nine, and the brother is 7. These youngsters are left alone in a tiny shack in the factory district most of the time, while father and mother go out to try to find odd jobs that will bring in a little money}. There is a little girl of eleven, who has been under the doctor’s care since the winter. She is well again now, but very thin. aThere is an- other girl “goin’ on twelve" who has had to care for the house and as- sume responsibilities far heavier than she should bare while her moth- er has been in hospital. There will be little resistance against illness in these two youngsters if they have to go back to school without a chance to build up their strength. All children sent to country homes by the N.W.A. are medically exam- ined before them leave, and their transportation is paid both ways. All they require is a comfortable place to sleep, plenty of good wholesome foodâ€"and a chance to play in the great out-ofâ€"doors. There isn’t much time and the need is very urgent. Won‘t you write today, to the Neighborhood Workers Association, 22 Wellesley Street, To- ronto, inviting oneâ€"or perhaps two children to your home for two weeks of happiness. Letters of invitation should be ac- companied by a note from the local clergymanâ€"0r a wellâ€"known person of the community. For forty years, British bands. usually the representatives of fam- ous regiments which have played prominent parts in Britain's glorious history, have influenced Canadian music. These have been presented to the Canadian public and foreign visitors in free afternoon and even- ing concerts. at the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition. An interesting change has been made this year in the engagement of the famous Unit- ed States Navy Band of eighty-.five men. The strength is twenty-five more than the next largest band ever to appear at Exhibition Park. An agitation has been pressing in Japan for an 84 hour working week, which would reduce daily working hours from 15 to 12. Apparently ther still work a 7 day week. It can be readily seen how difficult compe- tition is with Japanese manufactur- ers. when you contrast a 105 hour week at very low wages with a 40 hour week at high wages. After a tour of the Canadian prair- ies, a Fort William man described the drought situation in Saskatche- wan in five words:â€"â€" ‘Even insects can’t live there. Desolate indeed!" â€"Strat:ford Beacon-Herald. THURSDAY. AUGUST 26th, 1937. YEARS TO PAY under the HOME IMPROVEMENT Get the ï¬nest rooï¬ng money can buy on easy payments, 8 read over ree ears. te-Lapand Rib l.l rooï¬ngs are durable, handsome in “mean. ‘15 TWO even 11 -p erected acco ' as; a 8 t0 the A driveacrew nail develo . - ’ p- Ifi‘gmna $11303 Agntgg meat of the Preston Led- edoo VERY for Bed Nail. Takeaten times as new 13: um much force to draw it out of me naggivï¬â€˜as‘em a sheathing board as a stap- stcel‘hodum 1 "ed dud barbed rooï¬ng nail. JAMESWAY POULTRY EQUIPMENT Write for literature on the famous Jamesw Pouluy ' enLComp etelineof “TE-LAP and RIB-ROLL ROOFING Both Tito-Lap and Bib- Roll are 8351b put on over your old wolf". The: hculiwkg‘s, brooder 5% save you money y on no ouse equipp ting. upkeep coats. pro- all kinds. Exfahpts in ventilation an ousmg for 3 your crops and “l Remaston Fartilator livestock. Beau toget the genuine E._S. . pro- duct. Send ndge and attached to your seed drm rafter measurements for enables you to sow fertilizer free cost estimate. with your fall when giggly/d Foctalu also a 1056 l we oh SumQ MONTREAL and Tonomo PRESTON, ONTARIO \ l. ‘ ‘x'_ - i t _, ~. II/I/Iyymm 7, will lABO DAY Summer’ 5 Last Long Week-End GO: From Noon Friday, Sept. 3, until 2:00 RM. Monday, Sept. 6. RETURN: Leave destination up to midnight, Sept. 7, 1937. For fares and further information apply Ticket Agens. ‘.\/ New Bronze Koolmotor Gas Cities Service and Koolmotor Gas Goodrich Tires and Tubes Automobile Accessories CITIES SERVICE STATION Phone 12 Richmond Hill MEL; P. MALTBY LESSEE I... M. Hart Elected President of White in Canada Heads Truck Factory in Montreal and Dominion-Wide Sales Organization of Branches and Dealers. Montreal.â€"L. M. Hart, of Montreal, was elected president of The \Vhite Company, Limited, manufacturer bf White and Indiana trucks and buses in Canada, at a meeting of the board of directors held here today. The announcement was made by president of The White Motor Company, of Cleveland, whom Mr. llart succeeds as head of Mr. Black (‘Ontinues as chairman of the board of directors of the Canadian company. presi- dency comes in recognition of his 24- with the company in “A5 vice- president, he has been the managing director of the White organization throughout the Dominion for several He was personally responsible for the establishment of a Canadian White factory, at Montreal, and under his supervision the company's $8.le have grown to a point where every third truck in the Dominion in \Vhite's Robert F. Black, the Dominion company. “Mr. Hart's election to the year record Canada,†Mr. Black said. years. Capacity range is a White. 30th Anniversary “This year marks the 30th anniver- sarv of White in the Dominion. l‘l07, the company's first branch was opened at Toronto. Today, there are . branches and distributor organizations in all important cities in the Dominion. volume in the heavyâ€"duty ï¬eld in which White has always enjdyed leadership.†Native-Born Canadian ’Mr: Hart is a native-born Canadian. His rise to the presidency of his comâ€" pany Is a colorful story. As a young man, 24 years ago, he sensed the future of the automotive business, then in its Infancy, and started as a. White dealer In Edmonton, in 1907. In the interven- ing years he has become widely known as an engineering authority in the truck and bus ï¬elds. Due to his advanced ideas, Canada is recognized today as: leading the world in modern stream- lined body designs. Introduced Sakhnoï¬sky Mr. Hart introduced Count Alexis de Sakhnofl‘sky, internationally noted authority on streamlining, to the truck ï¬eld in the Dominion, and with Sakh- noffsky as stylist, produced the world’s ï¬rst streamlined trucks for the National Breweries, Imperial Oil, Labatt Brewery and many other leading fleet owners of the Dominion. These designs have since been copied in the United States and elsewhere. Because of this, Mr. Hart is credited with having started an entirely new trend in truck design by streamlining for greater efï¬ciency from a. practical operating standpoint as well as giving owners the beneï¬t of the advertising value of beauty on the highway. “With a sales increase of 64 per cent over last year, White is conï¬dent that this anniversary year will be its most successful year in Canada. The Mont- real factory is expanding its pr0duction facilities to meet the demand for the recentlyannounced lower-priced models, the only quality trucks in the low-price ï¬eld, as well as to provide additional In