Richmond Hill Loses to Allandale Richmond Hill 1051‘. a clOse game to Allanlale Tuesday evening by a score of 5-4. This was the second game of the series and a third will now be necessary to declare a winâ€" ner. It will be played in Newmar- ket Monday evening. The umï¬iring wés very weak and the game was delayed quite often Sport Notes NORTH YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL Regarding the Spread It is important to recognize cases of Infantile Paralysis (Poliomyelitis) early. The serum used in the treatment of Infantile Paralysis is only of value if given early in the disease, before paralysis sets in. Early recognition also aids in preventing the spread of the disease to others.. Parents are therefore earn- estly requested to consult their Family Doctor prompt- ly if their children develop symptoms that are sug- gestive of Infantile Paralysis. The following are the important symptoms to watch for: 2. FEVERâ€"100-102 degrees is the average range of temperature. 2. NECK STIFFNESS â€" There is a slight resist- ance on attempting forward movement of the head to the chest. This may be accompanied by pain. 3. HEADACHE â€"- May be present at the onset. 4. VOMITING â€" Is usually present at the on- set. 5. SORE THROAT â€" Slight redness and sore- ness of the throat is present in about one-half the cases. 6. Diarrhoea is only present in a very few cases. Slight constipation occurs more frequently. 7. Infantile Paralysis is chiefly a disease of childhood, but no age is exempt. It is rare in young infants. It occurs most frequently in the second, third and fourth years and from that age on becomes less frequent. Parents are also requested to avoid contacts. as far as possible. by keeping their children away from crowded places. It will be necessary to postpone the reopening of the schools until September 7th. In order to clear up some confusion that has arisen, we wish to state that Infantile Paralysis and Poliomyelitis are two names for the same disease. To avoid further confusion placards used from now on will bear the name Infantile Paralysis. hwhihorm-e for 10 days follbwihg that contact providing the said contact occurred during the 2 days preceding the onset of the disease. Young’s Service Station Any children that have been in contact with a child that develops Infantile Payalysig, myst‘ be hep? PAGE FOUR Bunny White) Infantile Paralysis By Order BOARD Olj_I-_IEALTH.I of with disputes on his decisions. lst Inning White singled. A. Crean doubled to centre. Brown sacrificed, White scoring. Bennett flied to left, Crean scoring. Echlin walked. A. Stong flied: to 2nd. 2 runs. shall struck out. Hines singled. A. Marshall struck out. 2nd Inning J. Crean singled. G. Stong- fanned. Saul doubled, scoring J. Crean. White fanned. A. Crean went out at lst. 1 run. flied: to 2nd. 2 runs. Johnson fouled to Echlin. B. Marâ€" shall struck out. Hines singled. A. Marshall struck out. Richmond Hill. Johnston fanned. Read walked. Storey fanned. Strachan doubled, scoring Read. Lougheed doubled, scoring Strachan. Johnson walked. E. Marshall fanned. 3rd! Inning Brown went out at lst. Bennett flied out to right field. Echlin fanned. Hines wal‘ked. A. Marshall flied out to J. Crean who threw the ball wild to 3rd allowing Hines to score. Read walked. Storey went out to Brown on a nice play. 4th Inning A. Stong' fanned. J. Crean fannâ€" ed. G. Stong went out 3rd to 151;. Strachan popped to Echlin. Loug- heed singled. Johnson flied to Brown. E. Marshall went to first on White’s error, Johnson scoring. E. Marshall went out trying to steal third. 5th Inning Saul singled. White went out 3rd to ls.t. A. Crean sacrificed, Saul going to 3rd. Brown flied to right field. Hines fanned. A. Marshall walkâ€" ed. Johnson flied to Bennett. Read went out. on a nice catch by A1. White. 6th Inning Bennett went out 3rd to first. Echlin singled. A. Stong singled. Echlin went to third. J. Crean flied out to 3rd. G. Stong went out pitch- er to 1st. Storey fanned. Strachan tripled' and was caught off third. Lougheed singled. Johnson singled. Lougheed scored: on Echlin’s miss. E. Mar- shall flied out to A. Stong who made a wonderful running catch behind1 3rd base. 7th Inning Saul went down 3rd to first. White singled. A. Crean walked. Brown singled, scoring White. _ Bennett fliedl to 3rd. Echlin flied to short. VVFVinal score: Allandale 5, Richmond Hill 4. George Stong pitched a good game fanning 11 men. Manager Frank Grainger shoukl start him on Mon- day. The O.A.L.A. Intermediate Finals between Roden am: Islington or Brooklin will be played in Richmond Hill Arena on Monday evening next at 9 o’clock. The return game will be played at their field on Wednes- day evening. Richmond Hill could do with a lot of batting practice. 'They have too many men left on base when a hit would bring them home. Richmond Hill Upper School Results if a third game is neceSSary: it will be played at the looal arena on Friday evening of next week. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND The Dept. of Education announces the results of thh Upper School examinations held this mid-summer at Richmond Hill High School. Indiâ€" vidual reports are being mailed to candidates. No further promotions in addition to those made at the end of the spring term, result from suc- cess at this examination. The following candidates have passed in all the subjects Written: Margaret Bowes, Weldon Bull. W. L. Campbell, Wm. Carr. Robt. Hall, John Harbinson, Harold Heise, Wm. Kroetsch, Helen MacGibbon, Melville Musson, Isabel Oliver, Mary Proc- ter, Jean Robinson, Madeleine Rum- ble, Gwen Sayers, Audrey Smith, Betty Webb, Lorne Wells, Lovica Wig'mor-e, Eric Wilson, Fred Kroetsch. The following candidates have been partially successful, passing in the subjects indicated after each name: Ruth Angle, EC 2, EL 2, FA 0; Elinor Barker, EL 2, Hist. c, Alg. 2, Geom. 2, Trig. 1, FA c; Dorothy Barraclough, Hist. 3, FA 2; Mary Bowes, EL 2; Fred Carter, Alg. 3, Geom. 2, Phys. 3, Chem. c; Florence Cherry, Hist. 2, Alg. 1, Phys. 2, LC 2; Lloyd Crawford, Hist. c, Ge0m. c, Trig. c, Chem. 2, FA c; Marjory Cunningham, EC 1, Hist. 1, Alg. c, Geom. 2, Trig. 2, Phys. c; Geo. Graâ€" ham, EC 0; Mildred Haworth, Alg. c, Trig. 2, FA c, GA 2, G0 2; Miriam Heise, EL c; Anne Kroetsch, Geom. 2, Trig. 3; Jack Leary, EL 2, Trig. 3; Mike Sawchuk, FA 2, FC c; Jack Webb, Hist. c, Geom. c. Fortyâ€"one candidates papers passing in 123, success of 82%. Doctorâ€"“I would advise you, mad- am, to take frequent baths, get plen- ty of fresh air and dress in cool clothes.†Husband (an hOur later)â€"â€"“What did the doctor say Womanâ€"“He said I ought to go to the beach and then to the moun- tains. Also that I must get some new light gowns at once.†Big Boss (Invited out to dinner~ by one of his employeesâ€"“I don’tl' often have such a dinner as this, young fellow.†Son of familyâ€"“Neither do we. I am sure glad you came.†The salesman may be smarter than his prospect, but he makes a mistake when he calls his attention to that fact. qn wrote 150 an average \New 2 Year Course 1 ForFarm Youths At (LAB. Guelph HILL, ONTARIO Free tuition and reduced board a- mong appealing features of course sponsored by Hon. Duncan Mar- shall, Ontario Minister of Agri- culture. A new course in agriculture de- signed specially to meet the needs of farmers’ sons who intend to make taming their life work will com- mence September 20th at the O.A.C.Y Guelph. The course covers a two- year period and has been carefully prepared by Hon. Duncan Marshall, Minister of Agriculture, and James B. Fairbairn, Deputy Minister of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, in conjunction with Dr. G. I. Chris- tie, President of the 0.A.C. and the college staff. “I am particularly desirous of seeâ€" ing an increased number of two-year students attending the O.A.C. during the coming year,†stated Hon. Dun- can Marshall in announcing the course. “In order to encourage farm boys who find it difficult to pay their expenses at an institution of this kind, we have this ,year reduced the board for two-year students from $5.50 to $3.50 per week. In addi- tion, there will be no tuition fees for this particular course.†Mr. Mar- shall pointed out that agricultural education is, never finished, and that 'the instruction given at the college would fit farm boys for future years on the farm. Dr. G. I. Chris-tie, in discussing the new course, was most enthusi- astic. “Each year, hundreds of young men leave school before they have completed their education,†he said. “In some cases they are required at home to assist in farm work. Ill- ness and other reasons can be off- ered for many others who now find themselves on farms without the training they desire." “This new two-year course which opens in September and closes on April 14th, 1938, permits students to spend the entire crop season on the farm. A large share of the time at the college will be given to subâ€" jects of farm production, manage- ment, and marketing of farm proâ€" ducts. It is also recognized," con- tinued Dr. Christie, “that the prob- lems of the farming community deâ€" mand that young men who are to take their proper place in rural ac- tivities must have a training in fundamental subjects. Therefore the new course includes Public Speaking, Composition, Mathematics, Litera- ture, Economics, Coâ€"operation and the larger problem of markets. Gra- duation exercises will be held immeâ€" diately at the close of the course and certificates presented to those who have completed the work in a satisfactory manner.†Dr. Christie pointed out that mem- bers of the O.A.C. staff would be present at the O.A.C. bo’oth, West Annex of the Coliseum, Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, to give any information desired as to the two-year or other courses at the 0‘. A. C. The same information can a]- so be obtained bv writing direct to Dr. G. I. Christin, O.A.C., Guelph, Ont NATIONAL RECOVERY SEEN BY STABILITY OF SMALL FARM “Agriculture is not a mere indus- tryâ€"it is a mode of life deserving the care of all citizens trying to bet- ter our social condition,†declared 'Dr. Georges Boudhard), M. P. for Kamouraska, P.Q., in an address at the Canadian Institute of Economics and Politics, now in session at Genâ€" eva Park. A prominent Agriculturist, the spealqer advocated an Increase in farming population not production to solve the employment problem which big‘ industries were incapable of cor- recting and pointed out that the av- erage size farm of 10-0 or 200 acres was best for the stability of the small holder who wants to produce sufficient for himself and: his family. Educational Reform “An education system which will teach our young people to love the land, to be proud of it, and to stay on the farm is required,†stated- the Quebec farmer. “Rather than edu- cate our children away from the country, we must seek how to turn into rural snobbery that which now exists in favour of the city,†he con- tinued. ,“One of the strongest arguments for return to the simple life is- that the peasant then brings his obliga- tions under a single head,†he said further. “The reason for land hun- ger is in the element of security by attachment to the land and in pride of ownership. The peasant farmer is secure and he pays for this se- curity and independence in hard times by hard work and his life on the land offers amenities which no city can give. Dr. Bouchard held that 1,000 more farm homes meant 5,000 less unem- ployed. Canada should have a har- ABOUT 15 TONS MIXED HAY; 31. so light Wagon and Plow. Apply Bill May, Mill Road. 1928 CHRYSLER Sport Roadster, good condition. Taylor, 127 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, phone 226. '1 GRADE JERSEY COW and 75 White Minorca. Pullets. Kate Gil- ‘bert, Markham St., Richmond Hill. FURNACE, large‘size, in good con- dition, with pipes. Apply Yerex Farm, Elgin Sideroad, Elgin Mills. BLUE FLAME OIL COOK STOVE with even $15.00, without oven $11, a real bargain. J. A. Rose, Maple. MILK.COWS, T.B. Tested, four to six years old, fresh cows and close springers; also Heifers. Apply E. Fisher, Langstaff. ' EXTRA GOOD LOAD of fat young Horses and Colts priced: to sell, at the farm of Clarence Doner, Gonn- ley. Telephone Stouffville 2512. REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULL CALF, Grand Dam produced last year 20,600 pounds milk and his dam should do almost as well. This calf is by our great herd Sire “Montuic Pathfinder 4thâ€. Will exchange for Oats. Also fresh Heifer for sale. Apply Armac Farms, 'I‘eston (near Maple). 8 STOCKER CATTLE beef breed for $105; Guerns‘ey Cow fresh $55; also about 100 Stockers and Feeders pric- ed to clear this week. If you want cattle come and see us. We are not refusing any reasonable bid. George Porter, R.R. No. 3, Woodbridge, at Eldlers Station. Telephone Wood~ bridge 51r21. Eastern cattle (from T. B. Tested Area). Fresh Cows and close-up Springers, Holstein, Ayrshire, Jer- seys, Durhams, T.B. tested and blood tested. Purebreds and. grades. Jack Devins, R.R. 2, Weston, 2 miles south of Wobdbï¬dg‘e. Phone Woodbridge 1364. monious, balanced population and it was wrong- for the city people to superimpose their “civilization†on the country Without discrimination. The world, too long been centred in industrial civilization, should seek a fuller interpretation of the use of agrarian people. Back to Land Movements “Any land policy not based on a clear perception of the rural life is bound to have little success and to be extremely costly,†said Dr. Bou- chard in criticising the back to the land movements as they now exist- ed. “Do not settle on the land a man with a proletariat mentality. A man accustomed to a regular pay check will find it too hard on the farm where he has to wait many months before getting results from his long, hard work.†“Our educational system is too urâ€" banly shaped. We open schools to educate city jobless in farming- and we educate rural youth to leave the land.†The speaker desired that children should be taught a better appreciation of nature and a gen- eral movement to spread and formu- late liural ideals! In concluding, the federal M. P. declared that Agriculture is the rock on which rest our national and econ- omic problems. Other economic problems will right themselves in a strong rural life with the small fam- ily farm the chief social unit. “We must reconstruct Canada on a wider conception of rural life,†Dr. Bou- chard said in closing. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less. 25 cents for first insertion and 15 emits for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. attle for Sale are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Pï¬nter F'r FOR SALE ORDERS TAKEN AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE 69" I9// Sales Books THURSDAY, AUGUST 26th, 1937 EIGHT ROOM HOUSE, convenience... modern. Apply T. H. Trench, Rich. mond Hill. STUDIO in private home for voice training. Apply Box 3435. VOICES to train for radio and cert. Apply Box 244. PARTY want to buy or rent invalid’s chair. Apply at The Liberal Office or at 53 Richmond Street. YOUNG GIRL for general house- work, plain cooking. Apply Box 262, Richmond Hill or Liberal Office. EXPERIENCED OPERATORS EXPERIENCED OPERATORS on Blouses and Girls’ Dresses. Apply Mayfair Mfg. Co., Richmpnd" Hill. (One door south of Liberal Office). QUANTITY OF GRAVEL about first week in September delivered to Lot 31, Con. 4, Vaughan. Also carpenter to put up barn. Apply to George McNair, R.R. No. 2, Maple or Les. Hope, Maple. BUILDINGS raised and moved. Lang. staff Coal and Supply. Phone Thorn. hill 73. Voters’ List 1937 TOWNSHIP OF MA‘RKHAM N‘OTICE is hereby given thatuI have complied with section 7 of the Voters’ Lists Act and that I have pOSted up at my office at Unionville on the 3rd day of August, 1937, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. AND I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate procedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for apâ€" peal being the 24th day of August, 1937. DATED this 2nd day of August, 1937. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars 1934 FORD V-S DeLUXE COUPEâ€"r Rumble Seat. Very Nice. 1933 FORD V-8 COUPE with Rum» ble Seat. MISCELLA NEOUS 1931 FORD SPORT COUPEâ€"Run- ble Seat. Little Brothersi Clerk’s Notice of First Posting of Voters’ List Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174â€"W We frequently credit a long; sober face with wisdom, when the ca is indigestion. Everyone in business Inust expec to handle some transactions at loss. It was necessary to secure the per sonal approval of President Franklin D. Roosevelt to bring the United States Navy Band to the Canadian National Exhibition this year. With eighty-five musicians and attachefl the personnel will run to almost 09° hundred. They will travel to a from Washington, DC, in sped trains. 1927 CHEVROLET COACH COUNTY OF YORK TO KEN T WANTED $450.00 $375.00 $250.00 $25.00 CHARLES HOOVER, Township Clerk con-