Baker’s Repair Shop CALL AND SEE US FOR HARNESS, COLLARS, ETC. ALL REPAIRING PROMP'I‘LY A’I'I'ENDED TO Haple. 0m- FULL LINES OF ALL FEEDS FORMULA MADE UP The R. R. Mash composed of the best of feed and guaranteed not to bum your layers out in a few months. Evening 82W Richmond Hill BROTHERTON’S o BOOK. NG Steamshlp OFFle Special Sailings to the Homeland by Canadian Pacific, Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson lines at Lowest Rates. Photos and Passports Secured All enquiries confidential We look after your wants right from your home. Phone Willowdale 63.1 foiae Step 6 Yonge Sh, Lansing Deliveries Tuesdays â€" â€"- â€" Wednesdays â€"~ â€"- Thursdays -â€" â€"‘ â€" THE MILL TheJones CoalCa. Eull Line of FUEL Lime, Cement, Tile PAGE 51" Telephone 62 Thornhj From Maple Gravel Pit GENERAL CARTAGE by Truck Shop Closed (5 pm. ION, WED, FRI. CALL AND SEE US ISAAC BAKER. Ont. R.R. No. 2 Telephone Maple 1063 Phone 188 Street and No., or 11.3.. No. K . Yards at Barr’s Mill SAND â€" GRAVEL WM. MCDONALD This coupon is inserted as a convenience in re- newing your subscription. The address label shows you the date up to which your subscrip- tion is paid. If it is in arrears we would appre- ciate your remittance, at $1.50 per year. THE LIBERAL Enclosed find $. . .. being my subscription for .. .. years. Please send me a receipt. Phones: CUT THIS OUT Thornhill North Village South Day 139 Ontario NEWS AND INFORMATION The Tomato Crop, Picking of tomatoes for canning in Eastern Ontario, commenced this week. They appear fairly good, but some black rot is in evidence in many fields. Factories have contracted for the crop at 30 to 35 cents per bushel, depending on the district where they were grown. This price compares with 27‘/2 cents paid last year. The acreage of canning fac- tory'tomatoes hsows a substantial gain this year. In Eastern Ontario about 9,000 acres were set out as against 5,000 acres In 1936. In Wes- tern Ontario the acreage shOWS a rise. from 16,000" to 25,700. tory tomatoes nsuw» a gain this year. In Eas about 9,000 acres were against 5,000 acres In 19 tern Ontario the acrea rise from 16,000" to 25, , Plowing Match I The 1937 annual four-day interna- tional ploughing match and demon- stration of farm machinery, under the auspices of the Ontario Plough- men’s Association, will be held at Eergus, Ont., on October 12, 13, 14 and 15. Located as it is 14 .niles north of Guelph, Fergus is an ideal rendezvous for this famous meeting, and ‘it is expected by the Manager of the Association, J. A. Carroll, East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, that the wide-spread interâ€" est evinced in former meetings, par- ticularly at Cornwall in 1936, will be East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, that the wide-spread interâ€" est evinced in former meetings. par- ticularly at Cornwall in 1936, will be eclipsed by the enthusiasm already shown in this year’s meet. Over 60-0 entries are anticipated, and several internationally-famous ploughmen have intimated their intention to compete There will be a different programme every day. Notwith- standing that ploughing affords the chief interest, an important part of the meeting is the demonstration of the latest types of farm equipment. Care of Poultry Commercial poultrymen have known for a long: time that the months of August and Septémber are the two most profitable months in the year if egg production can be mai._tained at this time. The normal trend of egg prices is up and at fairly rapid rate, because the bulk of the flocks of old birds in the country are fall- ing‘ off in production and most of the new pullets have not yet started to lay. Every effort, therefore, that can be made to maintain production at this time should result in added profits. This means that it is most desir- able to watch the condition of the birds, and should there be any indiâ€" cation of their falling off in weight, increase the amount of grain fed slightly in order to hold up this body weight as long as possible and there- by ward off a molt. It is extremely important that clean, fresh. drink- ing water be availabh at all times, for water is an essential for good egg production. It may be necessary to change the water 2 or 3 times a day during hot days in order to en- courage the birds to drink more. If the birds are running outside in the yard and the natural supply of green feed has been eaten up, it will pay the flock owner to cut greens from another field and throw them into the yard. for these old layers. It will pay to cater to their tastes right now ,in order to get every egg ‘ possible. for a long August and most profit: Poison Control of Potato Beetle The best and cheapest poison to use in the control of the potato beetle, in Eastern Canada is calcium arsen-x ate, at the rate of 11/2 lbs. to 40 galâ€" lons of Bordeaux mixture, the Borâ€" deaux mixture itself being composed of 6 1b. copper sulphate, 4 1b. lime; and 40 gallons of water. If the cal-‘ cium ars-enate is used alone in waterinstead of Bordeaux two to three pounds of hydrated lime should .be‘I edded to each 40 gallons. Should! avsenate of lead or Paris green be. FOR THE BUSY FARMER preferred to the calcium arsenate as‘ the poison to be used, two to three! pounds of the arsenate of lead, or oneâ€"half to one pound of Paris green may be substituted in each 40 gallon barrel of spray. Some growers prefer to apply the poison in powder form, using a dust composed of one part arsenate oï¬ lead to 6 parts of hydrated lime. Best results in dusting are securedk when the application is made in the early morning or late evening when: the vines are wet with dew and the air calm. In spraying potatoes, the poison should be mixed With Bordeaux as the latter material is not only a valu- 1 able fungicide but repels the attack‘ of such destructive insects as flea beetles and leafhoppers. Two or three applications in a season should give sufficient protection from all insects. Potato beetles are usually found in the field before the new crop of potato-es is even up and they lay their eggs on the under-sides of the leaves. When the yellow masses of eggs are hatched is the time to make the first application of the poison. In spraying, both the upper and lower surfaces of the leaves should be cavered with an abundance of the material. When the plants are small, 50 to 75 gallons per acre and when the plants are fully grown, 100 to 12-0 gallons per acre is not too much at each application. Dairy Calves Are dairy calves raised with the aid of nurse cows freer from calf THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO The national policy of the Liberal-Conservative Party, Provincial and Dominion, for many years has been to create industry for the purpose of providing work and wages for labor and a profitable home market for the farmer: the lumberman and other primary producers. The Party’s sympathetic attitude towards labor is evi- denced by the Social legislation on our statute books. The Liberal-Conservative Party believes that labor should receive a fair share of the fruits of industry and is entitled to organize in order to improve the lot of the worker as regards wages, hours, security in old age and all other conditions of industrial life. The Liberal-Conservative Party reafï¬rms its traditional policy of in- sisting upon the maintenance of law and order in all industrial disputes and pledges itself ï¬rmly and scrupulously to uphold the laws of Canada. The Liberal-Conservative Party in Ontario stands for the following: I have stated frankly and fearlessly my party’s policy toward labor and law enforce- ment. I stand now, as always, for law and order, for all, under all circumstances. This policy is the democratic British method and I shall apply these principles in the administration of our provincial affairs. A States His Party’s Stand on Labor ailments, such as scours, than those which are raised on the bucket? Well inform-ed observers say they are. Calves raised on the bucket often‘ g'ulp their milk too fast, and scouring re- sults. Utensils, necessarily employed for carrier cow's tot: ficient to to ten p0 calves nu day, unt days old One suggestion is to put three or four calves on each nurse cow. The cow’s total production should be suf- ficient to give each calf from eight to ten pounds of milk daily. Let the calves nurse two or three times per day, until they are fifty to sixty days old. After that, reduce the nursing frequency to once daily. Beginning in the third week, the straight milk ration should be supâ€" plemented with hay and a meal mix- ture. A good meal is composed of equal parts of yellow corn, oats, wheat, bran, linseed oi meal and dry skim-milk. By the time the nursing frequency is cut to once a day, each calf should be consuming appr0xi- mately two pounds of meal per day. The feeding of meal is gradually in- creased until the calves can be tot- ally weaned without serious checkâ€" ing of their growth. recenr Simcc Their the S the W the feeding, often are disease (II a1 Little of Barrie was ed president of the 5! Medical Association. meeting was held on mtin on a cruise from re 21s Mr. and Mrs. Ben ton was destroyed by -stove bursted on Fri- years member of lature for Cardâ€" ound. Dr. Little ate Edward Little Leader of the Liberal-Conservative Party in Ontario Richmond Hill QUOTATIONS ON BONDS, INDUSTRIALS AND MINING STOCKS. Investment Securities l. The right of employees to bargain collectively through their own representatives chosen without dictation, coercion or intimidation. 2. It is and has for many decades been a fact that both capital and labor are International in their organization. Accordin ly the right of the worker to belong to the union of is choosing, Canadian or International, craft or industrial, is fully established; provided always that the unions must observe, and that capital must observe, in all their actions, the laws of Canada. 3. The Liberal-Conservative Party is unalterably op- posed to the introduction into Ontario of sit-down strikes, sabotage or other violations of our law, and for the purpose of clarity hereby places itself on record as being opposed to such illegalities whether they are introduced into Ontario by labor unions afï¬liated with the C. I. 0., the A. F. of L., or any other organization, capital or labor. 4. That representatives from other countries, both of capital and labor, shall be subject on the same principles as other people to our immigration laws and that they shall when admitted to this country, strictly observe the laws of the land. 5. The primary function of the state in all industrial disputes is FIRSTâ€"to take no sides and to maintain law and order without the dis lay of unnrcessary or provocative force, and SECON . to enact and impar- tially administer adequate legislation for the conciliation of industrial disputes. va‘wqwmmmw, ‘ ‘F-‘i‘i‘pii ",2: .ne "Â¥J.~raL-a-»1«a.a-- ‘ 6. The right to work in Canada is not dependent upon membership in any organization. Dominion Bank Building, Toronto 7. That no strike shall take place until all reasonable methods of conciliation are exhausted and the worker should have the right of secret ballot free from improper influence or coercion in all decisions relating to the dispute. 8. The Liberal-Conservative Party will continue in the future as in the past to defend the principle of freedom of association within the law. The party re-afï¬rms its belief that the essence of democracy is trust in the people and to rely on freedom and not in dictatorship, that public opinion may he led but not driven and that the greatest safeguard of orderly progress and reform is the sound common sense of all classes of the Canadian people. . FE. HERRINGTON Representative LIMITED THURSDAY. AUGUST 26th, 1937?, Phone 87