WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM ; THE UNIONVILLE DISTRIC'Tl Monday last marked the Annual Flower Show for the local Horticul- tural Society, which was held in the Township Hall. The executive re- gret that the exhibits were not as numerous as on previous occasions, the rainy season perhaps one of the main reasons for this disappointâ€" ment. Mrs. S. Vaughn of Vaughn Gardens acted as the judge and during- the evening gave to the audience the reasons for many of 'her decisions. She spoke with re- gret to the seeming lack of interest in Flower Shows and urged the mem- bers to greater activity in this di- rection. Of the prize winners, Mrs. R. L. Stiver won first honors with ‘Earnie Appleton second. The com- 'plete prize list is as fOIIOWS: s;-1__1 gâ€--- Asters, 6 ‘blooms, straight petaled,l Mrs. R. L. Stiver, E. Appleton; As- ters, 6 blooms, curly petaled, E. Ap- ‘pleton; Collection of asters, no en~ tries; Cosmos, Mrs. A. Armitage, Alex. Bell; Calendula, E. Appleton; Delphinium, collection, Mrs. N. Og- den; Zinnias, large flowers, Mrs. R. L. Stiver, Mrs. E. Braithwaite; Snaps dragon, Mrs. R. L. Stiver; Zinnias, -Pom Pom, Mrs. N. Ogden, Mrs. R. ‘L. Stiver; Everlastings, Mrs. N. Ogâ€" den; Cockscomb, M. Sommerville; Phlox, perennial, G. C. Murphy, Mrs. R. L. Stiver; Nasturtiums, Mrs. M. Armitage; Petunias, single, E. Ap- 5p1eton, Mrs. G. G. Murphy; Roses, collection, Mrs. L. Miller; Dahlias, Mrs. R. L. Stiver, E. Appleton; Glad- iolus, three spikes of any color, Mrs. Barker, Mrs. R. L. Stiver; Gladiolus, collection of Primulas, Mrs. R. L. Stiver; Perennials, collection, Mrs. N. Ogden, Mrs. R. L. Stiver; Living room bouquet, Mrs. G. R. Whaley, M. Sommerville; Dining r00m bou- ionville who won by a close margin ‘from Cashell, score 22-21. In the senior Softball comest, Agincourt ‘Supertest team defeated Mount A]â€" ‘bert in the finals, score 5-2. Dark- ness brought the girls’ game to a finish with Uxbridge and- Maple tieâ€" ing the score. A draw gave the ‘honor to Umbridge. During the evening’s entertainment the men’s Tug- of War, during an intermission added considerable in- terest, Milliken defeating Unionville. The announcement of the prize win- ners of the day was also made dur- ing the evening. The members of the local Woâ€" men’s Institute servedi delectable reâ€" freshments throughout the afternoon and evening making glad the hearts of hungry and thirsty folk. The horseshoe pitching contest was still another. attractive feature with King and Howell of Agincourt winning the honors and Ramsey and- Calvert of Buttonville second. The committee express appreciation for the co-op- eration shown and are deeply grate- ful to all who had a part in making this event a success. The prize winners of the races are as follows: boys 9 and under, Jimmie Mowbray, Bruce Bagg, Gorâ€" don Minton; 12 years and under, Murray Acreman, Clark Hoad, Don- ald Maynard; 15 years and under, Ewart Bagg, Fred Taylor, Stewart Campbell. Girls 9 years and under, "Alice Hoolahan, Rheta Rattle, Dor- othy Wragg; 12 years and under, Helen Penstone, Jane Tatters, Thre- sea Smith; 15 years and under, Marie Forester, Dorothy Rattle, Helen Watson; Men's open race, John Young, Bert Dyke, Marley Case; Girls’ open race. Mary Clark, Milâ€" drred Dick, Jean Thompson; Married men’s race, Vernon Trunk. Len McMullen, Dave MacKay; married laddes’ race, Joy Risebrough, Irene "Sterling, Marjorie Olson; nail driv- ing- contest, Joy Risebrough, Carol Trunk, Mrs. Barber. Lpon ' Unionville now boasts of a baseâ€" ball league and if you are looking for a thrill make special effort to attend the games scheduled. If names mean anything you’ll have one right THURSDAY, AUGUSL 26th, on the start when Bert 1 Cats meet Vern Trunk's ‘Friday night next. Am Saturday night when L ’len's Greyhounds battl "Brown’s Tigers. Who 5 ‘yille was a quiet place? Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brown and family who have been holidaying in Charadon, Ohio, the guests of Mr. Brown‘s sister, Mrs. Marshall, have returned home. Mrs. VHa‘rper, -Misses Mary and Dorothy Harper are holidaying at Hall’s Lake. Mrs. C.WH. Stiver, Misses Dorothy and Helen Stiver are spending holi- days in Haliburton. «v V V___, n.3,- . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warne and son Bi11y returned on Wednesday to Schu-macher, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Murphyraccompanying them as far as Wasaga Beach. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Noble during the week- end included Rev. G. G. Webber, Toronto, Rev. A. E. Owen, Mrs. S. A. Nichol of London, Mrs. Ratcliff of Victoria Square, Mr. Campbell and Mr. J. G. Size of Toronto. Misses Helen arid Dorothy Stiver, Miss M. Sommerville attended the Trousseau Tea given by Miss Jean Malloy of Aurora, whOSe marriage 1b. of granulated sugar, 1 tablespoon tumeric, 1 teaspoon mustard seed, 1 teaspoon celery seed. Boil these toâ€" gether, drain pickle and drop into hot syrup. Do not Iboil. Bottle at once and seal. tc; Richard Prentice of Toronto occurred on Wednesday. Messrs. Russell, Lorne and Harry Taylor of New York were called home this week on account of the serious illness of their mother, Mrs. John Taylor. Dr. A1Ithu'r and Mrs. Hagg of To- ronto were guests of Mrs. V. Hagg‘ on Wednesday. Mrs. S. Allan, Mrs. W. Hender- sh~ott and Mrs. McCrone of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Preston of Scar- boro Junction visited Mrs. F. Boad- wav this week. \V a _\" Mrs. Gordon Frazer and twin daughters Dorothy Anne and Kathâ€" leen of Windsor were guests of Mrs. M. C. Sommerville this week. Mr. Marshall Brillinger, Saskat- chewan, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bril- linger of Calshell, Mr. and‘ Mrs. Allan Myers of Scarbor-o Bluffs and Mrs. Arch. Duncan and‘ son of Gormley were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Middleton during the past week. Mrs. N. Ogden is spending a few days in Orillia. A FAVORITE TESTED RECIPE Bread and Butter Pickle 6 qts. small cucumbers, 1 qt. small onions, sliced, 4 large green peppers, diced, 1 large red sweet pepper du'c- ed. Do not peel cucumbers. Put vege- tables in brine of 9 cups of water, 1 cup of salt for three hours, then take 3 qbs. of pickling vinegar, 3 VERSE FOR THE KIDwDIES “Come hither, little puppy dog, I’ll give you a new collar, If you will learn to read your book, And be a clever scholar.†“No, no," replied the puppy dog, “I’ve other fish to fry; And I must learn to guard your house, And bark when thieves come nig .†“Come hither, little pussy eat, If you’ll your grammar study, I’ll give you silver clogs to wear Whene’er the gutter’s muddy.†“No, while I grammar 1earn,â€_says Puss, “Your house will in a trice, Be over run from top to toe, With flocks of rats and mice.†CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH 10.30 a.m.â€"â€"Church School. 11.30 a.m.â€"Public Worship. 8 p.m. Mon.â€"â€"Y.P.S. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1.30 pm. S.T.â€"-Ohurch School. 2.30 pm. S.T.â€"â€"Pub1ic Worship. ST. PHILIP’S ANGLICAN CHURCH 10 a.m.â€"â€"Churc-h School. '11 am.â€"Moming Prayer. The regular monthly meeting of the W.A. will be held at the hame of Mrs. Vanderburgh next Wednes- day afternoon. The cold meat sup- per has been postponed. Miss S. Middleton and Mr. J. Oli- ver spent“ Sunday With friends» at Palgrave. Mrs. Mayhew of Toronto visited this week with derson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bak r visited Sun- day with fr'fends in érand; Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop, Mrs. Holly and Mrs. Reed of Toronto were visitâ€" ors with Mr. and Mrs. Wynn on Sunday. Mrs. Professor â€"â€" “William, you haven’t kissed me for three whole days.†Professox: (absently) â€"â€" “You don’t say ! Whom have I been kissing?†start when Bert Dyke’s Wild eet Vern Trunk's Terriers on night next. Amb again on Ly night when Len McMulâ€" Greyhounds battle Douglas ; Tigers. Who said Union- 1937. CARRVILLE Ogden is spending a few Mr. and Mrs. An- I 1 Social and Personal Mr. George Chadwiék who has been seriously ill for the past ten days is progressing favorably. Misses-Betty and Alv are holidaying in Lindsa Mr. and Mrs. G. Yerex, Mr. Hugh Yerex and Miss Lucy Yerex left on Tuesday for a. holiday at West Lake in Prince Edward County. Finest workmanship guaranteed when you have your cleaning and pressing requirements attended- to by Richmond Tailors, Richmond Hill. Telephone 49J, Richmond Hill. Miss Lillian Barker is spending this week at Lakeview, Ont. Miss Marguerite Stewart of Pic- ton, Nova Scotia, Miss Vera John- ston of Kisbey, Saskatchewan visit- ed friends in the Village over the week-end. Mr. R. Casement and son Clifford are holidaying at Stirling, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hawkins and son of Hamilton visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark this week. Mr. Wyers of Toronto is visiting his daughter Mrs. David Stirling for a short time. " Mr. and Mrs. David Stirling re- turned home last week after spend- ing their vacation in Eagle Mere, Pennsylvania. Miss Marion Buchanan spent the week with her aunt, Mrs. Harvey Dudley in St. Catharines. Misses Elizabeth and Frances Brown returned on Monday from Daytonia Beach, Sturgeon Lake, where they were the guests of their brother, Mr. B. R. Brown. Mr. and‘ Mrs. H daughters Irene a awa were visiting friends here and day. Miss Mabel Chapman cf New York City was the guest of Emma G. Bar- ker last Monday. Mrs. John Charles of Patterson moved to the Village on Friday of last week. A welcome is extended to Mrs. Charles by her many friends in the Village. The many friends of Mr. Fred J. Mansbridge who has been confined to his home with a serious illness for the past, three months will be pleased to know that he is making very satisfactory progress towards recovery. The Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Wrixon have returned from their vacation at Cacouna, Cobourg, and Haliburâ€" ton County. The Rector will con- duct all s« day next. Richmond Tailors now have on dis- play a fine stock of new materials for fall suits and light coats. You are invited to call and‘ see these fine samples and if you are thinking of new clothes for fall now is an oppor- tune time to make the purchase. Richmond Tailons, Richmond Hill. l The public as well as the swim- mers have reacted peculiarly to the reduction in distance of the men’s Marathon swim at the Canadian Naâ€" ltional Exhibition. There is a mark- led preference for the long grinds, so the management has set the- distance i of the world’s professional natatorial ' championship this year at ten miles linstead of five as in 1936. The wo- ‘men swimmers will compete again over a threeâ€"mile course. Mrs. H. Hewison who was taken suddenly ill was removed on Satur- day night last to Private Patien‘ts’ Pavilion, General Hospital, Toronto, where she expects to undergo an opâ€" eration this week. Her best of friends in the district extend to her best wishes for a speedy recovery. ATTENTION MEN! Richmond Tailors have a number of ready made trousers, flannels and others, for sale, to suit everybody. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. Fred J. Mansbridge wishes to take this opportunity of exttending his sincere thanks and appreciation for the many kind enquiries, remem- brancesi and good wishes extended to him by his friends during his illâ€" ness. DENNEâ€"In loving remembrance of a dear wife and’ mother, Hannah L. Denne, who passed away August 28, 1936. Her memory» is as dear to-day As in the hour she passed away. â€"Ever remembered [by husband and daughters. services and preach on Sunâ€" Mrs. Harry Pawson and [rene and Gwen of Osh- visiting former Headford' e and an Thornhill Sun- IN MEMORIAM ~erna at l has it ten Smith Hugh eft on . Lake anteed ; and i to by Hill. ending f Pic- Tn'lmn NORMAN IRELAND STRUCK BY‘ LIGHTNING Norman Ireland, well known citi-l zen of this district was instantly killed while engaged in threshing on the farm of Charles Diceman in1 Vaughan Township during- the sev-l ere electrical storm last Thursday" aflternoon. This is the second fa- tality from lightning in this district this summer, Murray Avison having been killed during a storm on July 23rd. ST. MARY’S CHURCH l (Anglicar) RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F Wrixon, L.Th. Sunday, August 29 14th Trinity 8 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer and Ser- mon. 7 p.m. - Evening Prayer and Ser- men. The Rector will preach at both ser- Prize Winners 2 Hill Anny: Richmond Hill Horticultural Soci- ety annual Flower Show was held at the arena last Saturday and while the number of exhibits in most of the classes were comparatively small there was a fine display of bloom and some splendid vegetables in the competition. Through the efforts of Mrs. Unger the juvenile department was enlarged this year and there was a particularly good exhibit of flowers and vegetables by the young- sters. The competition in the classes for bouquets was keen and the ex- hibits in these classes attracted the attention of visitors to the show. An outstanding attraction of the show, three exhilbits of flowers each six feet long, were greatly admired. LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO ST. MARY’S CHURCH (Anglicar) RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F Wrixon, L.Th. Sunday, August 29 14th Trinity 8 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 11 a.m.â€"Moming Prayer and Ser- mon. 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Prayer and Ser- mon. The Rector will preach at both ser- RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D., Pastor Sunday, August 29 11 a.m.â€"Church Service. Brigadier Pitcher of the Salvation Army’s Headquarters Staff, Toronto will occupy the pulpit. Brig. Pitcher is one of the most prominent of the younger officers of the Army, and is in much demand among the churches of the Province. He will be sure to bring an inspirational message. Upon request of the Board of Health them-q will be no Sunday School this Sunday. Anyone desiring the minister who is on holidays, under emergent need may phone any of the following com- mittee, A. E. Plewman, Dr. J. P. Wilson, George Gee. DIED IRELAND, Norman Tilford ~â€" Sud- denly, on Thursday, August 19th, 1937, at Lott 28, Concession 6, Vaughan township, Norman Tilford Ireland, dearly beloved husband of Rheba Simpson, in his 40th year. Funeral service was held at Las- kay United Church, Saturday, Aug. 2lst, at 2 p.m. (S.T.). Interment fol- lowed in King cemetery. LINE, Louisa Brownâ€"At the resiâ€" dence of her son, Campbell Line, Richmond Hill, on Friday. August 20, Louisa Brown, widow of the late William Line, Tottenham. STEPHENSON, Selena Troyerâ€"At her late residence, Lot 24, Conces- sion 2, Vaughan Township, Wednes- day, August 25th, Selena Troyei', widow of the late George Stephen- son, in her 72nd year. ‘The funeral was held from the resflence of her sister, Mi‘ss Ida Metcalfe, Tottenham, Ont, on Sun- day, Augus-t 22, at 3 p.m. (S.T.). Interment Mount Tegart cemetery. Private funeral service at the above address on Friday, 27th instant, at 3 o’clock (D.S.T.). Interment Trin- ity Church Cemetery, Thornhill. vices. ALL WELCOME WIDEMAN, HAROLD L. â€" At his home, Markham Township (Richmond Hill), on Wedhesday, August 25th, 1937, Harold L. Wideman, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Wide- man, in his twentieth year. Funeral, private, Thursday morn- ing. FRISBY.GRINYER A pretty wedding was quietly sol- emnized in St. Mary’s Anrlican Church, Richmond Hill, on Wednes- day evening, August 25th. when Phyllis. Doris Grinyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Grinyer of Richvale, became the bride of Donald E. R. Frisby, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fï¬â€˜isby, of Rich- mond Hill. Rev. W. F. Wrixon, Rec- tor of the Church. performed the ceremony and) the wedding music was played by Miss D. Connor, L.T.C.M. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gOWn of white satin and veil with cornet of orange ’blossoms and carried ophelia roses and- lily-of-the-valley. She wore the gift of the groom, a locket and chain. Miss Dorothy Grinyer at- tended her sister as maid of honour gowned in pink georgette and- car- ried Johanna Hill roses. Miss Lill- ian Mucklewee as bridesmaid wore a gown of yellow georgette and car- ried Johanna Hill roses. Their hats were of net to match their gowns. Little Daisy Grinyer, sister of the bride, was a dainty flower girl in green satin and carried an old fashâ€" ioned nosegay. Later a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents. Mrs. Grinyer, becomingly gowned‘ in black lace and chiffon with consage of Briar reses and Mrs. W. H. Frisby, in navy blue crepe and georgette with corsage of Gladioli, received wthh the bridal couple. Later the bride and groom left on a trip to Muskoka and on their re- turn will live at Temperanceville. For travelling the bride wore a blue crepe dress with hat, coat and ac- cessories to match. ' WEDDING ‘I Prize Winners at Richmond ‘ Hill Annual Flower Show Mr. J. A. Greene kindly loaned for exhibit a beautiful basket of GIacL iolus. The judges were: flowers, Mr. Stan Muston, North Teren’co; vegeâ€" tables, Mr. L. Stevens, Aurora; juve- nile, C. R. James, Richmond Hill. Prize winners were as fonows: FLOWERS Asters, single, Miss Haworth; As- ters, double, MiSS Haworbh, A. Hawkes; Sweet peas, Mrs. James, A. Hawkes; Dahlias, C. R. James, Miss Haworth; Petunias, Miss Haworth, J. Martin; Snapdragons, Mrs. C. Gra- Nasbuntiums, Miss Haworth; Hell- enium, Mrs. James; PhIo-x, perennial, Mrs. James, Mrs. Gee; Phlox, an- nual, Mrs. James; Larkspur, Mrs. Gee; French Marigolds, Mrs. C. Gra- ham, Mrs. Topper; Scotch Marigolds, J. Martin. ham, Mrs. Gee. Gaillardia, Mrs. G. Topper, A. IIavvkes; Zinnï¬as, large, Bars. 11a- worth, Mrs. Gee; Zinnias, pOm pom, J. Martin, Mrs. Gee; Scabiosa, Mrs. James; Celosia, Mrs. James; Liatris, Mrs. G. Topper, A. Hawkes‘; Calliop- sis, Mrs. Gee; Blackâ€"eyed Susan, Mrs. G. Topper, Mrs. James; Heliop- sis, Mrs. James, Mrs. Hume. VEGETABLES Sweet Corn, white, C. R. James, A. Hawkes; Sweet Corn, Yellow, C. R. James, T. H. Trench; Tomatoes, H. W. Kanis, A. Hawkes; Onions, from sets, J. Jarvis, J. Martin; On- ions, from seed, Wm. Edmunds, J. Jarvis; Carrots, H. W. Kanis, J. Mar- tin; Beets, J. Jarvis, J. Martin. Parsnips, Mrs. S. Ransom; Squash, Hub-bard, H. W. Kands, C. R. James; Squash, vegetable? marrow, J. Mar- tin, H. W. Kanis; Pumpkin, pie, J. Martin, J. Jarvis; Peppers, sweet, H. W. Kani/s, Mrs. S. Ransom; Pep- pers, hot, H. W. Kam's, Mrs. S.Ran- som. Cucumbers, C. R. James, A. Hawkes; Cabbage, Jno. Jarvis, A. Hawkes; String Beans, George Gee, Wm. Edmundsl; Potatoes, Geo. Gee, Wm. Edmunds. SPECIALS Collection of vegetables, H. W. Kan‘is; Collection of Perennials, Mrs. James, A. Hawkes; Gladioli, 12 namâ€" ed, Dr. Wilson, Mrs. Geo. Topper; Asters, 12 blooms, Jno. Jarvis; Zin- nias, pom poms, A. Hawkes; Zin- n-ias, giants, Mrs. Geo. Topper, Mrs. C. Graham. Bowl or vase of flowers, colour harmony, Mrs. R. D. Little, Mrs. Hume, Mrs. Gee, Mrs. C. Graham; Table decoration, roses, R. D. Little, Miss Haworth, Mrs. W. D. Atkinson; Table decoration, other than roses, Mrs. C. R. James, Mrs. Geo. Topper, Mrs. Gee, Mrs. Little. Basket for living room, Mrs. Geo. Topper, R. D. Little, Jno. Jarvis; Bowl or vase for living room, Mrs. Gee, Mrs. W. D. Atkinson, Mrs. Lit- tle, Mrs. Hume; Vase of flowers for An amusing picture, well directed warmly human role. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, AUGUST 27 - 28 TWO LARRY CRABBE - JUNE MARTEL in “ FORLORN RIVER †Based on the novel of the same title by Zane Grey: A We melodrama. Also MICHAEL WHALEN - ROCHELLE HUDSON in “ WOMAN WISE †A delighfkol musical and drama. combined. Also JED PROUTY - SHIRLEY DEAN in “ BIG BUSINESS †Another of those good Jones Family nictures. An exce picture, realistlc, amusing, true to life. Here is a film that is charminE, forgettable â€"â€" Asrmroving a tale eatly knitted story. It’s got plenty TO-DAY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 26TH WALLACE BEERY - UNA MERKLE - ERIC LINDEN in “ GOOD OLD SOAK †TIME OF snows â€" 8 pm. anq 10 p.111. . Saturday & Holidays, 7.30 and 9-30, Dayhght Saving Tune WEDNESDAY & 'I‘HUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 - 2 BARBARA READ - VVIVFTOR MOORE - BEULA BONDI E- ._A_ __A ‘-A““A“V u 2“ M'XK'E WAY FOR 'To-MORROW †’PAUL ROBSON in “ SONG OF FREEDOM †Family nictures, An excellmt family sick room, Mrs. Hume, Mrs. Geo. Topper, Mrs. Gee, Mrs. W. D. Ab- k'mson; Collection of annua}s, Mrs. James, Mrs. C. Graham. Individual blooms: Rose, Miss Ha.- worth; Aster, Miss Haworth, J. Jarâ€" vis; Zinnia, Miss Haworth, A. Hawkes; Gladiolus, Mrs. G. Topper, Dr. Wilson; Dahlia, C. IL James, Miss Haworrth. Display of cut flowers covering 6 ft, Mrs. Geo. Topper, Mrs. James, Miss Haworth; Most outstanding exâ€" hibit at the show, Mrs. Geo. Topper. N.B.â€"If any exhibitor has a prize winning ticket other than above please notify the secretary at om JUVENILE Tomatoes, Donald Smith, Lorna Baker, Mary Megdonal, Bobby Edv munds; Carrots, Aileen Cook, Don- ald Smith, Dick Baker, Esther Mor- rison; Beets, Esther Morrison, Mar- garet Ransom, Leonard Lunau, Len. ore Dewsbury; Beans, Donald Smith, Erle Cook, Aileen Cook, Sheila Ham- ilton; Cabbage, Willy Kanis, Mary Megdonal, Vera Evison, Chas. Well- man; Corn, Dick Baker, Dorothy Zin‘nias, Bobby Edmmnds, Aileen Cook,' Merlyn Graham, Jean Baker; Nasturtiums, Dick Baker, Mary Bar- bara Morris, Ruth Tyndall, Don Wellman; Larkspur, Jean Baker, Deane Wellman; Eric Upton, Chas. Wellman; Straw Flowers, Donald! Smith. Aileen Cook. Verna Musson, Vera Evison. Carr, Norman Tyndall, Chas. Well- man. Garden, Donald' Smith, Vera Mus. son, Fred Leech, Erle Cook, Menlyn Graham, Vera Evison; Six annuals (named), Marjorie Pattenden, Vera. Evison, Eric Upton; Collection of vegetables, Esther Morrison, Eileen Carr, Vera Evison, Helen Ransom; Bouquet made by exhibitor, Eileen Carr, Aileen Cook. Ruth Tyndall. Norman Tyndall; Bird' house or gat- den ornaments, Chas. Srigley, Bobby Edmunds, Leonard Lunau, Fred: Leech; Best, exhibit in juvenile sec- tion, Bobby Edmunds. NOW Showing ï¬r‘endly. tender, appealing and u as one has seen in years. Richmond Hill and effective, with Beery in a Richmond Tailors NEW STYLES AND MA- TERIALS FOR FALL SUITS AND TOP COA’IS ARE NOW ON DISPLAY AND WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. of kick for the entire family. J. A. GREENE TWO FEATURES 'I'WO FEATURES PAGE FIVE. A Western Ontario