Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Aug 1937, p. 7

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Johnston & G-ranston MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS 0F CANADIAN & FOREIGN Granite Monuments Phone HYland 2081 Res. Phone 9788 PASSPORTS ARRANGED FOR Rail tickets and sleeper Reservations Can. Na-tional Station Steamship Reservations to Great Britain and the Continent. Premier service to West Indies TRAVEL SERVICE We Invite Your Patronage 35 Yonge Street RICHMOND HILL (Liberal Office Building) Manicure .. Hair Cut .. Child’s Hair Finger Wave . . . . . . . . . . . 40c. Shampoo & Finger Wave 50c. Marcel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c. Shampoo & Marcel . . . . . 50c. Oil Croquinole Permanent $2.00 Other Permanents at Hillcrest Beauty Parlor 1849 Yonge‘St. (east side) Between Mertan &‘ Balliol Sts Now that the holiday season is over it is hoped that the parents will see that the children are in their places in Sunday School every Sun- day. Sunday School at 10 am. Worâ€" ship Service at 11 am. in the Unit- ed Church. Mr. R. J. Lang our esteemed school principal has returned home after taldng a summer course at Glen Ber- nard Lake, Sundridge, Ont. The North York Horticultuural So- ciety is holding its annual Flower Show on Wednesday and Thursday of this week at the North York Mar- 'ket Hall at the City Limits. An orchestra will be in attendance both evening's. Lunch will be served at the cafeteria which will be under the direction of Mrs. Jarrett and her 'helpers. The Flower Show promises 'to be one of the best ever held here. The August meeting of the W0- men’s Association was held at the home of Mrs. W. T. Wells and took the form of a Garden Tea. About fifty members and friends were pre- sent and a most enjoyable afternoon was spent by. all. RUTH RUMBLE, Prop. PRICE LIST Rev. and Mrs. Halbert attended the funeral of Rev. J. H. Wells at New- market last Friday. TINSMITH ING FURNACES - PLUMBING HEATING Septic Tanks Installed Pumps Barn & Stable Equipment 74 Yonge Street Phone 92F Miss Lorene Brown has returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Clif- ford Brown at Wyevale. Messrs. Hicks Smith, Raymond Round, Irwin Brown and Clifford Brett have returned home after hofi- daying at Midland. A meeting of the United Church Sunday School executive of the Unit- ed Church was held in the SS. Hal'l last Thursday evening. Plans are being made for Rally: Day Service to be held on Sunday, Sept. 1’9th. Miss Margaret Shaw is spending her holidays near Midland. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Groombridge and little daughter Gloria, Mrs. F. Ruthv'en and Messrs. Lorne and Roy Ruthven of Chatsam were guests last week of Rev. and Mrs. A H. Halâ€" bert. The traffic on Yonge St. was ex- ceptionally heavy last weekend. A number of the tourists are returning irom the lakes to their city homes. A dumber from here attended the Mulock picnic held in Woodbridge last Saturday afternooIL Toronto Exhibition opens Friday, August 27th. Richmond Hill Tracy, Agent, Phone 1'69 . . . . . $2.50, $3.50 & $5.00 THURSDAY, AUGUST 1937‘ N EWTON BROOK R. H. KANE Open Evenings 15c. Pernicuous anaemia is one special form of anaemia. It is a disease that has recently been conquered. .The use of liver or liver extracts acâ€" cording to directions of a physician, controls this form of anaemia. Questions concerning Health, ad~ dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College Street, Tor- onto, will be answered personally by letter. The quality of the blood' is low- ered as the result of such general diseases as tuberculosis and cancer. Chronic abnormal conditions of the stomach and other parts of the di- gestive tract may affect the blood. Without going further into the list of causes it will be evident that the proper treatment of such anaemias is the removal or treatment of the cause of the disturbance. Nothing is to be gained 'by dosing With so- called blood tonics when what the individual needs is fresh air, sun- shine, rest and proper food. A balâ€" anced mixed diet supplies the sub- stances necessary for the body to produce a good blood supply. The body cannot do this work if it is suffering from disease and so the treatment of diseased conditions. comes first. followed by proper diet and hygienic living. i in quantity, and this condition grad- : ually corrects itself as the body meâ€" chanism makes good the loss. The anaemia due to poor quality gener- ally means that there are not en- Iough red cells in the blood, or that the important substance called haea moglobi‘n found in the red cells is deficient in quantity. The chief func- tion of the red cells is to carry oxy- gen by means of its haemoglobin to all the tissues of the body. It can be readily understood that any in- terference with this vital function due to a lack of red cells or of haemoglobin will affect every tissue of the body. This may be expressed in another way by saying that if the tissues of the body are to .be kept in a healthy condition it is necess- ary that the quality of the blood supplying the tissues of the body is maintained. ' ANAEMIA A person is anaemic when the blood is deficient in quantity or quality. When a considerable amount of blood has been lost through bleeding, then there is anaemia due to a deficiency Norman Wilfiams, 8th Avenue, is making extensive improvements to his home. From a dwelling that stood close to the ground he has transformed it into a modemly con- structed building and raised the roof seven feet so that when completed it will be up-to-date "1 style. Two Toronto People Injured in Motor Accident When returning to their home in Toronto from Musselman’s Lake on Sunday last William Logan, ’71 Mur- iel Street. and Gordon Hammell of 74 Hogarth Avenue, took to the ditch with their car at the Robert Simp- son curve on the Woodlbridg‘vKlein- bur;r section of the Weston Road.‘ County Officer Sam Ireland and Dr. G. D. McLean were called to the scene and had the men who were badly cut and bruised taken to the East General Hospital, Toronto, in1 W. R. Scott’s ambulance. The earl w. m. Mott's ambulance. The car was badly wrecked and‘ was taken to Jack Watson’s Garage. More than 150 members and friends of the Ro‘Ilicklng Social Club of Toronto assembled in Ellisbon Park for their annual picnic on Sat- urday last when an afternmm of bathing together with a lengthy pro- gram of sports was enjoyed. LATE CHARLES COX Charles Cox, aged. 72, who died in Peel Memorial Hospital, Brampton, following an operation on Thursday, August 19th, was buried in Christ Church cemetery on Sunday, August 22nd, the funeral taking- place from Wilfrid R. Scott’s Funeral Chapel with Rev. J. H. Kidd officiating. Mr. Cox was a native of England and on coming to Canada lived at Jeffer- son until he moved: to Islington. In politics he was a Conservative. Deâ€" ceased was predeceased by his wife nineteen years ago and is survived by four daughters and three sons. Theyv are, Mrs. F. Hayes, Isling'ton; Mrs. H. Flower, Brantford; Mrs. Walter Rymill, Woodbridge; Mrs. E. Mooney, Toronto; Edward Cox, Wis- eonsirn, USA; “William of England, and Ernest of Toronto. Pallbearers were, Dennis Deyman, James Ham-i 'flton, Ed. Broome, Frank Golden, Alvin Hoover and J. Wilkins. Rolliddng Social Club Toronto Picnic At Elliston Park WOODBRIDGE Japan and Russia settled their lat. est crisis so swiftly that we suspect them of tvying to show off before the rest of the worldâ€"Toronto Satâ€" urday Night. Top dressing alfalfa is a someâ€" what new thing in Ontario, yet for the past seven years, the Ontario Agricultural College has obtained in its tests, an average gain of 2.41 tons green weight from fertilizing, Over the unfertilized. This is worth good money to the farmers. Additional figures for Mr. Ham- ill’s crop will be supplied as soon as the second crop is cut. This matter of top dressing alf- alfa is of great importance since with the severe winters that usually face Ontario alfalfa, all the strength that is available needs to be built up to enable the crop to withstand the cold weather of winter. It is interesting to note that when Mr. Hamill’s soil was tested in the spring, it was neutral in reaction. It was medium high in Nitrogen, very low in Phosphorus and low in Potassium, and low in Magnesium. The applications mentioned then have paid for themselves in the first crop and the second crop is yet to be cut. 1938 alfalfa where this fer- tilizer has been applied. will be ma- terially better than where no ferti- Iizer was applied unless previous ex- perience is contradicted. Fertilizer alone increased the yield from 9,920 lbs. green weight per acre to 12,480 lbs. per acre, or there was a gain of 2,560 lbs. per acre green weight from three bags of 0- 12â€"15 per acre. Where Magnesium Sulphate was added to the 0-12-15, the yield was brought up to 14,400 lbs. green weight per acre. During the past few months inter- esting tests have been conducted on the farm of Maurice Hamill, Mark- ham, R.R. 1 by the Department of Chemistry, Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, co-operating with the Agriculâ€" tural Representative and the Union- ville Junior Farmers who had ar- ranged a soil testing day at Union- ville last spring when over fifty samples of soils were tested. Three 1/3 acre blocks were measured off in Mr. Hamill’s second year stand of alfalfa. 0n the first. block, 0â€"12- 15, plus Magnesium Sulphate was ap- plied early in the spring. On the second, 0-12-15 alone was applied, while the third block received no treatment. The fertilizer was ap- plied at the rate of 375 lbs. per acre and the Magnesium salt was applied at the rate of 2.5 lbs. per acre. Increasing attention is being given to the question of feeding the alf- alfa crop, even though this plant has been looked upon fox some years as an essential soil builder. True, it is that the alfalfa plant does add or- ganic matter to the soil and through its root structure it is able to fix some of the free Nitrogen from the soil air so that the soil is richer in Nitrogen after growing alfalfa than it was before. Feeding Alfalfa Pays THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 5314A Men- who strut about in mere swim trunks, as a bathing costume, flatter themselves that their chest and shoulder developments are the teps. â€"The Buffalo Courier-Express. Saturday : Elsy burnt up Jake 2 ways. lst she give him the air & when he sed for her to see him when she got over her mad spell she re- plide & sed wanderer if she wood rekognize him with long whitskers ,& gray hare & etc. But Jake says that Elsy eggsagerates about love afares. Friday : A new kid moved in acrost the st. & was a tellen that he onct fell thro the ice on a pond & in t0 Ieven ft. of water. Did ’you get out sed Jake. I was smarter & node he must of. Thursday: A lot of us kids en- cludeing Mister Simpkinses littel boy Jimmy was seeing witch cood stay under the watter in the crick the longest & Jimmy won. He stade under 3 hrs. and 1/2 but when he cum up he was drownded ded. I want to beet the other kids but not that bad tho. You stay ded to long. Wednesday: Blisterses Pa got him a toothe brush .& told Blisters he otto wash his teeth 3 times at Ieest dale-y & onct nitely whet. he went to bed. What for sed Blisters. They ain‘t got no hare on them. Talk about dum heds & bone heds & etc. That kid gets the grand prize for noing ieSSEn nob'oddie. Tuesday: The fatle day aproches. The day- of doom draws nie. Skool takes up in a nether cupple or 2 wks. I feel like a bird witch noes it are a going to brake in to a cage with the dore lockt & shet. a 5c drink. I sed to h\ér th'at my stummick was too week for ice creem but it was reeley my finanshal con- dishen. Sunday: Jakes Pa sed to the only way to suxsess is t4 SLATS’ DIARY DPictorial Review. . . . 1 Vyr. El Canadian Horticulture and Home Magazine . . .1yr. D Maclean’s (24 issues) 1 yr. D Chatelaine . . . . . . . . 1 yr. D Canadian . . . . . . . . . 1 yr. [I National Home Monthly . . . . . . . . . . 1 yr. (By Oliver N. Warren) ice creem sody' wile I got by with bleeve I will ever Marry Jane. She all ways takes the best of evry thing. She cot me & my 15c at the drug store to. day & she took a Pa sed to him that leESS is to all ways start at the bot- om. Jake that a wile & replide Hlow about when you lern to swim. Mei)by Jake has got 1 or 2 branes after all. start wfle Hlow Monday : Don’t subscriptions taken it The Liberal WOO.“ HARRY R. ROSE MAIL COUPON TODAY This wonderful offer is avail- able to old and new subscrib- ers to this newspaper. We guarantee the fulfillment of all magazine subscriptions and you have positive assurance that this generous ofier is exactly as represented. Re- newals will be extended for full term shown. Our Guarantee (0 You! 40 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Telephone 133 Office Hoursâ€"Every Monday and Thursday Afternoon and by appointment Toronto Offices: 100 Adelaide Street West Please clip list of Magazines after checking 3 Publica- tions desired. Fill out coupon carefully. Gentlemen: I enclose $ . . . . . . . . . . . . Please send me the three magazines checked with a year’s subscn'pfion to your newspaper. NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STREET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOWN AND PROVINCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROSE & HERMAN Barristers-A t-Law LOUIS HERMAN PAGE

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